The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,845 stories
Comments ( 69 )
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Group Admin

I think we should all introduce ourselves and get to know one another a little better. You don't have to share much. Share as much or as little as you want.

As for me, I'm a Gen X brony from the Equality State who likes sports, cats, astronomy and naturally MLP: FiM.

I am a Generation Z male from the ‘sunshine state’ even though it rains more than sunshine. History, jokes, and MLP.

Group Contributor

I'm a fan of MLP:FIM since the late summer of 2011... A great time to become a fan was right before the second season.

I'm what most folks would call a redneck. I competitively shoot pistol, rifle, shotgun, cowboy action, am a jack-of-most-trades, do sugarbeet research, drive truck, and am a student. Originally from the Volunteer State.

I write OC stuff and have a war story, an adventure story, both of which are active, and a "coming of age" type story that's on hiatus.

Group Contributor

I am a job placement worker (almost as bad as social work) from the Peace Garden State. I like Nascar and football and beer.

A child of European immigrants from the golden state. Formerly a street performer, deliveryman and gardener, I work now towards an animation degree.

Hobbies and interests include culinary, bodybuilding, video games, comics, literature, music, and practicing European martial arts.

I dont have a job. I just help friends out when they need it. I'm on social Security for all my mental disabilities. I've been a fan of MLP since 2015. Thanks to this wonderful site, I met the love of my life Morning Rose. We have so much in common including our birthdays.

Thank you Fimfiction. I met my soul mate here

My hobbies are gaming, and working on computers and reading fanfics

I'm Assy.
That's my name and how I feel.

Well, I'm from the Sooner state, I'm disabled and on SSI I live with my twin brother and his girlfriend.

I have been writing since High School with not much to show for it really. I have one story on FimFiction called A Day in the Life of Twilight Sparkle. I've written fanfics for Star Trek and Resident evil/Stargate SG-1. I joined the fandom after the end of season 4 and fell in love with the show. My favorite ponies are Best Mane Six- Twilight, Best Princess- Luna, Best Background Pony- Derpy, Best Equestria Girl- Sunset Shimmer. I'm also a gamer and a sports fan My favorite teams are Football- Dallas Cowboys, Baseball- New York Mets, Basketball- Oklahoma City Thunder.

That's all from me, Love this group and I'm glad to be a part of it with you lovely people. :scootangel:

Greetings from the silver state, originally the beehive state. I am long time gamer with 30 years of experience, I played tabletop D&D for 20 years and I am something of an oddity around here. I am among those few guys that were "bronies" well before the idea actually existed.

I saw Rescue at Midnight Castle the night it aired in 1984 and never looked back. So I guess I am on the grand elder counsel or something then. We meet every Tuesday for tacos and ponies. :rainbowlaugh:

I seem to be running into you everywhere I go all of the sudden Hotpants.

Oh? Where else did you see me?

I didn't think I'd run into you here. And now I'm wondering where else you'll pop up.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

I am sanguine, I have been through a lot and I have learned much... I have various problems and have pissed off a great deal of people especially here on this site. But I'm hoping we can look past all that crap. There are certain people or rather types of people that I absolutely refuse to associate with, if they show up here I'm just going to not talk to them.

But as of recently, I am a little extra livid because I have located some extreme corruption and was banned from Equestria Amino because I was in possession of evidence of said corruption.

I lost a great deal of my evidence when I was banned, but I still have a few decent screenshots to prove at least some level of corruption.

Unfortunately, corruption runs deep and I'm not able to undo my ban.

I'm just looking for something fun and silly that I can participate in...

Group Admin


I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences on the site and your banning. I think we've all had our run ins with users on here but hey, feel free to be as silly around here as you want.....hell I encourage it!

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

I'll be recruiting for the snuggle crusade in a Bit.

Group Admin


Go for it man, go for it!

