
Viewing 81 - 100 of 547 results

Merry Christmas · 11:24am Dec 25th, 2018

That’s pretty much all I can say


The 'Greatest Hits' Writing Bonanza! · 10:14pm Jul 20th, 2021

As many of my long-time readers are likely to know, for one reason or another, I am terribly slow when it comes to updating my stories. However, since I participated in my first writing contest a couple months ago, I may have stumbled upon something that can help boost my creative output: deadlines! Ah yes, nothing quite motivates results like an artificial fire under your ass, and as some wise sage once spake, coal don't turn into diamonds without pressure. So that's why I've

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Back at Last · 1:43am Feb 15th, 2019

Manehatten, Day 1.


I found an Old Fic idea! · 6:42am Jul 19th, 2020

Well, I was browzing in my One Drive folder, and lo and behold, I found a fanfiction idea for an Undertale/Naruto crossover. How interesting! I nearly completely forgot about it! I hammered out a chapter from the rough idea I had and turns out a friend loves what I did with it.

If only I can finish one of these damned stories to start with...


Three years, huh? · 12:02am Mar 22nd, 2019

In a couple days, I will have been on this site for three years.

I mean, it is not nearly as much as some people, but... wow...

The years really have passed quickly, haven't they?

Maybe I should do something... special...


We'll see.


I'm Sending Out The All Call, Guys! · 5:31am Apr 25th, 2019

Okay friends, It's two weeks until I go to Florida and I am cracking down to try and stick to my freaking budget. I thought I had it all planned out but then I found out I have to get a Traveler's ID. I managed to ferret out around $16.00 for that. Was it that much? Nope. It's $25.00. Those bitches.

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I will no longer be writing or proofreading. Read for info on where my stories may have gone. · 3:47am Nov 20th, 2015

I. To my... lets see here... 16 watchers (or followers, or whatever the heck), and the 2-3 that actually care (sorry if there is any minor grammatical errors, I spell checked, but didn't go over it too thoroughly) ,

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TD is going to Bronycon! · 4:09am May 21st, 2016

So, after months of indecision (and making poor bookplayer wait to find out if I'll actually show up for the shipping panel :facehoof: ) I finally pulled the trigger.

I'm going to go to Bronycon this year for the first time ever!

Everfree Northwest was a lot of fun, and I'll meet a whole bunch of new folks and have a lovely three days in Baltimore.

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The Race has been edited! · 5:42pm May 26th, 2017

Remember this story?

Well, at long last it's been made a little bit better thanks Trildar who went through and prodded me until [almost] all of the mistakes were ironed out. This has actually been on my to-do list for a some time now, but I've been too lazy to actually update the live copy. :twilightblush:

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Christmas special! · 7:27pm Dec 1st, 2017

Hello everybody!

I just wanted to say that I'm writing the Christmas special side story for The Queen of the Royal Guard right now! I hope you like the little story I have in store for you, especially you! Yes, you! You know that I'm talking to you... You stuck this idea in my head so I'm expecting to see you in the comments section as soon as the story is up, which should be really soon! :yay:

Until then, here's a little sneak peek at chapter 3 of The Queen of the Royal guard!

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Mira, Mira on the wall · 9:20pm May 15th, 2017

Who's the newest pony of them all???

Hi guys! It's Mira here! I just wanted to take a second and say hi and introduce myself. I haven't written any Fim fics before so I'll give it my best shot. Right now I'm on Season 5 and I'm binge-watching it with my boyfriend. (He's not the biggest pony fan so don't expect to see him here lol).

What I might do to start is maybe see if I can write something up about my OC and possibly join a rping group!

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Summer is Here! + Morning Meir Case 3 UPDATE 7! · 1:10pm Jun 3rd, 2018

Summer is here once more, and as usual I had to take some time to prepare for the many trips I will be taking. Apologies for the lack of updates, but rest assured I am working on the next chapter of Morning Meir Case 3, and it will be up very soon. I should have it done by Wednesday at the earliest!

Thanks so much for your patience, and I hope you all have an amazing summer! :pinkiehappy:


Wow, I can't believe this. · 7:40pm Aug 28th, 2017

My newest story, a Destiny crossover, is in the popular stories box. Literally on the same day I publish it.

AND it has no dislikes. (Or comments, but that's okay.)

I cannot thank you guys enough. This helped my lukewarm-until-this-point day seem a little better. In all realities, thanks.


Updates · 4:54am Mar 24th, 2020

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since I posted anything here and I want to let everyone know that I'm still kicking. I know that It has been an excessive amount of time since my last update on any of my stories. My living situation has been rather tumultuous and dealing with issues revolving around being fired from a job last year to just generally not feeling like writing has really hit me hard.

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Update on personal life. · 2:56pm May 27th, 2019

I'm writing this not from my family's old Win7 pc, but my brand new Win10 laptop, just for me.

Why? I'm officially a college student. I graduated last friday.

And I'm loving life right now.


ayyyy no school · 2:35am Dec 14th, 2019

i'm off for winter break, so now that finals are done and i'm back home, expect some new chapters from me c:

i literally have no other responsibilities so i'm eager to knock out some words for Family Tree, Once Upon a Harvest Moon, maybe even a Dreamweaver sequel if i can get around to it. also got a few one-shots in the bank i might take a whack at

hope y'all hear from me real soon!


Another week , Another 46 and a half days left... · 9:26pm Oct 8th, 2022

I'm still here...neat. Not that I still fear for my safety and American values mind you. I hear many things about comic con, but none of them have involved Cartoon Network yet. It's the last day and you'd think they'd say somethin' already...
Well...stay tuned, and I might have an update soon...maybe, idk I'm still quite skeptical.


I'm still alive · 4:18pm Aug 31st, 2022

Just giving an update so you guys don't think I've vanished again. I'm still making chapters lol. I'm working on both Sunday Helpers and KH Rise of the elements at the same time. But mid way through I ended up turning one chapter of ROTE into two because of length and how invested I was in the coming story arc. There's a ton of care being put into it and I want it to look right for you all... UNFORTUNATELY that resulted in me sliding down on SH, which also got a tiny rewrite because I added a

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I heard everyone likes Teasers! · 1:20pm Nov 2nd, 2015

The song says it all. Soon in the next chapter!


Announcement · 7:41am Aug 7th, 2015

The last chapter and epilogue of Moonwing are more or less finished. I need to make a few changes to improve the flow and pacing, but currently I'm on vacation in the mountains, so it'll take a while.

Viewing 81 - 100 of 547 results