• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
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loves tiaras.

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  • 16 weeks
    At EFNW!

    No panels or nothin', so no sure schedule, but I will be vaguely around the literary parts.

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  • 39 weeks
    Cadance of Cloudsdale (so far) now in Spanish!

    Thanks to the generous SPANIARD KIWI, the text of Cadance of Cloudsdale so far is now in Spanish! Mr. Kiwi has done a tremendous amount of work translating many of my stories into Spanish, but this goes above and beyond. If you're curious, you may visit the project so far here at this

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  • 43 weeks
    Happy Cadance Day 2024!

    Things feel a bit subdued today, due to the coincidence of Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday through a quirk of the liturgical calendar. It is somewhat difficult to juxtapose the splash of corporate-encouraged love with the festival that literally exists to remind us of our mortality. The pink of Valentine's washes against the purple of Lent. So I'm in a pensive mood, more so than usual on this

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  • 48 weeks
    Ice Star's fam needs a helping hoof

    The short:
    Read up here.

    The not-very-long-but-long-as-it-gets:

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  • 50 weeks
    "Cadance of Cloudsdale" continues tomorrow!

    Short: Watch this space for "Everyone Knows It's Cady," coming tomorrow midday.

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Ciderfest is a wrap! · 2:18am Nov 21st, 2023

Just got home from PVCF and it was an amazing con experience! The minific-based ARG that circulated around the con the whole weekend was high-concept, and I was worried about engagement, but everyone seemed to really get into searching out the hard-to-find stories concealed around the convention hall (in places as obscure as "the desktop wallpaper on one of the monitors in the video game room, only visible if no one happened to be using it" and "literally on the brim of Admiral Biscuit's hat") and we had an amazing amount of audience buy-in. The con-exclusive fic anthology (which I helped edit) turned out very pretty, and the charity auction was absolute barking madness, raising a total that exceeded the previous record set by BronyCon in its prime (at a convention 1/10th the size). I was there in the room when they hit that milestone and it was absolute hysteria. People were losing their dang minds. But in a good way, I think.

By the way, most of my work was focused on the print book, but I did contribute one single solitary story to the ARG before editing took over my life for a couple weeks. Here it is if you're curious and you didn't attend. Or didn't find the key for it even if you did attend. There were like 300 of them, and I don't think anyone got them all.

Overall, it was so lovely* and makes me want the 2024 season to cycle around again. It was great seeing all these names in person again, or in some cases for the first time. I remain amazed that we continue to do this thing, but I'm not complaining.

* Except the elevators at the Hilton, which can, collectively, bite me.

Report Skywriter · 331 views · #pvcf #pvcf 2023
Comments ( 12 )

My con for this year was Trotcon, and next year will be Everfree!

I did contribute a story to this one as well, though, and will be sharing it in my blog soon enough!

I found that one! That one wasn't hard, it was on one of the big wrought-iron pillars on the main concourse. So congrats, a lot of people got a chance to see your stuff. :pinkiehappy:

That sounds amazing for several reasons! :pinkiehappy:

* Except the elevators at the Hilton, which can, collectively, bite me.

Elevator Con was the worst con. Bad enough that I left it and went to Stair Con, despite wearing dress shoes like an idiot. A fashionable idiot, but an idiot non-the-less.

That auction even made it to our notice on the other side of the Atlantic. Absolutely ridiculous numbers, even for a big(gish) American con! :pinkiehappy:

The ARG thing sounds remarkable, too. I suspect if I'd been there I wouldn't have gone all-in on looking for them (too much else going on at cons) but it would certainly have been fun.

Had a blast myself. Unfortunately, our little con group was focused on the "hanging out" part of convention going than the ARG fic thing, so I didn't get a chance to see all the little stories people wrote. I also missed the signups for writing one myself, so I ended up being one of the normies taking the con as it came to me. Which, while I was disappointed that I wasn't able to contribute, I nonetheless had all the fun I was expecting to have, and running into you just before the charity auction was the cherry on top.

Hope to see you there (and Everfree, hopefully!) next year!

It was, indeed, a great con! :D

And the elevators weren't as much of an issue for me, as I'd again gotten lucky and gotten a room on a floor also served by the secondary set; I pretty much only needed to use the main set to get to and from the cider lounge. I do wonder how things will be at the Hyatt next year, but people who've been there before seem quite happy about the prospect.

And though I did engage with and enjoy the ARG, thanks to one of the con's loaner devices, that was one of the many stories I didn't find, or at least get to reading. Good, though; thanks. :)

Oh, were they meant to be wrought iron? I didn't realize, sorry.

No, I was writing fast and I substituted in the wrong word. :applecry:

...I don't follow, sorry. What word?

They weren't wrought iron per se. It was just the first description that came to mind. Not accurate. Sorry!

Ahh, okay, thanks, and no worries. I was just wondering if I'd missed some bit of worldbuilding or the like.

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