The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 442 )
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Title: Regret

Description: A picture can be worth a thousand words.
But a word can be worth a thousand paths.
This is your story. When your natural clumsiness results in a preventable incident, Rainbow Dash, a mare you've crushed on for a long time, lashes out at you in the worst way.
But when she comes to terms, it proves too late. And when you are the one to suffer the consequences, only one word will linger on her mind for the remainder of her days.

Reason to read: Feedback has been positive so far. People anticipate each and every chapter, and I love reading their reactions.

Here's the link.

Group Admin

4544958 Yeah... see, if you scroll up and look around, you'll notice that we don't take public reception into account when deciding to review a story for the Goodfic Bin. I've said it before a few times, but I'll say it again: unless you can get those readers to come here and explain why they like it, reasons like this:

Reason to read: Feedback has been positive so far. People anticipate each and every chapter, and I love reading their reactions.

don't really cut the mustard. What makes them anticipate each chapter? What do you think you've done right? That's the sort of thing I want to know.

Try again, maybe? You were off to a good start with the description.

Title: Calling Myself Loyal

Plot: In an alternate ending to the episode The Last Roundup, the Mane Four remember to go back for Pinkie and Rarity, only to find the two injured from the fall. As they head to Dodge Junction for medical treatment, Rainbow Dash goes through some feelings.

Reason for Reading: This is one of my older fics and while it may not be the best, it remains one of my personal favorites. But let me ask you, fellow approver. Have you ever wanted to read something about The Last Roundup that isn't Derpy's cameo? Have you ever wanted to see something that tries to be innovative with first person narrative? Have you ever wished that you could change a second thing about The Last Roundup (after Derpy's appearance)? Do you like Rainbow Dash going through emotions? Do you like Pinkie being bound to the laws of physics and biology? Do you want me to stop asking questions? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then there will be something for you within this 12,000 word fic.

Group Admin

4564215 One of the requirements for a submission is a reason you think it should be considered a 'good' story, or why you think it's worth our time reviewing. (Bear in mind that popularity isn't a reason) This is to avoid people submitting stories just to get a review without putting a considerable amount of work into the story. What do you think the story does right, or tries to do right? What were you thinking whilst reading the story? Stuff like that.

4565524 And, breaking the habit of a lifetime, Gumball gives me a story with a full-fledged description! Hurrah! Congrats, adding you to the list.

Group Admin

4567301 Ach, we're onto something!

You said you learned from your mistakes. How, precisely, did you try to correct them? What were they? What does this story do differently to those past mistakes? What were you aiming to achieve with the story? A fun story? A relatable character? Anything at all goes for this bit.

See, the theory goes, if the author can't find a few good reasons why readers should enjoy the story, chances are we can't either. Ergo, it's very important to come up with reasons why. We want stories readers will enjoy: so why should a reader enjoy the story?

If there are no reasons why a reader should enjoy the story, then chances are it shouldn't be submitted. If you don't think it's a good story, I fail to see why you'd try submitting it to the Goodfic Bin. However, I'm easily tricked, and it's honestly not hard to come up with something.

Group Admin


I for instance stopped showing to much unccaeerty details and shifted faster.

You're going to have to clarify that statement.

Title: The Autocorrect Spell

Noonlight Bright, a unicorn struggling to advance in the School for Gifted Unicorns, accepts help of Trixie (the Great and Powerful) so as to improve her magic spelling. The help comes in the form of an "Autocorrect Spell". Den thinks gut inserting...

A somewhat new take on spell casting in Equestria, showing the dangers autocorrect could bring to a world of magic.
The Great and Powerful Trixie
A take on life at the School for Gifted Unicorns (including one annoying professor)
Only 8k
Runs at 60FPS on 1080p (hopefully?)

Group Admin

4574156 Sounds cool. Adding to the list.

Title: A World Without a Rainboom

Desc.: What would the world be like if Rainbow never did the sonic Rainboom.

Reason: After days of searching it is the only story with its premise and a realistic background. (Not joking, look around the entire net.)
It's an amazing story with great character development and world events (if Equestria can be considered the whole 'world')


Title: Darkness in the Light

Desc.: A pony name Light has been having nightmares for reasons unknown. She has to fight them or succumb to madness.

Reason: A simple story of psycological torment and descrpitions of nightmares creating a vast visual background into the darkest parts of a ponies mind PLUS a twist ending!


Title: Sun in the Twilight of Night

Desc.: A commission for Sun Struck (a friends OC); Sun Stuck has a romantic interlude with Twilight, or tries to.

