I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Special thanks to the guy who wrote this letter ^^. (won't be giving names cause you know privacy and stuff)


actually I think I was the one who posted the comment that he cited as being from "one of [his] FIMfiction followers"

966854 But you didn't write this letter:trollestia:


Oh, WOW. This is golden. I have to wonder what other treasures have gone uncovered while the pre-readers have been chatting about fics. Perhaps the biggest laugh I got from this was reading the reason why the fic was rejected:

Thoroughly generic, free of conflict.

If that's the case, why wasn't it featured!? I thought that was an EQD staple! :rainbowlaugh:

966861 have a moustache :moustache: ^^ that was one of the best thing in the letter.

Why am I not surprised . . .

966885 apparently they have a grudge against the guy who wrote the story. Guess that shows that the EQD pre readers are biased.

it's genuinely how I feel about EQDicks

Wow. Now I don't even want to send a fic to them if I fear that they'll just criticize it to shit behind my back.


It wasn't him. Trust me, I know. :raritywink:

Sorry for bursting your bubble.

966895 Because it is EQD.

:raritycry: I genuinely thought I'd written that. I distinctly remember writing something incredibly similar in an EQD rant.


Not sure who that's aimed at. But given the name of this group I'm going to assume EQD. :rainbowlaugh:

966929 nah it's ok ^^


You done diddly fucked up.

Don't worry, we still love you because of Nicolas Cage.

'free of conflict'


I guess these people don't know what Slice of Life is?


Wow, you were one of the last people I expected to see this. :pinkiegasp:

*looks at your profile* 'Pre-reader for Equestria Daily' ... Hoooooooo boy.



if you're implying that Slice of Life is a genre that's free of conflict, you need to watch some more episodes of MLP.

Hey man, it wasn't me. I perfectly forward messages when I'm working the ficbox, so this is on someone else. I'm just here to laugh.


Mock those below you! Do it! Go to EqD and laugh in their faces!


I haven't read the fic myself to either disagree or agree with the pre-readers. But, there are fictions that have done quite well with no conflict whatsoever. Don't know why having no conflict is an issue to some people.

Also, why the heck does follower count matter? Some people write in Gdocs and just submit that to EqD. :x

Slice of Life is a genre that can contain conflict, certainly. It simply does not have to.

967036 I read it ^^. It was so good that Geo set up a poll to see how many of his followers wanted him to turn it into an actual episode for Friendship is Magic.

This is the truth, but i'm not a writer, I just hated the site because of how other people felt and because THE PAGES BLIND ME WITH THEIR WHITENESS!
It's a good story.

EqD dun goofed now

>'free of conflict' != slice of life

top lel

It's clear that said pre-reader has little to no experience in actual universal literature outside of MLP fics.

We do not get to re-define terms set in stone just because we enjoy a show meant for girls.

The comment he quoted was mine.

But seriously, if you're going to poke fun at an author, have some fucking decency and don't do it to their face.

That was the intention.

So the point is...

EQD staff are human and are able to crack jokes at bad fanfiction? Whoa i thought they were robots or celebs just like Nicolas Cage whos lurking even here^

Or that they should watch who they send it too?

Going to attempt to spread this around in as many ways as I possibly can.

I finally have a reason to tell the prereaders this:

I've spread this to my blogs on RoosterTeeth, DeviantArt, Fimfiction, and a brony group on Facebook.

Thank god for that.

968160 Not sure if my sarcasm detector needs tweaking or not....

wow. i knew they were unprofessional but wow

People who joke around privately are just awful, aren't they? The nerve.

quick! someone posted this on major blogs, twitter and email seth :pinkiecrazy:

In the interest of clearing up misconceptions: some of these comments were not meant to be taken seriously, and it’s easier to understand what’s being said when you know some of the in-house lingo we use.

"Sun" means a permanent rejection of a story, usually for content violations. "Considering he didn't even try for 'Waiting for Godot,' can we sun him instead" was never intended as an attack on your story; it was just us poking fun at our own reputation as "a bunch of hard-faced cunts" through a deliberate act of exaggeration and self-parody.

"Moon" means a rejection with a strike, which is what your story received. "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" was a tongue-in-cheek reference to this and Sailor Moon.

(“Mars,” in case you ever see it, means a rejection without a strike.)

"This better be related to Waiting for Godot or I'll cut a mofo" was another light-hearted attempt to amuse ourselves based on the title and and synopsis. Humour like this helps liven up what can otherwise be a thankless and tedious job. It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.

Jokes are never funny when they have to be explained :fluttercry:

Private communication between pre-readers, taken out of context, is like many things on the internet: it’s hard to tell the difference between parody and an extreme opinion. Doubly so when nobody understands the terminology involved.

968362 Alright cool.

Yet I see none of that terminology when they poke fun at his 300 followers.

Their job is to judge the merits and failings of the story in question, not how many followers he has.

Other than that, I'd imagine that explaining the terminology will do little good. When something like this comes up, people who are in a group like this will lunge at it with teeth bared.


There's a context to that: it was more a comment on how sometimes bad stories get more attention than they deserve, and Equestria Daily is hardly the only group where people are saying this. I've seen one big-name non-EqD blogger complain about how every time someone writes a Sweetie Belle clopfic, it ends up shooting to the top of the Featured Box; another just wrote a long blog post asking readers to raise their own personal standards and stop praising mediocre stories in the comments section.

Also, the rest of the review was dedicated to evaluating the merits and failings of the story. The author is just focusing on the DON'T SEND section, which by definition doesn't have to be on topic.

968672 It does nothing to calm my anger.

But I will admit that I am incredibly biased against fanfiction prereaders of any kind.

I view fanfiction as I do poetry. And my views on poetry can be heartily summed up in the opening scene of the Dead Poets Society where the textbook pages telling on how to critique poetry is ripped out.

Good. Bad. Mediocre. All these things are subjective, and a prereader's opinion is no more worthy or weighty than anyone else's.

In my opinion, EqD either has to loosen their submission guidelines, loosen their prereaders, and return to the star rating system, or simply stop featuring fanfiction.

Until either happens, EqD will not get my respect or bandwidth.

968672 As to your comments on his followers...who cares?

300 people like what he writes, regardless of what you or any other "good" authors think. Again, subjectivity.

You better believe that if anyone ever says anything negative about comparing the quality of my writing to my 596 followers, I will do everything in my power to nullify their opinion.


Did you just call that author undeserving of his followers? :rainbowlaugh:

:trixieshiftright: ..... please be joking? :rainbowwild: just kidding. I know you didn't say or mean it that way. Or I'm hoping at least. Damn stupid alternative character interpretation.

Anyways, I'm with 968693. Subjective and opinion. These 'better' authors didn't get the attention of many readers, hence why they won't get 300 readers. But at least they got your attention, right?

((EDITED: re-reading what I wrote, it seems I came off a bit too negative so I added stuff to it))

968698 This is an EqD hate group.

It is approaching 350 followers.

Today our hate has been justified.

Do you think he's joking?


No idea. *points above your post* I myself was joking a bit.

Anyways, I think he is trying to explain what just happened. The author who got rejected may appreciate that, or infuriate him more. Who knows. All we know is that EqD kinda bungled up here, may have added more fuel to the fire.

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