
Viewing 221 - 240 of 603 results

Sneak Preview · 3:34pm Oct 17th, 2023

Hey guys! Harpy here!

I am slowly concocting this newest short story of mine, since the new reading-and-writing club at my school got restarted. The assignment we got was to create a "short story based on a dream you had," and the one I chose to do was slightly based on a dream. It was first inspired by an idea I was talking about between me and another writer, and once I slept on it and woke up the next day, I knew what the story was going to be about.

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Whole Slew of Amusing Pony Dreams · 5:33am Jun 8th, 2016

Dream 1: I was in a car I think, and this guy was like talk-singing to me. The part I remember most though was him singing 'Aaand I just realiiized youve been a broneeee all this time!' I woke up.

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>keeps dreaming about weird bugs · 4:07pm Oct 9th, 2017

>should write this down
>dream-self dubbed them “Scrubby bugs”

>should also draw pictures of them like they’d make a good story


Miss Koi Reviews "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" · 6:17pm Jul 11th, 2015

Well, my followers and readers, the episode that all Luna fan boys and fan girls(including myself) were waiting for. So, was the waiting for it? At least, in my eyes? Well (I'm saying this word too much already:/) fellow bronies and pegasisters....this episode was...good:) Not as spectacular as I thought, and it definitely had elements I wasn't expecting lol;), but it was still an overall good episode and a good start to possible Luna episodes in the future.

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Story Update · 11:04pm Jun 8th, 2016

I got up fairly early *for me* this morning and updated The World Beyond Her Dreams. If you have any interest you can read Fluttershy's chapter here.


Cover Art Finally Up! · 5:08am Jan 28th, 2016

I finished a block for the design of my fanfic cover image a while ago and had a go printing it last week. So, I'm glad to say that I am now able to feature my fanfic The Incredible Storyloom with cover art from this point on! Yay!

I hope this will help draw in more people to read it, as it does seem to me that having cover art can make a difference.

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Those flowers · 6:03pm Jul 11th, 2015

They call this a kids show....


Well I Guess It Wasn't The Last One. Hello Again! · 12:13am Feb 19th, 2018

Hello everyone! I know it's been ages since I was last on this site, but I hope that some of you still remember me! Even though I have not been writing any fanifiction since I left the site I have been working very hard on my own original works. I am getting so close I can taste it, but there is a slight speed bump that has brought me back ahead of schedule. I had planned to come back when everything was finished with an announcement on my work being published but...

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This scares me · 9:38pm Nov 18th, 2018


Thinking About Midnight Blade's Voice Actor · 8:41pm Mar 13th, 2018

You know, I've been thinking.
I had Vigo Mortessen down as Midnight's Dream Cast Voice Actor but I'm not quite sure now.
I mean, I loved him in Lord of the Rings and he's good in a lot of other stuff but I haven't that much reference to fully make judgement on that.

Thinking about it, I have an alternative for my dream voice actor for Midnight Blade

Liam Freakin' Neeson!

He has the right pitch, can balance effectively between deadly serious to messing about.

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Sequel to "Dream Catcher" · 12:58am Jan 16th, 2018

I am contemplating writing a sequel to my story "Dream Catcher". What do you all think? I know that Dream Catcher was dark as would its sequel. I'm just curious what my readers think. Also I haven't forgotten the story "Silver Hearts" I just have a case of writers block where that story is concerned. I am also in the process of writing the third installment of "Journeys" which will conclude the Apple Story Arc.


LMFAO! · 1:17am May 18th, 2018

Thank you so much, Midnight Premier for the awesome gif! Joey may not be the center of attention, but he damn sure is doing what he is best at! Showing up fabulously!


Current timeline for FoE: Wildest Dreams and the upcoming months. · 2:01pm Dec 30th, 2016


I'm Rocco and I did a thing.

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My weird dream + other random shit · 4:33pm Dec 28th, 2016

I had a dream that I got married??? And then to show proof when I bragged to all my friends, I pulled out our marriage license. :rainbowhuh: And then my husband and I were running late for school, so I took a shower... In the drum set, while he showered behind the couch. I swear I wasn't on any drugs. Then we tried to get it on behind the couch but we couldn't because my mom walked in and we were late for school. I mean, she wouldn't have been too disappointed because she wanted

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My Dream Season · 2:17am Nov 11th, 2019

I have many favorite episodes of MLP. I decided to challenge myself to see if I could pick out about 26 of my favorite episodes to make it into a full season. Just like all seasons of MLP, there will only be one premiere and only one finale in the season. Here it is, my dream season of MLP episodes:

  1. The Beginning of the End Part 1
  2. The Beginning of the End Part 2
  3. Ticket Master
  4. Bridle Gossip
  5. Luna Ecaplised
  6. The Last Roundup
  7. Hearts and Hooves Day

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I had a terrifying dream - needed to get this one out · 2:28am Dec 23rd, 2019

I...had a nightmare a week ago, a pretty disturbing one.

I haven't watched a zombie film in a very long time, the last one being Shaun of The Dead, a favourite of mine that I haven't seen since a few months. The dream I'm about to tell you about freaked me out, and I'm pretty freaked about it right now as I write this. As a matter of fact, this is a topic I'm scared about all together as a whole, a fear. Makes sense it's illustrated through my nightmares, doesn't it?

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Idea of story from dream. · 6:14pm Apr 12th, 2020

My dream was about a horror story which can turn into a fairly good fimfiction. It would start as twilight sparkle going to rarity's place, they would talk about anything but then twilight takes a interest to a door (which rarity says going to the basement.), twilight would want to go down that but rarity would try to delay her, it would of course fail. Twilight goes down and opens the door to a slaughter room. And while rarity is trying to explain, twilight would have a smile on her face. She

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Moving Blog · 6:00pm May 28th, 2022

Disclaimer!- I won't be moving OFFICIALLY until July. Late July. The reason for posting this blog now, is to hopefully raise enough money that I can pay the last month's rent, so that my fiance Dreams of Ponies, can focus on the house stuff. I don't like asking for help, like I'm REALLY bad at it, but I know with groceries and needing some stuff on Amazon for the move, I could use a bit of a helping hoof.

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ADHA got me like... · 4:32am Nov 4th, 2021

So it's no secret that I am a "Mood Writer" and my mood will dictate what I write. For instance, when I'm super depressed or under a lot of pressure I find a lot of pleasure in writing Fo:E Content. Things have been going rather well for me as of late and because of that you have seen very little about the wildest dreams (also writers block sucks ass, but luckily I think I finally beat it). When I'm happy or thinking back on the past, I write stuff like Shadows of Eden. I'm currently laying

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No More Books For Now! · 4:22pm Oct 27th, 2023

Hey all! Just wanted to let you know that I won't be sending any more copies of Winter Dreams, Summer Reminisces, as I have sent all of my available copies to Ponyville Ciderfest to be sold at the bookstore there.

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 603 results