• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2018


Aspiring to live under a bridge, but the man keeps holding me down.

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    I think Brett Kavanaugh is the biggest joke in American History and I don’t give a fuck if you’re some ultra-conservative asshole cuntard.

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Quitting Fimfiction and the My Little Pony fandom... Because I've been a complete prick to all of you · 4:12am Oct 18th, 2012

I apologize for the length of this blog post. Please, unless you really care for some reason, disregard it, and I apologize for the notification.

This is a detailed essay explaining why I shouldn't write anymore, and why I don't deserve or belong in the brony community. I've screwed up too much this time. This is nothing like the hate mail blogpost I made a little while back, as that was not very serious in nature.

I'll start with this:

>> Fattymagee1 Hello again mate.

Why are you here anyway? You don't write anything. Why don't you take your 29 followers and go write something that gets featured. Once you do that, then come back to me and I'll take you seriously.

The moment I saw this, I lost any remaining respect I had for you. At first I thought, 'Hmm, he panders to the ignorant, easily contented masses to gain popularity. Still, none of my business to slag him off.'

But this is really too far for a pansy kiss-arse comedy writer. You may have written some 'popular' stories, but almost all of them required no thought whatsoever, just a few real-life concepts and some cheesy humour. You're an arrogant, holier-than-thou son of a bitch who takes the easy route to success; the kind of person that shits in their hand before waving it in everyone's face proudly.

For your information, Square has done a fuck ton more for this community than you ever have. You've written a few popular comedies that pass through someone's mind faster than a jar of prunes through a pensioner. You've made a few fan groups for yourself (which is really fucking arrogant, even if done in jest) and you've insulted a few people.

Square is a bloody active admin for the TWE, organising folders, membership applications, reviewer applications and events. He's one of the few people I can trust to get things done, and done well. He writes a damn good review, many of which have helped new authors get up off the ground and write their own good fics.

I am literally speechless with your arrogance. You're nowhere near being famous, let alone respected. I look up to the likes of Chatoyance, who despite not being hugely famous, is still an excellent person, and certainly helped me when I first started writing. You're literally nothing. If you were to disappear, right now, someone would come along within the week and replace you. All they'd need is the title 'Twilight Sparkle swims to the Moon', some cheesy comedy and a fair knowledge of the English language. Boom, replaced in a heartbeat.

The kind of people that deserve to be famous are the ones that pour thought and time into their stories, the stories that actually make you think once you have read them. The Conversion Bureau dominated my thoughts for at least a week after reading it. Fallout: Equestria had the same effect, for two months. Both famous examples.

And now for a non-famous one. There is only one story I avidly follow on this site, a story that has 13 upvotes and 2 downvotes. In my mind, this story is better than the collective sum of your stories.

I'm going to stop here before I write something I'll regret, but I certainly won't be thinking about you for any period of time after this. You, quite frankly, disgust me to the core and I'm surprised I ever gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Edit: Before you give the time-old excuse of not being to write anything but comedy, save your effort. Not every good author walks onto this site with the ability to write several genres perfectly. The vast majority of us practice, wanting to be able to do something more with our intelligence and imagination than write crappy one-shot comedies that pander to the audience. Doing what the audience wants is no fucking excuse.

Break the mould. Be different. Use some of that bloody intelligence God or whoever gave you and write something creative. This is creative writing mate, not 'Who can write 500 variations of 'Pony X's a Y', ok?' I've written a romance, three actions, a comedy and a slice-of-life. Not all of them are featured. I don't do it for the bragging rights or the number of watchers.

However, going around bragging to smaller authors about how 'good' your stories are only encourages people to write like a mindless drone, pumping out bland story after bland story. And making fan clubs? You, sir, don't deserve a fan club. You don't deserve to be an admin of a group that aims to inspire new authors. You're not a fucking exemplar featured author. People don't need to see a half-arsed collection of folders that contain nought but your titanic ego. I'm fairly sure I could ask any author or reader on this site who wrote 'Twilight Sparkle discovers Wikipedia' and barely any would be able to name you. Hell, I had to ask another TWE admin just to find your user page.

Now, I could do exactly the same and ask the people here 'Who wrote Fallout: Equestria? Who wrote Past Sins?' Point made.
Finally, I'd just like to point out how utterly worthless you are, one more time. You have, what, about 280 watchers? I have about 120. How many people mail you every day, asking for advice, help or just someone nice to talk to? Not many, I'm sure. People watch you for the stories, not for yourself. People don't actually care who writes them so long as they hit the spot.

