
Viewing 81 - 100 of 142 results

A Triumphant Return · 7:47pm Jun 26th, 2018

Five-Word Memoirs

Like a Phoenix, I rise.

Wandered around; happiest at home.

The Quill is forever dipped.

Pinkie: “He missed you all.”

-Quillian Inkheart

Hello everyone; fans and friends from the past and those who I’ve yet to meet. It has been a long time coming, but after a two-year hiatus, I’m back. Triumphant return: begin!

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I'm back (again)! · 8:10pm Sep 5th, 2017

I took the sequel down for Vulnerable for the final time a few months ago. I didn't like where it was going and wanted to give it a final rewrite. It will take sometime but please bear with me.

Anything else, I'll finish a Lily Longsocks story before I start on it.

I am going to apologize for the seven hundredth time, sorry I've been gone for so long. I know a goid chunk of people liked these stories and want to see them concluded.


Its been a long time... · 1:51am Aug 22nd, 2015

Excuse myself, I am super crusty on like everything I've ever done, honestly. I'm re reading my own stuff seeing what I did and it astounds me how much I enjoy my own thoughts written on paper. (Virtual Paper!) Anyways without work bothering me as badly as it was, I can begin again! Yea new and improved, (gets rid of crappy randomly thought story in the making) and finish Collateral History once and for all!


So.... · 8:54pm Mar 5th, 2016

How have y'all been? Anything new happen while I was...well...away? Well, anyway~ I have a lot of info to give you.

1. My writing skills have stepped up immensely since the last time I updated Shiny's Secret.
2. I've spent a lot of time on other stories on Fanfiction . n e t, so most of my time has been spent getting back into the swing of things.
3. I've graduated high school and am now in the United States Navy! :D

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Delayed introduction · 10:30am Jan 26th, 2016

Yes you clicked this, hi. I probably should have done this a long time ago but since I'm gonna take this seriously, I'll pause my Bon Jovi playlist on loop and introduce myself.

I am Darth Pinkie, obviously. I do mostly crossovers and I have an upcoming story that will be WWII based, as I am an avid war studier. To anyone who actually thought I left, as Fluttershy would say it "I'm sorry":fluttershbad:

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New Story, and a Few Explanations · 3:37am Oct 19th, 2015

Okay, so I might have gotten ahead of myself back in June. I did have a story written out, but reading over it a second time, it wasn't quite ready to publish. So I tried to rewrite it, but then I lost focus. And then I tried working on other stories. And then school started up again.

Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to work on these stories more regularly without getting distracted, but for now, one step at a time.

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Infected Water...oh dear · 10:41am Aug 7th, 2015

Yo, what's up my peeps? It's been a while since I updated anything on this site! Well, the good news is that I'm actually still alive. I'm just chilling out at the moment, finding new things to do and all that jazz. I can't help but still be bored in the moments that come between them, but hey I suppose that's life! anyway, there won't be much to this update as I haven't got much to say. I did however manage to find a rather touching PMV which I really must share with you!

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I'm Back! · 10:09pm May 14th, 2022

Hello guys (or whoever reads this, anyway)!

Just wanted to give you all a very quick update on things. In my last blog post I mentioned some IRL troubles (nothing super serious anymore, just some stuff I needed to figure out), and I’m happy to report that they’ve all been mostly taken care of.

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Back Again · 3:05am Apr 13th, 2020

Sorry for my inactivity, but I was going through some things that I hope I have mostly ironed out at this point (but I can't make any promises in that regard). Anywhoo, Happy Easter Sunday everybody! I know things are a bit crazy for everyone all over the place right now, but I still have the hope that things will get better.

Also enjoy this new story I just put up!


