• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 13,751 Views, 1,104 Comments

Cubic Zirconia - arcum42

Diamond Tiara has always enjoyed picking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But one day, she finds she's gone too far, and everything for her comes tumbling down. But help may come from the most unexpected of places...

  • ...

The Mare In the Mirror

Diamond Tiara ran. She wasn't sure how all this had started. She just fled down the street as though all the forces of Hell were after her. Or at least, a vengeful white unicorn filly with a scowl on her face.

"You hurt my friends!"

This was no good. The street dead-ended ahead. The only way she could get back was past Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie Belle wasn't alone.

"I warned you!" Sweetie Belle continued, advancing towards Diamond. "Now it's your turn to pay!"

From another direction, Scootaloo came at her with a bloody muzzle and a fierce look in her eyes, her feathers all in disarray. Standing right between them was Apple Bloom, looking larger than life, anger written across her face.

"What did I do?" Diamond panicked, looking one direction and then another for some way out of this. "I didn't mean-"

A blast of sickly green light coming from Sweetie Belle's horn hit her. A strange feeling washed over her, and her legs stiffened and locked in place. She tried to force herself to run, but Diamond's legs wouldn't obey her.

Everything around her seemed to be growing larger and larger. Looking like a giant, Apple Bloom walked over and scooped her off the ground. Holding Diamond up to her face, she started to laugh.

"Now you will pay for everything you've done!" Apple Bloom declared. "Now I am the true princess here, and you are nothing!"

With that, Apple Bloom placed Diamond squarely on top of her head. What did Sweetie Belle do? What's happened to me?

A green mist in front of her suddenly solidified into an ornate full-length mirror. Reflected in it, she saw Apple Bloom, posing with her mane tossed back. Sitting on her mane was a tiara. It wasn’t just any tiara. It was her tiara. Only her tiara didn’t normally have a pair of wide eyes in the center staring back at her.

She blinked, and they blinked back. Her eyes widened, and she would have screamed, if she still had a mouth to do it with. She'd always loved her tiara, but that didn't mean she wanted to be her tiara.
"You always were nothin' but decorative, y'know," Apple Bloom said, looking at her in the mirror. "Now you can be decorative without bein' such a big, stinkin' bully."

Apple Bloom admired herself for a few moments in the mirror, adjusting her mane, until a stallion stepped in front of it, looking straight at Diamond. It was her father, and he didn't seem amused.

"Diamond Tiara, you're pathetic," he said, scowling. "You're a good-for-nothing brat, and you always have been. Didn't you wonder why I wasn't at your cute-ceañera? Or your last birthday party?"

Diamond tried to say something in reply, but couldn't move. He was just busy! He didn't have time to go, that's all.

"I didn't have time for someone as worthless as you," he continued. "I've never loved you. All you were ever good for was being my heir. And now you aren't even good for that."

Filthy Rich yanked her off of Apple Bloom's head.

"All you are now is nothing but a gaudy piece of junk."

Getting a firm grip on her diamond-studded base, he threw her right at the hard cobblestone road below. She let out a high-pitched scream and prepared for impact…


And tumbled off her cushion to the wooden floor of the clubhouse.

Diamond Tiara blinked, and the world came into focus. A quick check proved that she had the usual assortment of limbs, and did not appear to be an inanimate object, which was a bit of a relief. She experimentally moved one leg, and then another, and other than feeling a little prickly, they seemed fine.

Dim light filtered through the window, but it was still pretty dark. Loud snoring came from the other side of the room. Funny, given that she’d screamed, but maybe she’d just dreamt that. She walked over.

Scootaloo looked like she was okay, at least, and not all messed up like in her dream. Not that she'd really been worried. While she didn't really think Sweetie Belle could turn her into a tiara, there was that threat she'd made the other day.

The area did smell all garlicky, which was no surprise, given that teriyaki bowl from last night. Scootaloo’s mane was rumpled up and sticking in all directions, and her feathers were ruffled enough that Diamond could see that bare patch she’d taken such care to cover up earlier.

