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#Blacklivesstillmatter · 12:27pm Jun 8th, 2020

You now, if you're wondering by a decentralized movement can't control all of its members but aren't asking why a professionally trained and organized group of officers somehow can't, something is wrong with you.


Black Lives Matter—I Would Hope You'd Get the Message By Now · 1:22am Jun 5th, 2020

I'm seeing tons of BLM blogs around, and frankly I'm happy I am. I don't understand why it needs to be said over and over and over.

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A Problemy · 3:19am Jun 5th, 2020


Rational Debate Changed My Mind | Iisaw · 7:00pm Jul 18th, 2020

Reblog from Iisaw.

We should all know by now that when someone says, "I'm not a racist, but..." then they are definitely a fucking racist.

I used to enter into debate with people like that, and I learned a lot from those debates, the main thing being that debating such vile people is a complete waste of time.

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Black Lives Still Matter · 10:51pm Jun 29th, 2020

I kinda felt awkward making another version of this post? Because, like, it's repetitive and whatever?

But then I remembered that, holy shit, they haven't even arrested the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor, and they only even fired one. The police who murdered Elijah McClain haven't even faced any sort of disciplinary action, and he was younger than me.

He was younger than me.

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Report R5h · 301 views · #black lives matter

Aquaman explains things far better than I could · 11:41pm Jun 4th, 2020

I was going to make a blog post concerning my thoughts on a very important and incredibly pressing topic, but Aqua's expressed my sentiments far more eloquently than I ever could.

So read his explanation instead. Now. It's fucking important.

Then donate, if you can afford it.

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Black Lives Matter · 6:52am Jun 5th, 2020

As a pasty-white European from a country with its own racist issues (though, thankfully, a vastly better police force), I feel a bit like an intruder if I talk about the current wave of protests against police violence and racism in the US.

But I can agree with the post title, and share it with you, in a small show of solidarity: Black Lives Matter.

And if anyone tries to be "clever" with All Lives Matter, well, here's what you're doing:

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Black Lives Matter | She-Ra Animatic · 11:41pm Jun 14th, 2020


On Current Developments · 9:40pm Jun 5th, 2020

I was happier being blissfully unaware this site, and fandom, had Nazis in it. But it's better to know, I guess. Allow me (or Valerio) to say a few words:

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This Blog Post is Political · 12:26am Jul 11th, 2020

Just thought I'd share a couple of interesting culture nuggets with you guys, with minimal commentary. The first is a quote from renowned, Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Planck, who I believe was also quite wise regarding people, as well as the rules which govern the universe.

"A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

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Heartache and Black Lives Matter · 7:21pm Jun 5th, 2020

I am seeing first hand the pain and heartache over what has happened, and the underlying injustice that has allowed this to happen over and over again.

My heart is wrenched when I see the anger, hurt, and terror we are all feeling and experiencing.

But I realize, there are two open hearted responses to this. Both are heart felt. Both are valid. But both are not useful in this moment.

Me too. And What about Me.

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Others Have Said It Better, but I Must Share My Support · 7:01pm Jun 5th, 2020

Aquaman's post has probably been the most resonant with me, and that explains things well.

However, my friend Seer also put how I feel well, and I will echo his words.

Black lives matter.

All POC lives matter.

The lives of indigenous people matter.

Queer rights matter.

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Some of you might have seen that letter I wrote submitted to a newspaper the other day. · 2:45pm Jun 7th, 2020

I pasted it into the comment section of a couple blogs related to the protest movement posted by far more prominent authors. Well, apparently, it got printed. :pinkiegasp: And they didn't even tell me as much. Like, they had my phone number and email, I was under them impression I'd be notified somehow. Instead, a friend of my mother's happened to stumble onto it and let us know.


Reblogging Chris · 8:22pm Jun 6th, 2020


Toleration Of Intolerance Leads To Nothing But Intolerance · 9:34pm Jun 4th, 2020

Black lives matter. All lives will not matter until black lives matter. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck the police. They are currently committing war crimes and have been a fascist-state paramilitary force committing atrocities for ages up until now. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck fascism. It is rising again all across the world, and is threatening to consume us. If you disagree, fuck off.

Trans rights matter. Fuck TERFs. If you disagree, fuck off.

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Report Regidar · 1,274 views · #Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter · 6:07pm Jun 4th, 2020

I, as a person, am very averse to conflict. I try to meditate, I try to compromise, I'm often silent if I think it's not worth going into people's faces.

I'm wrong.

Not all the time, mind you. I still understand the need for defusing conflict, but right now, I fucked up.

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Black Lives Matter Now More Than Ever · 4:00am Jul 17th, 2020

But beyond that... have you heard about what's happening in Portland?

Because holy shit, it's turning into a literal fascist police state. Here's an article with some info. Or you can just check many many threads on Twitter to see horrifying videos in real time.

Black lives matter. Defund the police. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security.

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Black Lives Matter · 4:42pm Jun 4th, 2020

That's it, that's the post

Here's some ways to help out

Report R5h · 363 views · #black lives matter

Solidarity · 1:40am Jun 7th, 2020

A troubling modern trend is complex issues being boiled down to pithy quotes. Nuance matters. Context matters. Problems that have a simple and easy fixes don't stay problems.

Nevertheless, sometimes the pithy quote is on point. This is one such time.

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Black Lives Matter · 8:34pm Jun 4th, 2020

Recently I was thinking of making a blog post teasing my next story as a way to generate hype. Doing so now feels wrong, though. So instead:

Black lives matter. Fuck all fascists. If you disagree with that don't follow me and don't read my fucking stories.

Here's a link to ways you can help out.

Here are some good blogs about the nazi problem within our own fandom:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 49 results