• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Skeeter The Lurker

All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.

More Blog Posts271

  • 14 weeks
    Thank you (again)

    Gonna be honest, $2185 is far more than I expected to get from that GoFundMe.

    And frankly, typing out the words "thank you" feels just way too... Simple? Condescending... ish? Just plain not enough?

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    13 comments · 287 views
  • 15 weeks

    I'll just lay it all out.

    I do not have a car.

    I cannot get to and from work.

    I am more or less broke due to low paying job and so many bills.

    Due to credit issues, I do not qualify for any emergency loans.

    My car was uninsured due to the company I had deciding not to tell me there was an issue with payment and just... cancelled it. Cause why not at this point.

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    9 comments · 930 views
  • 15 weeks
    I can't win

    Got in an accident.

    Car's completely fucked.

    I'm fine, I think. Hospital right now. But I seem ok by EMS standards.

    Woulda been better if I had bit it, frankly. Cause now not only am I broke, I now have no car.

    ...I just want it to end. Please?

    I can't take much more. I can't.

    7 comments · 212 views
  • 22 weeks
    2024, about as good as 2023. Which was sh!t.

    Screw 2023.

    Miserable year for me.

    Started with an asshole walmart employee getting me fired, to me being exhausted with two jobs, which didn't last so back to one job, to me barely being able to get by on my meager paychecks.

    And on top of that, my severe eczema was persistent and I was unable to find a solution because... No money and so on.

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    20 comments · 1,149 views
  • 120 weeks
    Spare a dime for your Lurker

    Hello Legion, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

    I've never been good at this kinda thing, and while I could go on about my antics as of late, I won't and will just come out and say it.

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    19 comments · 1,948 views

The AMA BringItOn Blog! · 7:49pm Sep 1st, 2013

Ok, so, seeing as most people are doing blogs nonstop today, I'll jump on the band wagon and do one as well.

First off, in regards to my last blog...

See this guy?

That's my brother. He's the one who slapped me in the head, gave me a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch chips, and a hug (which was awkward). He is a non brony guy, but to his credit, he did attempt to watch an episode on his own. I did not have to trick him at all. Still not a brony and still doesn't understand it, but hey, can't win them all right?

Mmm... So tasty.

While he was the chief reason for my quick return, there are actually three others who went beyond just saying kind words. Not that I didn't like the kind words, actually, I loved them and you all rock. I mean that. Anyway, out of respect, I won't reveal who they were and what they did.

Moving on!

Now for the thing you've been waiting for!

There ya go! A nice shiny link to ask me what ever you want!

I mean that, too, anything you want to ask me, ask it and I will answer it all. This will be active until 8th of September, which, if you recall from a few posts back, is my birthday! Yay!

So, go ahead and leave your questions in the comments below or on that form and I will show the answers on the Sunday, the 8th of September. Should be a fun thing to see.

In other news, my Daring Do fic continues on... Slowly.

Same with The Mailbox compile.

Still unable to get the 15 minute limit removed, but that should be gone soon enough. In the mean time, recordings are going smooth and I may upload them to Soundcloud to at least show you them.

I'd like to have these done ASAP, but with my life as it is now, it's just not possible for me to do so. But, never fear, I will get them out to you, my faithful followers. You can count on that.

Well, that's all I got on this update, I'll see you around! Don't forget to ask a question!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Report Skeeter The Lurker · 532 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

First off, will you show me a pic of you when your magnificent beard returns? Secondly, favorite shipping of all time? Thirdly, favorite movie/game/tv show/book/porn? And fourthly... do you like Spongebob? :raritywink:

So just for the record, are you disappointed that you didn't get first reply on this blog? :trollestia:

And the serious question: what prompted you to start doing these recordings of yours?

Is love a weight you must carry?

Your brother looks exactly like I would've pictured him if I'd thought about it. He looks like the kind of guy who knows when to slap some sense into someone. And of course I had to ask a serious question about stories instead of something silly like "Have you ever licked the sidewalk? And did it taste like cherry to you, too?" :trixieshiftright:

So, if you're Skeeter, why haven't we seen you do any skeeting?

I'll make this quick, so you can get back to your busy, Skeeter schedule:

-Favorite Superhero of the Marvel and DC flavors?
-What's the most downright messed up thing you've ever seen?
-What's the worst movie/video game/book you've ever seen, played and read?
-What would you do given Godlike powers for thirty-seven minutes?
-Do I look like a guy with a plan?

