• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen April 2nd


PC Specialist. Gamer. Makes some music. whoohoo.

More Blog Posts51

  • 97 weeks
    Terrible Incident

    My sisters husband who is a certified plumber was working when a hot water tank swung around and kind of snapped his arm. It was thought he was okay but turns out the tendon fully separated from the bone and will be shortly having surgery on tuesday to like tack it on or something, leaving him off work for four months. The shop he works for is mainly an HVAC outfit but he is one of only two

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  • 118 weeks
    Strange Incident

    Sis and her husbands truck. they have never smoked in it. they go out and find something disturbing.. somehow, somebody had got in the truck.. smoked a cigarette, got ash all over the seat.. so some weirdo somehow got in our truck, smoked, ad left evidence they did so... and now it reeks of cigarette smoke. so everyone is kinda weirded out.. the only thing I can think is maybe the lock froze and

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  • 179 weeks
    Covid Foolishness


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  • 184 weeks
    Chair Wreck

    So I'm sitting here writing and suddenly..the side of my chair crumbles with a tremendous crack as the back falls off due to this nearly flinging me onto the floor. Haha. So I have rigged it with a single adjustable arm and no back.. I was going to get a new chair but that is a little harsh on the pocket book at the moment. It never rains but it pours. Hehehe

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  • 186 weeks
    Chair Explosion

    So of all things, a friend of mine had their dog suddenly drop dead last night and at almost the same moment I was told this via IRC the arm of my chair goes <CRACK!> and tears right off almost throwing me to the floor. What amazing timing. Also not the best quality plastic it would seem. So a few things have slowed me on writing again of course. Haha. What a grand year this has been for all

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Whole Slew of Amusing Pony Dreams · 5:33am Jun 8th, 2016

Dream 1: I was in a car I think, and this guy was like talk-singing to me. The part I remember most though was him singing 'Aaand I just realiiized youve been a broneeee all this time!' I woke up.

Dream 2: This is and is not...I am not sure if this can entirely quite be classified as a dream but it is definitely related. If you have experienced or at least know what astral projection is this might be clearer. I was laying there trying to go to sleep when I very suddenly felt..uh..quite strange. I got this extremely vivid image of myself as a breezie in my head, I then heard my breezie self?..say 'wheeeee!" in their kind of little higher pitched voice and I got LAUNCHED into the astral planes. At first i could not understand what happened. Then it hit me. I was hovering two inches from the ceiling of my room. I looked down to see my own body. I looked around and everything was composed of hundreds of millions of little tiny lights. The walls, the floor, ceiling, the bed, everything. There is no explaining the exquisite beauty of what I saw. Then things got even weirder. I felt like I was flying and banked off to the left like an aircraft might, then it felt like i got sucked through the worlds thinnest tiniest warmest straw (it was hot!) and found myself back where I started, fully awake. Wow. What was that?

Dream 3: I got this weird dream, like a dystopian EQG film where 'becoming a pony is banned' uh..okay? Hehe. All this really did though in the end was make everyone under the age of 18 plan to have this huge 'disobey and run away from home' thing..they did pull it off eventually. Before this happened there was like this centaur? being hounded at high school. I guess for being a centaur..I don't know. He obviously was depressed. Looked pretty realistic though. I was further impressed by the colorful ponies running through the street later. Which presumably all the under 18s got themselves turned into somehow. Neat.

Dream 4: A quasi psuedo-dream of Breezies doing something called a whirlwind dance to a solfeggio..song? It was kind of like nature or planet worship or something I think. It involved creating a little tiny whirlwind and skydancing.. it was cute and pretty of course.

Dream 5: >WOW< I find myself once again as a breezie. (Green-coated with a multicolor purple shaded mane and tail if you must know) standing atop immensely huge trees (and I do not mean just by their standards, but simply enormously tall thin-trunked trees) beside me stood Seabreeze. We both wore flight suits and goggles. I did not know what we were about to do when we dove off the tree straight down, hurtling at faster and faster speed downwards dodging branches. It was very exhilarating. Eventually nearing the bottom at such a speed as to have a trail of current behind..I went to pull up and inadvertently bounced off some kind of insects head, which then proceeded to give chase after buzzing and waving a leg at me angrily. We then played a rather dangerous game of dipping and diving around and through the whole forest of such trees until i zipped through a hole in a log it knocked itself senseless on. That was kind of funny. I took off upward and found myself in a most interesting place. It was a floating city, not like cloudsdale though. It almost looked high-tech. Oddity. There were assigned skyways and paths through the air one should stick to, and this giant sign seen far below stating 'Breezeholme'. It was tremendous and amazing. Essentially a whole country or perhaps world of its own. Woke up.

Dream 6: Saw EQG Dash for a second. That was it.

Dream 7: I was watching alien races that looked kind of like demons on the 'bad' side as it were, and somewhat pterasaurs/some ground based other things on the other side, all fighting each other on a dying planet desperately trying to take control of and get some kind of portal technology working so they could evacuate. There was exactly one terraforming piece of tech built previously, it created air. They also had these like dna altering bars that gave the ones on the ground wings if eaten. By the end they all sort of turned on each other trying to use what was left of those for advantage in the fighting. Eventually the planet was so near to ending they hid the air creator in plain sight and turned it on to give them more of an advantage. Sometime later they won and escaped. It switched a scene above with princess Celestia watching all this below from some kind of space observation deck and she said something quite sadly about how both sides had been more the same than dissimilar. Woke up.