I'm Back!!! · 2:27am Oct 6th, 2017

Yes after a LONG ass time I've finally returned to where it all began. Some of my followers may be wondering "Where the hay did you go"? Well to put it simple I dropped off the face of the earth because I let assholes on the fimfic discord govern my writing. Well not anymore Sean Shamrock is back baby and I'll be writing stories again the way I want, see I kept writing to make others happy with proper grammar, punctuation, etc... Now these are important but I focused to much on these and

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A while is up · 1:15am Jun 29th, 2018

Yeah I guess we have internet again. After five days without it and going into a huge panic attack due to my head thinking it was my fault (Which currently is still running that not great idea, thanks brain. But no, we have no idea where the chance of hacking came from, if one of our computers was used as a backdoor, or if it was through a kindle or some other device, or even if we got hacked. But if you know what you are doing and aren't computer illiterate, it's nice to have a firewall to

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Going Forward · 2:26am Feb 26th, 2021

Okay, so I'm ending my hiatus now because I've managed to get my writing mojo back in order.
And first thing I want to address is this.

Yes, it seems that G5 is around the corner. Or at least we'll be getting something from it in the next few months.

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OooOoOoooOh, That Smell! · 3:52pm Feb 12th, 2020

Can you smell that smell?

It's something horrible; like it died, came back to life, died again and came back just to shitpost.

Oh, wait, that's me. Expect something horrid in the afternoon PT, folks!


Lack of Tact

let's piss some people off.


Work is finally calming down, will work on stories soon! · 8:41am Nov 5th, 2015

Hey all,

It's been a while sense you heard from me. I've been working about 100 hours a week at my new job, but that's finally starting to come under control so I should be able to get back to writing and writing related tasks in the near future. I've looked a little at the things I have and I have been writing a lot for work so I don't think my writing skills will have degraded that much.

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I Guess I'm Back? Also, life. · 1:01am Jul 18th, 2015

I haven't really been doing much of anything around here since December. I've still been around in the fandom, I just ended up taking a break from reading and writing ponyfics (not that I ever did a ton of the latter anyway). But I have slowly been coming back over the past month or so. I've gotten caught up on a lot of the stories that I've fallen behind on, and I even participated in The Writeoff Association's

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Long time no see! · 8:13pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Hi my pons!
wow, can't believe that I wasn't on fimfic for over 18 weeks :twilightoops:

sorry dudes, I am on my graduation year, and I have quite a lot on my hoofs :facehoof:

So yeah, now you can easily find me on my deviantart, where I put up my images, and lurk around daily :rainbowwild: <- my deviantart

For those who don't know-deviantart is a site where pons put up their art : drawings/sketches/crafts/photos-anything :yay:

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I live · 2:48am Aug 30th, 2015

Sorry I've been gone so long!

My computer room was occupied by my brother while he found a house and I need privacy when writing pony stuff :D

He was successful in his hunt and has moved in so I hope to write more soon.

Hope you guys have been having fun.

Like I said more to come!

More Bad Therapy!

More Stories!

More ponies being hypnotized!

More random product placement for Taco Bell!!!!!!!


Getting back into the swing of things! · 10:22pm May 19th, 2017

Yep that's right I'm getting back into writing again now that I'm free from High School FOREVER!!!! XD So what I have planned for you guys is that I'll be working on Gems: The Sun Princess for the two weeks straight and wrapping it up before making the sequel :D so look forward to that and I will be returning to Why Me? And making a new story


Ponioh is coming back! · 6:48pm Mar 31st, 2019

Hey there everypony, Flawless here! I know I've been lacking in updating this story, and I apologize for that :ajsleepy:. A lot of personal stuff has happened for the last few months which took my drive to work on this story. To all my proofreaders, my co-author, and my many followers/readers I sincerely apologize.

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Fantastic News! - I am officially moved back home! (Important life update!) · 5:18pm Mar 13th, 2021

I am finally back home, at long last!

I just got done moving my things back in from my grandparent's house and I can finally stop worrying about literally everything! I am so glad to be back home where I do actually belong and where I can get some rest for a change. It's going to take me a bit to settle back in again for what feels the the hundredth time - I frequently moved back and forth my entire life - and it's permanent this time around. No going back. That scares me a bit, honestly.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 142 results