I'm so slow. · 5:35pm Jun 19th, 2012
I'll cut to the chase.
Chapter 3 of Refracted Heart is coming fairly soon, a week tops (which probably means next month).
I'm working on said fic the most. I have a heap of ideas and I'm concentrating on getting them done first.
Next I'm working on is Party Hard, followed by a oneshot that was meant to be completed in one fucking day, but instead has taken 8 weeks AND it's not even halfway done (rrrrrrrr)
Awwh, thanks ^^
Inspiration to work on it? Sure thing.
Currently, it's my last priority, but I'll try get back onto it. People seem to enjoy it enough.
You wrote Split? You're awesome.
30300 Why thank you dear sir :D
Dat pic....is purdy.
Rayn is best writer <3