What was that about, anyway? Had she hurt herself falling off her scooter or something?

Maybe she had made too much noise after all, because Scootaloo's snores stopped with a snort, and she opened one eye, then sprang to life and jumped off her cushion.

"Huh? What? Must've fallen asleep here accident-" Scootaloo said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Oh. Diamond."

"Do you always start the day by claiming you don't know what you're doing here?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

"It's not like I'm used to somepony else being here when I wake up, especially you," Scootaloo said, blinking repeatedly and yawning. "What were you doing standing right next to me when I woke up, anyways?"

Well, she could hardly tell Scootaloo she'd had a nightmare. She'd better change the subject.

"What exactly is with all those big bald spots?" Diamond asked bluntly. "I noticed them the other day when you were messing with your wings."

"Messing with my wings?" Scootaloo repeated, a blank expression on her face. "You mean when I was preening?"

Now it was Diamond's turn, as she hadn't a clue what Scootaloo meant. "Preening? This have something to do with that molten thing Sweetie Belle was talking about?"

Scootaloo sighed. "You don't know a thing about pegasi, do you?"

Typical. Scootaloo wasn't up a minute, and was already insulting her. How much was there to know?

"Sure I know about pegasuses! Er, they have wings, they come from Cloudsdale, and they can fly." She looked at Scootaloo's wings again. "Usually."

"That's all you know? There are lots of pegasus cities besides Cloudsdale, and that barely covers things."

Scootaloo sat down on her cushion. "Look, when you have wings, you hafta take care of your feathers, an' that's called preening. If you don't do it, they stick out any which way, get all itchy, and you can't fly as well. And you can't zoom around on a scooter as well, either."

"And preening's just shuffling around your feathers?" Diamond was actually starting to get a bit curious.

"Not really. You hafta remove damaged ones, move the others around to the right places, and make sure they get some oil on them, spread out just right. It's kinda tricky, especially if you're trying to teach yourself from books an' watchin' other ponies."

"Wait, oil them? I didn't see you using any oil."

At this, Scootaloo grinned for the first time this morning. "Don't need any. There's this thingy in the back of a pegasus's throat that can create oil. Everything tasted kinda oily while I was figuring it out, but now I can oil my feathers just fine, an' even spit oil if I wanna. Though if I do, I might not have enough for preening."

Diamond Tiara wrinkled her nose. "That's gross!"

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do."

Diamond didn't even want to think about the whole oil thing. "So those bald spots were all broken feathers? They’re huge. And what was that thing Sweetie Belle'd been talking about?"

"Molting? Pegasus feathers gradually fall out and grow back. It's not all at once. It seems like different feathers molt at different times. I'm still waiting for those to grow back in, and it's been a while, so they should start soon. I hope."

"If you pull out broken feathers, how did you have that many break? And it looked like you'd been cut there or something."

This earned her a frown. "Bad things don't just happen to you, alright?"

"Bad things?"

"It's not like I'm living on my own 'cause I thought it'd be a fun idea. Can we drop it? We need to get ready to go meet Sweetie Belle."

"Wait, weren't we heading over to see Apple Bloom?" She still was worried about how that'd go, even more so after that dream.

Scootaloo looked at her in a way that was all too familiar by now. "Apple Bloom's not gonna be back 'til around lunchtime. We'll meet Sweetie Belle over at the Carousel Boutique and get some breakfast first."

Oh. She imagined that made some sense. But...

"I thought Sweetie Belle was at her parents?"

"Yeah, but she wanted to go stop by her sister’s place first for some reason. Beats me."

Whatever. Insights into the life and times of Sweetie Belle weren't high on her list of priorities, which now suddenly included food, shelter, and a place to sleep. The only reason she wanted to know more about Scootaloo was because she had to live with her now.

