• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 28th, 2022


Singularly uninteresting

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  • TThreads
    Since time immemorial, the God-Queen Celestia has ruled over Equestria, protecting it from harm. Then one day she takes a student.
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  • TI Watch the Moon
    Luna has been redeemed by the elements of harmony, but is finding that salvation is harder to come by. Perhaps the Moon, her prison for so very long, is truly where Luna belongs after all.
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Ding! Story Alert! · 11:09pm Sep 20th, 2019

The first chapter of Affettuoso is live!

I was hesitant to do a Vinyl/Octavia story, since there's no real characterization for them in the actual show, and the pairing... well, I've never quite clicked on the dynamic.

Well, here's my attempt. A Vinyl/Octavia story with a bit different dynamic than I've read in other stories. I hope you enjoy. :twilightsmile:

The rest of the 4 chapters will go up weekly.

Comments ( 2 )
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Thanks for the fave of 'Full Bloom'. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for the fave on The Light in the Darkness and welcome to the site! Have fun now, ya hear? :ajsmug:

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