
Viewing 41 - 60 of 163 results

Ayy, Sneak Peek! Also, a question, will you? · 11:20pm Sep 3rd, 2015

So, I looked at the ratings for Two Weeks, and I'm curious: What's so bad about it? I mean, there are the occasional people that just randomly dislike people and then there's the shitposters, but I'm actually quite curious.

Also, I'm going to be busy. College. I'm sure you get it. Anyway, sneak peek for chapter 3 of Escape From This Afterlife! Also, I might go back to my older blog posts and write about them.

I killed again.

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Sneak Peek: TToP - Feedback? · 5:50pm Jul 16th, 2017

Finally, the day had come. After waiting and scheming for what had felt like an eternity, it was time that everyone came together. Each of them played every possible scenario in their heads and some even picked up meditation. It wasn't just mental preparation however. Some of our friends decided to train their bodies as well to get them pumped up for this day.

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Sneak-Peek Saturday #6 · 9:41pm Jan 28th, 2017

We’re here once again with Sneak-Peek Saturday! It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so let’s get to the point: As per usual, here are the stories that'll update this upcoming week, and some excerpts from their next chapters.
The Conversion Bureau EarthGate Saga: A Fist Clenched In RageChapter 9 Excerpt

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Sneak-Peek Saturday #30 · 2:35am Oct 7th, 2018

Tuesday, October 16th (Earliest) Tuesday, October 30th (Latest)

TDays in the Mind of One that is Great and Powerful
After John Radderson and Kurt Smith disappear, Darrell Evenlor gets suspicious, but not worried. Then he turns into his favorite pony, Trixie, and he has some fun.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 120k words  ·  31  17 · 2.2k views

Chapter 30 Excerpt:

"Listen up, freakazoid. I don't gots 't 'pologize for nuthin! That freaky crap yuz do jus ain't natural!"

Tuesday, October 30th (Earliest) Late November (Projected Latest)

TA Different Maestro Spectrum
A universe where my main OC has a different backstory than usual.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 37k words · 589 views

Chapter 4 Excerpt:

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New Story Sneak Peek · 12:30am Sep 6th, 2021

Hello guys! Just wanted to give a quick sneak peek to something I've been working on: the sequel to "Fear Is Temporary, Regret Is Forever". This one's a little...different. Instead of taking place in the past, this one takes place in the present, and has more of an actual plot. Also, while it does reference the previous story in a couple places (particularly in chapter 2), it's not specifically a direct continuation, but rather a simultaneous story set in the same universe and leading up

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New Story Sneak Peek · 5:16am Apr 13th, 2016


Friendship Games Sneak Peek!!! · 12:11am Sep 5th, 2015

OMG! New 10 minute Friendship Games sneak peek...with a song!!! It just gets better and better!
Friendship Games Sneak Peek 10 mins

YouTube (Might get deleted):


Got a little thing for y'all. Try and decode it. · 10:01pm Nov 2nd, 2019

[quote=Have a little double-encoded

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A Long Overdue Sneak Peek. (Thank goodness this isn't a library book.) · 10:01pm Dec 10th, 2022

Hey everyone. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and will have a Happy Christmas.

Now down to business.

I'm still working on Chapter 11 and ... let's just say there are parts of it that make me go: "This is why I'm (despite my name) an engineer, and not a lawyer."

But fear not. As I've said before, this chapter and story it is part of will both be finished.

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Sneak peek, A song that may go into The Legend of Lee Roy · 4:30am Apr 28th, 2017

So I played with the notion of putting a song of some sort into the story for sometime, I actually wanted to put a song in the second chapter but it didn't fit. But that did not stop me form trying, I also wanted to parody things that made me think of the story in the first place.

Here is the song.
*things to note: This song was not written by Lee Roy, One of Lee Roy's titles is the Earth Shaker, Is being sung to a villain of mysterious spookness.

Lee Roy Has Come.

