
Viewing 1 - 20 of 78 results

My PC broke. · 8:27pm Nov 9th, 2017

My has PC broken. I have to be a console peasant for awhile. Celest-A.I messing my stuff up again, jealous that I like her fleshy alternate form more rather than her shiny metal ass.

I'll also have to use my phone to make stories.

Report Bendy · 301 views · #Broken PC #PC

Those were two of the most harrowing hours in recent memory. · 10:35pm Aug 28th, 2023

But the new CPU cooler is on, and working. Certainly boosted my confidence in building. Seriously.

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I've Got PC Building On the Brain Again · 12:12pm May 9th, 2017

When I bought the Digital Storm Vanquish 3 in May of 2015, it absolutely blew me out of the water. I swore I'd be a repeat customer.

But since doing some lite upgrading (RAM, fans, adding a capture card), becoming more confident in my technical abilities, and watching some how-to videos from YouTube techies, I'm feeling the lure of building my own rig from scratch and truly making it my own.

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Well, Crap... · 11:31am May 18th, 2017

Well, after a week with the GTX 1080, the urge to build from scratch has not gone away.

So couple things.

If you leave a 1-star Amazon review on a computer case because you assumed the components were included, then I want to know how you get through everyday life. Like seriously. How do you do it with such a lack of reading comprehension?

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Report milesprower06 · 476 views · #pc building

PC Troubleshooting and Hardware Monitoring · 4:43am Aug 3rd, 2023

Warning: Not pony-related in the slightest.

This blog entry is primarily to gather second-and-so-on opinions from more tech-savvy readers of mine on my observations during hardware monitoring during the running of several demanding games.

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Mobile games played on PC · 9:08pm May 13th, 2018

'Cause between a nice custom PC I built a year or so back and an overheating Galaxy S5 I got off of Ebay, I'd might as well play whatever I can on PC. The nice thing about that is that I can now play mobile games with mouse and keyboard... and a nice NES controller I got off of a thrift store.


I finally did it · 1:09am Jul 1st, 2020

I have been planning on upgrading my desktop PC for years now and I finally did it. This was the 2nd PC I have built now. I also upgraded the monitor and the keyboard. This keyboard especially is a pleasure to type with. Could it result on writing more? Who knows. I sure hope so. It's been a while since I actually wrote anything. The sequel is still in chapter 8 and I have no plans on continuing anything else right now. Maybe someday.

Report Shimmering Thunder · 169 views · #new #pc #keyboard

Another Day of Downloading and Writing · 4:34am Jun 7th, 2020

Finally got my hair cut yesterday. It was by far the longest it had ever been before in my life thanks to this pandemic. But now, all shaved off, and my head is light again!

I figured it was finally time to get a picture up of my new pride and joy.

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I got a new toy. · 11:41pm Sep 13th, 2022

48 inches of 4K goodness, baby.

You think my fanfiction is good now?

Just wait until I start writing in 4K.


Electronics and such · 6:25am May 7th, 2019

Need to write, but don't want to "write" right now. That and I need to practice actually writing and thinking about saying stuff. So after finally getting some frustration that's been building on my chest within the last week off exploded out, I want to move on. So as a minor exercise, I can still write something I'm passionate about though. Namely electronics and computer builds. If you don't like seeing someone's passionate ramblings about this, you can skip it. If you're still

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Problems · 10:59pm Feb 6th, 2018

Apparently my DC Power port on my laptop gave out again so I'll have to get that replaced. Unfortunately we don't have the funds to full this off at the moment. I'll have to get a job so that I can pay for it eventually. At least I still have my tablet and the school computers.

I also have a question. What would happen if the United States or any other country were to make a impoverished and destroyed Equestria a territory in modern times?


Know what I can't stand? · 1:22am Jun 1st, 2023

Strangers on social media who think they know everything.

The developers of Valheim have put out a statement of their stance against paid mods.

I've been catching shit for two days for supporting that stance.

"wHy ShOuLdN't MoDdErS gEt PaId???"

Allow me to explain why supporters of paid mods are goddamn fucking morons.

Paid mods will cripple modding scenes everywhere.

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Diablo IV in this room is going to be hell this weekend. · 11:50pm May 30th, 2023

Pun intended.

I'm not even running a game for crying out loud, and these aren't the highest temps for the week yet, which are supposed to get here for the weekend.


new computer= more updates · 9:31pm Jun 14th, 2018

that last chapter took forever to get out because I have been trying to get a charger for my laptop and well lets just say that trying to update from a tablet is a pain in the ass. so now that I have my PC up and going I should be able to update longer chapters as well as more frequently now that I have a keyboard (and no annoying auto correct).


#BeatTheBacklog Update 2: Half-Life 2 Complete · 1:28am Dec 10th, 2024

My second game of my backlog is complete.

While I technically beat this one before, on the Xbox 360, this was a first on the PC.

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Ruined my Gaming PC boot drive · 5:50am Jan 20th, 2021

Hey, everyone.

So, during my first remote class, I ended up making a mistake when attempting to install Microsoft Office onto my gaming PC, which is my only desktop. It was during a Zoom call with my professor, and when the call ended, my computer froze while the installation was running. It stayed that way for a while, and I tried to power down.

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*drools over blog title bar* · 5:18pm May 11th, 2017

So it turns out I was wrong about my PC's power supply. It can take a GPU upgrade.

So Friday's overtime check turned into this:

35 minutes and one heart attack later, it's in, and quite a beautiful sight.

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Special Thanks To rvcjew23! · 7:36am Apr 13th, 2016

Thanks to you, I'm not waiting four days for an adapter that I don't even need.

You did a perfect job of describing things to a newbie. Needless to say, I'm absolutely hooked. That feeling when you've got everything hooked up, you cross your fingers and hit that power button, and everything lights up... Nothing else like it.

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New PC has been built! · 5:55am Jul 20th, 2019

Yeah. Definitely beats the ol' Core i5-2400.

NAME: "Workhorse"

  • AMD Ryzen 5 2600 @ stock speeds
  • 16 GB DDR4-3000 running at 2400MHz (The system crashes during stress testing if I try any higher)
  • MSI B450M PRO-M2 motherboard
  • Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050ti
  • 512GB Intel 660p SSD as boot + high usage applications drive
  • Old PC's hard drive + internal storage/scratchpad drive (both mechanical) combined 1.25 TB

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Report TheMajorTechie · 242 views · #techblog #pc #ryzen

What's better than one 2k ultrawide? · 8:45pm Mar 16th, 2021

Um, two 2k ultrawides. Duh.

Still trying to figure out how to best manage all these damn cords.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 78 results