
Viewing 1 - 20 of 208 results

Good news about the history of The Filly Of Luna · 7:22pm Feb 28th, 2020

So, do you remember my blog that I was going to tell you if I would continue to write the story The Filly Of Luna or finish it and make a sequel? So, I already decided. I will continue to write chapters for the story. I'm already writing a draft for the next chapter, but it's not ready yet.

Report Twilight Star · 253 views · #Good news

I Feel Really Happy! · 2:38am Oct 23rd, 2015

That's right! I feel so, so good right now! :pinkiehappy:

Everything's comin' up me! :yay:

......For now. :ajbemused:

Until next time!

So happy!

Report Lord of Flies · 298 views · #Good News!

Appreantly I Got Promoted...Yay? · 12:30am Apr 27th, 2020

So on Friday, nearly every woman walked out from my workplace.

With all the craziness going on, they felt that self quarantine was the best course of action.

Anyways that left myself and two other women on the floor, to my surprise I was actually promoted in position. I'm now like right under my supervisor, I was even put in charge of my division on Friday to close up and control operations.

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Report Forgetful · 266 views · #Good news

Good News everyone: · 6:04pm Jul 28th, 2019

I realized that an Inkling is, both, a squid, and a kid.

In other good news:
My mom has been proposed to by my “step-dad”.

Report PenHeart3 · 235 views · #Good News

To quote TV commercials: watch "My little pony: Friendship is magic" on hostname-dot-tld! Now available half... no, zero the price! · 11:23pm Nov 18th, 2019

Yep! Aren't you excited!? My excitement knows no bounds :pinkiehappy:!!!


Whee-e-e-e-e! I may have found a place to download every single episode of FIM! It's got the pony cartoon, the Equestria girls, the comics!.. Ah! Is it not great!?

Well, there have been a lot of places to watch the episodes... But... their story is a bit... tragic :fluttercry:!..

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Report Andy Ray · 168 views · #good-news

Jungle Preview! · 7:07pm Oct 21st, 2019

That’s right, this week there will be no Being a Better Writer post. Just this week. It’ll be back next week. Why? Well, I could say it’s because I missed a holiday I could have taken off a while back and leave it at that, but that’s not the answer. I miss a lot of holiday’s anyway.

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Report Viking ZX · 246 views · #Good News #Jungle #Preview

Axtara – Banking and Finance Cover Reveal and Release Date! · 7:57pm Dec 17th, 2020

It’s finally here!

Can you tell I’m excited? Late yesterday afternoon, I finally received the completed cover for Axtara – Banking and Finance! That’s right! The last bit of the process is in my hands at last. And it is glorious.

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Report Viking ZX · 220 views · #Axtara #Cover #Good News

State of the Prism · 9:10pm Mar 5th, 2020

It's been a while since I've done one of these, peel back the curtain to reveal a snippet of the current status of my life. In today's emotional climate, I figured nobody would mind some good news.

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Report Thought Prism · 224 views · #update #good news

Finally, some good news · 11:22pm Aug 19th, 2015

Finally got some good medical news. My doc says that I'm cleared to use my iPad and swipe to write as long as it isn't hurting me, and thinks it may be a good option since it's a very different biomechanical motion. My hands and body type may just be more suited to it, and may allow my hands to heal one day in the far future.

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Starforge News Post! · 6:57pm Nov 5th, 2022

First of all folks, I’m sorry there’s not a Starforge preview post today. They’ve been quite popular, and I know you guys are really excited to see the book finally drop. But sadly, I don’t have a teaser today.

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I'm finally moving out of my parents' house! · 2:58am Jul 9th, 2020

I found a great apartment within my budget, signed the lease, and moved a ton of my stuff in last weekend. Yes, I began to leave on Independence Day. The only things left to take really are my bed, clothes, and some other large items we needed to rent a truck to transport. By this Saturday, I should be a free man! Or, if not free, at least the leash stubbornly held by my parents is getting much longer, to use a biting metaphor. Either way, it's a great feeling. Now the only thing left

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Good News · 10:38pm Jul 26th, 2017

Good news, all.

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So … I Changed My Mind · 4:53pm Jun 24th, 2022

Hey folks! Max here with a big announcement. One that I spoke about a few days ago, now here with its own post.

Or rather … a cancelation of that announcement.

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Report Viking ZX · 327 views · #Books #Good News #Pricing

So I caught this before It disappeared... · 4:03pm Oct 8th, 2020

So shortly before I posted the last chapter, I saw Shadow of Rage had made the featured box!

Too bad my Screenshot didn't save properly, but seriously, go send Timeless some congratulations! He deserves it!

His profile so you can go check out his stories, leave him some comments!


Where To Find Good News · 9:14pm Oct 8th, 2018

A lot of news is bad news. That's just how society works.
Bad News gets people talking, people thinking, our minds need activity.

But too much bad news can have the opposite affect. When the news we hear becomes a slough of never-ending political corruption or celebrity disgrace or environmental disaster or just general sullenness, we reach our limit.

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I wish I didn't have to say this but it's time for good new bad news(Good for some but not for me) · 3:11pm Mar 3rd, 2022

Okay first things first, the good news is good I've been working on Chapter 15 while on a trip away from Wednesday 23rd to Monday and finally made progress. So it'll be ready soon but Tuesday had some horrible news for me, the news being some of the worst I've ever received so I'm going to put the bad news in a spoiler(You don't have to read it if you don't want to but it will be mentioned in Chapter 16)


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Report Garfield23 · 178 views · #News #bad news #good news

Bonus · 9:55pm Jan 18th, 2018

I rediscovered some old notes on Contrast that I thought I'd lost to a catastrophic hard drive crash about a year and change back. I may just be able to keep going on that, finally. :pinkiesmile:


Some Good News For The Planet This Valentine's Day · 9:31pm Feb 14th, 2019

It's easy to install, it improves every day and you feel good using it. I recommend Ecosia to all my followers.


The Axtara Print Proof is on its way! · 1:06am Jan 21st, 2021

Readers! I have fantastic news! The print proof for Axtara – Banking and Finance will be in my hands this weekend!

Yup! It’s ordered and on its way! Which means that I can finally give you guys some solid details! Like, for example, when it might go up for sale.

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The Big One-Zero-Zero · 6:03pm Jun 16th, 2016


So I just counted, and Monday's Being a Better Writer post? The one about writing warfare?

That was my 100th Being a Better Writer post. As in one, zero, zero.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 208 results