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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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Take the Kill All Liberals challenge! · 4:51pm Jan 25th, 2017

I've noticed a certain tendency on various discussion sites -- okay, that's an understatement. Let me start again. I've noticed a certain tendency on just about every discussion site: that no matter what the topic is, you will find someone who's capable of just about instantly twisting it around to an inevitable final conclusion, not to mention what some of them are praying for as a Final Solution. Here's a mildly -- very mildly -- exaggerated example.

"So I was playing a new videogame last night --"
"-- you know why videogames were invented? Because liberals can't deal with reality. They're too weak to get anything done in the real world, so they construct their stupid fantasies and that's the only place where they can kill things, because all liberals are genocidal freaks who want to destroy every real human, even though they're the weakest things in the world and won't even look at a gun. Only liberals make fantasies, because liberalism is a fantasy. Anyone with the imagination to make a videogame is a liberal. Anyone who plays a videogame is a liberal. The only way we're going to get this country back is if we ban videogames, make playing them into a crime, and wipe out the gamer population as part of executing every last one of those traitors."

This has reached the point where I gave some serious thought to registering KillAllLiberals.com just to see what kind of ad revenue and future terrorist registration list I could generate. Because there's no getting away from it. It feels like anything can either be trolled or fanaticized into blaming those evil destined-for-the-camps liberals. There are days when I swear I can't even get through twelve comments for a sportstalk session on ESPN before someone is demanding the mass shooting of every registered Democrat.

(Plus their children. Right in front of them. Because liberals have no souls, so their children are soulless and those children were just going to be aborted anyway, because all liberals live to abort their own soulless children. If you have any doubts about this, I can send you to people who will tell you all about it, generally with CapsLock on.)

And yes, I know part of this is the troll population having latched onto what they see as a surefire bet. When you figure out a way to tell them apart from the future camp commandants, let me know. Because there is such a thing as a thoughtful conservative with logical reasons for their views, who is capable of talking about their beliefs with logic and calm while being willing to truly listen to any responses. I'm hoping that when it comes to the Internet, there might be five or six left, and hopefully they won't be executed as traitors to the movement for another month at least.

But we still have a little time for fun before the culling begins -- so here's the challenge.

A. One person posts a starter line in the Comments. Anything anyone might discuss online. Really, go with whatever pops into your head.
B. The next person turns it into a rant against The Evil Libruls & DEMONcrats.
C. Repeat.

Might as well play it for laughs. The head-wall-repeats will resume as soon as you go to any other site.

Possibly every other site.

Incidentally, if anyone registers KillAllLiberals.com before me, I will expect half your profits. Thank you.

Now if KillAllLiberals.gov is taken, we've got problems.

Report Estee · 1,171 views ·
Comments ( 42 )

I noticed otherwise. Just lately a bunch of anti Dem sites seem to be popping up. I think its good and if one side talks like that, the other should too. (Probided no open invitation or actual demand of physical violence).

Thanks but no thanks. I try to keep political toxicity of any kind out of my diet.

(Someone using this as fodder in 3, 2...)

Those are all false flag operations. They try to give their political opponents a bad name by making them look bad. As if LIBERALS weren't the true violent facist communist terrorist assholes. They try to brainwash you with florid in the water! FLORID! FOR YOUR TEETH, THEY SAY! HAH! They're perfectly fine without that mind control water they try to feed everyone!

And it's all funded by Soros anyway! You think there's PEOPLE managing those sites? Nope, they're bought shills from some place in eastern europe! Except maybe Russia. They're kinda cool now. I bet this "Crimea" thing doesn't even exist. The Democrat Party told their minions in the news to push that sh*t. I mean, look, it's just one letter away from "crime"! That's how lazy they are! They all think we're suckers while they have illegals put up false websites funded by Soros and the abortion industry!
(How am I doing so far?)