Reason: Nothing works out for poor Sun Struck and it's so sad it's hilarious.


Title: Goodbye Moon

Desc.: Rainbow Dash makes a mistake that hurts a fan

Reason: It's my first sad fic and it's a tearjerker


Title: Through the Eyes of a Soldier: Taking Hill 790

Story Description:

In the war-torn nation of Equestria, 552 kilometers east of the capital of Canterlot, there lies a hill. A hill surrounded by a forest thick with life and prosperity. A hill and forest that seemed to have gone untarnished by all, but time and local animals. A forgotten hill, in a forgotten forest, in a country that would love nothing more then to forget the atrocities of warfare.

It is upon this hill, and forest that Apple Bloom and the rest of the battalion set their eyes, a grim determination in all of them. For they had been ordered to take this place, and take it they would, but they would not take it for the glory of Equestria or the supposed honor a victory would bring. They would take it for their survival and the survival of the pony next to them; they would take it for the survival of their families; and they would take it for the survival of the town only ten miles from the hill.

For these reasons, they would fight and die in a forgotten forest, on a forgotten hill, and in a war that they prayed none would ever forget.

Reason for Reading: The story is meant to be a quick snapshot in a large, unknown world split by war, in an attempt to prompt thought on the "how"s and "why"s of the story. It also allows the reader to get a brief glimpse into what it might be like to experience fighting tooth and nail for a place that may not be of any importance. So, in essence, I believe this story to be thought provoking if you let it be, and a good window into an alternate world.

Link: Through the Eyes of a Soldier: Taking Hill 790

Title: Of Flies and Spiders


Glitter was banished from her hive because she's different: instead of feeding on love, she feeds on anger, fear, and sadness. Ponies are easily fooled and more easily manipulated. Staying undetected and sustaining her dietary needs, she goes through life bringing misery to those around her. All changes though when he turns up, tearing down walls built throughout a lifetime.

What's good about it:
- The concept of having a changeling feed on bad emotions is unique (as far as I can tell and have been told).
- The character arc is huge for 8k words, yet still believeable.
- It's well written: voice, pacing, descriptions, everything is pretty much spot on.
- It excels in being a tragedy. One fellow writer described it as 'a kick to the gut and a knife to the back' and called me a proper heartless bastard for writing it, which was all the praise I needed.

Group Admin

4587665 Adding both of these to the list.

-Title: Elements of Honor

-Description: Seeking redemption, Corvo—a problematic mastermind—helps save Equestria from threats which far surpass the limits of Celestia and Luna; but it all becomes much more difficult than they could ever imagine, escalating into a hopeless, war-like mental chess match.

While it is a crossover, you by no means have to bear knowledge on the source material to understand this story. In fact, treat it like standalone fiction.

-Reason it is worth reading: This isn't "just another Human-in-Equestria story". This is quite possibly the closest you'll get to a psychological thriller—a traditional battle of wits. See, the plot revolves around a complex backstory. It starts off in anachronic order, and becomes more edge-of-your-seat the further you read. I think I did a good job at making the narrative seem intelligent, since it took me and my pre-reader months of planning to write the last four chapters alone. I just hope you keep reading and get through the massive slow start.

Group Admin

4596960 Sounds pretty cool. Adding to the list.

Decided to submit this one because it's my fave:

-Title Still Remains- 3,912 words

-Description: After being encased in stone, Discord is concerned that he has forgotten how to feel things. Getting used to feeling things again can lead to terrible mistakes.

-Reason it is worth reading: Written in a first person style, the story deals with Discord's betrayal and the reasons he fell prey to Tirek. (i.e. not entirely for the reasons you might think.) Without giving too much away, Discord's psychology is examined in detail. He's not okay.

Title: There's Fluff On Your Armor

Word Count: 2,514

Description: After Flash gets dumped by Twilight, he goes to the local bar to drown his frustration and sorrow... As fate would have it, another pony is sitting next to him, seemingly in the same situation.

Why This Is Worth Reading: The story itself is lighthearted, and focuses on a couple things that at first are unexpected from the kind of story that it is. It's short and sweet, with a bit of marshmallow fluff to give you your daily dose of "D'aaawwww." There's a couple of snippets within that briefly touch upon the idea of some families having vastly different ideals to the rest of the world, as well as the fact that sometimes, doing what you may think was right, may not be viewed the same way to everyone else. On top of that, it shows exactly why you don't go home with someone while intoxicated, especially if you have to report to your superior the next day :trollestia:

Group Admin

4604219 Adding both of these to the list.

Well, I have nothing to lose by doing this.

