Black Lives Matter · 6:07pm Jun 4th, 2020
I, as a person, am very averse to conflict. I try to meditate, I try to compromise, I'm often silent if I think it's not worth going into people's faces.
I'm wrong.
Not all the time, mind you. I still understand the need for defusing conflict, but right now, I fucked up.
In the United States, people are protesting against racism, against police brutality, and against a justice system which seems to be not very just. Lined up against them is a police force that is breathtakingly brutal and acts as if the people were the enemy. It's horrifying, and--
You know what? Fuck this.
I'm furious and I'm half a world away and without much I can do aside from screaming into the void. All I can hope for is that the people fighting for their right to be treated like a human being can hear another small voice telling them, "I'm on your side!"
SIlence is the reason for the situation. The silence of those who never were victimized by the system, the silence that allowed things to never really improve. Fuck that. And fuck me for not having said anything before.
If you want to help, here's a link explaining how:
As Above, So Below: the fandom has a problem with fascists. Specifically, we got an infestation of them. Some are overt, others more talented in keeping a low profile, but still we got fascists. Silence helped them too.
Fuck them.
Here's a more coherent and well-researched post about those assholes:
Be aware.
As a final note, if you are a fascist you can avoid justifying that position to me. Here you won't get much except deleted comments and, maybe, a block. I'm not in the mood and I don't have time for that.
This, very much this.
To paraphrase the Ramones, Fuck off Nazi bronies!
Are fascists a significant portion of the fandom or a vocal minority? Honestly curious about the demographics.
Demographics are hard to get because, well, getting the data is hard. Still, you can find a lot more info and a historical timeline at Cynewulf's post. It's great for getting a context that may otherwise be difficult to grasp.
A small but toxic minority. People who aren't Nazis or white supremacists themselves, but are willing to allow the fascists to be part of the fandom, or who spend more time fretting about the rioting than about the police brutality and murders that started those riots, are far more common and as a result, the majority of the problem.
I didn't know there was such a vocal hatred on this website. Now I do admit that I frequent a very small portion of the website and I usually don't read blogs and skim through comments.
This makes me mad that a show that preaches everything that stands against fascism is being used as platform to spread their filth.
I'm surprised every time too. Considering the mental gymnastics you have to undertake to fit a swastika-shaped peg in a friendship-shaped hole have to be exhausting, there have to be other places more fit for it. Yet here they are.
"When you invite both sheep and wolves, eventually you're only going to be left with wolves."
--Twitter quote
there may not be many, but they stay, while others are slowly driven out because people rather not stay in a group that seems fine with racists.
They are like slime molds or fungus they grow in the dark, dank parts of the web. They only wither and die when they have a bright spotlight put on them.
Now that I know to look for it I will denounce it as I see it.
This should not be tolerated nor passively accepted.
All of the main six would be appalled by this. Hell they had the episode where the other ponies misconstrued their friendship lessons l.
dead kennedys but we wont tell no one