
Viewing 101 - 120 of 702 results

NEW PROJECT!! · 10:42am Jul 1st, 2018

I've been working on a big project for a single Story lately.
I really don't know hows this going to turned out, but hopefully It did well.
Written fully with my own mind, no one else but my brain.

It's not ProofReaded or edited by anyone, currently.
Pure from my mind.

Well all of my fics I wrote are the works of someone else mind. (Thanks a bunch my annoying big bro)

Anyway, stay safe and sound everypony.


UPDATE: The Next Equestria Chronicles Outline has been written! · 12:52am Sep 13th, 2023

We have written a draft of the next Equestria Chronicles with the setting of Saddle Arabia, Maregypt, and the Zongo. With the story being set in Northern and central Zebrica. With Princess Luna, Twilight, and Starlight Glimmer being the central protagonists of the story. We won't spoil the deeper plot but expect an adventure that's longer than The Equestria Chronicles: Journey through the crystal mountains, but shorter than the current story we're working on. It'll be more condensed with less

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New SFM Image · 12:40am Mar 17th, 2021


What's Left for 2020? · 2:59pm Dec 21st, 2020

Welp, there's only ten days left in this insane clusterfuck of a year. And throughout that time, a lot has happened to all of us. In my case, I was forced to leave my toxic work environment for the sake of my health (both physical and mental), and invest my time in writing full-time to make ends meet. My boyfriend and I have been busting our asses to make due this month; and since neither of us know when stimulus checks will be going out (most likely after our rent is due), I might as well

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What I've Been Up To (State of the Author) · 12:54am May 1st, 2022

Anyone who has been in contact with me personally over the last few months knows that my life has gone through a lot of turmoil lately. Medical problems (multiple cancer scares, Covid-19, my youngest breaking her leg), changing jobs (goodbye post office, hello cushy work from home job), relationship problems (divorcing my primary partner and my secondary partner decided to go mono with her primary), moving, finding new roommates to replace my (ex-)wife's share of the financial burden. Life is

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Change is Coming · 12:31am Jun 26th, 2016

I need more Tool... Owo

Heyo and welcome to my little corner of this delightfuly swood technicolor hell, there's cookies and punch by the door.

A little bit about me, I'm 18, I recently graduated high school, I'm enlisted as a future soldier in the US Army, and I have creative interests that span a little all over the place

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Big News! · 11:24pm Aug 28th, 2015

Hello, hello Fimfiction! Long time no see, speak, or interact, right? Well, the good news is that I'm not dead and I haven't forgotten about any of you awesome people here :) Even better news? There is no bad news. But what's this "BIG NEWS" that I speak of? Well, I'll tell you!

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New Project Story: Sunlight Solace · 4:55pm Feb 1st, 2017

What's the plot?
Well I won't say here (but on Patreon on the other hand...)
But it's going to be good!


The Patreon Commission Poll for June 2018 is officially open! · 8:45am Jun 23rd, 2018

That's right! It's that time of the month again, and I once again opened up my Patreon poll for the public! If anyone wants to see what I might write for the beginning of July, I suggest you visit my page or check the link below:

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Mindless Self Promotion: A non-MLP fic in the works · 3:53pm May 19th, 2018

Hi everyone, while SPECTRUM is still in the works, I have begun work on a little independent project - a fanfic for The Office (the American version that is). It's titled "Insouciance".


Anyone curious can come take a look. :twilightsmile:


March is gonna be a busy month! · 6:38pm Mar 2nd, 2021

Heya guys! It's been a while since I posted any updates; of course, given how stressful February had been for me, I doubt many people would be too surprised about a slight hiccup in output. Heck, considering how my car was stolen and totaled just a couple weeks ago, it's downright shocking I managed to write out so much content since then. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that March is going to be my busiest month to date.

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Future Pony Projects · 8:16am Mar 1st, 2019

So I've mentioned in the past on several occasions wanting to do several different pony projects. The only one I can confirm will come out after The Lulamoon Files is done, is a special project I got permission for awhile back and have slowly worked on called Trixie's Mental Retreat, I'll let y'all guess what that is.

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Story Update Delays · 5:45pm Feb 24th, 2018

We got a story Editor! Props is gonna be helping us out and that is a wonderful thing. So far I'm actually impressed with him.
Final rewrite on chapter 1 of FoE should be done by Monday. Chapter 14 will be up later next week and Bone Daddy will be as well.
I apologize for the delay just getting someone new integrated into the fold.

I hope all of you are having a good week as well.


Story on Hold · 7:15pm Jan 4th, 2017

So I know I told you guys a couple of blogs ago that I would be doing a chapter for a story made by EbonyStallion. Something has come up though and, I'm afraid that there will be a delay in the chapter being released. I'm not going to specify what's causing the delay, but just know that it's important enough to call a hold on the project.

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Sorry everyone. · 4:43pm Jan 8th, 2017

After much consideration, I've decided to stop writing Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Mac. At least in the way it stands now.

I don't know what it is about this story that's keeping me from getting it written. Whatever it is, as I said before, I don't want to have a repeat of Boast Backers where I take way too long to write a story and feel more relieved to finally finish than satisfied with the ending.

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IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!! · 3:25am Dec 18th, 2016

For those of you who are fans of Brushed Away but might not know, two big fans of my series (Brasta Septim and JPegasus19) were wanting to work on an audiobook project regarding it. And just today, those two crazy bastards got the first chapter of my story recorded and uploaded on Youtube! Here's the link:

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Proceeding with the plan · 11:26pm Sep 29th, 2015

I have finished the other project(s) and ready to continue onward with the next chapter of AAE, another thing, on the month of october and probably future months, I will make special chapters focusing on the holidays, these chapters will be separated in a different story, so one story will focus on Anim's life in equestria, while the other will focus on Anim's reaction to equestria unique yet familiar events.


Ghost Lights project post-mortem, and some new things coming... · 3:59am Sep 20th, 2015

Dear Princess Celestia,
During this massive 40-week long project, I learned that... :twilightblush:

No, seriously. I did learn things, a lot of them.

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End of July Updates · 3:00am Jul 24th, 2018

Well, guys. I gotta say that compared to some of my previous months, July has been a FANTASTIC month for me writing-wise. I've written out over 6 different chapters, as well as a new story, and I still have a week left to go! I already know what I'm gonna try to do before August (coughShutUpAndDancecough), but until then I have something for you all to participate in:

My monthly Commission poll!

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My 2018 May Patreon Story Poll is online! · 3:21am May 26th, 2018

And unlike my previous months, I'm experiementing with making this a public post. Since I only have 8 Patrons at the moment, I figure this will give me a broader audience base and more consistent votes. So if you wanna vote for my first story in June, feel free to check the link below:

And if you want to further contribute to my work, please consider following me on Patreon to further encourage my writing streak.

Viewing 101 - 120 of 702 results