Dream 8: There were these two odd fellows standing in front of a two-sided mirror thing and it seemed they were watching the princesses. The (I assume) servant said to the other guy 'You are certainly evil sir.' Then he turned and glared directly at me so intensely it startled me awake. Uh..interesting.

Dream 9: Weirdness ahead: There was a drummer Griffon..that gave me a '500-page furry art-work book' of griffons...signed by Sim Gretina. What? I looked through the book and saw all this high-class kind of artwork. One was this beautiful pencil-shaded dove-griffon picture. a dove-griffon? Well, that was new. Woke up.

Dream 10: (In cartoon) Wherever I was, as I stood there Rainbow Dash suddenly dove out of the sky and slid to a halt on the ground about an inch from my face. Meep. We then started building a castle or something. Alas I woke up after that.

Dream 11: I saw Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. Octavia turned to Vinyl and said "I need you to fiddle with all those dials and knobs and do something for me." (was that ironic?) Then whispered in her ear and Vinyls eyes got wider and wider, "Can you do that for me?" Vinyl smiled and nodded. I woke up.

Dream 12: Wonderful, but strange. I was a Breezie again, with a big group of them traveling through a forested mountain type area and wound up at an ocean edge. For some reason we were trying to get..somewhere and came across this weird grotto and an enormous bridge that looked like it went into the distance on and on for a million miles beyond sight, and there was another group of breezies turning these..big gears or something. One started telling us we could not go on, but one of them objected and said something like 'You know the rules, if you see one that looks like him, you stop the machine!' They then pointed us to something that looked like a gigantic refridgerator from the 50s or somesuch. The huge huge kinda rounded door opened and they said 'quickly, pick all the right stuff or it'l be bad for everyone!' so we started going through all these jars and things in the fridge and found 5 of the 6 items we needed when one goes 'you need to find the last one, hurry!'. Another one of them then said 'quiet, would you rather it rain for nine weeks!? let them think.' so it got kind of frantic and i woke up just as we found the last jar of whatever it was to allow us across the bridge. Also of course being breezies even the small jam sample type jars..were..big...(of course everything was big...) hehehe and it took time to read what was in them and manage to open them. Such a neat perspective, everything just looked and was so..big. Did i say stuff was big? Woke up.

Dream 13: I must have been a unicorn as I was invisible. I was apparently trying to hide from Rainbow Dash and some like old mall security guard pony or something. I know I was a pony because at one point I had to gently buck him in the stomach and run off as he almost found me. Having hooves makes being invisible less useful than it sounds without being super careful, Myself I imagine they have inner hoofpads which explains gripping and holding things. So, they have them, but still actually have hard hooves as an outer shell. Anyway It was fun hiding from them. Don't know why they were looking for me to begin with, almost seemed like they were trying to take care of me like some kid or something. No wonder I ran off. Guess that taught them a lesson. Hehe. Woke up.

Dream 14: Here is a quite unique one. Somewhat like fallout..if things were massively more advanced and futuristic. Celestia was still alive in this version. She wore a super advanced power armor, like something that might exist from several hundred years more advancement. She was trying to negotiate some kind of peace deal with an evil seeming group that had their own underground stable. They just locked her out and the doors shut. Someone/something? warned her going in there would be a bad idea, but she really did need to get or do something inside. Eventually got the door open but only a mere few seconds into the place you could tell something was quite wrong. What shed been warned about was her armor would freeze very quickly. They were not joking, it was like several magnitudes of degrees below zero inside and constantly spraying whatever stuff kept it so cold in there through the entire place. Her armor was quickly seizing. I woke up before it finished entirely so i don't know exactly what she was after or anything like that. I think she wanted to like speak to their leader who was in stasis or stop a timer about to set off some kind of huge bomb from running or something.

Dream 15: In the dream somehow an the entire towns inhabitants were captured and imprisoned on this huge enchanted train and inexplicably only..Lyra escaped. She then went on an epic quest across half the countryside to obtain enough skill and power to defeat the hundreds of powerful guards on her own. Eventually on return she blew through them at pace and it ended. By blew through i mean she quite literally cast some weird spell she picked up while traveling and launched herself like a rocket down across the entire length of the whole top of the train knocking almost all of them flying. Haha. Woke up.

Dream 16: There were ponies, talking, having fun. That kind of thing. Normal, everyday things Then things got weird. There was this human making a coloring book of them. Except then it got all horrible and gory. Igh. I don't know why. It was so nice seeming until that point. Then the ponies started starving to death or something. One of them said 'When did tomatoes become so popular?' As that was all they had left. (Tomatoes themselves are fine, but the stems and leaves poison horses!) I guess because the coloring book story somehow became a real story? Like whatever he wrote became real somehow.. Hard to say what exactly happened at that point because that was when ultraviolent sickening things started happening to them which woke me up. Ick.

Well that is all for now. Hope you enjoyed this romp through my subconscious. Until next time.

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