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Chapter 17 Sneak Peek · 5:35pm Sep 25th, 2020

Hey guys. Been a while huh?

Sorry to keep you all waiting. Believe me, I hate keeping you all waiting for six months at a time to release a single chapter. I had hoped it would be finished by now, but my job, job search, and other distractions keep butting in. But in the meantime, here's a little something to snack on. A sneak-peek into the journey of our intrepid heroes. Bear in mind that this is from a rough draft, and it is subject to change before it's publication.

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TAOM Remaster Teasers · 11:05pm Sep 17th, 2021

Just giving you guys a sneak peak of what I've been working on. Just some stuff to help visualize the story.

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New story spoiler!! · 3:41pm Dec 14th, 2021

The clouds hung dark in the sky, blotting out the sun. The wind blew softly in lament, a grave dug and open, ready to claim the lost soul which had passed on. Sunny sat quietly, tears brimming her eyes.
"We are here to mourn the loss of our beloved Argyle Starshine," the priest began. "He was a loving father and caring stallion that none could surpass. May we have his spirit in our hearts as we keep his legacy close."

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Heat Season Sneak Peek · 2:10am May 1st

It's been a while, so I figured that while I'm working on the next chapter, I'll give you guys a little preview. Just to make sure you know the story's not dead or the like. The preview itself is part of a flashback sequence that will take place in the following chapter, so there won't be much in the way of spoilers, if that's something you worry about.

Got it?

Get it?


Read on.

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Pssst. Hey you. Yes, you. Wanna see a secret? Read this. · 5:33pm Feb 10th, 2019

Are you alone? Noone behind you? Ok, read this for a sneak peek at my newest story, The Corruption.

"Is everything going as planned, servant?" said a strangely glitchy voice.

"Yes, Master. The fools won't know what hit them," said a more normal, high-pitched voice.

"What about the Elements of Harmony? Do they know?" asked the glitchy voice.

"No, Master. They go about their life as per usual," responded the normal voice.

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06 - The Bodies in Burnout · 8:59pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Rough draft for chapter six is nearly finished.

Dunno how it is (I've got a feeling it's not so hot towards the end), but here's a sneak peek...

The water cart looked like any of the other wagons at a first glance: wooden, tarp covered, two axles, and a pair of pullers hitched to the front. But at a second glance, it was a tad wider and was somewhat beefier, as if designed to carry a heavier-than-average water.

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Another sneeky Peeky · 7:17pm May 8th, 2016

Still writing, also changed jobs, now working at Best Buy! so much tech... so little cash..

But none of you want to hear about my drooling over the computers I want .... So here is the sneeky peak for the next Hivemind!

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Sneak-Peek Saturday #29 · 4:30am Sep 9th, 2018

Tuesday, September 25th

TDays in the Mind of One that is Great and Powerful
After John Radderson and Kurt Smith disappear, Darrell Evenlor gets suspicious, but not worried. Then he turns into his favorite pony, Trixie, and he has some fun.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 120k words  ·  31  17 · 2.2k views

Chapter 29 Excerpt:

He wasn’t quite certain what it was, but something about her seemed… off.

Late September to Mid November

TFall Of Dark Tyrant Eclipse
For far too long he has ruled with an iron hoof. Those who have tried to unseat him from power in the past have always failed. In this world, there was never a Celestia or Luna- only the Tyrant who has ruled for aeons. It's time for his reign to end.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 16k words  ·  12  2 · 593 views

Chapter 3 Excerpt:

Despite this ray of what seemed to be fortune, Lightning and Trixie approached with caution,

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Taking a while, but still working on Hivemind · 10:42pm Sep 4th, 2016

So as per usual, heres an unedited sneek peek

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Scrapped bit from chapter 2 [SPOILERS: THIS WAS REWRITTEN] · 3:12am Oct 16th, 2021

Check it out below the break. This scene still exists in the fic, but I rewrote it after deciding that things felt a bit off with this section. :P

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 163 results