• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Equestria Boys 2-The Wrath of the Search for the Voyage to the Final Undiscovered Darkness

"Men... the day is finally here! For far too long we have allowed ourselves to be pushed around, to be cast off and treated as little more 2nd class citizens! The ponies of Equestria have treated us with utter distain and I for one am sick of it! Aren't you all sick of it too?"

"YES!" came the call.

"Aren't you tired of being ignored?"

"YES!" the army shouted.

"The pony race has slaughtered our kind without provocation or reason. They see us not as fellow citizens! They do not respect our desires and our dreams and our very right to live and I say NO MORE!" The commander moved among his troops. "Now, while it may be true that our ways may cause them harm… do we still not deserve to live?” He let out a sigh. “I'm not going to lie to you... not all of us will survive the upcoming battle. Friends.. family... will die in the name of our cause. We will honor their deaths and see them for what they are: the rallying cry upon which our cause shall be driven! But, should there be any of you that wish to back out now, do so with my blessing. And I say this to the rest, let none of you say an ill word towards those that choose not to fight. You will not think less of them or look upon them with scorn. I wish only for those who believe in the cause and are ready to die for it to stand with me when the chaos begins. If you have not the stomach or will, please say so now and know your honor will not be stained."

Not a single soldier moved.

"Ah, that warms my heart. Even you, Jimmy... even you stay!" He moved to Jimmy and patted him on the back. "Despite missing a leg and an eye and perhaps being so addled in the brain you can't tell if you are going to march into war or stand in line for ice cream... even you stayed."

"Uduh," Jimmy groaned, drool dribbling to the ground.

"You make me proud to be your commander! Now then... we charge! Let the first to fall to us be the Apple Family of Sweet Apple Acres!" the soldiers roared and raced forward, their commander leading the strike. "Charge, my soldiers! Charge towards their gleaming, sizzling light... head straight towards its enticing warmth that-BZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Granny Smith looked up from her knitting. "Would ya look at that, Big Mac? That dang bug zapper Princess Twilight gave us sure does fry them mosquitoes up real good!"

"For freedom!" a mosquito soldier shouted before he too was zapped.

"Boy hoody, listen to them fry!"

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted
Episode 36: Equestria Boys 2-The Wrath of the Search for the Voyage to the Final Undiscovered Darkness

"Dun dun da da dun dun da da dununu! Dununu! Dunun!"

"What are you doing?" Tydal asked as he and Luna snuck through the lobby of the darkly lit Sombra Development Corps. Both were in long black coats with hoods pulled over their faces, their footfalls quieted by the boots Rarity had quickly whipped up for them. In fact both their outfits, from their dress shirts to dark slacks to their long coats, had been made by Rarity. The fashionista had whipped them up, instantly inspired by the idea of them sneaking out of the besieged school. She called them her greatest works and wondered briefly if she might have a future in designing fashionable garments for spies, assassins, and soldiers of fortune. Sunset had pointed out that such people rarely told people 'who they were wearing' and Rarity had decided to drop the idea. “Are you… humming your own theme song?”

“Why not? Theme songs always play when Jolly Bonds, griffin spy, goes on a secret mission.”

“Sometimes I am concerned about your inability to tell fantasy from reality.” Tydal’s argument might have had more weight if he weren’t currently using the gauntlet Button Mash had made him to rappel up an empty elevator shaft. “We are supposed to be stealthy.”

“It’s not like they can hear me,” Luna said.

“I can hear you.”

“You don’t count.”

“Yes I do!”

Luna shook her head. “No, you don’t!”

“I think he does,” a guard that was stationed in the hallway they were sneaking through said.

“You stay out of this,” Luna said, stabbing him with a sleeping dart. “You don’t count. Now then, what are we looking for again?”