See, this is why liberals are destined to die out. No stomach for political steamrollingdebate. :trollestia:

4396024 hehehe. All fine. Frankly i thought like you until I actually became a victim of systematic opression and sexual assault and saw to what extent the "progressive side" was willing to extend their hands to help me :)

liberals can't deal with reality. They're too weak to get anything done in the real world, so they construct their stupid fantasies and that's the only place where they can kill things

Clearly ultra-conservatives aren't prone to burying their heads deep in self-serving fantasy worlds. :facehoof:

Incidentally, if anyone registers KillAllLiberals.com...

Ehhhhhhhh no, but I'll happily read the results of your research. :trixieshiftleft:


Bonus points for bringing in George Soros, who according to a rather large number of people, apparently controls the world. And judging by the results, does so very badly.

(Which, by the way, is what I truly love about the Jews Control Everything school of thought. "Right. And with their ability to control everything, they set up a world where a significant part of the global population is continually working on bringing them to extinction. You know, for most people, self-loathing and control freak tendencies would only intersect so far.")

Remember: your billionaire is good. Their billionaire is evil.

Additionally, Kill All Liberals.

(I just realized that I've never even seen a picture of Mr. Soros. I guess he doesn't really exist! Because liberals invented him to make it look like a liberal was capable of making money!)

Lot's of people it seems can only ditinguish between right and wrong when viewing the actions of others (Some aren't even capable of that), but not themselves. They'll criticise Donald Trump for being sexist but respond in turn with anti-white comments. It's come down to the point in society where people can't see the wrong in their own hypocritical views. Take this argument you've posted here for example.

Someone of this viewpoint obviously sees liberals as toxic to society, but instead of backing up a claim with evidence, or even just plain old logic, they suggest outright killing them. I know we're on the internet and most people are different online compared to in the flesh, but even so, the way they act online is still roughly in accordance with their actual personality. So it's quite easy to see people of this dis-position don't think very well in retrospective. They can't take a step back from what they're trying to say and reason with themselves. If we all acted like this, then we'd pretty much all be fascists and SJW's with no grey area inbetween.

I think people are so concerned with alligning themselves with either one extreme or the other that they forget they have a brain to work things out for themselves.

I'm a liberal Aussie, but I hate gaming and any stories here that references it too much gets a thumbs down from me. It's a cop out if you have to resort to gaming to seemingly make a story interesting (by that I mean it's not.) Ever noticed how all the bananas that put videos on youtube of their so called gaming 'domination' are so poorly watched and highly down-voted?:twilightangry2:

Political neutrality is obviously just liberals trying to hide from the culling. :pinkiecrazy:


And do you know what they call a conservative who don't believe in killing liberals? A liberal.

(2016 was the year when the Internet told me George Will was a liberal. I was very surprised. Possibly not as surprised as he was...)

But the truth may be that we're not really looking at the liberal/conservative split any more. The more I hear Donald talk, the more I'm coming to agree with the growing belief that at the core, he's been riding a populist wave on the back of the most conveniently available elephant.

Your idea of government is different then mine! You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to yell at you and call you the extremes of the group you may, or may not, belong too. Then, I am going to blame you as the cause of every problem that I can think of. If you thought I was done, then you have another thing coming! I will use an out of context statement you made or an outright lie and bring a hate mob towards you with so much force you will never recover, and are forever pinned in this category!

How about that, bitch!

(End exercise)

~ Chapter: 13.

Edit: Yes, this has been edited. So, my first attempt at this seemed to have failed, so I redid it. I tried to be sarcastic, so now I'll just be generic. That is the outline for all political discourse that is happening now a days. For both sides.

LIBERAL BLOOD SHALL FLOW!!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!1!!!!!! along with conservative blood, white blood, black blood, asian blood, hispanic blood, indian blood, socialist blood, fascist blood, clean blood, dirty blood, monkey blood, tiger's blood, pure blood, mudblood, daemon blood, insect blood, amphibian blood, reptile blood, bird blood, robot blood, alien blood, eldritch abomination blood, blue blood, red blood, green blood, tree blood, barrel blood, stone blood, airplane blood, bank blood... any blood works when making blood waffles and a bowl of Khorne flakes :3



I refuse to support your cause for anything less than blood pudding.


