Scootaloo has had feelings for Sweetie Belle for awhile, so after the events of Hearts and Hooves Day she sets out to finally admit her feelings for the Unicorn filly.
After graduating from high school with her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are getting ready for their wedding in a month. However, there are still more surprises to come before they can get their happily ever after.
Ponyville school brings in a dragon (Emerald), a Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. To bad for Scootaloo since it seems like everyone is falling in love with her.
Its Scootaloo's first Hearth's Warming since the birth of her daughter Storm Chaser, as she and her friends and family start getting ready for the upcoming holiday, some surprise faces show up in Ponyville.
Sweetie Belle have gotten a mysterious letter in the mail one fateful day. Saying she won a mansion, without a second thought her twin sister Scootaloo bolted to the mansion and has yet to return.
Scootaloo is trying to get up the courage to tell Sweetie Belle how she really feels about her, what will happen when she admits the truth? What will happen next?
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have been married for over a year and are expecting their first foal. As Sweetie goes into labor, Scootaloo reflects on what it means to be a mom and talks with her own family about it.
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have been friends for as long as either of them can remember, but recently they've started to feel something more for each other. When they meet up again by chance in Manehattan after High School, will more come of it?
A new year of school always have a few bumps in the long year. For Sweetie Belle it's meeting the most evil girl in whole world. Her name, Scootaloo. Being forced to team up with her, can the two become friends or maybe more?
One day, Scootaloo randomly decides to hug Sweetie Belle and refuses to let go. Awkwardness and laughs ensue… followed by a heart-to-heart between two very close friends. A pure dialogue story.
A few weeks after Scootaloo's and Sweetie Belle time adventure, Scootaloo finally trust Diamond Tiara right before she gets kidnapped and bought to another world.
Miss Cheerilee teachs her class on the different myths that are around Equestria. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle begin to try and prove one is real for their homework
After the events of Cutie Re-Mark, Starlight makes the mistake on telling Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo about the map and how to use the time travel easily. Now these two are travelling though out time to try and save the future.