“Information on the doggy-killer,” Tydal growled, the mere thought of what King Sombra had done to his precious puppy (who happened to look just like Sombra and act like Sombra and WAS Sombra) making his blood boil. “We know he isn’t interesting in the school because it is in a good neighborhood and near a good school district… mostly because he is destroying said school district. I’d like to know what he is plotting so I have time to come up with a game plan.”

“But you’ve never lost a battle before,” Luna pointed out. “You just do your little ‘bullet-time’ thing and you’ll win! I mean, you do it all the time!”

“I never lost because I was a war god,” Tydal pointed out. “When I took the title from Fuzzy I got all the benefits… like the fact that it is VERY hard to beat me on the battlefield. You had to be sneaky like Discord to take me out.” He sighed, looking at his reflecting in the polished door face that led to Sombra’s office. “But I’m not the god of war here. I’m mortal, with no magic… so if I want to battle I need to do it the old-fashion way.”

Luna nodded. “So what are we looking for?”

Tydal bent down and began to work on the picking the lock. “Something that would tell us what Sombra is planning. Notes, research, letters-“

“I know what he’s planning,” the sleepy guard said.

“Shh, big kids are talking,” Luna said, moving to inject him again.

Tydal grabbed her arm. “Wait, I want to hear this.” He looked over at the guard. “What do you know?”

“Sombra keeps ranting and raving about magic. YAWN! Excuse me. Anyway, Sombra has it in his head that he is going to be the next Dark Wizard or some nonsense like that and that school is the key. He has this- YAWN!- necklace he says is the sister to something called the Amulet of the Alicorns and it going on and on about how it is slowly feeding him magical power… I’ve seen him ‘lift’ books up and fire off bolts of energy but I know it is just a parlor trick.” The guard shook his head. “I swear, him and that goth girl Doubt are fools. You know they even brought in a bunch of hooligans to attack the school tonight?”

“WHAT?!?!” Luna shouted.

Tydal patted the guard on the cheek. “Thanks, you’ve been a big help. Now kindly go back to sleep.”

“Okey dokey.” And with that the guard passed out.

“That’s a good lad. Always nice when mooks are forthcoming. Now, he said something about hooligans, right?”


“What do you see?” Shining asked. The Squad (save the two currently hurrying back to the school) were on the roof, watching the newest development in their siege. It had been rather slow goings until Doctor Whooves and Derpy (who hadn’t been part of the siege but suddenly shown up with their daughter… who was only a few years younger than them thanks to timey-wimey things) had sounded the alarm that the besiegers were active. At first the Squad and Sunset and her friends had thought that Tydal and Luna had been captured but it quickly became clear that wasn’t the case.

Discord had taken control of the telescope… and was wearing a pirate hat and a stuffed parrot Pinkie had found him in the drama club’s storage closet. If he couldn’t use his magic to warp about and summon things out of thin air he could, at the very least, do costume changes. Chrysalis and Cadence had joined him, the former due to her own struggles with lacking her shapeshifting powers, the later because she liked playing dress-up.

“Ar, I spot some soccer hooligans off the starboard bow!” Discord declared.

“Soccer hooligans?” Celestia asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Discord pulled the telescope away from his eye and gave Celestia a withering glare. “Well, I suppose you could call it football or hoofball but honestly that’s just acting like a snooty pants from Prance.”

“I think it is the hooligan part that has her worried,” Shining said.

Chrysalis scoffed. “Always so scared, lover boy-“

“Please don’t call me that.”

“-hooligans are nothing to worry about. They mostly get a bad rap but they are nothing to worry about. Who are these ones… Equestrians? Beavarian ? Neighpon? Pranch?”

“Oh hey, is that Gilda?” Rainbow suddenly called out, waving to the mob of hooligans mulling about by the barricade. “Hey Gilda!”

“Sup, loser!” Gilda shouted.

“…they're Griffish Hooligans. Oh shit, they're Griffish Hooligans!” Chrysalis screamed.

“I thought the Griffish were all gay and wimpy,” Cadence said.

