
Viewing 6801 - 6820 of 10,563 results

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner Sequel! · 10:21pm Feb 26th, 2017

Hey, Guys!

Raptormon132 here! I have some news to tell you all.

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New Chapter Coming Soon! · 6:35pm Oct 28th, 2018

Hi everybody. I know it's been a long time since I updated. I don't like to think of how long. I'm truly sorry about that. But I've had life things to deal with, and distractions, all mixed in with my usual procrastination issues and my ADHD.

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Feedback Needed!! · 4:59pm Jun 9th, 2016

Soooo... I started this new fic, a human in equestria fic, and it's getting a TON of backlash, and I'm super worried. While it has been pointed out it might heavily have to do with the lead being a non stereotypical black female, I'm hoping that isn't the only reason why.

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Chapter four delayed · 1:09am Aug 18th, 2012

Chapter four will be delayed due to a family vacation to Palo Duro Canyon this weekend. I'll be working on it tonight, but it is highly unlikely that I'll finish before leaving, especially since I still haven't finished going back over the previous two chapters. (I'm sorry! Pleasedon'tbemad! :fluttershyouch:) I doubt I'll have time during the trip to continue writing while I'm there.

So, that's the bad news out of the way, how about something more upbeat? :yay:

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Switching Things Up · 10:14pm Jul 7th, 2016

Hello everyone!

This time around, I have a HUGE announcement. You will notice that all of the FoE: Icicle side-stories have disappeared. This is because I have decided to make Icicle into one, long, story. Which means, The Faded Star, Army of Cora, and Spear of the North, have all been added to the Fallout Equestria: Icicle story as Chapters.

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Another Update · 10:22pm Jun 13th, 2016

So hello everypony I haven't been on in a while because of family drama for one thing and I have like three things I need to audition for but I just wanted to give an update. I haven't gotten much editing done sadly but I'm trying my best to find time to work on everything it's just difficult for me because there's people in my family that are making things difficult for me. I can't record anything new tomorrow because my brother will be in town visiting but I'll try to get some editing done.

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Another late Christmas post · 3:04am Dec 27th, 2017

Looks like I did it again.
Merry late Christmas greetings!

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Nature's hate boner · 10:56pm Sep 11th, 2018

Just wanted to give you lot a brief update. It seems hurricane Florence has a raging hate boner for my state and, as such, there's a damn good chance I may be AWOL for a brief time. Not to worry though, I have a few stories already locked and loaded for publishing, so the debauchery will continue as scheduled!

Like Noah, I'll survive the torrential rains and flooding upon a boat I crafted of sinful delights and pastel equine buggery!!!

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We Have a Winner! · 5:02am Jul 5th, 2015

So for those who remember my voting blog a little while ago, we finally have a winner! So, without further ado, let me introduce my future project!

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Sudden events and new project · 8:00pm Sep 22nd, 2015

Some events had occurred to me, and I am temporarily stopping AAE until the end of September or near it, I'm working on another project and an old project I had been working on, once these or one of the projects are finished, I'll continue the AAE's next chapter.


Super Cool Anouncement · 11:42pm Nov 8th, 2017

Hey! Long time no see everyone.

So I'm super excited to announce a few things. I'll go ahead and start with the most minor news.

1. If any of you know who Applety is (if not you should). I met her on the Rarijack discord server and she recently helped me unstick myself on both of my major projects. CSR and A Place That We Call Home are no longer causing me undo stress. So expect new chapters of those soon! (Hold me to that.)

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So... regarding Broken Bindings... · 1:14am Dec 6th, 2018

To those of you who managed to find the "Lullaby"? You... might want to go check the link to it again. It may have... changed...

That's all.



A quick blog to let you know I am alive · 1:57pm Jul 25th, 2017

Hello there, it's been a while.

Since June, I was unable to write a lot - even "write a little" became a hard task.

Long story short, I am on a different project now, which is the most mentally taxing project I've ever had. Even at weekends, I don't want to engage my brain in anything - that's how tired I get. Needless to say, my progress is close to zero.

Still, I hope I will be able to muster some strength. My plans are as follows in the order of priority:

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New Chapter is up · 6:12pm Sep 19th, 2017

Hey everyone! Just letting everyone know the new chapter's up. Didn't show up in the updated feed because I accidentally hit the publish button last night. Anyways, that's all.


Turnabout Storm - Parts 24 and 25 updated · 6:15pm May 4th, 2018

Parts 24 and 25 have been revamped, and this includes some major changes to Part 24 - Double Blackmail, the second meeting of Phoenix with Sonata where he breaks her psyche-locks.

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A Couple of Thoughts/Updates for June of 2018 · 4:18am Jun 30th, 2018

I know it's been a little while since I've written my last blog, but I wanted to talk to my audience about some stuff that's going on regarding my work, future plans, and some other stuff.

Now before I get into some light hearted topics, I want to address some heavier stuff regarding depression and suicide. So, if either of those topics make you feel uncomfortable, please skip to the Here highlighted in bold text.

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An early statement of affairs, rambling about the passage of time. · 3:55pm Jul 6th, 2015

Not the usual time of month to update, but here goes. This one’s going to also be a little more personal than usual, but… well, hopefully this’ll clear up a few things.

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Story Updates · 6:02am Nov 11th, 2015

I know I haven't updated my stories in a while, and I am sorry. I've had a lot going on lately and and WAY behind on my writing :twilightblush: I will attempt to get a new chapter for my current stories done by next week, but I also need to work on NaNoWriMo. I'm not quiting on my stories, in fact I'm hoping to get White Light far enough for NaPoWriMo :yay: Hopefully going to have a new story next month. Striving Scholar is helping me with it :pinkiehappy: and Sparrow9642 is helping with

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My mistake. · 9:13am Jul 19th, 2017

Yeah, I know the recent Anon-A-Miss chapter wasn't the best. You made that very clear to me in the comments section.

So I deleted it and I'm rewriting it from scratch.



Sorry isn't Enough Update and infomation! · 3:54pm Jul 22nd, 2017

TO all who have been waiting for the next chapter of SIE thank you so much for taking the time to read this before there is some information on the story and where it is going.

i'm looking on changing the name soon to something else, I wasn't planning on at first to make this a chapter by chapter story it was gonna be one big long story but I decided to change it into a chapter story, and I believe right now it needs a new title. any ideas will be good!

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Viewing 6801 - 6820 of 10,563 results