• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
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loves tiaras.

More Blog Posts220

  • 19 weeks
    Cadance of Cloudsdale (so far) now in Spanish!

    Thanks to the generous SPANIARD KIWI, the text of Cadance of Cloudsdale so far is now in Spanish! Mr. Kiwi has done a tremendous amount of work translating many of my stories into Spanish, but this goes above and beyond. If you're curious, you may visit the project so far here at this

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    5 comments · 214 views
  • 23 weeks
    Happy Cadance Day 2024!

    Things feel a bit subdued today, due to the coincidence of Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday through a quirk of the liturgical calendar. It is somewhat difficult to juxtapose the splash of corporate-encouraged love with the festival that literally exists to remind us of our mortality. The pink of Valentine's washes against the purple of Lent. So I'm in a pensive mood, more so than usual on this

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    5 comments · 288 views
  • 28 weeks
    Ice Star's fam needs a helping hoof

    The short:
    Read up here.

    The not-very-long-but-long-as-it-gets:

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    5 comments · 303 views
  • 29 weeks
    "Cadance of Cloudsdale" continues tomorrow!

    Short: Watch this space for "Everyone Knows It's Cady," coming tomorrow midday.

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    20 comments · 327 views
  • 35 weeks
    Ciderfest is a wrap!

    Just got home from PVCF and it was an amazing con experience! The minific-based ARG that circulated around the con the whole weekend was high-concept, and I was worried about engagement, but everyone seemed to really get into searching out the hard-to-find stories concealed around the convention hall (in places as obscure as "the desktop wallpaper on one of the monitors in the video game room,

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    12 comments · 296 views

EFNW: Let's party* like it's, um, late 2019 · 10:14pm Jun 17th, 2021

(And by "party," I of course mean "Furiously try to wrangle evening dinner logistics like it's Operation friggin' Overlord.)

Hey, you guys remember the Before Times, when we used to get together at hotels and stuff? I sure do. EFNW is the first con to emerge from beneath the woeful fire blanket of social distancing, and I plan to be there, if all goes well. Might even do a panel, if my old pal Imposter Syndrome allows me. No deets on that yet, but if it happens, I'll let you know here. Hope to see some of ya there.

Report Skywriter · 507 views · #EFNW #EFNW 2021
Comments ( 13 )

I have never been to a con before. I live in Southeast GA where the closet cons are in Atlanta, Jekyl Island and Jacksonville. I've kinda floated in a strange situation where I'll either have the money and no ride, or I'll have the ride and no money.

EDIT: I really want to go, but the situation is so far looking like I'm going to have no ride and no money.
*shakes fists in the air* Damn you sars-COV-2 virus!

Woo! Planning on going myself.

Furiously try to wrangle evening dinner logistics like it's Operation friggin' Overlord.

Dibs on the inflatable entrees!

I, sadly, will not be there, what with no PTO left, a mountain of debt and living a few thousand miles away.

That said, is it too much to hope for an EFNW Bookstore? We might be able to get Tumbleweed to do a second printing of The Flash Sentry Papers (thus increasing the slim probability of me ever getting my grubby little hooves on a copy).

I hope to be there. I'm going to have them write "Skywriter" on my badge, and then when I see Skywriter, I'll shout, "Imposter!"

I'm not ready for the previous times to come back. I've been going "I'm not a hermit! I'm social distancing!", and if everypony stops social distancing, it kinda blows my cover...

--Sweetie Belle

I'll see you there! Woo!

I will be going and I hope to see everyone there.

Site Blogger

I'm gonna be there! Hopefully I'll see you around. ^^

Good luck!


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