
Viewing 81 - 100 of 346 results

An Update: I've Not Been Doing So Well Lately · 11:08am May 7th, 2021

I know I have a habit of this recently, but I do think it needs to be said, and it's this: although I say I might hate somebody for whatever reason, I seriously don't. I can hate somebody's guts, but never the person they are. The only ONLY reason that I'd hate a person fully is if they did something that affected me on a personal level that sends me into a fit of rage.

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Beginnings and Endings · 4:50am March 15th

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do
Life's been good to me so far.

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High Above the Clouds · 2:49am Jan 18th, 2022

Melody watched the skyline from the trees, her rifle perched by her side. Her eyes were fixated on a battle above the mud of the Deadzone. She watched as mechanical pegasi, better known as “planes”, flew around like wasps to a nest, machine guns roaring as many spiraled towards the ground. She chuckled, cursing the mechanical creations.

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Actually, I'm Dead: Anniversary's Top 11 Memorable Moments Special · 5:15am May 7th, 2016

Yeah, I'm having one of those moments again. You know which ones. Those moment when you are thinking in more concepts and stories ideas rather than how to drive home your actually published work.

Does someone remember those lines? No? Okay, let me tell you what are those.

Those ar the very first lines I wrote around the idea of Actually, I'm Dead. It happened over a year ago, and nine days later, this happened:

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I just realized. · 7:20pm Dec 2nd, 2015

That the phrase “happily ever after” is just a nicer way of saying “they grew old and died.”

My god, now I’m depressed. :(



What has Derek been up to? · 1:43am Oct 2nd, 2015

School, mostly. Graduate school, to be exact. And due to my field being Journalism, my writing time is spent on a horrendous number of papers and projects.

Is it enjoyable? Oh yes.

Does it leave lots of time for pony pony pony? Not so much.

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Update · 6:44pm Sep 1st, 2016


It's been a while.

I've had a lot of things happen in my life of which I'd rather not share here, but suffice to say that they have been keeping me from the site and writing as a whole.

As such, there has been very little activity from me, in and out of Fimfiction.

I do have some news for all of you, however:

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Are you pondering what I'm pondering? · 1:33am Feb 17th, 2017

Okay, this is something I've been pondering for a while, and will require me to possibly ramble on a bit and rant some and I might ruffle some feathers along the way, so before I do that, have a cute pony pic to put you in a calming mood.

(I'd like to say I followed DraconicXeno's directions on how to insert this from Deviantart, but turns out, that way doesn't always... work.)

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I'm Sorry · 3:30am Dec 15th, 2015

I'm sorry I haven't been on much the past week. :fluttershysad: I have family in town, and some personal stuff going on. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2:Hopefully everything goes back to normal soon. :ajsleepy: I honestly can't mentally take much more. :applejackconfused:


Animation Test Footage and more from B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations (2015 – Unreleased Film) · 8:04pm Nov 12th, 2019


Well then. That’s...yeah · 8:37pm Jun 4th, 2020

Well, that was an eventful and stressful three months on the carrier. Quarantining. Sleepless nights spent carefully planning courses of action. Executing practice missions. Getting the strike group ready for deployment. Now I’m home for a couple of months before heading overseas for a year. Time to catch up on what’s been happening in the world. Let’s see what’s been going on....

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State of the Author, October 2020 · 8:03am Oct 3rd, 2020

More than usual, the internet is melting down right now over #2020 news, so let's talk about something different. Me!

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Ahh-ah-ah-ahhhhh-ah *Enter thunderclap here* · 1:00pm Jul 10th, 2020

A rumble of powerful thunder sounding like God aimed a perfectly-executed strike and I babbed my pants. Damn, that was loud! :rainbowlaugh: (The thunder, I mean, not my...nevermind :applejackconfused:)

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I lagged so hard in Half Life 1 that I fell out of the window during the opening tram ride scene lol · 11:49pm Mar 20th, 2023

i didn't even know you could fall out the window during the opening credits of the game. i wasn't even touching the keyboard or mouse lol


Melody's Headcanons: Age Requirements of the Wonderbolts · 10:06pm Mar 19th, 2021

So, there has been a lot of fan speculation as to why Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot were able to join the Wonderbolts years before Rainbow Dash if, according to the flashback scene in Parental Glideance, they’re only a year apart in age. Well, here’s my headcanon:

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Something in the works? Maybe? · 10:24am Aug 27th, 2021

A thestral, a siren, a zebra, a dragon, a changeling, a kirin, three unicorns, three pegasi, three earth ponies, and three alicorns all walk into a bar.

They then get kicked out because that's way too many characters with "primary/secondary protagonist" billing for one story.

But despite admitting she could stand to thin the numbers just a little, the author is also incredibly stubborn and sentimental and isn't inclined to let go of most of this cast.

This could be a problem.


Ponest Dungeon Update · 12:40pm Apr 8th, 2021

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the long time between updates, but it has been a busy year for me, as I'm sure it has been for a lot of others as well.

I'm writing this so everybody knows that I am still working on Ponest Dungeon.

Arc 3 is bordering around 50k words at the moment, and still a ways to go. But it is still happening, so do not fret!

Thank you for your patience as I hammer this thing out.

Also... 100th blog... milestone?


Sometimes i wonder if i should just go wild with my writing. · 6:53am Sep 6th, 2023

One of the big factors in why my writing on more serious works has massively slowed down over these past several years is that I at some point just kinda... *inverted* my writing process, in a sense.

I used to write almost exclusively by the seat of my pants, giving little to no care about any sort of underlying plan or even consistency from one chapter to another.

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G4 Was Super Rad · 7:08am Sep 8th, 2020

Since I shared this will all my Brony friends.. and Brony acquaintances... and my friends who had been Bronies but fell off the wagon in season 3... and some non-Bronies as well... I figured I'd share it with all of you!

(Also, 2snacks says if they get enough Patreon support they'll finish it. plz consider.)


And the dead shall be counted amongst the living. · 12:57am Sep 18th, 2015

Thanks to the work of Flash Frame, you now have a list to go by. Introducing:

By this you will know who may be a target, who may be safe and who you may never see again. She's spent a long, painstaking time to get this together, but I'll let her tell you about it:

A note from the desk of Flash Frame.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 346 results