“That’s the elite! The hooligans though… oh by the hive, the hooligans!” Chrysalis began to shake Cadence violently. “It’s a bug hunt, girl, a bug hunt! Game over, girl, game over!”

“It be worst than that, matey,” Discord said, adjusting the telescope a bit. “We’ve got new arrivals. Doubt is here… hmmmm.” Discord glanced at Celestia. “Remind me again… your ‘King Sombra’… long flowing black hair? Dark skin? Green eyes? Looks like he enjoys eating small babies?”

“He’s here,” Celestia said.

“Yes, but the good news is he isn’t actually eating a baby. I don’t understand why some evil overlords enjoy doing that… babies taste horrible!” He heard Fluttershy gasp and Discord quickly added, “So I’ve been told! Jeez!”

“By who?!?” Rarity complained, nose scrunching up in disgust.

“Focus people!” Sunset shouted. She smacked her left hand into her right. “Evil businessman who might also be an evil mage warlock whatever.”

“Oooh! Like Lord Voldemort?” Pinkie exclaimed. She bounced over to the very edge of the roof and pointed a piece of wood at Sombra. “Expelliarmus!”

Celestia turned to Faith, whose gaze was focused on the statue in front of the school. “Luna told me you know something about this… that you have an idea what Sombra and Doubt’s endgame is.” She held up her hand. “And I get that you can’t speak of it. I get it. Something won’t let you. But is there anything you can tell us… anything at all?”

Faith refused to look away from the statue. “If Sombra gets past the barricade it could mean the end of this world.”

“Well that’s not flippin’ ominous at all!” Applejack complained.

“Would you prefer something just terrifying?” Rainbow asked, nodding down towards the barricade. “Because the Gilda and her crew are attacking our defenses.”

“Everyone, get back into the school!” Shining shouted, the teachers and students that had been manning the barricade leaping down and hurrying inside. “Get the doors barred!”

“Not going to be enough,” Faith murmured.

“If you are just going to be gloomy you could at least do something to help!” Chrysalis complained.

Faith shot her a dark look and the visitors from Equestria gasped as they saw his eyes flash with magic. “If I do this world will be changed forever.” He shut his eyes and shuddered. “Only when I have no choice will I act.”

“That might be comin’ pretty quick,” Applejack said as Sombra and Doubt marched forward, the barricade being torn apart thanks to the sledgehammers and crowbars of the hooligans. “Lordy, what I wouldn’t give for one of them wacky hijinxs that always seem to plop down in our laps to appear.”

“I don’t think anything is coming,” Fluttershy said meekly.

Discord looked at the sky. “Father, now would be a good time to write us out of this mess!”

~Meanwhile, with the author…~

“The Dark Side… the Jedi… they’re real.”

“EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” defender2222 squealed as he watched the Force Awakens trailer.


“Here they come!” Shining shouted as two hooligans managed to break a hole through the barricade large enough for the thugs to get through. Several of them swarmed into the inner courtyard, happily taking their weapons and blunt instruments to the front of the school while Doubt and Sombra happily strolled towards the courtyard

"That is going to be hard to explain to the insurance company," Celestia muttered.

“I can feel it,” Sombra whispered almost reverently, running his hand along the statue. “Magic.”

“I told you… I told you!” Doubt said gleefully. “The Elementals tried to hide all of it but I knew that here was a fissure waiting to be opened!” She looked up and locked eyes with Faith. “You and your siblings… you refused to share this power! You held onto it like greedy misers! And worst of all you lied to me… refused to reveal what you really were! Well… now you can burn with the rest.” She leaned against Sombra and whispered. “Do it… break it open.”

“Gladly,” Sombra said, motioning for two of the goons to take their sledgehammers to the statue.

And that was when Tydal struck.

Like a fallen angel he landed on top of the two, Button Mash’s hidden blades sinking into their backs as he slammed them into the ground. Tydal looked up, pulling his weapons free as he stood tall. “Luna, get to the roof, now.”

