• Member Since 9th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st


She/They. Avid fanfic reader. Write stories more often then I publish them :twilightsheepish: Sunlight * Flutterdash * Rarijack :heart: I do pony reacts on YT! Falling-Pixie Creations

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Total Words: 47,038
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The romantic dreams Rarity had been plagued with were now starting to become clear. She desperately wanted to know who they were about and it seemed her subconscious was finally ready to give her an answer.

BIG thanks to my Bata Reader TecnoSmurf and for keeping me inspired to finish it!
This is a 4 chapter story and will be updated every week!

Teen Rating for sexually implied situations
EG Universe Story only; Sunset shows up but the others girls show up briefly; They are all around 18, seniors in HS;

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Pretending To Be Mine

This is a short story that is an additive to one of my longer Flutterdash stories! :heart: While it's better to read my previous story, it can be read as a stand alone. They are missing scenes during the first chapter of Pretending To Be Mine. A side story of how each character found out about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash dating. The rumor spread through school like lighting!
Also, yes I've been watching a lot of friends lately :twilightsheepish: IE, the title.

"Fake girlfriend" trope; EG Universe Story only; Fluttershy and Rainbow show up briefly but they are the main subject;

Chapters (1)

Frightened was an understatement. Fluttershy, one of the kindest and sweetest girls, was being stocked to the point of feeling terrorized. She now has acquired the help from her most loyal friend. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, childhood best friends, learn to love each other in a new and confusing way.

Complementary Story: The One Where Everyone Finds Out

Teen Rating for Rainbow's use of foul language :rainbowwild:
"Fake girlfriend" trope; EG Universe Story only; The others girls show up briefly;

Beta Reader will be done by my gf in the near future. I was just too excited to get this out! This story has been 3 years in the making. Please critique and enjoy!

Chapters (4)

What happens when you kiss your best friend because of a silly mistletoe tradition? Something has sparked between Twilight and Sunset that neither of them realized they were ready to face. And all right before the Christmas Formal. This is a story about two friends. The struggle of hiding feelings and the discovery of them blossoming.

Rating is teen for use of alcohol and sexual advances.
Original artwork is to be uploaded (at some point?) for the cover.

I've also recently gone through and re-read the chapters and found quite a few grammar/spelling errors. I've fixed all I found but please tell me if I missed any!
This is probably the first multi chapter story I have ever finished. I’ve been working on this for nearly 2 years and I hope you all enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)