• Member Since 15th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Hi! I'm an MtF transexual who writes a lot of fics! I hope you all really enjoy my work (though i have a tendency to not update certain stories for long stretches of time... Anyway! I like adventres!


This story is a sequel to Rainbow is Magic Season 2: Disharmony, Disruption, Discord

Rarity has long dreamed of joining the Wonderbolts. It seems like her dream is coming true after she got an acceptance letter giving her a position as a trainee for the team. But she'll find it won't be easy, between having to prove herself through training, having to deal with disapproving pegasi and those who see her as a joke, and of course the upcoming contest between the trainees of the Wonderbolts against their bitter rivals, The shadowbolts.

Chapters (1)

Luna travels the world of dreams, watching over ponies, ensuring they are able to work through any issues they have that plague their sleeping minds, and dispell nightmares that haunt them, One night, she finds a dream she's never encountered before...and faces a being from her past, and it won't be such an easy foe for her to face...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow is Magic S2: Shadow over the Crystal Empire

After some prior defeats at the hooves of some heroic ponies, several past villains are brought together for a special plan...A plan that spells doom for Equestria...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow is Magic Season 2: Disharmony, Disruption, Discord

El Dorado is a city few ordinary ponies know. It's said that whoever goes there can find success and have their dreams come true, and find wonders noone can find anywhere else. For a price, or so the rumours say.

Spike has gone missing, and the sole clue points to El Dorado, and Pinkamena has taken it upon herself to find him and solve the mystery of El Dorado.

But ponies who try to uncover the darkness hidden beneath the shine of the City of Gold tend to never be seen again...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow is Magic S2: Apple Family Feud

The Multiverse is theroitically the biggest, msot perplexing thing to exist. And now, Rainbow Dash must explore it as she and her friends must retrieve the Elemen of Magic after it has been taken by some old foes, as well as figure out the mysteries surrounding them. Why did the thieves take the Element? How are they behind the portals connecting to other worlds? And just who exactly are all these weird ponies that look like them but are so very different?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow is Magic S2: Love Hearts and Bug Eyes

Princess Cadance's past is a mystery, especially to herself. After Celestia and Luna sense a surge of Dark Magic in the far frozen north, Cadance and her wife go to investigate along with Rainbow Dash and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony in order to deal with it, and hopefully uncover the truth of Cadance's hidden past.

Unfortunately, waiting for them is a dangerous new enemy, one with one goal in mind: revenge.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to MLP G5: Want It Need It

Everyone has earned a well earned rest, especially with festival coming up and after dealing with so many enemies, but even in their sleep it seems they are not safe, as yet another new foe strikes at their most vulnerable, attacking their very dreams and resurrecting their darkest nghtmares...

(death tags refer to mention of death but not refer to anything too explicit otherwise, and suicide tag is for something that again is more about impication and nothing truly explicit)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to MLP G5: Groger

Horseshoes is becoming more impatient about her recruitment into the Knights when a foreign pony enters the city. His name Is Zebediah J. Snake Oil, and he is offering a Cure All potion that will solve every probem easily for everyone who drinks it. As Razzle Dazzle and others become more concerned with Horseshoes' addiction to 'the stuff', it soon becomes apparent that Snake Oil has an ulterior motive behind his miracle cure.....

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to MLP G5 Pilot: The Harvest

Time has passed since The Harvester attacked, and the ponies of The Kingdom are settling down and getitng back to the normal pace of things. However, soon a new visitor appears: Groger, a king from a foreign land, a concept the ponies of the Kingdom were unfamiliar with. As Razzle Dazzle takes a shine to the king, little does she know of his ulterior motives...

Chapters (4)

Back in 2013 or so, before I did my other MLP stories, I wrote up a few stories in an original setting I called simply G5. This is the 'Pilot' of that series.

Set within the Pony Kingdom, we focus on Horseshoes, an earth pony hoping to become a Knight, and Razzle Dazzle, the timid student of Hocus Pocus, a powerful mage with the title of 'Master Merlin'. In this inaugral adventure, the pair must battle a powerful foe, a mysterious entity known only as The Harvester, and what he harvests....are ponies.

Chapters (4)