• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 510 Views, 13 Comments

The Revolutionaries - Sketchy Pen

AU, Doctor Whooves/Derpy in later chapters and Lyra/Bonbon and DJPON-3/Octavia scattered throughout.

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Chapter 3

Ditzy Doo just couldn't catch a break.
Recon in Corona's castle had gone swimmingly up until she and the Doctor found the booby traps. They'd dug up some dirt(Corona hated tea!), stayed out of sight, and Ditzy even managed to grab a couple of portable laser cannons and a ring of keys for something she didn't know but felt like it would be important later.
All was going great until Ditzy’s tail brushed against the wall in a corridor, and then all hell broke loose. Out-of-tune trumpets, smoke, guards armed with weapons Ditzy had never seen before, but the Doctor froze like a deer in the headlights when he saw them, so Ditzy figured that wasn’t a good thing at all.
As far as Ditzy knew, it was a short amount of time that chaos reigned, though it was possible she’d been knocked out. She at least hoped that, during the time she couldn’t remember, she put up a good fight.
The next thing Ditzy knew, she was in stone room with iron bars on the door and water dripping from the ceiling. The Doctor was in the next room, separated by a wall of more bars.
“Well, great,” said Ditzy, her voice echoing off the walls. “Just great.”
The Doctor didn’t respond. When Ditzy looked at him, she could practically see the gears in his mind turning at a million miles an hour.
Ditzy absently looked around and cringed at seeing a spider making a web on the far wall.
For an hour or so, Ditzy and the Doctor sat in Corona’s dungeon, passing time in stifling silence. The Doctor didn’t talk much. Ditzy assumed he was still lost in thought. So Ditzy began to think.
The bars were made of iron, or some kind of strong metal. Even if she could buck pretty hard, she couldn’t break solid iron. (She had heard about a filly who could, though. What was her name? Apple-something? It had something to do with apples.) The walls were three feet thick and made of cement and stone. If she kicked that, she might as well have been trying to destroy a volcano with a piece of straw or something.
“So what exactly are you thinking about?” Ditzy asked the Doctor when her mind failed to come up with an escape plan that would work under the circumstances.
“They have Dalek weapons,” the Doctor murmured. “This isn’t good.”
“What the hay are Daleks?” Ditzy asked irritably. “You’re not making any sense at all!”
“The Daleks,” The Doctor began. “Are an alien race that live in metal tanks that generally kill everything. Not fun to deal with at all.”
Ditzy wrinkled her nose. “Definitley not.”
“If these pe--ponies have Dalek weapons, that means they’re either working with them or they took down a platoon and figured out how to use their technology,” said the Doctor briskly.
“Bad?” Ditzy guessed.
“This is a bigger temporal-dimensional mess than I thought,” the Doctor murmured. “If a merge like this is left unattended to, then the fabric of time itself could unravel.”
“Bad,” Ditzy summed up. “So, any ideas to get us out of here?”
Judging from his facial expression, the Doctor had been about to say something, but stopped short, and Ditzy found out why about five seconds later.
“No talking,” someone barked.
Ditzy turned to the voice, and faced a teenaged unicorn filly with a no-nonsense expression that just didn’t work at all with her young face. It actually looked cute, like she was trying to act much older than she was.
Ditzy raised an eyebrow and focused her right eye on the filly. “And just who are you?”
“Professor Twilight Sparkle, lieutenant and protégé to our Queen Corona,” she said in a businesslike manner.
Ditzy scoffed. “Professor? You’re younger than I am.”
“Professor” Twilight Sparkle smirked. “But I’m taller.”
Ditzy glared at her. “That’s low.”
“Queen Corona sent me to make sure neither of you got any funny ideas--OUCH!” said Professor Sparkle, interrupted mid-sentence by Ditzy’s hind hooves.
Ditzy wasn’t above hitting young people and certainly wasn’t above hitting fillies when the need arose, but she didn’t make a habit of it. After all, it wasn’t like the dim-witted, goofy neighborhood mailmare to go around bucking people.
“Come on!” Ditzy shouted to the Doctor as she snatched Professor Sparkle’s keys, bolting out the opened door and opening the Doctor’s in a heartbeat. Ditzy wasn’t exactly sure why she only got good ideas when she had a second to come up with them.
“You’re brilliant!” the Doctor shouted to Ditzy as they ran at full-tilt down the dank hallways lit with torches.
“I think it was a reflex!” Ditzy shouted back. “I’m not sure!”
Ditzy had absolutely no idea where they were going, though it wouldn’t be good form to let the Doctor know this, so she whipped around corners without second thoughts.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Ditzy thought in the split second before she and the Doctor plowed into a group of fillies and colts ranging in age from barely out of diapers to Professor Sparkle’s age.
But neither of them stopped. Ditzy was too busy trying not to get stabbed. Why in Equestria were there toddlers carrying bayonets?
With another crash through a pod of armed Royal Guards(one of whom had Ditzy’s mailbag, by a stroke of sheer luck), Ditzy and the Doctor were out of Corona’s castle and disappeared into the thicket of woods outside the palace.
Ditzy skidded to a stop under an archway made of a bent-over dead tree and spat out the strap of her bag which contained the things she’d swiped earlier. “I think we’re safe now,” she said to the Doctor, who had reunited with his Sonic Screwdriver. Her bag seemed unusually heavy, now that she thought about it.
That was when she realized they weren’t alone.

Author's Note:

Hello, is anyone paying attention? I could've sworn people faved this!

Comments ( 1 )

This story is awesome. When is the next chapter?

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