Title: Enter the Dragon(ess)

Description: After an accident involving raw magic, Spike is turned into a young adult dragoness who now goes by Barb. Twilight is sent to Canterlot to find a way to change Barb back. While Twilight is away, Garble and Flash Sentry come to Ponyville. Barb begins to have feeling for both of them, and has to decide if she likes one of them enough to stay a dragoness, or if she will turn back into her original self if Twilight finds a way to change her back.

Reason Why: I believe it should be in this group because it is a rarely, if ever, done story of Spike (Barb) having to decide if she wants to stay a dragoness to stay with Garble or Flash Sentry, or if she wants to turn back into the drake she once was. It also shows Barb seeing from the eyes of a dragoness about how stallions treat other mares. It is also my first dive into a romance story and is most likely going to be my longest yet

Hope it is accepted.

Group Admin

4609291 Sure. Sounds weird, but as good a reason as any to take a look, right? Adding to the list.

Title: My Little Pony: Bizarre Adventures.
Description: After the destruction of the mythical artifact 'the Red Stone of Aja' and it's subsequent scattering across Equestria, Princess Representative Twilight Sparkle must embark on a quest to recover the mythical artifact and discover the truth behind it's mysterious power before the world is destroyed by the machinations of a twisted fate.
Reason for Submission: It's a Action Adventure comedic AU fiction inspired by a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Crossover and containing sense of intense drama, brutal combat and hilarious one liners fans of JBA or just fans of anime will enjoy. Did I mention it also had ponies with psychic powers fighting ponies with psychic powers over immensely powerful magic stones that grant psychic powers?

Question, suppose our submission is turned down (mine hasn't yet, so this is all hypothetical). Suppose said writer reads the review, sees what was done wrong, and makes the changes to fix things. Are they allowed to resubmit? After all, I'm not saying my story Apprentice is good, but it started out with MANY more dislikes than likes, and now it's up to a reasonable ~85% approval rate because I was willing to listen to my original readers' criticism and fix things.

Of course, the problem here is that we'd have to keep a spreadsheet or something with self-submission information on it to keep track of stories. Perhaps an arbitrary strike policy (if it hasn't shown hardly any improvement when resubmitted), which makes this group seem a lot less of a hobby or some such.

Anyway, I just felt like suggesting that, considering I know better than some that stories and authors can improve, and I don't think it's a good idea just limiting them to only one submission ever. If such a limit even exists.

Group Admin

4613347 How we work so far is if you try fixing things, you send me a PM or reply on the thread when you think improvement is made. I check it again, and either accept or reject it if my problems are addressed. The cycle repeats until either you give up, I give up, or you get in.

Since there aren't that many people who come back for seconds, we don't have a resubmissions thread or anything. And since you can't submit without going through the submissions thread or being submitted by another user, generally the only way to deal with this is to go through the reviewer directly.

And I generally remember stories I reviewed. We also keep every review done in the threads, so we just have to go through them again and find the review of the story. So far, it works pretty well, and I've even accepted at least two stories that were initially rejected.

Group Admin

4612881 Right. Adding to list.

4613479 You should lock this thread for a bit and catch up with everything.


Right-o! Thanks for the explanation.

4613479 Glad I captured your attention! I hope you enjoy the read!


Title-The Metal Condition

Description-You know the story, guy goes to convention, buys something shiny from the merchant and gets sent to Equestria.
Well now there's a story with Metal Sonic.
Hi, the names Nathaniel James, but my friends call me Nathan. Although that's not my name anymore, now it's Metal Sonic. Follow me in my story of silliness, randomness and an eventual romance.

Reason why I think my story is worth reading- Hi there, my story from my perspective is a fun loving little story that can bring action, adventure, comedy, drama and romance all together and has received a decent response so far. With this story I try to avoid certain tropes that most writers put into their stories, while some clichés are unavoidable I try my best to be as original as possible while maintaining a steady pace and presenting enjoyable characters and even a few inside jokes.

All in all I think it's enjoyable and many other readers have messaged me saying the same. So please give this a shot, thank you for your time.

Group Admin

4621235 Oh, goodie. Another crossover.

Because I love those.

Adding to the list!

4623480 was that sarcasm or honesty, I have trouble telling the difference when reading.


Sorry to ask, but was Still Remains actually added? Because I don't see it in the pending review folder. :applejackconfused:

Group Admin

4623784 It seems it's not in the Pending Review folder.

Allow me to rectify that.

Group Admin

4629019 One day I'll get subs under 50.

Adding to list.

