• Member Since 16th May, 2013
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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

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What For This Happen? · 5:16pm Nov 1st, 2015

There comes a point in time when you realize that things have changed, when you're no longer that unknown wannabe with a keyboard hoping that, maybe, if you're lucky, someone out there will notice the crummy bunch of words you're trying to string together into something resembling a story. Yesterday, I had that moment. I saw a story, and it looked interesting, so I set it to my RiL for future reading and reviewing.

An hour later, I get a PM from the author, who happens to be well known and more than doubles my follower count. It's not much, just him letting me know that he's really happy that I am bothering to read his material. That's the moment when it hits me: I'm no longer one of the endless nobodies. In fact, I haven't been one of those for a while now. Some of the site's best writers, against whom I hardly measure up, are paying attention to me, and some of them are downright eager to be on my review blog.

Which leads me to wonder; at what point did I go from being Cheerilee hoping to earn a little approval to the Flower Ponies looking down my muzzle at the unworthy hopefuls? Has anyone else out there had that moment of clarity like I did? And when it comes down to it, does this really mean anything, and am I really worthy to be on that side of the table?

I love what I do. I believe I'm good at it. Yet at the same time, I feel... humble. There's been so many times where I've seen stories and thought "I wish I could write something like that." Which makes me wonder if every successful author out there feels this way from time to time. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with where I am, and certainly not one to complain about how I can talk to some of the major names of FIMFiction as an equal rather than as an ant to the waiting shoe.

But sometimes I find myself pausing, like I did yesterday, and wondering... do I really deserve to?

Which is why I have a simple question for all of you: at what point did you decide I was worthy enough of your attention to warrant a follow, and why?

In other news, my Halloween Special was released yesterday. I had hoped that publishing a day early would let me beat the rush, but apparently this was not the case. So, knowing that people were probably flooded with alerts and the like of all the Nightmare Night-themed crap that filled the submissions queue over the last few days, I think I'll do a little self promotion. May I humbly present:

You're probably wondering why I tagged The Gentle Nights: Audience of One for this blog when that's not the story I'm promoting. Well, the idea behind this story came from some comments in AoO. There's a scene in which Princess Luna, during the events of Luna Eclipsed, encounters Dinky and Derpy and, in the spirit of the occasion, decides to 'knight' Derpy. A few readers questioned if anything would come of this.

Well, now it has.

Derpy Hooves, the heroic Paper Knight of Ponyville, has fallen ill. Unable to protect Ponyville from the coming of Nightmare Moon, she sends her beloved squire on a great and noble quest to meet the Heroes of the Kitchen Table, gather the Sacred Treats and deliver them to the Monolith of the Nightmare.

Travel with Dinky across the town of Ponyville as she makes new friends, battles fearsome foes and outwits wily tricksters. With her loyal mentor and guide Marelin at her side, there's no threat she can't handle!

Except maybe bedtime.

For all of you who loved AoO and really liked Dinky's brief appearance on Nightmare Night, here's my Nightmare Night gift to you. Enjoy, and try not to eat anything sweet before reading; don't want you to clog your arteries with sugary d'awwws.

And, just so you know, Dinky Doo and the Quest for the Sacred Treats is leading towards the potential sequel in a very subtle way. Yes, this does mean I have something planned. No, it doesn't mean I'll be getting to it anytime soon. Sorry, folks.

Update Schedule

Order of Shadows Book III Chapter 3: Saturday, November 7
Beyond the Everfree Chapter 4: Tuesday, November 10
The Silence Initial Release: Saturday, November 14

Total Word Count: 1,463,000 (+19,000) over 33 stories
Average Words Written Per Week: 9,578
Follower Rank: 298th (+4)
Overall Ratings Average: 93.94% (-0.01%)
Highest-Rated Story (Not Counting Stories at 100%): No Heroes Book III: For Dreams @ 77/1 or 98.72% (10 weeks)
Story with the Most Votes: Tyrant @ 2141/61 (47 Weeks)
Story with the Fewest Votes:
Paul's Peculiarly Puny Practice Pieces @ 14/0 (17 Weeks)
Dinky Doo and the Quest for the Sacred Treats @ 13/1
Longest Story: Trixie vs. Equestria @ 144,000

Comments ( 36 )

If I'm being entirely honest, I watched you so I wouldn't miss the review of some of my stories. :twilightsheepish: Still, I've definitely enjoyed some of your stories, and there are others on my Read Later list, including the Halloween one starring Best Filly.

And I know exactly how you feel about the sudden realization. It's so weird seeing big names commenting on my blogs or user page.

