
Viewing 161 - 180 of 518 results

Going to most likely be away for the next two or so days · 12:53am Mar 29th, 2018

Assessment days seeing what I could possibly do in a job situation is, at least, partially starting tomorrow and Friday (I guess there will be three assessments at least so unless something is up and there's something more- this means for the next maybe month or two depending on schedule I might not update stuff as quickly.

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Haha. · 12:44am May 19th, 2020

The prologue arc and chapter 1 put together are already over 14k words.

Have fun reading when the thing goes up. I'ma publish the entire prologue arc plus that first chapter. :trollestia:

Right now though I'm just stuck in a productivity hole. Don't really feel like doing anything.


Merry Christmas! · 3:45pm Dec 25th, 2020

And in lieu of a traditional Christmas saying, I suppose, have this instead...

Then take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some... some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged. You need to believe in things that are not true, however else can they become?

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Someone Needs Our Help! · 11:39pm Jan 27th, 2022

Verdesause - Ko-fi

Please donate or spread the word to help this user out.


Someone's In Need of Our Help! · 7:14pm Nov 30th, 2023

Someone Needs Help!

Please donate to help Nailah and if you can't donate, you can spread the word around this site.


Someone Needs Help As Well · 3:50pm Dec 3rd, 2023

Please donate or spread the word to help this user.

I Need Help - Emergency!


Linguistic Puzzlement · 5:03pm Jan 16th, 2017

N.b.: This title should not be confused with linguistic Puzzlemint. No kidding.

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Cyber Monday Horse Words · 3:48pm Dec 2nd, 2019


Raising a Human Daughter update · 9:48pm Mar 8th, 2019

Hey readers! I'm just letting you all know that the next chapter is finished! a whopping 5,981 words... though that might change. I'm going to go through it a few times to check for any grammar errors, but I should be able to upload the chapter today! Remember to keep an eye out and also keep aware of that warning I left ya!


Things are Changing, Fast · 9:49am May 9th, 2019

What? they are! I mean have looked around recently? If not, I don't really blame you, but that's not actually the kind of change I'm going to talk about anyway, yeah, sorry if your one of those people who love talking everything changing, maybe next time (probably not)?

Anyway, what I am actually going to talk about is changes to my story (duh:trixieshiftright:), "But That Weirdo (heh, weird) what's there to talk about?" Well 'member when I said stuff like,

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Not an April Fools blog, just a little update. · 9:09am Apr 1st, 2017

I'm working on the next Crackshipping & You entry, Ember x Rarity. It's sitting just under 2K words right now, and will likely add another thousand on there before I hit a spot I want to end at. I originally intended this to have been done by now, but some big IRL things got in the way. So we'll be starting off the 2nd quarter of 2017 with Emberarity.

Stay shippy.


Post #11 · 1:28am Jul 19th, 2018

OK, I was on my lunch break today and was dickin' around on my phone, and I don't know what made me think of it, but I was reminded of an old movie that I used to enjoy. I haven't seen it in quite a while; I'm thinking I might watch it this weekend.

1989's 'The 'Burbs,' a comedy with a touch of thriller, about a cul-de-sac street occupied by residents with too much time on their hands. Some mysterious new neighbours move in, and suspicions begin to rise.

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The Perfect Song for Today · 5:47pm Oct 12th, 2019

For Today:
Friends. Those people who stick with us, and we with them, through thick and thin. Those people who know when we are sad, even if we don't show it. People to share in the laughter. People to hug. People who help us know who we are, and people we help to try new things with. That and so much more. Friends.

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I ALMOST Fell For It · 12:38pm Sep 14th, 2022

I almost fell for a Telegram YouTube scam for some random prize that would’ve scammed me out of my money, I thought it was too good to be true and at first I didn’t find anything involving scams…until I came across this:

A million thanks for this guy for warning us about these kinds of scams, please spread the word and prevent any further thievery. I will be posting an image later on of what was sent to me before I almost fell for this trick.

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Some Writers Are In Need Of Help · 11:06pm February 16th

Hey, so apparently, there's a big controversy going around the site at the moment. It seems it started with a little argument between two members, Blaze-sabre and Skywalker215, where Blaze-sabre joked that his stories were cut-and-paste of the show he crossed over with. Unfortunately, Skywalker215 took him seriously and reported the guy, Blaze-Sabre to a modulator. From what I gathered, the mod, Eldorado, agreed that Blaze plagiarized and revoked his entire series. Not only did the guy get a 24

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New Chapter! · 6:34pm April 16th

Alright guys!

Quick update. I have started to do 500 words a day, and that has worked really well for me so far. My hope is my story will be done Sunday, if everything goes smoothly. Then I will pass it along to SoloBrony, who will hopefully use his magic powers of editing to make is smoother to read for you all!

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Settle the Score - Words, Phrases, and Questions List · 4:01am Jul 10th, 2021

I'm writing an original song and I need some help with the list of words, images, emotions, and phrases to use and questions to come up with so that I can answer them. They all have to be related to the song's themes, topic, title, etc. or contrasting them in some way.

Can you help me with that?

Here's the list so far:

Settle the Score - Words, Phrases and Questions List


Losing enthusiasm: Enth-lose-iasm · 1:51am Jan 4th, 2017


Remember when I said my stories would get updates by the end of the month back in OCTOBER?

And then pushed them back to November...


Happy New Year.

Okay, so you all deserve SOME sort of update. I've made some slow progress on Homeric Epic, while trying to wrap my head around how to rewrite How I Remembered, while also trying to kickstart other ideas sloshing around in my thinking soup.

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Now that Hoof Steps is done, lets talk about the next 'Monster' · 1:21pm Nov 1st, 2017

If you're in a couple of the Discord servers I'm in, then you probably already know this. But I have been working, here and there, on the sequel to Twilight's Monster. Now that NaNoWriMo is here, I plan to put all my energy and the vast majority of my free time toward it. It's a project I have been looking forward to with pretty equal amounts of excitement and dread. It's a big project, and since so many readers enjoyed Twilight's Monster, I feel that I owe them my best.

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Progress · 4:11pm Oct 11th, 2015

So yeah things are progressing but you know what? The new episode gave me some inspiration. When your headcannon breaks, you make a new one. Cliche I know but here's what you need to know.

I have been trying to work on two chapters of the story at once. One chapter being chapter 35 which is now at 4,407 words, and the rewrite of chapter 3 which is at 5,209 words.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 518 results