It wasn't like Scootaloo was a friend of hers, after all. Maybe... maybe she was an acquaintance. That was what you called other ponies that weren't quite your friends but you were getting to know, wasn't it? Not a friend, though. She wasn't ready to replace Silvy yet.

She brushed part of her mane out of her eyes and frowned. She couldn't really get cleaned up properly this morning. She really shouldn't have given that mirror and comb back to Sweetie Belle. Diamond moved around until she could mostly see her reflection in the window and tried to straighten out her mane as best as she was able, while Scootaloo appeared to be giving a full on demonstration of preening technique. Her feathers were sort of glistening after she moved her mouth over them, weren't they? That was so icky.

Taking her eyes away from the spectacle Scootaloo was making of herself, Diamond rummaged through that wad of clothing she'd so carelessly thrown into the clubhouse a few nights ago, only to discover masses of wrinkles on everything.

This, of course, should have been expected, but normally anything she carelessly tossed aside, she'd find neatly folded and pressed later. She really missed Greywithers right now. Even if she had an iron, she'd hardly know how to get them out. It was better to wear nothing at all, unfortunately.

She pulled her saddlebags on, and once Scootaloo had finished doing unmentionable things to her feathers, the two of them set off.

The Carousel Boutique had always been the high point of Ponyville fashion, and you could tell before even walking in the door. Of course, Diamond rarely actually got clothes from there herself.

What was the point of being fashionable if you were going to be wearing the same things everypony else in Ponyville who was with it wore, after all? She got things sent from Manehattan or Canterlot or Prance, custom designed for her. She couldn't just wear a sweater. It had to be a Polomare original. The name was practically as important as the clothes themselves.

Well, she couldn't be that picky any more. Custom dresses from Rarity's would have to do, if she could even afford those. Maybe she could pay somepony to iron the ones she had? But that'd seem strange, too, and she couldn't be too conspicuous.

She'd get by, of course. Barely anypony wore clothes in Ponyville, anyway, except special occasions, and she could probably find ways around that. It was difficult, though. She was supposed to be the center of attention anywhere she went, not hiding away someplace.

Lost in thought, Diamond automatically followed Scootaloo as she went into the boutique, not paying attention to anything around her. She heard Rarity get about as far as saying "Good morning, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle will be-" before something big and furry landed straight on top of Diamond’s head.


All she could see was a pair of white furry arms dangling in front of her, claws out and ready for attack. She reacted with all the poise and confidence she felt could be expected of her in a situation like this.

"Aaaaugggh! Get it off me! Get it off me!"

Diamond Tiara ran back and forth and shaking her head, trying to get the white furry monster that seemed to be clinging on to her head for dear life off. Claws raked past her eyes as she continued to panic.

Suddenly, there was a blue glow at the edge of her vision. The weight on her head suddenly vanished as a pudgy white cat floated into view and was levitated over to Rarity.

"Oh, Opal-wopal, are you lonely? Did you want some attention?" Rarity cooed at the cat, as it gazed at Diamond, frowning with narrowed yellowish-green eyes. "That was very naughty of you. Why don't you apologize for scaring-" Rarity looked in her direction for a moment. "Miss Tiara half to death?"

The cat responded by hissing and swiping a paw in Diamond’s direction as she was lowered to the ground. She skulked off to a pillow in the corner, where she made a big show of walking in a circle on it several times before curling up, one eye open a crack, staring malevolently at Diamond Tiara.

"Don't mind her," Rarity said, "she's just a little out of sorts and feeling a bit moody right now."

"Is she ever not feeling moody?" Sweetie Belle said, entering the room. "Now where is it?"

Sweetie Belle looked back and forth around the room intently, before lighting on the top shelf of a bookcase, where several spools of ribbon were. "Aha! Found it."

She looked hesitantly at the shelf, then at a stool nearby. "This looks familiar... Um, Rarity, can you get that ribbon down for me? The pink one?"

"Not now, Sweetie Belle, we have guests."

"They're my guests, though. Remember what happened last time I tried to get something from that shelf?"