You're telling me. Name Rater is only my third story on here, and it just hit 300 likes, which is crazy. Hell, f***ing MythrilMoth comments on each chapter. Honestly, I feel kinda bad that I'm getting so much attention, when there are authors like you out there who can write pieces other than comedies with superior skill.

That said, I think I just liked your reviews and ended up reading No Heroes and such after that.

You have ascended into daemon princedom.

Trixie VS Equestria, that's why.

Gotta know when my main mare comes back for an encore, right?

You follow me, and you wrote some good reviews. That was enough for me.

Wanderer D

I'd known about you for a while, even read a couple of your stories, but when you wrote "Audience of One" I was hooked. The logical step was to follow you immediately.

Your reviews are honest and well-written, that says a lot about them, and why so many of us would be honored to be showcased here.

I was captivated by Foundations early in my time on FimFiction. It's sweet, well written, and has become a cornerstone of what defines good fanfiction in my (admittedly limited) experience thus far.

My memory isn't exactly the best, but I know I came into the fold of existence upon reading Tyrant, which is funny considering it was a relay popular fic at the time despite its objectively subpar (but still decent) quality.

I know that feeling, man. Happened to me most recently few days ago when a very big author put out a call for pre-readers and editors for a story they were working on, and out of the numerous respondents, I was one of a few they chose to invite to work on the project. I was all like, "OMG, senpai noticed me. Is this even happening right now?"

But yeah, you do good reviews and you do them consistently, which is a very valuable service in a fanfiction community, so I think you're very deserving of 'big name' status. I've always felt quite privileged to get my stories reviewed by you.

I followed you just to read your reviews because I found them intresting and inspiring.

You wrote some awesome stuff, inspired me, and responded a few times to my comments, that made you worthy in my book for a follow :)

Site Blogger


If I'm being entirely honest, I watched you so I wouldn't miss the review of some of my stories.

I don't mind that at all. I put a lot of work into my reviewing process, after all.

It's so weird seeing big names commenting on my blogs or user page.

Oh, yeah.

And this proves that there are some popular people out there I haven't become chums with yet. Kinda makes me feel better, actually. Anyway, if my reviews lead to people also reading my stories... well, no complaints here. After all, I would expect someone who reviews stories to know a thing or two about writing them.

...hopefully I fall into that category. :twilightsheepish:

Getting that blood into the virtual contract was no easy feat, let me tell you.

And she will... in time. :ajsmug:

And someday – somedayGreen will be among them.

And I just realized that I don't have anything of yours on my RiL. What the hay, PaulAsaran? :flutterrage: Fixed that.

I really appreciate that. All of it. Also, I had no idea I was on your radar prior to AoO. :rainbowhuh:

As a former architecture student, I can appreciate being a cornerstone.

Also, what for I not have a story of yours on my RiL? Fixed that, too.

Yeah, but I understand that's just how these things go. Tyrant's when I first recall you showing up on my radar, too.

And it still feels weird to be referred to as a 'big name.' :twilightblush: I'm glad you enjoy my reviews so much! I'm looking forward to Scent of Roses, by the way.

Yeah, don't think I'll be going there any time soon. Applewood, perhaps?

Good to know!

I'm inspiring. This makes me happy, like a Pinkamina at a party. :pinkiehappy:

I followed you after reading the original The Gentle Nights story.

I liked that story. A lot.

Wanderer D

3512992 To be fair though, you're sort of a staple of Fimfic along with Lurker, Regidar, Manaphy and others. Wouldn't be the same without you guys. Plus, Tenacity was awesome.

3513780 Yep! I had you in my read list for your Trixie/Luna fic, but Gentle Nights was too awesome. Additionally, I saw your name pop up with new stories often enough!

Site Blogger

Wow, that's an old one! So did you read it waaaaaay back when it first came out, or did you discover it more recently?

Interesting. I'm proud of both of those stories, but AoO was something special. I don't know if the true sequel – when and if I ever get around to it – could possibly do it justice.

3513780 Why thank you!

I've thought of self-submitting a few of mine for your consideration, but to be honest, I was somewhat daunted by the size of your...

...queue. :rainbowwild:

Site Blogger

Yes, my queue can be quite significant at the right times, but if you don't start at the tip, you'll never get ahead. :scootangel:

Congrats! Also, I wouldn't know I think I still count as one of the unworthy hopefuls. I know I write fairly well and quite a few people enjoy what I write so I feel like that's enough for me.

As for me I did see the update when you posted Dinky's Adventure, and I am planning on rereading it before I make my ultimate decision on how much I liked it. So keep on truckin', I'll see you at the next chapter.

