
Viewing 21 - 40 of 67 results

So... I'm in the Hospital · 5:30pm May 17th, 2020

Okay, before anyone starts to panic - I don't have the virus, I'm not dying, but I did find out something that I didn't know about until yesterday.

Over the past couple of weeks or probably a month, I noticed that I wasn't getting enough sleep at night, due to having to get up and going to the bathroom. Honestly, I thought it might be a sleeping problem or something. What I didn't know, was that my dad noticed that my clothing was becoming loose.

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Update · 7:37am Jan 16th, 2022

Good news, Selene the Red Empress should enjoy a double update in a few hours. My mind is a bit sluggish with what ever they put in the IV on my arm.
So excuse typos.
I will probably not write next week, i'm absolutly miserabel from this god damn anti gen shit they give me yesterday.

Anyway have a great weekend and new week.
Cya when i get back.


BurgerTac's Wild Ride · 8:29am May 1st, 2019

Hello all (not like anyone's following me haha), it is I, BurgerTac (formerly known as Official Taco), back to the MLP ride before it ends. I gotta say, this series went a long way, huh? I still remember barely coming into middle school when this show was barely reaching it's first year. I wasn't really at the best spot at the time (as most teenagers), what with disrespecting authority and being "independent".

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In hospital · 2:44am Mar 15th, 2017

Wrestling is fun. Heard my knee snap and pain shot through my leg. Had an X-Ray.


A mail carrier needs help · 9:14pm Feb 17th, 2022

Hello, everyone. It's been awhile hasn't it? I wish this blog was under better circumstances but I''m gonna be blunt, a mail carrier was hit yesterday and is now in the ICU, she is in a stable condition, but I wanted to throw out the word to possibly get her some help.

See Dream's blog for more details: Here

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Another update. · 1:56pm Dec 16th, 2018

I'm still in the hospital, found out this morning that I have a renal biopsy planned for tomorrow.


Finished Artwork · 12:14am Aug 13th, 2019

Hey guys, guess what Rhealm finished for Rules of Hospitality.


I Am Octavia Part 3 By AniRichie-Art · 6:33pm Aug 31st, 2015


My father is in the hospital · 7:31pm Jun 1st, 2023

This morning my father was taken to the hospital by the EMTs.

A little more context: He is dying of lung cancer and and had been sick for the past 2 weeks, and was steadily getting weaker and weaker. My mother called me around 7:30 this morning saying that he had been taken to the hospital. He had been throwing up off and on for the past 3 days, had been running a fever and is dehydrated.

He's currently under hospice care and they're going to take care of him while he's in the hospital.

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Nurse Redheart · 10:40pm Feb 1st, 2017

I just googled her and noticed that we do not have enough pictures of Redheart without her hat or her mane being open. And I also noticed that the poor mare has only one small group here, but I guess that's alright for a pony we have seen only a couple of times on the show. Then again, it's a good thing for those who want to use her in their stories, because she doesn't have too many strict lines you'd need to follow.

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FiM toy donation question. · 9:49pm Apr 25th, 2016

Hey everyone. Nice to see you all again, it has been a little while. I have a bit of an issue that I could use some help with.

First of all, the important stuff. Yes, I am doing okay. I'm healthy. It's been about eight months I think since my little girl died, but I have made some pretty big changes since then. Some of those changes have involved letting go of certain things that tie me to both my little girl and my late wife, from small things like toys to the house we lived in.

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Sorry for the slow updates. · 5:15pm Aug 27th, 2019

Since December I have been in and out of the hospital due to kidney issues (in April I was officially diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Disease). This has taken away my energy to write. Which sucks because I have the next chapter of Sirens II halfway written and I have other story ideas floating in my head. Hopefully I will get out of this slump soon so that I may once again share my stories with you all.

The Crazed Werewolf


Canterlot in Flames Update & other things · 1:21am Jan 7th, 2016

Good evening, everyone!

So, I am about to publish the second chapter of Canterlot in Flames, which will reveal the fate of our dear A.K. Yearling, who in the last chapter was more or less being hit full in the back by the shockwave of the Shadowbolts' cannon while protecting her soon to be nephew, Trick Step. Not to mention, the Captain of the Guard is dead! How many other ponies have suffered this fate? How bad off is Canterlot now? And for that matter, what happens now?

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Hospitalized · 2:48pm Jun 5th, 2023

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you well! Better than me, at the very least :twilightsheepish:

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Gynecomastia In Manchester · 9:01am Feb 5th, 2023

The medical disorder known as gynecomastia, which affects males, is defined by the development of breast tissue. This might cause the appearance of breasts comparable to those seen in women, which can be quite upsetting and uncomfortable for the person experiencing it. Gynecomastia In Manchester is a disorder that affects males most often between the ages of 50 and 80, with an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men

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CHOP parkway Run UPDATE!! · 1:55pm Sep 22nd, 2018

EDIT: Full fundraising goal achieved and then some! I'm at $145 of my original goal of $100! Thanks to any who donated!

One more reminder that the run is next Sunday.

Please donate to the cause of cancer research. We've made breakthroughs in transgenic immunotherapy in the last couple years, which may finally hold the key to eliminating most cancers.

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Let The Good (Bad) TImes Roll. · 5:40am Apr 27th, 2019

So... I am once more at a hospital, but this time it's for my aunt. Unlike my mother, she's got a degenerative disc disease. For those of you who don't know, this means the normal changes in the spine will cause her pain, as the discs between her vertebrae are breaking down at an accelerated rate.

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I swear I don't mean to keep leaving two years between these ... · 1:06pm May 29th, 2020

So ... that quarantine, huh?


Throwback Thursday - My Horrible Stomach Incident · 6:50pm Feb 23rd, 2023

Hiya, lovely peeps! 

On the last Throwback Thursday, we went to 2016. Today, we go further back. 

On a fine Saturday afternoon sometime in December 2013, I went up to my Ma and told her I was hungry and I wanted pancakes. Ma said she wouldn't have time because we had to head to my grandmother’s place in a short while. Ma offered to make me some fries. I said, “Okay.” So I ate very oily fries on an empty stomach.

Big mistake. Big

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Bad News. · 7:31pm Nov 13th, 2018

This Blog has nothing to do with my stories, and is an update regarding my own personal life. If you do not wish to be involved, you are by no means required to read it. I will not be offended if you make that decision. If you wish to continue reading, then go ahead and scroll down.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 67 results