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I personally like upbeat peppy characters like My OC Sunny Skies and sarcastic, cynical characters as well. :twilightsmile:

Characters like Pinkie Pie are always a joy to write, though it is a little hard, but when it's done write its amazing and can make for a great laugh!:pinkiehappy:

3661421 actually, with Pinkie, you don't have to make sense. Just be random.

3661406 In terms of fics, I like to write about characters that could strongly benefit from some additional development. During my time here, I've become more fond of some of the minor antagonists such as Silver Spoon and Fleetfoot because it's fun to explore such characters in my opinion. I also like writing about the CMC, since they have a tendency to be cute. :twilightsmile:

3661423 But don't be too random.

3661442 you have to be a spoiled sport. :pinkiesad2::fluttershysad:

Group Contributor

3661406 I guess I enjoy introverted, ignorant, somber characters that are good at heart, but tend to tolerate or even participate in things they will regret later on.

Oh yes, those are so fun to work with,

3661406 Twilight or Celestia.

3661406 it may sound pathetic, but I enjoy writing my OC character P34C3. Who is an govt. assassin.

Now that may sound really bad, like a beginner's mistake, but I usually write his interactions from other people's perspectives so the reader is taking things from an unaware bystander's eyes.

There was one part that I had a blast writing.

3661406 Its after the second page break in this chapter.

Oh that seems really interesting! :rainbowkiss:

3661406 I like writing characters that have a well built backstory so I have a lot of references for their personality. Of course when writing fan fiction characters have a pre-built personality so they are easy to write if you know them. But I always like writing my OC Aqua Pen because she is still developing as I write her.


Hammy Rarity.

Anyone who really gets to be snarky.


Jay Sky OC
Group Admin

I have the most fun writing about OCs and stuff.

I absolutely love writing for badasses (such as myself in The Dangers of Stupidity, any of my protagonists in Kingdom Hearts: Keys of Equestria, or an OC named Frost in an upcoming story of mine named Modern Warfare), but I also enjoy doing so with the most ordinary characters in somewhat interesting or unusual situations (like Vinyl Scratch, also in The Dangers of Stupidity), so I tend to go on either end of the spectrum when it comes to writing.

I have fun writing sociopaths.

I like writing background ponies because they have no set personality and I have to make one up :rainbowkiss: Especially if I decide to take the character in a kind of delicate direction where I know I'd really, really better not fuck it up. Deciding to make Ditzy Doo mentally handicapped, and so on :derpyderp2:

Sympathetic Villains, to the point where they're Villain Protagonists.

Comment posted by mehperson deleted Sep 30th, 2014

My favourite will have to be 'once kind turned evil, cold, angry,bitter,heartless'. Anyone of them.

3661406 My favorite characters to write are the bad-guys, or in general, someone who is always scheming something, and that is not limited to the MLP universe. I guess that's why I haven't written a proper protagonist yet. In my stories, even the "heroes" are the bad-guys.

3665547 Do you mean villain centered stories, or stories wherein the heroes are bad for beating the "villain", or just an outright likable villain who is totally the bad-guy?

3661423 IMHO That depends quite heavily on if I'm writing about Pinkie Pie through another character's perspective, or through Pinkie Pie's perspective.

When I write her it is always in a reasonable way that the audience could understand that, no matter how random she gets, it will make sense if they have enough information. Even if they don't always get all the information up front. She just reasons herself into random-seeming directions. If it's from her perspective I write the train of "logic" that explains how that completely random thing makes sense to bring up in this situation.

3666956 Villain centered, but with a sympathetic one.

3667018 I don't normally do that, but if you like that sort of thing, I did write a story about 1,000 year ago Sombra and his two companions. Because of canon, and 1,000 years ago, everypony dies. :( The point instead is not if they die, but how and why.

Personally I prefer it when the audience doesn't know who the "good-guys" and "bad-guys" are until their goals come into focus and their methods are made clear. I always feel good when the reader gets invested in rooting for the "wrong side". The stories I write, however, are usually character studies or exploration of a specific concept such as Domestication (in terms of parenting) or Personal Identity. As such the characters themselves are just the execution of the idea.