3513960 The entendre... is DOUBLED! :derpytongue2:

Your stories have a certain essence to them. From the world and character building of No Heroes, the epic scale of Trixie vs Equestria (sequel already), to the adorable, show-worthy stories like Peaches and One Night at Fluttershy's (any chance we get a hearthswarming themed story soon?). The stories have captivated us and have us wanting for more.

As for the reviews, i've been following it since you first posted and i love your critiques. It essentially boils down to "where's the beef?". You scrutinize what makes the story good, what makes it stand out, what are its flaws, and why people should read it, instead of nitpicking on headcanons, ships, etc.

Keep up the good work good sir :yay:

I'm on your radar? I haven't even written hardly anything, I think I was just trying to throw people ideas to see if I could be helpful in that way

I think we first crossed paths in The Writeoff Association's forums, and at some point I stumbled into your review blogs and… here I am! I regret nothing! :scootangel:

I'm pretty sure I'm still a nobody. Perhaps a more accomplished nobody than I was a year ago, but a peon all the same. :twilightblush:

...There's been so many times where I've seen stories and thought "I wish I could write something like that." Which makes me wonder if every successful author out there feels this way from time to time...

Time to time? Heck, every five minutes or so for me. I've been writing so much stuff that I tend to look back and only see the goofy patches and flaws. By the way, that should be "There've" instead of "There's" so it would expand out to "There have been so many..."

3513213 Ditto on this. There's a lot of us who can string words together, but very few who can expertly go into the oyster of another person's fic and pry it open so we can see all of the icky/yummy parts inside.
Achievement Unlocked: Oyster Shucker! :rainbowlaugh:

3513522 Don't be over-modest, Winston. I've worked with you and been extremely impressed with your skill and talent.

I stumbled upon No Heroes while trying to find some good Lightning Dust fiction....

And the rest is history, really... Three nights of NH 1, a semi coherent review and now I proof read for you... I still like to say I was ahead of the curve...
I liked you before it was cool... Although my personal rule to never follow anypony held me back from doing so...

I've been wondering if it is worth having to go to your profile on a semi weekly basis though...

Site Blogger

Thanks for laying it out so clearly! Given how few people comment on my reviews, sometimes I wonder if they're all that interesting.

Also, I'm afraid the TvE sequel has to wait until Order of Shadows is completed, since I want my backstory of the TvE world fully fleshed out first – and the events of OoS may have significant impacts on each of the sequels. Sadly, OoS is going to be a very long one.


I've been writing so much stuff that I tend to look back and only see the goofy patches and flaws.

I see those too in my own works... but honestly? Re-reading my won works makes me happy. I'm not ashamed to say that stories like Lightning's Bolt still make me cry when I read them.

I have only actively participated in a NaNoWriMo on one occasion, and I failed that attempt. However, I've actually manage to pull off 50,000 words in a month repeatedly in the past (writing the first two books of No Heroes, for example), so it can be argued that I have met the qualifications, if not the timing.

If you're coming by that frequently, maybe you should make an exception to the rule? I know I wouldn't want to have to keep doing that.

Site Blogger

Nah. To be honest, NaNoWriMo doesn't interest me all that much. And I'm not gonna start something new to try and meet its requirements, anyway.

Tyrant (Honestly one of my top 10.) And then Foundations. And then reviews (I love me them reviews).

Oh jeez, let's see. I think the first story of yours I read was Tyrant, but I didn't follow you until I discovered No Heroes. By Lightning's Bolt (Which is tied for my all-time favorite alongside Austraeoh and Ghost Lights). Also your story reviews are fantastic, and I always try to get to them around adjusting to college life. I really enjoy having a reliable source of finding new material to read when I'm on break. I've got about 150(+/-) stories waitlisted and easily half are from your reviews.

The point at which you became my favorite author? Definitely early on. You've always been very genuine, your stories are great, and you take the time to give intelligent and thoughtful responses to your readers.

Some authors I knew Aegis Shield were awesome when they had 300 followers, but as their follower and view count went up the quality of their work and their character went down, and I miss having conversations with them. You're still a very intelligent, thoughtful, and humble writer who puts out consistently amazing work. Also you're a fellow Texan, so BBQ points for you.

Keep on keeping on man, you're awesome. :rainbowwild:

Site Blogger

Wow! Thanks for being so thorough.

And making me feel awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

Followed because of various short stories and useful reviews... but mostly from Frequency being so great.

I'm pretty sure I followed you immediately after putting the first story of yours that I read on my favorites shelf. Thinking back, I can't really remember any specifics about it--

And by some crime I'm not actually following you! Welp, fixed that now!

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