“I’m not leaving you,” Luna shouted, suddenly appearing from the shadows.

“I can't fight if I know you are in danger! Discord, Shining, get her a rope and get her up there NOW!” Tydal rolled his shoulders as six more goons approached him. “I’ll deal with the eurotrash.” Luna swallowed but nodded, hurrying to the front of the school, Shining and Discord quickly lowering a rope they’d stashed for just such an emergency down to her. Tydal, meanwhile, flashed a dark smile before rushing his opponents, his blades gleaming in the moonlight as he lashed out. Hot blood sprayed and the screams of the injured filled the air as he attacked.

“Come on… come on please,” Faith whispered.

“Do it for me, Tydal,” Sunset whispered as she watched one of the few people in the world that truly loved her battle the goons. "End this now."

Tydal ducked a ill-timed swing before lashing out, cutting into his foe’s Achilles’ tendon and sending them to the ground. “You think you are violence given flesh? Please.” He lashed out with his right leg, snapping another attacker’s ankle. “I am violence. I was born of it… molded by it. It is to me what blood is to-GUUUUH!!!!”

Tydal looked down, wet gurgles coming from his throat as he stared at the foot-long piece of glass that was embedded in his stomach.

“I really hate monologuing,” Doubt said.

“DADDY!” Luna screamed, letting go of the rope only for Shining and Discord to pull her onto the roof, kicking and screaming. “NO! NO! LET ME GO! DADDY!”

Tydal stumbled slightly, staring in horror as the gothic woman grinned, her shattered-glass wings flexing as she finished ‘ponying up’. His gaze slid to Sombra, the dark figure grinning as he dropped the sledgehammer he’d picked up, a 2 foot long crack now in the stone edifice of the statue. Raw magic leaked out of it and Sombra gobbled it up like a starving man, the red horn necklace he wore flashing before it flew up and embedded itself in his forehead. His eyes flashed as dark magic began to leak from them, the horn growing longer as he too ponied up.

“Hoohoohoohoohoo,” Sombra cackled. “Now that… feels good.”

Tydal blinked. “You… look like Wiggles… that means…" He stared up at Sombra. "You skinned my dog and made him into a suit you son of bitch!”

Doubt glanced at Sombra in confusion. “Any idea what he’s talking about?”

“Not a clue,” Sombra said before raising his hand and firing a bolt of dark magic at the barricade, damaging part of it. He frowned, flexing his fingers. “Haven’t quite gotten enough yet… still, I suppose this will do until I can begin hunting down the rest of the sources of magic in this world.”

Cadence trembled as she watched Tydal fall to one knee, bloody bubbles forming on his lips. “He… he’s going to get back up, right? He’s gone through worse...”

“He had his magic then,” Discord said, his own jovial nature pushed aside at the sight of his baby brother bleeding out before him. He growled, his hands clenching together. “If I had my power I’d break them here and now!”

“But you don’t!” Doubt said with glee as Sombra continued to siphon magic from the statue, his goons lining up in hopes of getting a taste for themselves. “Too bad for you there isn’t another source.”

“Daddy!” Luna sobbed, Celestia falling to her knees beside her sister and hugging her tight, frightened her sister would throw herself off the roof in a mad attempt to save him.

“I read up on you,” Sombra said. “The great Tydal… master fighter… cunning mind. Though I think you aren’t the Tydal from this world, are you? Where you’re from you are a war god, correct?” Sombra tapped his ear. “Wired my building… always helps to be prepared. Something you should of done. Though I am finding you quite a pathetic war god… I mean, what soldier would follow you?”

Faith stepped forward.

