• Member Since 1st Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just another Monitor in the abyss of Existence...

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A pegasus' song to his lost lover, and their love that will never die.

Inspired by Davy Jones Lyrics by Man on the Internet.

Chapters (2)

Twilight one day receives an old book from Celestia, along with a note. Dear Twilight, This journal is one of the last reflects from Haven. Please read it and possibly you can understand something me and Luna couldn't. The journal belonged to the late Commander Rust Metal of Haven. ~Celestia
Twilight, heeding her old old teacher's request. Starts to read it.

Due to the lovely comments, I'm rewriting this. Thanks to those who helped.

Chapters (3)

An ancient elven friend of the princess sealed himself long ago for the safety of the world. Why? To protect them from himself.

Now he's back. How will he live in a world that is peaceful and possibly far more advance than he is? Time will only tell....

Chapters (2)

[Displaced Fic] Anthony always enjoyed stories where a normal person went to another world with special abilities. Never thought he would end up one of those unfortunate souls.
Now he's Mogeme Genome. His Gold blooded troll oc. Lets hope he can handled it.
First Displaced Fic, hope you enjoy.

Chapters (4)

He never really believed in it, but always wanted it. Now he's in a forest. A deep dark forest where danger is around every corner. But he's not afraid.


Cause he's the Druid of the Four Seasons.


This is my first story on here. So will be bad. I'm also writing this on a wilm. so don't expect fast updates.

Chapters (4)