I get maybe... 3 people a day mail me, some commenting on my user page and some contacting me through the TWE Skype. Each of these people I form a connection with, something that reminds them 'Hey! I haven't spoken to Sierra in a while! I'll PM him or comment on his blog to see how he is!' How many do that for you?

This was written by a very respectable author, in response to something I said in a group called The Feature Box Crusaders. This is really what put me over the top, as everything he says here is 100% true.

This is where I'll make my first and very much most important main point: For those aren't aware of it already, I've been a complete bragging, showoffy, asshole, piece of shit to all of you.

This group, The Feature Box Crusaders, is a prime example of that. Basically I originally joined the group just so I could show off and be a prick to everyone there. It is a group that is dedicated to those who work hard to write quality stories that don't quite make it to the feature box. However, like an asshole, I went in there and bragged to everyone about my feature-box success, even making a fan thread for myself and posting pictures I took of my stories whilst in the feature-box. I honestly wasn't trying to be a jerk per se, and I wasn't exactly trying to make people feel bad, but obviously I was foolishly thinking. I've bragged and gloated to people in numerous other ways as well about my recent success and "popularity", like calling myself "super-famous" to many. This is probably what I regret the most, as I know it is quite unforgivable how much I committed it. And I knew it was wrong too... but I was enjoying myself too much.

Another way I've been a complete jerk and a terrible brony is my quite often making fun of many aspects of the brony fandom. For example, I quite often poke fun at brony music, art, and especially anything clop. Though I know it's okay to disagree with these things, it is not okay for me to reply to comments saying something like, "You suck because you listen to pony music," or "nobody likes you because you like clop!" I have foolishly and regrettably done this on numerous occasions, me being nieve enough to not think people would respond negatively towards this awful behavior.

This point is similar to the first, but outside of just individual people. I've been a jerk to all of you by making dumb and pointless blog posts that don't matter or have any relevance to writing because I was bored, as well as creating a fan club that I obviously don't deserve. The fan club especially... I did make it as kind of a funny joke, but still. Even though I may have had some significant success as of late, I am not even close to being qualified to have one. Making It was basically a bragging slap in the face to all of my followers, as well as an embarrassment and spamming of Fimfiction in general.

The last thing I'll say about this first main point doesn't really have to with my recent success on Fimfiction. It's my real life outside of ponies. Those that know me best here know I've been constantly shoving the fact that I played varsity baseball and football and was a fairly popular kid in school in their faces, while I pointed out that many of them were computer geeks that were picked on and I probably would've been the one picking on them, and how I was nothing like them. However, I was much too arrogant to realize that a lot of these things I was saying about myself and about them may have been hurtful... and you have no idea how much I regret saying those things now. It is unforgivable how much I did that without realizing I was probably hurting people...

And that kind of alludes to my second important main point: Why I feel like I'm undeserving and don't belong on Fimfiction or even in this community altogether.

First off, my stories. What's said in that response up above is absolutely true. My stories are not very good and are extremely forgettable, and are most certainly the easy way to get featured and be "popular". In school, English was probably my worst subject, and I usually never got anything better than a B, B- or so. Thus, I'm not a very skilled writer. Thus, lately I've been taking full advantage of that popular Noun, verb, object trend as my ticket to popularity and recognition. None of my stories are very good, but they appeal to what the audience wants to see, which is a silly fic with a silly cover image. I knew it was wrong, however I continued to do it anyways, in spite of pissing off a lot of people here and getting a hell of a lot of hatemail. And all the hatemail I deserved... my work took the place of actual quality stories that deserved to be featured. Thus, I feel like I'm doing the whole community a favor by going away. As I know I've tried to make very clear in the past, I'm not like most bronies, and now I realize I probably shouldn't be amongst you or even consider being labeled as a brony, as I've been a terrible one.

This person is right once again, people will just forget about me. My stories are not memorable at all like masterpieces such as Past Sins, or that Fallout Equestria story. Let's be honest here. In a year people are not going to think back and remember how good my stories are. It's just not going to happen. They're not going to remember Fattymagee1. In fact, like the guy said, in a week somebody will write a story just like mine that will get featured and you will forget I even existed. Which is good of course, I don't want a lasting legacy of that guy who spammed Fimfiction with crappy stories that get featured in the place of actual good stories. I don't want a legacy as that guy who made that awful cover image of that featured story, which basically made fun of all pony art.

