EDIT - This is no longer a One shot. >:) Something that i took notice of when Twilight commented that not even her magic could initially stop Starlight, and Twily is an Alicorn. Where exactly did she get all that magic, and was it something Starlight learned, or Inherited.
Starlight Glimmer was a powerful unicorn, and now the protege of Princess Twilight. But even she would find out that there was more to her past then just Sunburst' trip to magic school, and the aftermath of being alone all the time before creating Our Town out in the sticks. She would discover, as would Twilight, that Starswirl was more then just a hero figure to them, He was also closely linked in a surprising way to Starlight Glimmer.
The past is not set in stone
There is no fate but what we make for ourselves
And Starlight was about to learn it.
Edit: Will include parts from the Season 6 Finale. People have commented and asked why I'm doing this. Did it ever dawn on you that Starswirl the Bearded was known to be a Time Traveler?
That we know next to nothing on the history of the Changelings or Chrysalis?
Ive seen a few fics that painted the picture that the Changelings were or are somehow related to the FlutterPonies.
But i had another idea. One that came from The Episodes Hearts and Hooves day, and The Crystal Empire.
Remember when Sweetie Belle read about the Love Poison, specifically Chaos Reigning? A kingdom Falling???
ANd in the Crystal Empire episode, how Twilight had stated that the Crystal Fair was," Created by the Empire's first QUEEN to renew the love and light in the Empire???? >:)