• Member Since 4th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 30th


Always occupied to make graphs and plans for nothing.


About the grammar of The Sneezing Changeling · 10:49am Sep 19th, 2014

The Sneezing Changeling featured? I didn't expect this, especially after letting you wait for 5 months for the next chapter.

As you have noticed by my grammar, English is not my native language. French is. My editor being very busy, he had trouble finding time to edit my fic to a decent level of English.

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Report Lirg · 459 views · Story: The Sneezing Changeling ·

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For a first story, you've really taken off!

Good job! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for faving my story The Shipping Games! Favs really help keep me motivated to keep writing the best stuff that I can cause it lets me know that you really do enjoy my work. :twilightsmile:

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