• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2015



Notice #1: No Im not dead. Notice #2: Well maybe, I'm not sure. · 9:13am Jan 20th, 2014

Well, hello again everyone. Its been sometime since I last said something. For the fans that have been with me for a long time, thank you for your dedication. And for the fans that are fairly new, thank you and welcome. So lets get down to business, what you guys REALLY REALLY want to know:

"When will the next chapter of TYSH be out you lazy SOB?"

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So I guess- OH SHIT SUMMER'S OVER ALREADY! · 8:48am Sep 15th, 2013

Good morning, afternoon, evening to everyone out there, long time no see. I know its been a while, but I have come to tell you that I have not forgotten about this story that you all love and want more of. In fact it is just the opposite, looking over what I wrote previously, you can tell that I am a sucker for interesting situations, witty dialogue, and cheesy adorable romance. Now the new chapters that I am going to have to do with almost none of those elements, being a lot darker in nature.

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April Fools and slight (but needed) apology · 7:17am Apr 2nd, 2013

Well now that the day of April 1st has past, I can now say that the previous blog post was a hoax. Well, it wasnt just a hoax, but a way for me to practice. In the time I spend in between chapters, my writing skill atrophies and it takes time to build it back up. I was worried that I would not be able to give the proper amount of emotion and believability to the story, but thanks to your comments/messages/skype pleas I think I still have it...

Wow, that makes me sound like an asshole...

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Guys, I have some bad news · 7:00am Apr 1st, 2013

Alright everyone, I have something I need you to listen to. College has gotten a lot tougher, we all saw how long it has taken me to put out the last one and the one before, etc, etc, etc. So because of that Im stopping production on TYSH.

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*Pssst* Hey guess what? More TYSH. · 3:58am Mar 26th, 2013

So finals have officially ended! Praise the lord!

And we all know what free time means right? More time for anime? Yes... but not what Im going for. After a three month period I have finally been able to finish Chapter 14 of TYSH. It it being edited as we speak, it is my personal opinion that you guys are going to enjoy this chapter. Chalk full of "Oh shi-" moments, and surprising twists.

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Then You Saw Her Animated? · 4:09am Jan 6th, 2013

So I have a question for you all, which would you want more: Me singing, or animated episodes of Then You Saw Her?

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On the First Day of Christmas Possiblydominator gave to me... · 9:12pm Dec 24th, 2012

...A release date for chapter thirteen. (1/1/13)

*Grumbles* And on the second day I'm going to whoop my co-writer's ass into shape and get him to write more...

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season, I know I sure am. It feels pretty damn good to sit down at home, relax, and take a break from school for awhile. So you guys should also be aware that I am in the process of completing chapter 14 as well, so yeah. That's cool too.

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Finals Week and Ditzy News · 5:10am Dec 5th, 2012

Well hello everyone, I hope you all have had a good day thus far. As of right now, I'm sure some of you are experiencing the dreaded finals week. I wish you the best. I myself am no exception, and have just returned from conquering my CS final.

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TYSH CH 12 Released · 10:14pm Nov 4th, 2012

It's finally out everyone, go ahead and check it out here:


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Howdy do everypony · 8:19pm Oct 30th, 2012

Buena fortuna mi amiche. Well it looks like I've put this off for a little too long, but whatever, better late than never. I have heard your pleas and so I give you a new chapter of TYSH (coming soon). Its only been how long, a few months or so right?

MFW its been way too long:

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