I know what you're going to say, "Fatty, try writing something else! You must be at least a decent writer to get featured so often! Try writing a different kind of story!"

There's a big problem with this: I am not a very good writer, and I don't feel like I'm capable of nor have the confidence to actually write something different that would be enjoyable. I don't care that much about being featured, but I emphatically do care that my readers find my work entertaining and humorous. I feel like the stories I've been doing lately are the only thing I'm half-ass decently at writing and making entertaining, which is random-comedy stories. I write them because it fits my personality... anybody that knows me in real life knows I'm random as hell, and that really transfers over into how much I enjoy my writing. Thus, I don't feel like I'd have any success whatsoever is writing a Romance or Slice-of-Life fic. I did what I thought I was okay at, and I was lucky enough to somehow have a lot of success with it, in which I wrongly exploited in ways I've already explained.

So now I'd like to apologize to all of you. Not just to all of you actually, but to Fimfiction and the entire My Little Pony community in general that I have disgraced.

I'm sorry to all those I bragged to incessantly, it was incredibly uncalled for and likely hurtful.

I'm sorry to all those I made fun of for liking or doing... whatever it is you enjoy doing, such as the pony music, art, video games, clop, whatever it is. It wasn't my business to say what's okay for you to like.

I'm sorry to those who work incredibly hard on their stories that end up getting very little attention. I completely understand how you feel my stories getting featured is basically an insult, which is completely true.

And finally, I'm sorry to my fans, and everybody on Fimfiction in general. It was never my intention to make people feel bad or pissed off towards me, I only really wanted to make people laugh. But I was plain stupid enough to actually believe that people would think my bragging, taunting, etc., was funny and in jest. I simply allowed my selfish drive for entertaining myself get the best of me. Now I feel like even if I stayed and tried to write something else, nobody would take me seriously. The author of the comment up above is once again correct. Nobody actually respects me as a writer, nobody asks me for help on their stories. I only really get PMs of hate mail. The few people who do follow me that might actually think I'm funny likely only do so because of that. Not because I'm a legitimate writer who looks forward to my next story, but because they think I'm a sort of "clown" I guess.

Anyways... I guess this is it. I apologize to all of you who actually spent the last probably ten minutes or so reading this. Just know that I emphatically do not ask for any pity in any way, but that I do feel absolutely awful and regretful in real life, and you won't have to deal with my crap anymore. I think Fimfiction will be a better place without my presence... a place where people with real writing talent get featured. Not jerks like me.

Thanks for the support I received regardless of the crap I've bestowed on you guys. It really did mean a lot to me.

Report Fattymagee1 · 868 views ·
Comments ( 121 )

A wise man once told me: "Haters gon' hate"

First off i have to admit

the kind of person that shits in their hand before waving it in everyone's face proudly.

That line made me laugh. that was just like what the hell. and another thing. That was looooong XD. Are you really quitting? cause that seems doubtful. Since you always laugh at stupis comments like that. Anyway, :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: all around.


So this is goodbye forever?:pinkiegasp:

426545 This is exactly what I mean. Nobody's going to take this seriously... because of how I've been. And nobody's gonna care either.




Here's an idea - how about you DON'T listen to haters and GROW A PAIR!?

426542 - At least SOMEBODY gets it!

Piss me off.




... also, if this is an epic troll of some kind, I will SO piss on your dog.

426556 He's not jealous, he's right. This was different than the hate mail... because he actually pointed out why I'm hurting this fandom... I didn't really realize it until he wrote that.

426551 Well yeah, thats why i asked. To know if i should feel sorrow or just throw a grenade into chat. lol Also it just seems more like you would just call that hater a nob and troll him. lol:twilightblush:

Hmmm. I'm not sure quitting is the correct response. Perhaps great reform and an attempt at diversification. As the fellow mentioned, many of us started on the site with one genre, and used this as a platform to try others. Whether it's deserved or not, you have fame, and it might be wise to capitalize on it to improve your writing and help out authors who are not so well-known as you. Ill-gotten influence is still influence, and throwing it away is foolish.

Well, for what It's worth, your stories made me chuckle and brightened my days a little bit...
And you did seem to be improving in writing skill level gradually with each story you wrote...
It seems a shame, but it was fun while it lasted I guess.

