
Viewing 21 - 40 of 261 results

Oh dear... · 11:34am Sep 23rd, 2022

I read a rumour on Tumblr about the shutting down of Whether it's true or not, it is obviously alarming. It would be devastating to see a website that's been around for 20+ years go bye-bye.

Thankfully, I saved soft copies of my 4 fics in my external hard drive. They're also available to read in Wattpad.

For those of you who have fics in FFN, you might want to save your own copies in your computers and/or publish them in different sites for precautionary measures.


What do I do? Where do I go? · 5:05am Jul 4th, 2016

For a while now I've been struggling with thoughts of what my future holds. "What should I do? Should I continue to persue writing or try another route? Will I even make it as a writer, artist, or something else?" I keep getting into these moods when I know I shouldn't. I have a job for the summer and I'll be going back to school in august. I have family that loves me, but I don't want to live with them even if I can't pay my rent to stay where I am. I wouldn't say I'm depressed exactly. I have

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Bwahahahahahaha! · 8:41pm Aug 20th, 2017

I am now poised at a point where I have never been, the very brink of a shadowy world from which all who enter never return.

I am about to enter the world of AppleDash once again.

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A letter from a place not so far away · 9:08am Mar 3rd, 2021

important edit: please note that in the original story there is an asterisk with a few clarifications in the first comment to that story; the author's intended meaning was different than the one I got when I read it and when I had been publishing the text below.

My reply would not work and would not exist for the antagonist of Trixie Kicks a Bigot who advocates genocide.

I saw no such advocating in the first edition.

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I'm considering shutting down FireRain · 3:22am Sep 26th, 2020

I'm thinking of shutting down FireRain. I've contemplated on it, but not sure if it's a wise move or not.

I don't really post anything much here anymore, and I haven't been around as much as usual, and I feel like I've pushed all I can. Over the years and causing myself to burn out entirely, that spark inside me that drives me to write or care enough to write anything has died.

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Does someone want a World War 3 or something?! · 1:45pm Nov 24th, 2015


Low · 5:20pm Feb 17th, 2016

Having one of those days...


My thoughts on the mini-series "Watership Down" (2018) · 3:27am Dec 31st, 2018


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Update: Our other dog is about to move on... · 1:54am Jan 25th, 2022

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since I last updated. In addition to school and work, there's just been a bunch of other things happening in my personal life. One of which involves a situation similar to what happened at the tail-end of 2019 for me. Our other dog, Hunter, the half-brother of the one who died back then, seems like he's reached the end of the line.

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Dislikes Are A Funny Thing · 3:37pm Jul 31st, 2015

I've been writing for 10 years. I've been flamed, certainly. Sometimes, in hindsight, they were onto something; another author correctly pegged an early Yugioh fic of mine as "a self-insert with the author as his own Villain Sue," and it was. By comparison, folks here are usually pretty pleasant even when stating they didn't like something I wrote. The closest thing to a flame I've gotten here still wasn't really a flame, just a commenter being rather rude and vocal in their dislike of the

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S8 Ep11 The Molt Down · 6:18pm May 26th, 2018

The one episode I spoiled myself on during the big batch of leaks.

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The one thing that Mykan's STarfleet Ponies will lose to..... · 11:56pm Feb 21st, 2023

Napoleon would kick Lightning Dawn's rear end (With help from The Three Musketeers, Joan of Arc and Ladybug)


My desktop computer broke down · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2017

As the title says, my main computer has come to an end. I'm afraid this also have a huge effect on my motivation to continue writing or fixing my stories right now. I still have my laptop, but I rarely use anything but my desktop to write. It's not like I could just put the laptop on the same table and continue like nothing ever happened. To be honest, I'm quite mad because I lost a lot of stuff. Building a new PC would be really expensive and I'm not sure if I can afford that right now. It

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I'm True to Myself (Screw the Thumbs down) · 11:27pm Oct 30th, 2016

My fics may have many thumbs down and very few thumbs up; big flushy deal! (Some people just do it deliberately to spite me)

But if you think even if all those thumbs down are going to discourage me and get me to stop writing MY fics MY way... as if! It wouldn't matter if I got a million thumbs down and all the flame comments there are. Why should I stop?

-Just cuz some people tell me too
-Just cuz they post empty threats
-Just because they want it

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Public Service Announcement from JCP and Emma Downs · 10:25am Oct 25th, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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“Molt Down” impression · 2:52am May 31st, 2018



This was an unexpected surprise. spike has wings HE HAS WING!!! NEW WINGS!!! YEEEHAW! Hi-ho-diggity! This gives new things to explore about Spike in future episodes. 😁😁

Pinkie was funny. Her comedic timing was spot-on, especially when she wanted to play “shout-out.” :pinkiehappy:

And huh. The orange dragon finally has a useful role here. It was brief, but important.

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Slight word of warning to my followers... · 11:02pm Sep 7th, 2017

Okay, first off. No need to panic, nothing too horrible. It's just my updates will probably be slowing down now, as I've started taking Night Classes until December the 12th on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This means, as an effect, I won't be updating as much for any of my stories. Just wanted to give you that heads-up, hope y'all understand.

And now... Nerd humor.

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Ugh · 9:27pm Jan 31st, 2016

So, I tried typing the latest chapter of "Just Kiss Already!", and guess what f*cking happened?

:eeyup: The website freaking crashed. I had literally just finished it, and tried to publish it.

We all see that that didn't happen.

Oh, and that's not all, guess what happened to the chapter I was writing?

:eeyup: It was deleted.:ajbemused:

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Autumn Adagio is live! · 9:22pm Apr 4th, 2018

Just launched my first edited story, it's live and here to stay!

Currently kinda drunk but you know, so what. Launched that prequel to a story that I am working on. Was super nervous but it seems well received by a small group.

Also, go watch 'Ready Player One', it's pretty entertaining.


Down in New Orleans · 1:06am Dec 14th, 2018

Okay, recently over thr weekend I was down in the Crescent City, and believe me, my oh my it was something else. I'd like to put in a beautifully poetic long rambling blog post on the city, but as I'm not that gifted I'll just say this. It's just like they say it is. New Orleans is everything you expect it to be. Beautiful, historic, grand, sleazy, seductive and the life of the party. Also, I think I came down with a new love for the jazz stylings of Satchmo, aka Louie Armstrong in New Orleans.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 261 results