How about that, bitch!

So this would be a good time to tell me if your intent is to become the first person I've ever blocked.

You know what I love? Horse words. Especially Estee horse words.


Typical liberal. No stomach for toxicity. That's what makes you weak. Hopefully Trump will get rid of the FDA and the EPA so we can get more chemicals in our diets.

Damn liberals and their toxic stifling regulations. Wanting clean food and water. FREE MARKET!

Wait, what? There is absolutely no way "KillAllLiberals.com" hasn't been registered already. How can this be?! That's like finding out "sex.com" is still up for grabs (It very much isn't).

...because all liberals are genocidal freaks who want to destroy every real human...

So what does that make someone who wants to destroy all humans (both the real and the... pretender? Fake? humans)...?

You're suggestion of KillAllLiberals.Com clearly shows you are a Liberal. This is because
1) Humor was invented by Liberals because no Liberal has the guts to be serious about anything.
2) You didn't register it yourself. This is because people become Liberals because they are too lazy to work. You know who ISN'T a Liberal? A white man who is patriotic & has a job. That is why you hate him -because he WORKS for a living & loves the country you hate.
3) You wanted money for the idea. This is because all Liberals are Mooches. They give money to charities to weaken people's will to work so they will become Mooches like themselves.

Global Warming is an illusion caused by all the hot air Liberals spew when they ought to be working! THIS is exactly why all patriots must KILL ALL LIBERALS! To save not only our great nation, but all true humans!


It's like people don't want to advertise their desire for killing over a hundred million people when they aren't operating from a Russian server!


Yeah, life would be better if people understood the difference between a Liberal and a Socialist... Or understood what either of those things were, for that matter.
Here's a hint: One of them thinks it's OK to own stuff.

4396101 Sarcasm. I didn't think that I could be more clear about it. I'm playing the role of someone who is sick of people being idiots on both sides... by responding by being angry at both sides. Hypocrisy. Maybe I just didn't get it across correctly. Everyone is being an idiot right now. They are accusing the opposite side of doing something... while doing it themselves. Everyone is angry. No one wants to just sit down and talk like normal people. Hense the, "Die liberals!" and the "White supremacist, fascist scum!"

~ Chapter: 13

Most varieties of socialist are okay with people owning their own stuff, too. It's the big things -- factories and land and infrastructure etc. -- that's meant to be owned by the state or the society in common.


I would be happy if people would acknowledge:

* Liberalism does not equal either socialism or communism.
* The Southern Shift happened.
* Fascism is not a left-wing philosophy.
* Robert Byrd at least tried to make up for it.

I will never be happy.


No tone in text.

I tried using {sarc}{/sarc} for a while before I learned a lot of sites didn't want to work that out either.

I just found out Mary Tyler Moore died.

She's going to make it (into the grave) after all!

(Remember, if she can laugh at poor Chuckles' funeral, you can laugh at hers.)

4396439 My apologizes, then. I figured that it would be inerrant with the challenge, but I guess I thought wrong. My mistake.

~ Chapter: 13


It's all right. Even with humor as the intent, it's still a subject which easily lends itself to misinterpretation.

So sayeth Pony Hitler.

Yep. No doubt. The original version of American Liberalism gradually split into two factions: One became known as "Classic Liberalism", while the other embraced Marxist-Leninist Socialism and took the name of "Social Liberalism." Today, Classic Liberalism is better known as Libertarianism, and is regarded by some as being a right-wing political base.

I actually went to /pol/ to prepare for this, trying to absorb enough of the cancer so I could credibly parody them. I kind of zoned out there as they weren’t really “in the groove” at the time. Making it a complete waste of a complete waste of time, if you will.

In lieu of that:
Gas the bikes! Race car now!
7/11 was a part‐time job!