Hey there! Glad I found this group! I'm DolphyBlueDrake, Dolphy/Dolph for short.
I hail from the Beehive state, myself, am on SSI due to disabilities, and have a gajillion and one stories, with a lot of them on hiatus because I lost my creative spark for a lot of them. I do plan on someday returning to finish them all, but in the meantime, I write other stories that I have more confidence in my ability to complete. I kinda got caught up in an incident a few years back, and was hounded by a hate mob for a while. Most have decided to leave me alone after about half a year, but a few stragglers still dome around to downvote all positive comments on my fics, downvote my own comments, and try to stack my barely-posted fics with downvotes to stunt their chances of success. Although only a few stragglers remain, it's still hard, so the more groups I can promote my work in, the better.
I plan on posting a ton of my fics in here pretty soon, although promoting will only be for one, for now.
I really look forward to getting to know all of you, and I really hope this group will be yet another way to get me closer to the success I want.

Hello everyone...
I'm just a derpy individual who likes to write stories and shitposts...

So have a derp :derpytongue2:

Uhm.. hi, just joined. I’m Neocros, and I am Gen Z... I think. So pretty much I thought I’d join this group, since why not? Perhaps I could talk and chat with others, and such. Y’know, the usual.

Hi, I'm Ruin or Rachel and I have no idea what the frak generation I am so I won't say that. I'm a writer and reviewer who specializes primarily in Fallout: Equestria and other post-apocalyptic stories, and also Scootaloo stories.

6592371 Hardcore obscure crossover FANATIC here, with one story topping half a million words, and another two about 100k words each, though one is complete and the other's in the works.

How obscure are we talking? Untranslated. That's how.

Group Admin


Damn, over half a million words? Now that is dedication. If you have published what you have done on it, be sure to promote it there...well those along with your other two stories.

6691362 Well, two are re-writes of old works, one of which flopped because I STILL didn't know how to adequately story when writing it. The half-million one is on temporary hold because its crossover material got expanded with a fifth canon-insofar-as-I-know installment that I am still playing through.

Also, all three are Mature and indeed published.

Group Admin


Sounds like the crossover will be an ongoing project for you for quite some time. It is sad to see people's stories flop. Some people simply judge things too harshly and don't understand that not everyone is at the same level as them. One thing I can't help but notice though is that often times it is the people who have not written any stories tend to be the worst critics.

6691374 Indeed.

And the megafic has been re-written itself, 26 whole chapters in, before it ever got to the 80-strong thing it is now. Reason being? I took a look at it and realized it wasn't flowing smoothly at all.

6592371 Hello, I'm Robipony and I have been working hard on a special story that I will promote here in this group sometime in the future (like when I have access to my computer).

Group Admin


Well we all certainly look forward to when you release it. Welcome to the group!

6717821 Well the story is already released. I just don't have the means to show it off in this group yet (though I did add it to the teen story section). Hopefully I'll be able to later today. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin


Well once you are able to promote it, hopefully it will get more views and upvotes!

Hey guys, my name's Morgan, I've been a fan of FiM since it was released but really didn't get the courage to write fanfiction for it until March last year when I managed to muster the strength to do so. This is mainly because I'm more comfortable with writing stories centering around my OCs than writing about canon characters so there's a bit of fear there on my end about backlash or shunning for being that sort of story.

Hi, my name is ArtistFire and I have CP!

Group Admin


I can understand how you feel being nervous about people not liking your stories, I'm thinking that is likely something all of us here have at least once had concerns about. Anyway, we're happy to have you here.

Welcome to the group! If you don't mind me asking, what is CP? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.


CP is cerebral palsy..


6717939 Well, I posted it... However, I'm not sure if anyone even noticed.

Life kinda led my way into the brony fandom. That's how I see it, at least. Anyways, I've been on and off with the fandom, but I'm recently coming back to it. FiMFiction is actually one the reasons that keeps me in the fandom, simply because of the vast and imaginative fan-fics we come up with.