Rarity gave a dramatic sigh as the ribbon glowed blue and floated down to Sweetie Belle's waiting hooves. "Oh, very well."

Then she turned to Scootaloo, who'd been watching the goings on with obvious amusement, and Diamond Tiara, who was still standing there panting.

"Now Scootaloo, I'm sure you and Sweetie Belle had something planned. Don't let me stop you," she said, dismissing her with a wave.

Rarity then focused in on Diamond Tiara, and her condition finally registered. "Oh dear, this won't do at all. Opal has made a total mess of your mane."

She paused for a moment, looking at her closer. "Wait! Your tiara! Did Opal knock it off? Is it missing? We simply must find it!"

Rarity started frantically searching around the boutique, looking on shelves and under tables, and even turning Opal's basket upside-down.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, help me find Miss Tiara's tiara, will you?"

Losing her tiara was a great excuse, but what would she do when Rarity couldn't find it? And Diamond was sure Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle would eventually say something anyways, rather than pretending to search. She cleared her throat.

"Don't worry, I wasn't wearing my tiara. Tiaras are totally last week. I decided it was time for a new look." She tossed her mane back, or tried to. Given that it was still sticking in all directions, it didn't have quite the effect she wanted, but it still got Rarity's attention, causing her to put down the potted plant she'd lifted up and come back over. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sighed.

Rarity's eyes lit up as she approached. "Of course. Say no more! That explains everything. I didn't want to say something, as I'd assumed it was some sort of family heirloom or something, but the style on your tiara was quite out of fashion. Something more simple and elegant was called for, having style and taste, yet not flaunting your wealth."

She walked around Diamond, examining her from all angles as Diamond stood there uncomfortably.

Her tiara had been out of style? It helped that Rarity thought that, but it also kind of hurt. She'd always thought it was beautiful, elegant, and glamorous, just like her. Gaudy and in bad taste weren't traits she'd ever associated with her tiara. Taking down measurements, Rarity didn't seem to notice her mood.

"Your mane style is geared towards having something hold it down, so that will have to change." Rarity herded her in front of a full length mirror, all too similar to the one in her dream. "Now let me see. How about this?"

Swaths of fabric, brushes, and haircare products descended on her, and a fury of activity engulfed Diamond. When she looked back at the mirror, she was wearing a traditional bluish-black kimono with a red rose design on it, a red sash, and her mane was in a bun with a pair of ivory sticks holding it in place.

Rarity clicked her tongue as she examined Diamond. "No, no, too formal."

Before Diamond could say anything, a swirl of activity wrapped around her again. This time, when she looked up, she was in an almost transparent white summer dress with a floppy white hat on and flip-flops.

Aside from the flip flops, it might not have been bad, but Rarity was already shaking her head.

"Too casual."

Suddenly, Diamond found herself in a frilly black shirt with long baggy sleeves. A black pair of pseudo-leather pants covered her back legs, with a hole for her tail. Somehow a black collar covered in spikes found its way around not only her neck, but all four fetlocks. At least there wasn't a leash. She did have the cutest little pair of clip-on silver skull earrings on, though.

"Way too urban."

On an impulse, she flicked the earrings off her ears towards her saddlebags as Rarity began removing her clothing once again. Before long, she was dressed in a blue and white sailor suit with a red tie. This time, her mane had been separated into pigtails, each held in place by some sort of large white ball.

Maybe Rarity likes playing dressup with ponies, and the whole dressmaking thing was just a scheme to get them to go along with it? Hearing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo snickering in the corner didn't help matters.

"Too cutesy."

There was a blue magic glow all around her again, as she was changed into yet another outfit. Was being around too much magic bad for you?

This time, she was in a royal blue dress with silver accents. Her mane seemed to be pulled back in a ponytail, though not braided like Silvy's was. There was even some sort of silver hairclip holding it in place.

Before she could voice her approval, Rarity was nodding. "Perfect. Of course, I'll need to make some adjustments."

