• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2023

Changeling 27

We're not crazy we are prefectly sane just ask the people keeping us in the padded walls...


Been too long · 6:41am Mar 28th, 2022

Holy crap on a cracker I'm still alive.

Jokes aside I am actually looking forward to trying out writing again.

It won't be a masterpiece sure but maybe if I actually take my time and don't try to rush I think now I might actually be able to write something that may not be half bad this time.

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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

1785114 Thanks for the watch!

1783111 That sounds reasonable enough.

1783068 For the ideal experiment, first you need to get multiple different types of food and drink. Soda, milk, water, meats, vegetables, sweets. Then you need to divide them up into untreated and treated, and preferably under 'treated' you include multiple different types of healings.

Next you need to get multiple people of different ages, genders, and weights, with more or less the same overall health (Don't include someone with cancer, that's gonna mess with results) then you take some doctor notes. Blood pressure, weight, as well as them writing down how well they feel and how much they believe in the method. You want believers.

Then you need to divide each group of people into smaller groups:
-People who know what the experiment is, given an untreated food, told it's untreated
-People who know what the experiment is, given a treated food, told it's untreated
-People who know what the experiment is, given an untreated food, told it's treated
-People who know what the experiment is, given a treated food, told it's treated
-People who don't know what the experiment is, given a treated food
-People who don't know what the experiment is, given an untreated food.

Each subgroup should have sufficient sample size. The more people the better. Over the course of a month have them take the treated/untreated food, say, once per day, and check in on them every month.

People must remain consistent. Someone is not allowed to start a new workout schedule halfway through. If someone gets the flu, they can not take medicine and their illness must be noted. Also, they cannot know what their health check-in is each week.

1781272 Why don't I talk about the experiment first?

I am NOT talking about the end all "ground breaking" result here.

I am just talking about a sort of starting point in which to build on. a kind of "prototype" experiment if you will.

I agree you need controls for any experiment bur first is that you have to understand the experiment itself.

In this case I was going to go for one involving energy healing or energy manipulation if you prefer that term.

The very basic experiment idea is this. To take two pieces of the same food or drink, make two equal parts and heal one of them.

Now before you jump on me for controls or anything else. Remember this is the BASIC concept of the experiment. The " bare bones" of the experiment only and not any of the nerves, blood, muscles, organs, or flesh of the experiment.

We can discuss those aspects together.

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The music I like.

I mostly like any song that appeals to me but for the most part my two favorite music types by far are rock and classical music.

I think this song is by far one of my favorite rock songs of all time because it really hits a soft spot in my heart everytime I hear it.

Now as far as classical music goes that I have a much harder time deciding. So, I decided to throw in what sounded like a collection of songs to enjoy. If you enjoy a good classical melody to drift away to like I do then I hope you enjoy this collection I found on youtube.

Whether you like a good rock song or a good classical song, I hope you enjoy these.

One of my favorite MLP fan songs.

I just love this song it's so perfect for Princess Luna.