Just a stallion with autism on Fimfiction who may or may not be a huge Celestia simp. 18 years old. he/him
im not a writer but i do love reading fanfics so everyone just keep doing wat ur doing and have fun. i sure am
Name: Hunter or Shadow trying out writing when random stuff comes to my mind, i dont expect much but i hope others can enjoy.
Just a brony with a flair for bowties. If I read it, it gets favorited. I can also officiate marriages.
If there is a fic I want to read, but it hasn't been written, then I make it happen. Simple as that.
I hate real bugs but apparently I seem to love fictional ones.
Perhaps... just perhaps, the sweetest things that happen in life are the ones that history isn't there to record.
Author of the Kamen Rider Drake series and all around fan of...just about anything with action in it. Shooting Stars Away! -RedStar
A Hobo who enjoys fine pony prose with his moonshine and shotgun.