Woah.....what?!? :pinkiegasp:

I can understand their responses they were trying to rub out someone who was trolln :trollestia: But don't quit! You've gotten better and will keep getting better, so what if you only deal in the comedic arts? Like you said, "I'm a funny guy..." and your good at it I have two comedic authors that I actually enjoy and your one of them. If you feel like you want to , not need to. want to change to being nicer just work at it....personally I find it kind of funny and it's a good way to befuddle someone, :ajbemused: yeah it did that to me...heh.

But seriously....I'm hoping you stay and that well......and don't be upset this is something you would do......this is you trolling us to see who really likes your work, to find out who is strong in the troll, or just too mess with us.

Heres hoping you don't leave!

//dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_sad.png //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_sad.png Awwww.... I was waiting for the next part of The Secrets of Twilight Sparkle's Past and Future , what's going to happen to that story now? is it going to be left in Development Hell for the rest of eternity, are you going to put it up for adoption, what? Cause I genuinely liked that story and would hate to see it go. Yes some of your other stories were somewhat forgettable, but I've honestly gone back to read TSoTSPaF like nine or ten times since you posted the first draft. That story is not as easily forgettable as some of your other stories... maybe you should try to concentrate on it instead?

Luna dammit... don't stop. Just... stop yelling at people. Point out the flaws in the story with constructive criticism. Don't go all "Your story is shit, I am your god now,". Only do that to really, REALLY bad fics. not last week i completely went rabid when I saw a clopfic rated as teen. Just keep writing, and be oh what's that word that Brits use... PLEASANT. yeah, that's it. Be pleasant and karma won't bite you in the ass

Fatty, http://www.fimfiction.net/story/26155/The-Secrets-of-Twilight-Sparkle%27s-Past-and-Future

this is the story i got the notification from that you made this post in the first place, this right here PROVES that you can write other stories that aren't just Comedy i'm looking at the tags right now and I don't see no comedy tag, sure it only has one Chapter in it, but I faved it and i don't fave stories i don't like. That story DOES deserve to be published, if you want to do good by this Fandom; instead of leaving, better yourself and your writing, so you will write some stories that aren't all that good, whoop de FREAKIN' do. You will get better and you will be able to write some exemplary fanfics that will get Featured or even some that deserve to be featured but aren't. Don't do this to the Fandom, you have potential to be one of those that inspire some aspiring author's and if you are one of those, then you might be able to make sure THEY don't go down the path that you did.

You are Nightmare Moon in this case, that Mail you just got was the blast from the Elements of Harmony. Go and do like Luna did and make things better with the populace.

If you wish for someone to talk to; PM me your skype and i'll be more than willing to talk to you -huggles-

so...another author, who's actually respected (not a jealous asshole), told you some thing about yourself which are rather negative, and you agreed; but instead of mending your ways and going about things in a different way, you just leave? that seems like some strange kind of collective punishment. but if you feel like leaving is the only way out of this then fine, go ahead. gonna miss ya.

edit: and sorry, im doing a ton of other things at the moment, so i didn't read the entire post, was kinda long you know.

Magee, believe it or not you will AWAYS be a legend in my eyes, you have some very serious writing talent despise what you think of yourself, hell just having you give a review to one of my stories makes my entire day, no joke.

I'll be very sad to see you leave but I understand why your doing such, just remember:

The world is cold, humans will ALWAYS judge someone who is not like them or different so to think you can just flow with the crowd when you may have always been one to swim against it will never fit well with you, or anyone.

Depise how large Spike/Rarity romance is I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS love Spilight as my favortie pairing and I can name so many reasons why but the main reason is because they know each other inside and out, they could never hide anything from the other and if your best friends with some creature and fall in love then I believe that if the love works then you have the strongest love ever created.

That being said....follow YOUR heart, go what YOU wish to go after, and if you ever decide to come back, your true, loyal and very honest fans like myself will act as if you never even left:raritywink:

Your legend, Magee, don't ever doubt that and if you ever chose to grace my stories with your eyes, well then that would really make my day.

If your leaving.....see you when you get back, promise.

If not.....then get back to writing you humorous bastard:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2::ajsmug::yay::raritywink::rainbowdetermined2:

Well, you may have acted like a jerk to others, but I got the impression you are all right guy.

There is nothing wrong with writing silly-assed comedies, and if it gets featured, then a lot of people must be reading it for it to get there in the first place!!! If they don't want to read it, they don't have to click it!!

I, for one, enjoyed your blog posts. They were a way to communicate with you without spamming your stories comment sections. I follow another author who quite often posts debates on here, and sometimes they really make you think about stuff you never even considered!!