Pinkie Pie is Fun to write, and even though I haven't written more than small scene with them, I feel a great joy in writing about Mr. And Mrs. Cake!:scootangel:


I always seem to have a sarcastic character in there, and I love writing quick-witted sarcastic characters, because it's so much fun getting them into arguments!

Blaze (who has fire powers to Tundra, who has ice powers): You have a permanent brain freeze!
Later -
Tundra (to Blaze): I wouldn't know someone so hotheaded would know the difference.

3666956 I prefer completely random and makes no sense, just as she does in the show.

3667198 There are parts of the show that I could see that being true, and parts where I could see a completely logical process, how ever illogical the steps may be, going down in Pinkies brain. Though I don't think she thinks of the formal logic the way I'm explaining it, but rather just rapid fire statements that are loosely related.

For example: Cerberus in Lesson Zero.

Ball related emergencies:
Things that are distracted can't perform other tasks efficiently (assumed).
When dogs play with balls they are distracted. (Modus ponens)
if a dog is distracted, it can't attack. (Modus ponens)

If I am not prepared, and a dog attacks, then I will not be able to distract it. (Modus Tollens)
If I can't distract it, it may result in disaster. (Modus Ponens)
If i wish to be prepared for all possible disasters, I must prepare for ball-related disasters (emergencies). (Modus Tollens)

Then Pinkie may observe that: Cerberus is a dog.
It follows that: because Dogs like balls, and Cerberus is a dog, that Cerberus is distract-able by balls. (syllogism)
Cerberus is a dog, and should he attack, and I can not distract him, then I was not properly prepared to handle a ball-related emergency (disjunctive syllogism)
Cerberus is a dog, and should he attack when I am prepared, then I will be able to provide a ball to distract him. (syllogism)
Therefore, (if A^B^C then) disaster can be averted. (syllogism)

Seriously though, if you dig deep enough, you could justify anything with propositional logic, since it is the fundamentals of pretty much everything. I think for the most part the difference between a character like Maud, and Pinkie Pie, is how much of the logic we get to see, and how much flexibility they have in incorporating and extrapolating from new data.

Usually intuitive people can make these leaps even if they don't know how to justify it, or just end up at the final conclusion feeling it's right without knowing exactly why.

3661406 I find Celestia or Luna easier to write. It's just something about them that makes it easier on me.

Celestia's hard to write well, for me, whereas Luna is . . . kind of scary because I have this headcanon that she should be very, very difficult to talk to. Just from a language standpoint. Miss a thousand years of linguistic change and the only thing unusual about your speech is a few obsolete pronouns? I don't think so.


For me, Spike is the easiest of the main characters to write. Although I like Pinkie best, I find her exceptionally hard to write about for some reason, her characterization is so out of it.

If it's an OC, then I prefer them to be the blissful idealist, but then again, it's more dependent of how the story shapes itself, I base my characters around the story itself.


Weirdly, I find haughty, stuck-up and kinda mean characters the most fun to write. Diamond Tiara is a particular favorite.

Characters like Trixie or Blueblood. I hate them, yet love writing them. :pinkiehappy:
Trixie is hot, as long as the "mute" button is on.:derpytongue2:

I also like writing Maude as well. :pinkiesmile:

3661406 Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. They are my favourites, mainly because I find they do well to represent the dreamers amongst us. Dreamers (those who discover a goal and chase after it above all else) are my favourite types of characters as they are all about passion, as well as discovering and understanding their own wishes and dreams. Struggling to achieve those dreams and learning about the sacrifices they might have to make; it all comes together to paint an image of the true value of those dreams. Those are the types of stories I love, and I think the CMC are just the perfect characters to explore those themes and concepts.

That, and they are just adorable. :unsuresweetie: :scootangel: :applecry:

Comment posted by Ryuku the Creative deleted Oct 18th, 2014

3661406 I like testing them all out but personally I would pick Celestia due to how many scenarios that could play out with her. Ironically I can think of a hundred ideas for her.

