Stay a while and listen, and I will tell you a story. A story of Dungeons and Dragons, of Orcs and Goblins, of Ghouls and Ghosts, of Kings and Quests, but most importantly -- of Wizards and Vamp -- Well... A story of Wizards.
Once upon a time, in a land known as MidgÄrd...
There lived a powerful Wizard named Grimnir, who sought to harness the power of all Magicks -- ancient spells, crafted in times long forgotten. With such knowledge he might enable the wizards of the Order of Magick to spread eternal peace across the lands...
But the Order of Magick instead felt threatened by his ambitions, and in the shadows they schemed, and devised a treacherous plan...
...and so, Grimir's disciples were expelled from the Order, and he himself was, for all time, imprisoned at World's End. All because of his dangerous lust for knowledge.
Grimnir's dangerous ambitions dashed, the world was safe once more... Aside from the increased number of monsters attacking the good villagers.
And of course, the warlord Khan, who had united the orc tribes, and now threatened the great city of Havindr.
But in the dusty gloom of Castle Aldrheim, where the Order of Magick dwelled, a brilliant teacher and his finest pupils were about to embark on a journey that would prevent the world from changing... ... Forever...
The vampire old and powerful wizard Vlad had successfully guided the one to four wizards of various colourations to triumph against Grimnir, destroying both him and the daemon that fed his powers.
The wizard(s) enjoyed a quiet life after returning to Castle Aldrheim, grooming their new grey beards, waxing poetic, lamenting how things used to be, solved a mystery involving missing fish and Cthulhu, and poetically lamenting how Cthulhu wasn't half the eldritch abomination he used to be.
But then miraculously, near the end of their years, a miraculous miracle happened. Their age was miraculously reversed in a miracle to several decades previously, when they were young and spry and capable of saving the world. It was a miracle. A very miraculous miracle.
The one to four wizards quickly gathered up their traveling supplies, which was easy since they never put them away, and gave their farewells to Castle Aldrheim...