I can't say much on the other points, because I must admit, I don't really feel I contribute anything to the fandom. It's like I'm just along for the ride.
I just read a few fics every now and then, and sometimes leave comments on the ones I like, and if others ask, recommend them as something to read.

I don't think you have to quit. Now these items have been brought to your, and ours, attention, you have all realised you made some mistakes, and you will learn from these. But, if that is your decision, I respect that and wish you luck. Know that you will be missed by at least one person on here, and I hope things work out for you in future.
Guess I'll have to find someone else to spam with pics now.

I'm sending you a PM. I'd be incredibly happy if you read and considered it.

For the record, man... I think Sierra feels like shit for making you feel like shit. And by "I think," I mean he showed this blog post to us in the TWE Skype chat and said it was proof that he went way overboard. I mean, he noted that it shows respect for his opinion, but... it's a collective batch of mourning, for the most part. The guys may groan when a "Pony Does a Thing" story makes featured, but it's still a huge bombshell to drop. Sierra was really just jumping in to defend Csquared08, and he latched onto that one excerpt and went to town.

I kind of hope you DON'T leave for good. A bunch of us were teaming up to parody this sort of story format, and I had the idea of letting you in on it...

426607 It's not just about writing. Did you read it? It's because I've been a prick and I didn't realize it until now...

Dafuq. So u like to have fun, who doesnt? So haters gonna hate! They always do. We still enjoy your stories and ur time in the fandom, even if it wasnt at all what was anticipated. Stop listening to dick weeds and be urself, no matter who that is, this fandom is about being urself and loving and tolerating those around us, whether they be a troll, clopper, or hater. Love & Tolerate!!!
I had to rant the truth but please dont go, your like one of the funniest guys ive met on this site and it would be a tragedy to see u go:fluttercry:
dont make fluttershy cry


I noticed something funny.

I see this blog post about 4th time.
Does a name "Device heretic" ring a bell? No?
I have no idea what I should make out of this. Why are you saying all this? Why do you want to show us how you do not care, with this asslong post?
Please, stop being a pussy. This is like being a bullied kid that runs back to his parents.

Now, the immortal circle: sad, long post, loads of asslicking in the comments, another blog, more asslicking, the author comes back. In the end, infinite attention.

Do not get me wrong, I love you FM1, I just want you to snap out of it. And it is not going to work with "Oh, do not worry about haters, please come back" Attitude of single everyone out there.




What you just did takes a lot of maturity. You were able to see you were wrong and admitted it, you would be very surprised how many people would never swallow their pride enough to do so.

So now you stand humbled, and your eyes opened to thoughts of those in the community, why not take this opportunity to instead of backing away, take anew? Bronies are very tolerant and accepting people for the most part. (most of us anyways.) You can still write comedy and make people laugh. Why not try and prove the naysayers wrong? come up with an idea for a longer, but still comedy story. You don't have to be good at English to be a good writer, whats important is if you enjoy or or if the reader enjoys it.

You may think you don't have the confidence or ability to write a longer story, but you never know until you try. It took a lot of encouragement for me to get started writing, because I didn't think I had what it took to be a good writer. That was 5 months ago, now I'm sitting on a story with 15 6000-8000 word chapters and a group of pre-readers and an editor begging me for the next chapter as soon as I finish the last. I never thought I could write anything anyone would enjoy, but now I have a story people enjoy that I haven't even posted yet. Give it a chance, people will help you, and dn't try pulling that I don't deserve it line, because you do. all these people didn't follow you for no reason you know, you made them laugh, laugh enough to want to see more from you.

I think the best thing you can do is to stay, and try to change your actions for the better. Like I said, you already acknowledged your wrong doings and admitted to them, the next step is to change for the better and become that brony and writer you think everyone deserves to have. Instead of backing out, walk forward and become these things that a writer and brony would aspire to be. :raritywink:

426556 dude I care your a good friend don't quit man just try different things you'll have fun

426624 You have absolutely no idea what I just sent this author. I'd like it if you stopped trying to spread shit and let me and the author resolve this.