Alright, a question. Hmmm yes... A question which is very important to ask as is within the answer itself.
Yes yes, of course a question hmmm... I don't suppose you have a good question I could borrow for a quick second or two? :trollestia:

Ah but joking aside, I've meant to ask you what your general view on the site is. It's been a long time through and through of being a member and I also want to ask what you like the most about the site today and what you would like to bring back the most from the 'good ol' dayz of thingamajigs and doodads' that used to exist.

Oh right it's a question, uhhh... need the right mark for it. HERE! * ? *

Good luck on your fic writing and soundclouding dude! The pains of writing are what makes the fruit of labor so rewarding!

What's your secret for getting the first comment on a lot of things?
With Love,
Have a beautiful piece of music.


Are you just one guy, or a horrible mutated abomination made up of multiple humans, like the Master from Fallout 1? Or maybe a supercomputer robot that enjoys ponies and writing too much? or a bunch of stoners in an apartment building who enjoy MLP and Doritos? :derpytongue2:

Do accept Aku as your lord and savior?

Also, if you saw whole rows of people, dressed in tutus prance down the street, how would you react?

Finally, what was Willis talking about?

Yo, what's going on Skeeter? Hope you decide to keep on chugging, bro!

Well, first off, Have you ever played Payday? One or two, it doesn't matter.

If you were a heister, such as in the game Payday, what would you do, how would you do it, and what would you use to accomplish such goals?

If you had to choose a class in a Role Playing Game, be it Final Fantasy, Skyrim, Dragon Age, or Mass Effect, what would it be, and how would you try to fulfill this class?

If you were dropped multiple times as a baby, what do you think would be different than now?

Are you high right now?

Do you wish you were high right now?

If you were to be any inanimate object in the world, what would it be?

Novels usually are based off of experience and research some authors did upon a subject, and added details for it to become fiction. If you were to write a novel, not an autobiography, of your life, what would be the first lines be composed of? (Challenge, do it in six words!)

With great power comes great responsibility! If you were given command over half of the known world, as well as half or a terraformed Mars, what would you do with that power? The other half is controlled by an assortment of companies, governments, and merchant alliances!

What's your favorite band?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite sport?

Who is best pony?

Is "Skeeter" your nickname in real life?

Why are you so awesome? :moustache:

I asked, you delivered. And damn if you guys didn't deliver.

Current question count:
Comments: 38
Form: 36
Total: 74

Goddamn. And it's only been day. Not even that.

Thank you. This will be a BIG one.


I'm staring, right now, at a big bowl filled to the brim with red gelatin. Shall I engulf it in its entirety headfirst? Your future answer shall either affirm my past decision or further the guilt in making a wrong choice. And, yes, this is happening right now...:rainbowdetermined2:

Have you ever been so far even as to want to do to look more like?

If you have been so far even as to want to do to look more like, what was it like?

Why are you so gosh-darned nice:rainbowhuh:?


Are you a wizard? :rainbowhuh:

What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?


Total: 80

Yikes. I've a lot to answer... Keep them coming!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Have you ever forgotten your "~Skeeter the Lurker" tagline?


That... actually made sense

What would happen if I ate myself, would I disappear or be twice as big?


Total: 82

~Skeeter The Lurker


[color=transparent]I'll answer mine, soon

Mandatory question: pancakes or waffles? Or (bats edition) crepes or french toast?

Okay, let's ask some questions.

1: Have you ever heard of the band Of Monsters And Men, if you did, what do you think of them?

2: Have you ever tried to draw fan art yourself?

3: Who do you think is best pony? Don't worry, we all have an opinion. (Mine's Fluttershy :yay:)

4: Is it possible to go Mary Poppins on someone's ass with a big enough umbrella?


Glad I didn't post yet... Late addition to the answers blog...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Are you ever going to freaking read the Blooming Moon Chronicles? :fluttershyouch: I'm going to keep reminding you until you do. And then I'll get messages from Black Rose Raven asking why is this weird guy commenting "on my everything." And I'll laugh.


I'll just answer that now: yes. It's on my list.

I'll get to them eventually.

~Skeeter The Lurker


Good. :ajsmug: They're incredibly underrated, in my opinion. Plus there's just a lot to read. Almost 3mil words or something like that.

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