-Title: Attachment

-Description: Spike has had the talk, and now his feelings for Rarity are through. At least, it seems that way at first. But when Twilight sees him walking around with a Rarity doll, she knows things aren't over yet in Spike's mind. He wants to hld on to Rarity with all he has, even if she is just made of cloth. Because his attachment to a doll runs far deeper than just a crush . . .

-Reason you think the story is worth reading: It's a poignant piece, one that I poured maximum effort into, and attempted to demonstrate a new writing style on: more show, less tell. Hopefully, it is worthy of attention.


4629238 Well, now that Discord's Apprentice has made it in, I have another submission.

Title: More Than A Friend

Description: Moondancer shut herself off from the world when Twilight decided to study instead of attending her party. That is not a normal reaction to a negative response from somepony with the mental status of "friend." A snub from a crush, however...

Why you should add it: This story has no spoken dialogue, very little internal monologue, and only has one character, Moondancer, interacting with her house. It is extremely show heavy, and fills in a couple of the cracks in the episode Amending Fences. It's a one-shot under 2000 words, so it would be a quick review. Finally, it's been hit by Rage Reviews, and got a 10%, with comments such as,

Let this be a lesson for ye amateur sadfic authors on how to write a sad fic.

4195380 I'm new here so I may sound stupid for asking this, but is self-submission still open?

Group Admin

4635523 Adding both of these to the list.

4636712 Self subs are open, but the folder isn't. We submit to this thread, and there should be instructions in the OP. Just post your submission here and you're good to go.

-Title: Fire and Iron

-Description: "Fire and Iron" is a crossover with Warhammer 40K. To be specific, it melds both universes into a single univers, the easiest way to explain would be how Fallout: Equestria melds both Falout and FiM into a single universe. Beyond the that, it is mainly a sort of platonic ship-fic between the OC's of The Fiery Jockerand InkRose (OC's used with permission). It follows both characters in their roles leading up to and during what is known as the "Seventh Great Daemon Incursion". These events include things like the Siege of Manehattan, the Ephorion assault, and the battle of Kasr Valinpoint. In Fire and Iron both Firebrand and Ink Rose are members of the Imperial Guard, the main military force of the Imperium of Equestria, however they serve in very different units. Firebrand initially serves in the Manehattan Home Guard, the main policing and protection force of the city of Manehattan, but due to certain events is promoted to severe in the Raritas Generositas regiment, the Imperial Guard regiment personally devoted to the Matriarch Rarity. Ink Rose serves as part of the Cloudsdale 7th Aircorps regiment, the so called "Lightning Divers". The Cloudsdale 7th Aircorps regiment is a Storm Trooper (Special Forces) unit tasked with especially dangerous missions. The two meet in the Battle of Kasr Valinpoint, a sort of Stalingrad type of battle. There the two fight side-by-side to overcome the (literally) hellish forces of chaos.

-Reason you think the story is worth reading: I've been on this sight for almost two years now and I honestly haven't found a lot of good military or military sci-fi fics. They're out there I'm sure, just not in the volume of quantity or quality I would like. So I decided to do something about that and start writing my own. Simply put, if you are a fan of military action or military sci-fi, then this is something you'll probably enjoy.

This story is rated mature and is rated so for a reason. There is no clop but it will get very gory and dark. This is not for the faint of heart. Also, it's incomplete. At present only about two full chapters are up. meaning that the vast majority of the plot which I have summarized above has not happened yet. However, I would like to think that the current content is a good indicator of the quality I'm able to produce. Due to it being mature I'll simply leave a link to my story list, and since it's the only story I have up currently that makes things nice and simple.


Group Admin

4636928 Adding to the list.

Group Contributor

Heh, never been on this end before. Well here I go...

Title: Featherlight

Description:Featherlight is a simple stallion with big aspirations. Looked down on his entire life he struggles to find his place in the world. But I'm midst of all that is against him nothing will stop him from achieving his dreams of flying with the wonderbolts.

Reason to read: I wanted to take a new approach, even if someone has done it before me. He has a debilitating disorder that is almost impossible to pronounce so he uses his magic to keep his limbs functioning.

Well, happy trails for now ~Motm
Edit: Forgot the link, heh...

Comment posted by Mikleo deleted Aug 22nd, 2015
Group Admin

4648078 Oops, a whole day late. I must be getting slow. However, since you already have one in the folders, could you hold off submitting it until it gets done?


Well, I'd just like to see what you guys think.

Well, I'm afraid we need a more compelling reason than that. We have a lot of stories to get through.

Group Contributor

No prob Hap, take as much time as you need. Gives me more time for new chapters <instert evil grin>

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