
Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results

Why is it that I get emotionally attached to things so easily? · 7:24am Mar 13th, 2018

Why does it always feel like I'm losing a part of myself even when I'm losing something as simple as a flash drive?

I have no idea. It could be that the aforementioned flash drive contains two quarters worth of work from two classes before it was stolen, or it has the exact same weird emotional attachment as that one time when I lost a mechanical pencil I had managed to not lose for two years.

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What're y'alls opinions on cross-story cameos? · 6:41am Oct 19th, 2018

I plan on having a few characters from previous stories cameo in the current set of active stories, as well as characters in said active stories appearing in other active stories.

Here's a list of characters I currently have in mind for cameos.

Lisa and Samantha - (Pony-Me)
Zoey/Gadget, Ranell, and/or Delmar - (Lab Horse series)
Rusty and Jewel - (Remnants of Glory, The Day the World Exploded)

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Something... Something... About Me... Celebration! · 4:30am Sep 10th, 2017

This is coming a little late (about a month late) but this is my one year celebratory post... while it did come a little late.

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HOLY CRAP · 7:34am Mar 18th, 2018

Just realized at like, 1:30 am that...


I should probably sleep.


Milestone 8: 100,000 Words · 5:10pm May 20th, 2017

So yeah milestones thing let's go late night boys and girls.

Wow I did it look at me (I'm totally not running on like no sleep at all). Here, have my thanks to all of you readers and followers.

Nothing special planned except for the usual updates and jazz.

Anyway, yeah, cheers, looking forward to writing more for you guys. Thanks for all of the support so far, it's been a blast.

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Random Thinking · 6:31am Nov 29th, 2017

So I've been going over some late night thinking. Space is vast, infinite even. There's an infinite number of planets in an infinite number of galaxies in an infinite universe in a void full of infinite dimensions. I'm just looking at it and thinking "We shouldn't even exist."

Think about it... The big bang should have never existed. Where did this mass of energy even come from? It couldn't just appear out of nowhere...

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If all good things come in threes... · 10:15am Jul 23rd, 2016

Then why am I so dismayed to see 3am yet again?

Hullo night owls/early risers/people who see this at normal-people hours.

I am awake due to strange dreams, allergies, late night hunger, and bed hogs. Oh, and stress. I think maybe stress.

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Report Nines · 399 views · #Life #insomnia #late night

Late Night Ramblings · 7:41am Nov 6th, 2017

Late night here with some trouble sleeping. Sorry if I somehow woke you guys up, just fending off the impending depression with some thoughts about Guardian of Equestria.

The crossover chapter is coming along nicely, and I'm having a lot of fun co-writing it. Hopefully, it'll be done maybe next week. Not sure, considering school is still being a bitch right now. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.

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Bushkeeper · 6:19pm Feb 19th, 2017

Ohhh I know it's 3 in the morning, but I need to get this out! This time, It's a cute little story about a guy named Andrew and his herd of ponies.

Go check it out!

Report Odd_Sarge · 389 views · #new story #late night

I've found a new habit of reading ebooks on my current phone while using my old HTC for music. · 6:37am Nov 15th, 2017

Some of the music I have goes quite well with certain genres, I'd have to say.

Though, this new habit kinda formed from neccesity, 'cause I have to read "A Tale of Two Cities" for English. It's not that I dislike the book, I just find it nice to read the ebook at night with music playing through headphones to eliminate distractions.

But for now, I'm done for the day with reading the book.

Dolby Surround sound still sounds amazing on the ol' HTC.


Thinking about my stories · 4:55am Feb 10th, 2019

I just realized I don't have a "real" multi chapter story written and completed (like, ever). The two stories I have as multiple chapters that are done both were planned to be all one chapter (and epilogues don't count in this case). The Hero Factory one suffered from poor planning and no idea how it was going to be cohesive and work. I've had a couple ideas in the works for years, but I've not been able to sit down and write, or even get beyond the planning stage (not to mention the one

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🍓 Those Moments. 🍓 · 4:07am May 17th, 2021

"Night-time is always quiet around here, my thoughts seem to run away on me."

"Aren't we too old to be fearful of the dark?"

I'm not afraid of the dark, but more of what is on the horizon. "

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Report Strawberri · 166 views · #Late night #thoughts

Don't forget to have fun · 6:15am Oct 4th, 2016

I hate to break this to you folks, but writing isn't always going to be fun.

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Random middle-of-the-night deep thought · 6:00am May 9th, 2018

What are your theories on the feasibility of Equestria's existence according to the show's lore?

Would the historical events portrayed in the show really manage to snowball into what would later become Equestria, or is it just a pile of creative license?


Journeys: a series of shorts update · 10:03am Jan 29th, 2018

For those of you following the story Journeys, I am writing what will likely be the final chapter now. Originally I was going to break the final part into two separate chapters, but due to my current state of writers block I have decided to combine them. I also have the next two sequels for that continuity sketched out in my head and I will start work on them within the next few weeks. One of the sequels is going to draw heavily on my personal experience. Until next time, as always

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Imagine what a Pong-MLP crossover would be like? · 5:16am Apr 25th, 2018

Would it just be ponified vertical boxes doomed to forever bounce a ball to each other?
Would it just be the average game of (table) tennis?
Would it be in intricately-woven adventure diving deep into the technical aspects and history of the video game industry?



This is what happens when my homework overflows into my bedtime.


Random Ramblings CCXV · 8:40am Dec 19th, 2017

I have this annoying habit -- well, I have several, but only one is pertinent to this post. Whenever I know I must wake up early for something -- travel, doctor's appointment, etc. -- I often find it nearly impossible to sleep. As of now, it is about 2am CST and I've been trying to get to sleep for hours. Follow me for late-night insanity.

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Random midnight thought · 6:30am Sep 10th, 2018

What if I designed and built a mechanical keyswitch?

This is mostly just coming from the fact that I've got a box full of drying keycaps after cleaning my half-mechanical/memchanical keyboard that I've owned literally all my life.

And as far as designing the keyswitch goes, the basic idea behind it is quite simple, anyways. The keyswitch is a type of temporary button that is designed according to a specific consumer preference regarding the tactile and audible feedback.

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Write-A-Thon Weekend! ~ Late Night Mangoes! · 7:20pm Sep 19th, 2020

Late Night Mangoes, won by one vote! 💞

Already hard at work on the three updates!

One tonight and two tomorrow!

I'll update if any goals are met, I'll update the story soon!

Until then, time to type!


Another Thing · 10:19am Feb 3rd, 2016

Howdy-owdy-mowdy, FiMFiccers. Now, some of you may have been wondering why my latest stories have had practically zero Season 5 content (for those of you who bothered reading my latest stuff). Well aside from not wanting to hop on the bandwagon and follow the hottest fandom pony-gushing trend, the truth of the matter is I hadn't watched a single episode of the latest season... until just now. Yes, only a few months after the season finale have I gone to see the dang thing in its entirety, well

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results