She whisked the dress off of Diamond, leaving her mane as it was.

"Come back later today, and I'll make the final adjustments. Shall I put this on the Rich family tab?"

Oh, right, money.

"I'm afraid I don't-" she said, and then her brain caught up with her, and she smiled a wicked smile for a moment. "Actually, yes, bill it to daddy's account. Maybe you could add a matching blouse and sweater, a brush and comb, a handheld mirror, and whatever you used to keep my mane in place, too?"

Rarity's smile didn't flicker. "Very well. I can have the hair accessories ready for you in a moment."

She levitated several items and wrapped them together in a bundle, which tucked itself in her saddlebag. Sometimes it seemed like unicorns just liked to show off their magic. Rarity could have easily done all that by hoof.

A moment later, Rarity had Sweetie Belle tugging at her foreleg, though. She must have just been waiting for her to finish with Diamond.

"Rarity? Me and Scootaloo were going to go down to Sugarcube Corner for breakfast. Can I have some money to buy breakfast?"


"Please? I'll even take her." Sweetie Belle pointed at Diamond.

"I don't know-"

"Of course, I could just make them all breakfast here." She gestured at the kitchen. For some reason, Rarity's eyes widened, and she levitated a small bag of coins to Sweetie Belle.


Sweetie Belle looked through the bag. "You know, I'm probably going to be taking the crusaders out to lunch today, too. Apple Bloom's finally going to be back."

"Haven't your parents given you your allowance?" Rarity burst out.

Sweetie Belle looked down. "You know how they are."

Rarity sighed and levitated over more bits. "I shall go over and remind them myself. Once I'm done with my work, that is."

"Thanks, Rarity!"

Sweetie Belle hugged her, then sped out the door, pulling Scootaloo and Diamond with her. Rarity shook her head and started straightening back up the boutique again.

In a few minutes, Sweetie Belle slowed down and let the two of them go.

"Sorry, but if we'd stayed longer, my sister might have come up with more dresses for us to wear."

"For me to wear, you mean?" Diamond said.

"For any of us to wear! What was that deal with putting the dresses on your father’s tab, though? Won't he notice?"

"That's the least he owes me! Besides, aside from Barnyard Bargains, Grey handles the finances." Diamond frowned for a moment. "Still, I probably shouldn't do that too often."

"What if you just bought a house and put it on his tab?" Scootaloo said, wings buzzing. After a moment, they slowed. "Nah, they wouldn't sell it without at least checking with him."

"I might get away with a hotel room. He'd notice after a few days, though. Or the hotel ponies'd start asking questions."

Scootaloo sighed. "Yeah. Still, there ought to be something we could do with it."

"Isn't that kinda stealing, though?" Sweetie Belle said.

Diamond's thoughts went to the two earrings she'd grabbed earlier.

"He kinda should be paying for all Diamond's stuff anyways, so not really," Scootaloo said. "An' it was Rarity's idea."

"So, are we actually going to Sugarcube Corner, or was that just to get away from Rarity?" Diamond asked, wanting to get the subject away from stealing. "Why were you there, anyways?"

"Apple Bloom's going to be back today," Sweetie Belle replied, "and I remembered that her ribbon tore when she got hurt, so I thought I'd replace it."

"Doesn't she have more than the one ribbon?" Diamond Tiara asked, surprised.

"Well, I always see her wearing it, so I figured it was the same one. Kinda like Applejack's hat, you know?"

"We're at Sugarcube Corner," Scootaloo pointed out. "Why don't we continue this over some breakfast?"

Diamond had to agree with her on that front. It'd already been a pretty weird morning. She wanted a nice, sensible breakfast before she even thought about talking to Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, let's do that," she said, and they entered Sugarcube Corner.

Author's Note:

Sorry about not actually having Apple Bloom in this chapter. It was getting too long, and it was only halfway where I wanted it. Luminary wasn't able to preread much of this one, but I enlisted Elric of Melnipony's aid. I hope everyone enjoys the chapter...