
Viewing 21 - 40 of 79 results

Pinkie and the Bear-Monkey · 3:44am Nov 21st, 2015

I just posted Pinkie and the Bear-Monkey, the last story in the Coffee Trilogy. Said trilogy was started by the aptly named Coffee Break, which was one of the first stories I felt was good enough for this site. Then, we had Sweet Sixteen (Thousand), which began my love for the Dazzlings and laid the ground work for LBS. Finally, we have Pinkie and the Bear-Monkey, something that should've come out months ago, but I only just now finished.

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The Transformers Animated Trilogy: Friendship is Magic · 8:53pm Dec 5th, 2021

Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Get ready for a trio review, cause I'm reviewing 'The Transformers Animated Trilogy: Friendship is Magic', the MLP/Transformers Animated crossovers. Special Thanks to Mr. J for giving me an official title for the storyline. Thanks to the infamous Space Bridge malfunction, Megatron ended up near Equestria. This in turned led to a series of events that resulted in the Ultimate Autobot Victory. I found this story entertaining and a

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Okay, Mid-March, another roadblock... guess I should explain it this time. · 5:28pm Mar 12th, 2021

Hey, everyone, Cracker here with yet another reason why the Bastion trilogy is taking so gosh darn long.

I've danced around the issues in previous blogs, and maybe done some previews earlier, but for those just arriving to this fecal festival: there's been a lot of problems with this story series. Like, a lot a lot.

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Consequences update. · 2:12pm May 21st, 2020

Okay, so I know production on this story has fallen by the wayside, but that was because I had a couple of other more pressing projects to get finished first. Those are taken care of, so it's back to work on Consequences.

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Need Dash of Humanity Feedback: Possible rewrite of Trilogy? · 1:36am Sep 9th, 2021

I need feedback.

I've been doing a lot of re-reading and looking at older stories, especially ones left incomplete like Dash of Humanity 3, and I need some people to bounce ideas off of. It turns out, I've always hated Dash of Humanity 3 and it's sorta like my "Game of Thrones Season 8". And I've always wanted to fix it. But I have no idea how...

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Shadowrun Trilogy free over on GoG for the weekend! · 3:12pm Jun 25th, 2021


My Star Wars sequel trilogy headcanons, what about yours? · 5:04pm Dec 19th, 2019

Okay, so with Rise of Skywalker hitting theatres and reviews pouring in, the saga has finally come to an end. Damn, what a ride. What a ride. I'll probably be making a blog post on my conclusions about Star Wars soon enough, after I see this movie. But now? Headcanons!

1: Mara Jade existed at one point in the universe.

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Wherein Murphy Takes His Due · 8:02pm Oct 16th, 2018

So... no sooner do I get back to work on Consequences when, surprise surprise, my computer decides my headphone jack no longer exists.

Normally, this wouldn't be a major problem, except I need the headphone jack to work to jack the speaker I use for hosting trivia nights into my computer. I've tried all the possible software reasons and now have to conclude that something is physically wrong with the jack itself.

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Assorted Updates · 3:28am Jun 15th, 2019

Okay, so I've made some decisions about my free time and I've decided to abandon YouTube for the forseeable future. The good news for you guys is that I'm pretty much focusing my creative efforts on Consequences.

So the plan is this: Guaranteed updates on my days off from work, bonus updates during the week if I've got enough energy to write.

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No Consequences update today. · 2:19pm Jun 25th, 2019

Sorry guys, yesterday was a particularly hellish day at work and I am exhausted.

I do have a Headcanon Nonsense post in mind that I may put up later as a substitute.


My thoughts after reading a very long book · 2:17pm Jul 21st, 2015

I just finished reading the first book in a trilogy yesterday. Devices and Desires, Book 1 of the Engineer Trilogy by K. J. Parker. The first book was a little over 600 pages long. It's not uncommon for people to take pride in completing things that, in the grand scheme of things, don't really matter. Finishing a video game, a TV show season, a really long book. Why do we do that, I wonder? Why do we sometimes push ourselves to finish something frivolous, even if we're not really

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Did you make it to the world's end? Happy new year! · 9:59pm Jan 1st, 2018

Congrats on all making it one more calendar rotation around the sun! In case you missed it because of revels or some other reason, last night's Patreon supported blogging courtesy of nuclearcore was released!

Check it out here!


Pinging a person of no importance for Patreon stuff · 8:40pm Dec 12th, 2017

Sorry to drop this in everyone's feed, but I'm reaching out to Patreon supporter "A person of no importance"., uh... Joke being you're important enough that I needed to make a blog post to get your info... which you gave me, but I'm a spaz and Discord (the program, not the Lord of Chaos) ate it or something... Maybe Discord, the Lord of Chaos ate it, too... I dunno. So, PM me, will ya?

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Return to normalcy · 5:29am Aug 16th, 2020

Bit of a life rant here just skip to the bottom if you are only interested in my story.

Alright so life has been crazy my girlfriend of nearly 4 years broke up with me, which in turn kind of sent me into a depressive spiral causing me to do terribly in college and lose my financial aid on top of that the coronavirus has caused my job to be twice as hard as i've had to pick up people's shifts while they got tested but I think I'm finally starting to feel like myself again, so that being said

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Impromptu trilogy with Sunset and Pinkie · 9:20pm Sep 3rd, 2019

Check mates was well received and I had other ideas of what could have been taking place on our dynamic duo's road trip. So, I decided to go ahead and make this a trilogy with Arcade Schtick being the next stop on the road. If you liked Check Mates then I'm certain you'll find similar fun to be had here. Enjoy.

EArcade Schtick
As Sunset and Pinkie Pie's road trip continues, the duo spends the day at the mall and do a little more bonding at the arcade.
Marezinger Z · 1.6k words  ·  50  1 · 1.5k views

Revenge of the 5th: What Could Have Been · 12:54pm May 5th, 2016


The Final Chapters! · 4:54am Aug 9th, 2019

After what took almost two years, Gems: The Sun Princess is finally done! My friend and I have completed the final chapters to the story and all three are out now!!!

Please for the love of our beloved Princess Celestia, PLEASE READ IT!!! The support would be really appreciated!


More assorted updates. · 5:46am Oct 8th, 2019

Hey guys.

I realize there haven't been any recent updates to Consequences. Rest assured, I do know exactly where the story is going from here. We are, in fact, closing in on the end of Act 2 and moving into Act 3. But I'm still working on the transition between the two and I just haven't felt like anything I've written for it has been good enough.

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A Bug's Life · 4:26am Jun 3rd, 2020

I have a new story out and it is the end of my Anon and Chrysalis fics. I made this a trilogy, the first I've ever done that. I don't think it is the strongest ending, but it brings closure to the characters. I hope you enjoy it all the same.

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My Review of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian · 4:01pm Jan 28th, 2021

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 79 results