“I would,” Faith said sternly. “Brothers… sisters… forgive me.” He thrust out his hand and those on the roof gasped as he too ponied up, mirror wings emerging from his shoulder blades and a ghostly horn appearing on his head. “I, Faith Elemental,” he called out, the air crackling as glowing rune circles appeared before him, “as one of the children of the Tree of Harmony… hereby make the final decree!” He clenched his fist around the closest rune circle, the mystical construct buckling. “I shatter the Sealing Circles placed upon this world… and on this day… this hour… I free ALL MAGIC!”

And with that, the restraints that had been placed on magic in the human world… were torn away.

There was no boom. No electrical charge. No signal anything had happened. Sombra tasted the air and found it the same and Doubt looked about, rather unimpressed to find that there wasn’t a new surge of magical energy for them to tap into.

And Tydal still bled.

Sombra chuckled as he strolled forward, dark magic oozing from his green eyes as his hand thrust out, his mystical grasp taking hold of Tydal’s throat and shoving him back against the front of the school. Doubt, for her part, was a step behind him, her broken-mirror wings gleaming as she flexed them, ready to rip the fallen man to shreds. “Faith, Faith, Faith, it seems the ‘guardians of magic’ aren’t that impressive at all. I was hoping at the very least your little act would unlock more magic for me but it was a dud.” The dark mage cocked his head, turning his attention to his bleeding prisoner. “Oh Tydal… I don’t know why you thought you could stand up to me but now you’ll be but the first to fall, the starting gun that signals the beginning of my reign.” He licked his lips, teeth gleaming like those of a wolf as he tightened his grip, Tydal’s body jerking slightly. “Or… perhaps not. What do you think, Doubt? Should we let him live long enough to witness us murdering his friends and family?”

“Oh, that would be fun,” Doubt cooed.

Faith stared down at the scene in horror, eyes wide with shock. “Why isn’t it working? Why isn’t it work?” He looked up at the shattered remains of the Seal, as if he expected it to have answers. “It’s been broken… why isn’t he tapping into his magic?”

“Who says I didn’t?”

Everyone on the roof froze. On the ground Doubt took a skidder-step. And Sombra paused, looking at Tydal and then down at his own hand.

“There’s nothing wrong with your magic, Sombra,” Tydal whispered, his voice low and smooth. Much too calm for one that had been dying only moments ago. “It is quite strong. Another few seconds and you would have had me. A proud moment, I’m sure. But like all would-be conquerors you made the same mistake.” Tydal’s body jerked again and Sombra realized it wasn’t the twitching of a man in his death throws. No. No, it was something else. A change. A transformation. A metamorphosis.

Ever so slowly Tydal reached down and pulled the glass from his belly.

“And what mistake was that?” Sombra called out, hoping to stall for time even as he forced more of his dark magic down from his crimson horn and into his hand, directing it at Tydal’s body.

“The most foolish of mistakes. You didn’t know when to talk and when to shut up.” Tydal’s chin remained pressed against his chest, his face hidden as he spoke. Somehow that made things worse.

“What… what’s going on?” Celestia whispered as she stood up. Luna crawled forward, daring not to hope that her father might be alright… and fearing that the worst was yet to come.

“I don’t know,” Sunset said, reaching out and taking her hand.

“I’ve fought many in my long life,” Tydal said. “Did you know that how you fight and how you make love are quite similar? Cadence, did you know that?” When the pink woman didn’t speak up Tydal twitched. “I know you can hear me… you can all hear me. Did you know that, goddess of love?”

“N-no,” Cadence stammered, Shining hugging her tight.

“Hmmm. Well, allow me to explain. Some warriors are like young men discovering their lust for the first time. They care only for the main event, skipping foreplay and rushing in only to find battle to be… quite short and most unsatisfying.” Tydal’s form jerked violently before he continued, his tone remaining ever calm. “But you aren’t like that, Sombra. You are on the other end of the spectrum. You are the old man, pulling out every trick hoping to impress the young nubile plaything he has found. Oh, you try and play it off as having knowledge and wanting to demonstrate your skill but we both know the truth: you’ve become withered and know that when the time comes for the deed to be done you will fail to… rise to the occasion.”