You aren't THAT bad! I honestly love some of your stories, and your bragging was just a simple mistake. Anyone can be a Brony, and I feel you are a good example of one. You write funny stories for us and you talk to your fans as much as possible. Some people just aren't that friendly even when they are famous or popular. It also isn't your fault that your story got featured, it was ours! We up-voted it and added it to our favorites which caused a rise to fame. Everyone makes mistakes, bragging and gloating can be one of them. But then again, I would probably do the same thing if I was really excited that I got in the featured box. Don't be sad, and don't leave either. It would probably make some people sad that you left too. Just move on and ignore any haters out ther. Remember to Love and Tolerate.

as i edited in; sorry i didn't read the whole thing, kinda lacking in time at the moment. and it seems like you misinterpreted my previous comment; i didn't mention your writing (once maybe, in the collective punishment part, if you read between the lines). i was talking about your perceived negative side.
what im trying to say is: is leaving really the only option? can't you just stop being a prick? (for the record: i've not noticed you being mean or annoying anywhere so far. ah, well, there is that one post in the group you linked; that was kinda low, but still not that bad...)

Meh, You were an arrogant asshole blinded by the feces of his own rectum, but the fact that you're even repentant proves you're not a bad guy. Don't quit, don't ever quit, just improve and act more mature and civil next time. Don't take yourself or anything else seriously.

426678 in defense of sprakfyre yeah she was a bitch and all but she wasn't spreading shit about anyone


The mail that you recieved may have a few valid points (such as the 'ego', though we all love you just the same for it), most of it is some really mean bullshit that you should completely disregard.
Also, whoever wrote that piece of shit, I'd like to let you know that I get a lot more than 3 PM'S a day asking for me to read/upvote a story or just to talk to me because 'i seem cool' or 'i seem nice' or 'i seem funny'. Before you start complaining about other people, why don't you deflate your own ego and get a life.

Read it again.

426710 True nvm sparky i love you yeah but that was a bit mean

Please don't.

Square is a bloody active admin for the TWE

Fuck him. I'm assuming we're talking about CSquared08, right? I'm gonna say it again, loud and proud:
The TWE are the worst, most pretentious, most obnoxious, most evil thing to happened to this site. Trust me. Have you ever been on the TWE forum? Read any of this guys comments? He deserves all the shit you can throw at him. If anything destroys this community, it will be assholes like CSquared and his idiot cult.

The kind of people that deserve to be famous are the ones that pour thought and time into their stories, the stories that actually make you think once you have read them ... You're nowhere near being famous, let alone respected.

Yes, there are famous writers in the world, and they have names like "Franz Kafka," "Dante Alighieri," "Hubert Selby Jr," "Samuel Beckett," "Cormac McCarthy," "Jane Austen," "Rainer Rilke," and "Aharon Applefeld." There is not one person on this site who deserves to suck Kafka's dick. What is the highest follower count around here? I don't think I've seen one over 2,000. FIMFiction famous is more meaningless than Tumblr famous, and Tumblr famous is fucking meaningless.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Pegapone Porn!
As someone who spent four years majoring in Philosophy and English, I can tell you: there is not one lick of difference between "Twilight Discovers Wikipedia" and "Fallout: Equestria." It is entertainment.
You want literature? You want the shit that defines the soul of a man? You want that lightning that jumps from the page and into your soul? PM me. I've got a long ass list of the books you should be reading.
This is a sandbox. It exists to play in. That's why people like your stories, because you're playing. Unlike certain authors (such as myself, far too often) you just come at it as "Hey, guys, let's have some fun!"

There's a big problem with this: I am not a very good writer, and I don't feel like I'm capable of nor have the confidence to actually write something different that would be enjoyable.

As for this?
Allow me to quote one of the great philosophers of the 21st Century
Jake the Dog: Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something.

I hope you keep writing (even if you do so outside of this fandom). Maybe be a little less obnoxious on the personal side, but everyone here does that to some extent. Hell, I just shoved the fact that I'm on the farside of college in your faces.
NYANYA! I'm educated and you're not!


The TWE are the worst, most pretentious, most obnoxious, most evil thing to happened to this site

Finally someone else who feels the way I do

They used to be okay but after their "reorganization" because everyone was posting the fucking trains i about threw up. Now you have to be authorized to bash people's stories wtf?

426719 - You, sir, are completely correct.

I may still piss on your dog, Fatty!

Nothing personal. It's sort of my thing.

Did you even take the time to read what was said? It wasn't the typical, "BLARGH! I HATE YOU! GO DIE! YOU SUCK AT WRITING!" hate mail. It was a well-reasoned, point-by-point comment about Mr. Magee's writing abilities. In fact, if you paid attention, what set Sierra off was this comment made by Mr. Magee himself:

Why are you here anyway? You don't write anything. Why don't you take your 29 followers and go write something that gets featured. Once you do that, then come back to me and I'll take you seriously.