If you see me around this group, I'll either be adding a story, which is what I'm planning to do after posting this, posting truly honest or sarcastic comments on threads, and probably even creating new threads on said forum if I come up with something worthwhile to read for you guys. All and all, I'm glad to of joined this Creator's Alliance and hope to chat with you guys if I get the chance.

Group Admin


I know how you feel with the fandom. It is FimFiction that keeps me around. I watch the show religiously, reruns included but as far as most members of the fandom go, I have little in common with them except for the folks here, fan fiction. I've written plenty of my own and I do like to read that of others. I do hope you enjoy it here. Promote away and create fun threads for us all to partake in. Fun threads make groups all the better!

Hi! The name's Lucky Star but those who managed to be my friends know me as Kona-chan, I can't consider myself a fan of the show since I didn't go past season 4 and little tid bits of season 5. That doesn't mean I don't like the world around it or the characters themselves (Derpy best pony). I like games, anime and whatever random stuff that picks my interest.

Fimfiction gave me a reason to start writing, I have been around here way before my account came to existence, got a laugh from many silly stories and one day I got this feeling of trying it myself and here I'am. My stories aren't good like at all, no really those are terrible but if you're curious enough to check them out be my guest and tell me how bad they are.

Anyways that's all from me right now, Lucky Star, out!

So we meet again ArtistFire, no really I seem to find you everywhere :rainbowhuh:. That's some hardcore dedication and I respect that, also thanks :raritywink:

You’re welcome

Cello! The REAL Mister Pkmn here. I'm from the Beehive State, and have a part-time minimum wage job. I have 15 (and counting) stories on the site, quite a few of them that involve my OCs, and only ONE related to Pokemon. Well there was another one a long while back when I first joined the site, but I deleted it. Anyway, I am a big Pokenerd, and occasionally draw stuff. I started watching the show in about 2014/2015, I can't remember which. I was aware of it well before then however, but finally caved into watching it.

Oh, it's you. I haven't heard from you in a while. Welcome to the Unified Creators Cult Alliance, Pkmn.

Do I know you...? *checks your page* Right, the guy that wrote Land of Equines. Man, I haven't been really immersed in that for forever. I've been really busy with my own fics- as well as life in general. Maybe I'll get back into it someday...

Feels kinda weird doing this now, since I already posted something, but here I go.

I got into FIM about 2 years ago, when I finally got curious to check it out, thanks to the antics of Pinkie Pie I keep hearing about, and after I tried watching it, I've been hooked since, and now, I'm even here as a fanfic writer. If it wasn't for Pinkie Pie, I might not had ever tried to watch it, since, till that point, I was one of the people that still thought it was a "little girls" cartoon. As you can tell from my user name, Pinkie Pie's my favorite character, but Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy are very close to #1 favorite character status too.

Some other stuff about me: I'm big fan of Dragon Ball, Pokemon, NFL (Panther and Cowboy fan) and Mario Bros, games

I'm a UK brony and longtime lurker - I've been into the show since mid-Season 1 and only actually joined up here to post a Cozy Glow story - that may never be finished because I've been sidetracked by things like these forums.

Despite my newness, I've actually started a couple of groups, though they aren't very popular yet. I probably also make up a decent proportion of recent posts, just because I'm kind of feedback crazy after lurking for so long...

So what exactly are we supposed to talk about in this forum anyway? RL news?

Group Admin


Sorry about the late response but we are glad to have you here. Regarding your groups, feel free to promote them in the forum so they can grow and hopefully prosper. Regarding the forum, as long as it doesn't violate site rules, feel free to discuss whatever you want.

It does seem a bit late considering how much we've talked elsewhere, but i'm just glad you aren't going to ban me for my hardline "no Starlicorn" position. And I may well do some of that promoting

Group Admin


I'm not going to go banning people over that! The only thing that will get someone banned is posting NSFW images and even then I will give them a warning first. I'm not big into banning people, whether it be temporary or permanently. Other groups may be quick to ban folks but with me, it is only a measure of absolute last resort.

Good to know. And I PMed you about this, but would you like me to include the torture group in my promotion?

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