• Member Since 6th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 14th, 2013


I like to write romance and am a nerd to the core. I love MLP, It's like getting a bit of being a child back.


LOOKING FOR PROOFREADERS! · 4:59am Sep 11th, 2012

I need help seeing as my goal is a story on EqD. I need Proofreaders to edit my stories. I would love the help and you get early looks at my new chapters and what not. So start killing each other for the glory of being my proof.

There may or may not be Cake involved.

And Cookies.

Have at it.

Report Jolttix · 457 views ·

My "Work"

Comments ( 1 )
  • Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

hoping you start writing again soon and maybe something similar to Chains of Our Hearts someday since i enjoyed it before you canceled it

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