That, sirs, is arrogance at its finest. And it set Sierra off. If you can't understand the difference between "hating" and calling someone out, that's a pretty big problem. I know that I, for one, didn't appreciate being told that simply because I had yet to write anything he (who, thanks to his 8 features, was so obviously more talented than I) would not take me seriously.

As for you, Mr. Magee, so you made one mistake. Don't let one mistake make you take such drastic actions. Removing yourself for a time is one thing. Removing yourself entirely is another, and probably a gross overreaction to boot. So, if you need to, take a step back from FimFiction and do other things. When you're ready, come back, hopefully refreshed and rejuvenated. Then, perhaps put a lot of effort into writing something different, something you haven't done before. Go over the story and plan everything out. Then draft it, revise it, send it off to editors, the whole nine yards. There's absolutely no reason to quit entirely. I, for one, would rather you not quit. You've already shown yourself to be better than the likes of other arrogant nitwits who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. You clearly have more potential hiding around somewhere. Don't let it go to waste.


I'm taking this seriously. Magee, listen to me.

Any author can change their ways, you can as well. It's time you developed yourself, and earned your fame. Stand with the greats and have a reason to feel proud of your work.

Let your talent speak for itself, and focus on more than just one-shot comedies. Offer your services to others, move around blogs and grab ideas. Look up fics and see if you can do the same.

Start again, friend. Admitting your mistakes is the first step for moving on; you just have to take that next step and start again.

Hit me up on a PM sometime, I could always use a funny guy with my fics, and I'm pretty good at formulating ideas as well. We'll collab sometime, who knows, maybe we'll hit Featured?

426719 Well, the TWE are an independent group that exist to try and help authors. I couldn't care less what you think of us as everyone has their own opinion. I know plenty of people we've helped, so I'm content with that. Equally, if you plan on flooding the site with half-planned trollfics for fun, I'll moan for a bit but I won't come spamming abusive comments on your user page. I'll express my opinion, you express yours. I believe freedom of speech is an important American concept, so I'll roll with that.

Personally, I couldn't care less about fame or watchers. As I've said countless times before, I do this to help people out. If I had one watcher and a handful of stories I liked, I'd be fine with that.

As someone who has done 4 weeks of A-Level English Language Analysis, I can already tell you're only looking at this from the surface. No difference between Fo:E and TSDW? This actually made me smile. As for the offer on books, I have a long ass list of essays to write. I don't read that much these days unless I decide to write a review.

Finally, what you wrote in that last paragraph is essentially what I PM'd him, though I elaborated more. And I really don't see where education comes into this, nor where you have discovered the educational status of every commenter here.

426734 So you were happy that we were running around pre-Purge slapping 'CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKER' on every bad story that existed? And now that we are re-organised, we only ask that people apply to be a TWE reviewer so we maintain a degree of professionalism while writing our reviews. There's nothing stopping anyone going off and posting what they want, so long as it isn't associated with our group.

For example, I wrote that comment off my own back, posting it with no connection to the TWE. That's what our organisational system achieves.

... So, after hearing about this here blog from Sierra on Skype, I thought, "Hmm... Let's hear both sides of the coin." Now that I'm here and looking at your comments, I can see now that I am capable of making my decision. My words? Don't quit. You may have been a snarky, narcissistic asshole, but that shouldn't affect whether or not you write here. To be honest, some of your stories have gotten a good laugh outta me. They have. Do I think they deserve to be on the featured list? Maybe. Some do, some don't. Do I think they should be burned down and that you should quit writing because of said snarkiness and narcissistic tendencies? No, not at all. Keep writing. If you think you can't write anything else, that you can't write anything but funny, then ask for help. Remember, this IS a community that supports love and tolerance, and with that, comes forgiveness and willingness to help. And despite this being the internet, there ARE people here who will uphold to this. In fact, I myself shall offer you assistance, should you need it. So, in all, don't quit, try tossing around a new genre, ask for help if you think you can't, and you have my help should you need it.

~Axel Nyan, One of TWE's many Official Reviewers, Resident Stalker, Friendly Proof-reader/Editor, Neutral Brony, Impetuous and Silly Tentacruel, D'aww Creater, and Enthusiastic Mexican't.