I like to write about those who don't have much, personality wise or money wise, and build them up. I find it challenging that somepony who has nothing can achieve so much when they try and the challenges they face to get there.

characters who's lucidity or sanity are questionable at best, non existent at worst:pinkiehappy:
characters who can be complete arses to everyone but get away with it
those with a happy face but a darkness in there hearts
so... Pinkie pie, Luna, Discord, my OC Midnight, and crazy ponies and non-ponies
like the saying about Pinkamena goes: The hair goes straight, YOU GONNA GET RAPED!
and those who have layers like onions and ogres (I'm sorry... I had to do it) like Trixie
my heart beats when you have a normally odd-ball character suddenly go serious like:
"You can attack me, try and kill me, insult everything I stand for... but the moment you attacked my friends...:twilightangry2:"
He raises his sword, a grin spreading over his features, exposing razor sharp teeth
"That is when..." he disappears, reappearing right in front of the captain "YOU DIE" he smiles before slicing a shallow wound up the white stallion's neck, blood spilling and soaking both their coats
MAHAHAHAHahahahaHAhahAHaahaHahAAHahaHAHhaHhahaHHAhahaHahAAA!!!!! I'm gonna kill you all
kill you all
I'm gonna kill you all~
AND NOTHING IS GONNA STOP ME!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:" he sings, crushing another soldier's jewels under his hoof

like that... because guns are for cowards, and crushing some guy's jewels under you foot is the kind of thing all psychopaths do... according to TV

I personally like writing characters that are somewhat based/inspired on someone I know or look up to.
Gives a personal input to the story and gives myself attachment to the characters.

Although i haven't wrote many stories to put that into much practice. :twilightsheepish:

But i find it great fun experimenting too.
I had great fun writing a story about Applejack because it was a different experience for me. :twilightsmile:

I like characters that readers can relate to, but still have some mystery to them to keep everyone guessing.
I also like characters that are just crazy and insane, makes them unpredictable. :derpytongue2:

I enjoy writing about tragic or anti-hero type character. I also enjoy making and writing villains. Nightmare Moon and Luna are good examples.

While I've mostly done RPs instead of actual fics, I find myself drawn to characters with rough, fiery personalities. I have a TF2sona loosely based off of Rainbow Dash, an OC for one AU loosely based off of Katsuya Jonouchi, and this instance were I got to play as Edward Elric for a short while.

I also enjoy playing as the exact opposite in terms of personality--someone who's gentle or shy, perhaps not as energetic. Whenever I take that option, though, there's always some characteristic to set my characters apart from everyone else--like a hidden strong side, if you end up pushing the character's buttons or sending them over the edge.

Characters with powerful authority, and/or pragmatic tendencies? They tend to be difficult to steer.

So I know this is an old thread, but I'm hoping I can contribute to it. There are two personality types I find myself most drawn to and most fascinating to portray. The first is the kind that's bright and bubbly on the surface, but has a sadness or turbulence to them hidden just underneath the surface. How do you get them to open up? Who do they choose to open up to, and why? Someone like David Tennant's or Matt Smith's Doctor is a great example, as is Jonas Faulkner from the lovely webcomic, The Phoenix Requiem.

The second type I find myself drawn to is a complex villain. It's interesting to me to see what motivated them to become the way they are today. Why are they evil? What have they done, or what has been done to them to influence their path? No examples are coming to me at this time, but hopefully you know what I'm getting at.

3661406 Up beat, oh yeah, all the way up there and balistic with a curly mane. I guess her name is Pinkie Pie?

I feel like I can be more creative with angry, mentally ill, or evil characters.

Discord is also interesting to write given the many possibilities, gags, and references can be utilized thanks to his powers and established character.

Characters who have never had extended periods of time in episodes focused on them like Celestia or one-shot characters that have never been seen again are also interesting to bring back, develop, or create a history for.

3661406 Characters who don't take crap from anyone, but will fight for what's important, like Homura Akemi:


Haughty, arrogant, selfish egomaniacs. Bonus points if they are bullies. I dunno, they are just very fun to write.

Close second are hotblooded idealists who solve problems by punching them. Bonus points if they are also young girls. This is my preferred choice for main protagonists in my original projects and for role-playing characters.

Edit: Old thread is old.

(I know this in an old thread but anyway)

I really like writing characters that aren't exactly nice and get into fights a lot, and are snarky. And also the characters that are arrogant, snarky jerks.

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