“Enough of your talk, Tydal!” Doubt roared, taking a step forward and flexing her metal wings.

“Tydal?” the gray-skinned man asked. “Oh, my dear Doubt… now I understand. You are laboring under a false preconception. My foolish girl… you wish Tydal were still here.”

“Oh no,” Luna whispered, tears gathering in her eyes. “Please no…”

Discord swallowed nervously, moving to place himself between the battlefield and Fluttershy. “Brother… don’t.”

“If it were Tydal in control at the moment you might have had a chance. But I am Tydal distilled, all the impurities drained away leaving only…” he trailed off, reaching towards the wound in his stomach. He touched the blood, feeling it coat the grooves in his fingertips, his head still looking down, eyes hidden to all. “Tydal wouldn’t have taken advantage of this boon.” His bloody fingers ran along his forehead, tracing twin circles of crimson. The bloody patches bulged and his horns slowly appeared, easing out of his forehead. His ears twitched as they transformed into their goat-form. “You hoped to find a way to tap into the magic trapped in this school, to use it to make yourself or perhaps Doubt strong enough to break the Seal and return magic to this world. You never dreamed Faith would do it for you. Still… I find myself disappointed.” He rolled his shoulders as his shark fin burst from his back, following quickly by his fan tail. “I was wrong… you aren’t an old man. You are a virginal boy hoping to pass himself off as an expert with a bit of knowledge he found in the back of one of his father’s magazines. Raw magic, begging to be drawn in, begging to be taken, with no other bearers and you didn’t even bother to consider the possibilities? Pathetic.” He thrust his arms out. “Let me show you how a Casanova does it. Sea.”

Sombra, Doubt, and their goons turned, watching as water mains burst and water rushed into the streets, heeding the call.


Lightning cracked overhead and clouds gathered above them.


The ground cracked open and Sombra’s goons cried out as ghostly forms emerged. They were dressed in all manner of armor, from ancient knights to modern soldiers who’d fallen far from home. They raised swords and guns and clubs and shields, their faces hard as they braced themselves, ready for the command. The formed ranks around Tydal, each ready to enter the fray if given the command.

“You wondered what soldier would follow me into battle?” he asked. “All of them.”

“What… what the hell are you?” Sombra whispered.

“Tell them,” he said, his voice as soft as thunder. When no one spoke he whipped back towards the school, at long last raising his head and facing his family. “Say my name… say it.”

Sunset gasped, staring into the black eyes that held them. Luna let out a sob , clinging to Faith’s arm, and Chrysalis fell to her knees while Shining pressing Cadence against him, trying to shield her from the sight. Celestia trembled, her breath coming out in raggedy gulps.

“…Darkwater,” Celestia whispered as she stared at her greatest fear given form. “Darkwater Abyss.”

“Heeheeheehahahahahaha.” Darkwater began to chuckle as he turned back to Sombra, his black eyes, like a shark’s eyes… a doll’s eyes… flash as he grinned, his teeth like daggers as his magic whirled about him. His family stared on in horror as they felt the raw magic twist and crackle in the air, thrashing about like a wounded beast. “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.” He trembled, staring at his blood-stained hands for a moment before he threw back his head. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Water swirled around him, the clouds bursting even as the ground cracked under him and issued forth hellfire. His legs twisted, transforming into living water that slammed into the earth, merging with the rising tide that had begun to cover the blacktop; as it hit the hellfire great plumes of steam shot up, covering the parking lot. The goons stepped back as Darkwater's ghostly army took up position behind him, weapons at the ready as their lord and master rose in the air, his tail thrashing even as the lightning struck down from the heavens, his shoulders flexing as the bolts formed into a pair of electric wings. It was clear to all of them what they had done: they’d unleashed the dark side of the God of War.

And then his head snapped back down and he locked eyes with Sombra.

“So then… who dies first?”

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