Eh, both sides do it.
Out of curiosity, where on the divide(s) do you fall?

4396024 Florida in the water? That explains an awful lot. :rainbowlaugh:

Liberals! GRUNT! GRRR!! Can't stand 'em!

(1) They think differently than I do!
(2) They don't listen to the music I listen to!
(3) They hate 'Murica!
(4) They wanna take away mah GUNS!!

For all these reasons an' moar, they're a CANCER that's gotta be ripped out by the ROOTS!


It greatly concerns me that people are starting to tolerate thuggery, as long as it's on their side, many people I follow seem to think that way and it terrifies me beyond belief. I have noticed these 'conservatives' (brown shirt wannabees) you talk about, though I don't see them much because I pretty much exclusively interact with the left wing, so I can't gauge how pervasive that attitude is on the right.

So many people think, oh it's okay to commit random acts of political violence against 'Nazi's'... who aren't actually a physical threat to anyone. This tolerance simply begets more violence, and not necessarily just against people one would, knowing their beliefs identify as Nazi's. When you allow people to target 'Nazi's' while simultaneously huge swaths of people are being mislabeled as Nazi's, it's an obvious recipe for mayhem and murder.

I don't know much about the rights barely restrained attack dogs, frothing at the mouth as they may be. I just know that the problem is not exclusive to the right, and that if this incredible polarization worsens we're all screwed, especially you Americans. Pretending it's just the right wing who do this isn't helpful.

If anyone wants to discuss things I would be grateful.


At least Dick Van Dyke is still kicking. Literally. The guy is still able to dance up a storm at 91 years of age.

Eh, can I just do it as "Kill All Voters?" (Or possibly "Kill Absolutely Everyone Involved With Politics, However Tangentially?")

I like to be fair and balanced when it comes to proposing the mass murder of the annoying and/or ethically challenged, y'see.

I am part of a rather extended group of friends and acquaintances in the southern US that are pretty dedicated to punching Nazis and their pathetic alt-right, white supremacist off spring.

A buddy of mine shuts down political conversations by saying, "I believe in the redistribution of wealth," and another has answered Republican canvassers with, "I am an honest to god Communist."

Teach yourself to not ignore politics or think that politics is all terrible, that is how those in power will keep you down and silence your voice. Educate yourself in many fields, be skeptical of authority (especially anyone who thinks that conflicts of interest don't matter), and don't believe 'alternative facts.'

Every time I'm on the verge of deluding myself into thinking any part of humanity has progressed past the point of being an impulse-driven pack of unthinking, violent savages, I'm brought back to reality by the way us "civilized westerners" will de-humanize people at the drop of a hat if it's convenient. Yes, today it's just Internet heroics, but we've seen what happens when one day the rules of the society shift a little and the little people find out just what they can get away with. Oh yeah, it all seems so surreal in the modern society, until the very moment it's happening. Just ask any former Yugoslavian that managed to escape the "normal people" checkpoints on their way out of the country.

And no, I'm not a "liberal", I'm a (European) gun-toting conservative firmly convinced there are way too many whiny kids today with lives so easy and boring they have to go out of their way to invent some way they're being "oppressed". But that doesn't make me blind to the way all the self-proclaimed guardians of liberty are willing to accept lies as "alternative facts" from a person just because they say things they want to hear. They're selling basic human decency in exchange for their little egos being stroked.

But I thought global warming wasn't real? :trollestia:

Being serious, have you ever seen the mugs? They were a prize at a high school Science Bowl competition (state level) that I volunteered at. They had a map of the world on them, and when you put hot liquid in them, the places predicted to be flooded by climate change disappeared. That includes Florida. I don't like to necessarily believe that part of climate change because I love Florida! It's mostly hopeful thinking, because I have an Associate's in Marine Science, and if you can study Marine Science without running into climate change through literally every topic (ok, maybe one or two, MAYBE, don't automatically include climate change...like ocean floor geology, perhaps), I'd be stunned. It's just insane.

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