426734 It's not that you have to be authorized to rip a story a new one, you just have to be authorized to use our insignia, which was the main problem. Here we had a bunch of idiots running around, spamming our logo everywhere and saying, "DOHOHOHOOHOHOO DIS STORIII SUKZ0RZ!" We couldn't have that, now, could we?

426745 Yes I did. And you must understand i talk to this guy quite a bit and he is always making crack jokes about everything. And i mean EVERYTHING. That's why it is hard to take him seriously, kinda like the boy who cried wolf in a way. I'm not meaning to sound like a jerk or anything and i see why you would think i was as that comment i made would be something only he would really get. I didn't mean to make you upset and if i did I'm sorry. But yes he told me it was serious this time.

426760 You have direct communication with him? Skype?


A sandbox can still hold a glorious castle.

We hold true to the fact that these stories can be considered literature. We try, as a whole, to bring up quality because we trust authors to be capable of it.

Do we want stories like what we see on the market? No, I'm not expecting an author from here to suddenly jump up to Ian Flemming quality, but I do like to at least read legible stories. And hell, we all seem glued to MLP because the writing in that is good, right?

So why can't fanfiction be the same? Our words may be harsh, but we try to help all the same.

Well, based on our brief conversations I don't think you're arrogant in the slightest. In fact, you seem like a genuinely nice guy.

Maybe you had a moment of letting things get to your head, but that doesn't mean you should up and quit. You are a good writer and a lot of people like reading your stories. :twilightsmile:

My advice is to keep writing stories you enjoy, and possibly add some longer, more dramatic stories as well. You already have a huge following already, which makes you ten steps ahead of the competition.

That's just my two cents though.

Bottom line, don't quit writing just because of this one moment.

I was referring to the part where you claimed the comment Sierra made was "stupis" and claimed he was a "hater." Because that's silly.

426771 Yes sir, and or Madam.

426775 If possible, I'd like to have a chat with him:
Firstly to apologise, as I've been asked to.
Secondly to have a quick chat with him.

Is he OK with this?

Wow. Fattymagee1 MUST be famous - he's getting more damn blog attention than device heretic's leaving did some months ago!


Spooky. I mean, if you read Eternal AND Applejack Takes a Math Test at the same time... it's sort of like listening to Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album whilst watching The Wizard of Oz.


426774 Well, I was just using that as a point. as he usually just laughs at the "haters" and whatnot, not that so and so was an actual hater. I don't think in any point that message had blind hate in it. it just seemed rather odd he would lose face is all. Since he can be a Troll.

Hey man, I'm Just going to regret this comment and i know it's very unpleasant from me to do that in a brony community...
You previously said and talked about yourself ruining our community or even being a dick about how famous you are and whatever shit...
As for ending and title, you're thinking about leaving us...like Chell did as Requested by GlaDOS..but no one asked you to do it :unsuresweetie:
Unpleasant move
(BigWig6666 is far more worse than what ever act I assume you did that I did not witness.He's An Complete Asshole)>dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Soarin_dayum.png
Just because he's in bad mood or whatever he's angry from another reason than Us, Bronies, will INSULT or even *DISCRIMINATE fans,the people who supports him.(*term may be French, Sorry)
I'm Just going to ask you a question and give you a few points to think of before leaving us once for all :
-Have you ever seen another fandom as tolerant and peaceful like ours?
-Think About what other people think of the other fandoms like : Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Twilight, and the rest within the stereotypes haunting and ruining their public image ... Ours can be easily understood and erased from one's mind...
-Is this Brony Fandom look alike any other Normal Fandoms or Is it just a normal Fandom?
-If you really want to quit, Will you find another fandom that received you gently like ours?
-What About your fans? And No we can't just follow another writter and find another one exactly just like you : Every writter has his/her own style and every one of them is unique.
-We need more writter like you(in my opinion), I don't care if you've had insulted other new and freshly-came fans...ok, it may bring a sad face to somepony in here, but I've seen worse...
-I see this fandom as a freedom from society and maybe as a mutual-group "religion" or "Philosophy"(As my religion, Buhdhism,is considered as one) where you can talk and free another personality of yours that "society" may consider weird ,awkward, etc... There's not a lot of time nor space ,where, in your life could possibly escape this cruel society(not a cruel world, just a Cruel Society which we need and must erase to be free, how ironic!)

I hope you read this... We need you...please don't abandon us like this dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_unsuresweetie_flip.png :unsuresweetie:

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