
Viewing 1 - 20 of 676 results

25 Followers · 1:20am Feb 5th, 2019

Yesterday I hit 25 followers on this site! :pinkiegasp: I never thought even five people would go anywhere near my stuff. Thank you to...




Princess Estrella

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Thank you all · 2:54am Aug 13th, 2015

Everyone who came to my last few blog posts to cheer me up (especially the one that got deleted :ajsleepy:), thank you for being there for me. For one brief second, I slipped back to the way I was: angry and bitter, lashing out hoping it would make me feel better, and instead making things worse. That's the kind of behavior that landed me on the Foal Free Press' watchlist.

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Report LightningSword · 424 views · #thank you

Ya'll Are Awesome!!! · 6:35pm Mar 11th, 2016

Hello everypony,

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Report Harms Way · 595 views · #Thank You

Another Thanks · 12:57am May 17th, 2017

Just happened to log onto my profile page and noticed that SciTwi Shimmer-Book 1: Am I Really Their Friend? has hit 1,000 views and it's sequel isn't too far behind that. A big thank you to everypony that has read and favorited my stories. It means a lot to me.

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Report pabrony · 373 views · #Thank you

To My Followers... · 9:38am Dec 20th, 2017

...and anyone else that reads this blog post. I'm coming up on my one year anniversary here on fimfiction. I was just curious as to which story that I wrote was your favorite and if it was the reason you decided to throw a follow my way.

(BTW, thanks for all the follows and support so far)

Report pabrony · 469 views · #Thank you

For everyone that is giving me support with the likes and favorites · 4:38am Jul 14th, 2016

I'd like to thank everyone so far that has favorited and liked my stories. Not just the recent crappy ones but all my old crappy ones. I feel like I'm growing slower and slower by the day as my depression and anxiety take control of my life more and more by the day. You guys don't know how much it means to me to get on her and see a fave or a like constantly from all the different stuff I've done. It does my heart proud and I always feel on the verge of tears to see something like this.

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Report Gamel_Lightshow · 370 views · #Thank you

Thank you · 2:12am Dec 4th, 2017

Guys i can not thank you for all the folllows.You guys are awesome i love this site because its like big family :D

If you guys want i can do some commissions of sketches and such.
Im on deviantart i have some of my drawings i have done there and if you want an drawing just message me on here

Drawing request
Haley C being force fed by pinkie Pie almost done

Day of the Sun Cover art 90% done

New story coming

Report werewolfhunter · 380 views · #Thank you

Wow, thanks everyone · 6:17pm May 25th, 2019

I did A Simple Question on a whim and was expecting that at most it would get half a dozen views maybe a bit more and vanish as quickly as it was posted.
I'm really happy about this.
Thank you all for reading and for adding it to your libraries.
P.S. I have another side story I'm going to post later, I wrote it before A Simple Question but I needed to get at least as far in the story as I am now to post it.

Report Stolenalicorn · 228 views · #Thank you

Thank You · 11:27am Jun 14th, 2019

A few hours ago I joined The Sci-Fi Ponies with the intent of maybe submitting Alpha One Six there, and because I enjoy the concept of ponies and sci-fi.

I wasn't sure of submitting my story just yet though, so I held off on it. However when I looked a little bit ago, I saw that someone had submitted it for me.

I am both surprised and honoured that someone would think to do this, so I just wanted to say, thank you.

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Report Misanthropian · 269 views · #thank you

Thank you all. · 10:14pm Nov 7th, 2015

For a brief half an hour (I think) today, my story was featured. So for that, thank you all.

As a reward, I'll give you the music in which I finished the latest chapter:

Report IMN · 399 views · #Thank you

Well I'll Be. Didn't Expect That. · 7:23pm Jul 14th, 2015

I want to thank everyone who has supported this story. Some may think that only getting on Popular stories is meagre but to me it isn't.

Thank you, all of you. :pinkiesad2:

Report The Hat Mann · 396 views · #Thank You

1000! · 2:08am Jul 20th, 2015

So, my one fic just hit 1000 likes.

And now that I'm done squealing in joy like a little girl, I have something important to say:

Thank you.

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Report Banjo64 · 604 views · #Thank You

What A Way To Start The Day! · 4:21pm Jun 13th, 2016

What's up, everypony?

So I just woke up not too long ago and the first thing I decided to do was to see how Catching Up was doing. And upon me getting on here, I find my notification box blown up and the story featured! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you all so much! It's times like this that make me so happy to spend so much time planning and writing. You guys are just so awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

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Report Harms Way · 568 views · #Thank You

Thank You! · 6:15am Aug 19th, 2016

I just wanted to say thank you to all my followers, old and new. You guys help to inspire me to keep writing, even since my very first (really CRAP) story was posted on here. You've been with me as I improved in my writing, and encouraged me to keep going. So thank you ALL for your support, and a special thank you to my story commissioners as well.

Report LegionofPony · 312 views · #THANK YOU

1 year of ponys · 4:27pm Dec 27th, 2015

A year ago (give or take a few days) I accepted myself as a Brony and that ponys were my favrioute things ever. my little pony is my favrioute show of all time the only other show that I might have enjoyed as much as mlp whould be teen titans (I hate teen titans Go. To me that is not cannon and is just how much they can dick around with it until people stop watching) teen titans Is second on my list of fav shows. But how did I become a Brony you might ask well that story starts with story's.

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Report caloricmango · 511 views · #Thank you

200+/week · 2:28am Jun 3rd, 2017

Merci to everyone who made this possible, so for the last three months starting in March I've had 200+ story views a week! Also starting back in February I've had at least one new follower per week thank you all for your support, encouragement, time, and help, just following and commenting has really made my time on this site great!:pinkiehappy:


Thank you all! ❤❤❤ · 2:16pm Oct 30th, 2015

Okay, so, I have a 40 followers here, and just wanted to thank you guys. I know some of you have hundreds of it, but for me, this is a big achievement. So yeah, thank you! :twilightsmile:

See ya!
~Sony :heart:

Report Harmonian · 334 views · #Thank you!

Surgery is over! · 12:21am Feb 12th, 2020

Everything went great! She's in a fair bit of pain but the surgery went beautifully! Thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers! This pic was taken just prior to surgery.

Report Foals Errand · 400 views · #thank you

about yesterday... · 3:38pm Feb 17th, 2016

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Report Jmaster99 · 248 views · #Thank you

1 WHOLE YEAR. · 6:55am Aug 18th, 2020

Can you believe it, I can't believe it; it's been a whole year since the Adamverse became apart of this site. I sort of remember my first username, Venom345 or Venom543.

But it has be has been a great year, thank you for following, reading my stories and just being incredible people.

And I want to give a special thank you to my friends in the Reformed Legion. Wrex, Akula, All you guys; I couldn't ask for anymore than what you've given me. Thank you for being my friends.

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Report Adamverse · 219 views · #Thank you
Viewing 1 - 20 of 676 results