R4 (Reactions, Reviews, Reference, Redirection) #0184 · 12:41am Jul 3rd, 2015
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Girl Talk by Riter
We're not your parents anymore by Warampharos
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Girl Talk by Riter
We're not your parents anymore by Warampharos
Something you may not know. Singularity Dream has put together... well, quoting it below:
Yes, and remember links to these reviewers and many more can be found on:
The Big Master Review List!
100+ people & groups covering over 7500 stories by over 3000 authors.
I always try to make comments on the fics I read, and now I’ve decided to go ahead and share those fics by briefly reviewing them. I’ll post a bunch whenever I decide I have enough to make a post, chosen from basically whatever I've read lately. No direct links for Mature stories, but I’ll still name them and link the author, so they shouldn’t be hard to find. Also, I've begun writing Darkfic reviews for the
Work’s a pain, you know. I wanted to get these done earlier but, whatever.
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
A Little Push by LuminoZero
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Numbers by The Quill and Sofa Shop
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
All Skin and Bones by RedSquirrel456
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Two Roaming Souls by Belligerent Sock
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
This date is going to be perfect! by Anonymoose
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
The Wrong Side of Tomorrow by Pascoite
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
The Diary Of An Evil Pony by TheBrianJ
Oneshotober has become a rather contentious event. It has a reputation, perhaps deserved, for producing unoriginal, poorly-thought-out, hastily-written, and generally unedited fics. But how do they actually stack up?
Because I’m either an idiot or a masochist, I’m going to review them. All of them. Right here.
And here we are again, once more asking the eternal question: is Oneshotober nothing but a generator of mass shitfic? Or does the event hold merit?
Am I an idiot for trying to review so many fics?
The only way to know is to press on.
All caught up on adding reviews to the big master review list. As of writing this, only seven more reviews to go until hitting nine thousand reviews. Also, lots of ponyfic reviews on the main blog to point you at. Getting back into the swing of posting every single day and that means waiting a while builds up a lot of posts. Both now and I've got a good amount of posts scheduled for the rest of the week because I'll be heading out on my roadtrip to worldcon in just a couple of days and wanted
(aka, "Nyer's finally playing through some of the many, many games he bought in Humble Bundles over the past few years.")