• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Equestria Boys 2- The White Zone is for Loading and Unloading of Passengers Only: There is no Parking in the White Zone

Doubt grit her teeth as she parked next to Canterlot High, enraged that the bulldozers and wrecking balls were not moving. Oh, she wanted to be here for this moment and was thrilled she hadn’t missed it… but from the way the construction vehicles were just sitting there she knew that something had gone wrong.

It didn’t help that all the demolition workers were sitting on the ground eating breakfast without a care in the world.

“What is the meaning of this?” Doubt snarled, leaping out of the car the second it was shut off. She had a black blouse and long slacks that matched her skin tone, making her look like a living shadow. Only her white hair stood out… and her cruel flashing eyes. “Why are you just sitting here.”

“Heys, watch yous mouths!” one worker called out, bits of his egg mcmuffin tumbling from his lips and onto his gut, which was barely managing to cover his massive gut. “Wes ons a breakfast break overs here! COME ON!”

“Besides!” another worker who looked suspiciously like the first worker exclaimed. “We can’ts do much at the moments!”

“Maybe you could if you got off your asses!” Doubt snarled.

“Don’ts ya talk ta my brother Jimmy like that!” a third work snapped. “And apologize to my brother Jamie!”

“I thought you said his name was Jimmy,” Doubt stated.

“They are both my brothers.” The third waved his hand at the assorted men. “So is Johnny, Joey, Jerry, Jo Jerry, Jo Joey, Jerry Johnny, and Jammy Joomy!” he waved at each of the workers. “We’res eatin’ here!”

“Come ons!”

“Damn union,” Doubt grumbled under her breath. “Well, could you, at least, get to work AFTER your break.”

“ooooh, we’ds likes ta, but the big friggin wall that’s ins the way makes it a bit hard.”

“Big…” Doubt finally noticed that in front of the bulldozers was a massive wall of wood, brick, and all other matter of odds and ends. It had obviously been put together quickly with whatever could be found but was well over 15 feet tall and looked VERY sturdy. “What the hell is that?” She paused, blinking and cocking her ear towards the wall. “Is… is that singing?”

Unknown Singers (softly sung as Doubt stares at the wall)

Do you hear the people sing
As they toiled all through the night
It is the music of a people
Who are ready for a fight
For the students of this school
There is a flame that never dies
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.

Unknown Singers (as they sing Celestia, Luna, and Sunset appear and stand on the barricade, Sunset holding Canterlot High’s flag)

They will live again in freedom
When you get off of our grass
We will walk behind the barricade
All of you will leave on mass
Your plots will be broken
And all of us will kick Doubt’s ass!

The students and teachers of Canterlot High (all stand on the barricade, arms interlocked)

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that we bring
When tomorrow comes!

The students and teachers of CHS, The God Squad, and Faith (who flips off an enraged Doubt as Sunset waves the Canterlot High flag)

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that we bring
When tomorrow comes!
Tomorrow comes!
Tomorrow comes!

The God Squad: Equestria’s Most Wanted
Episode 34: Equestria Boys 2- The White Zone is for Loading and Unloading of Passengers Only: There is no Parking in the White Zone

“So how long do you think we can hold out?” Rainbow asked, sitting down next to Celestia in her office. It was the middle of the afternoon and when the teachers and students weren’t taking shifts manning the barricade they were roaming about the school, relaxing and having fun. Pinkie had wisely spent her time during the night arranging for all manner of games, both board and electric, to be brought in; she’d also hauled from her house enough dvds to have three film festivals. The library was also open and Shining, after years of spending time with Twilight, had quickly set himself up there, handing out books to those that wanted to just hanging out and read. Discord was working with Pinkie to roam around and just lighten the mood. Luna had ventured off to secure the perimeter… and Faith had, for some reason, gone with her.

“Well the Apple family brought enough food for all of us to remain well fed for two weeks. After that it might get a bit rough but I have a few plans.” Celestia frowned. “I’m just worried about us staying mentally fit.”

“Don’t worry about it, teach, I got that covered!” Rainbow puffed out her chest. “I got the soccer and football team working on organizing a few tournaments in the gym; that way we stay physically fit. And don’t worry about toiletries and all that stuff; Rarity apparently took over the Home Ec. Room and is busy making us all new clothes. She also got Fluttershy to go get enough toiletries for all of us as well as pet food to feed the hamsters.”

Applejack entered the room and plopped down on Celestia’s desk. “She is also working on a shower schedule so we don’t stink up the place. Forced shower schedule, I should say. All and all it’s gonna be like a vacation.”

“It might feel like that at first but as time goes on it will get more tense… especially if the school board doesn’t bow to our demands.”

“Come on, teach, they are SO gonna bow!” Rainbow stated. “I mean, we must be making the national news and everything!” Rainbow grabbed a remote and flipped on the TV they’d set up.

“-hold the pickles hold the lettuce…”

“I’m sure it will be on soon,” Rainbow said as they waited for the commercial to end.


“How goes it?” Sunset asked, climbing up the ladder onto the roof of the school. They’d set up some protective barriers and used the telescopes from the science lab to let them observe the demolition crew that was set up just beyond their barrier. “I brought snacks. You can have potato chips, Doritos, Fritos-“

“Did you bring any ketchup?” Discord asked.

“Yes, though I go on record as saying potato chips with ketchup is just strange. Is that like a God of Chaos thing?”

Tydal walked over and grabbed a bag for himself. “Nah, it just tastes good.” He broke open the Cheetos and frowned. “Ugh… orange fingers. I have found the sole flaw with this body’s design.”

“That is the SOLE flaw?” Discord asked, taking the bottle of ketchup and squirting it directly into the bag of chips.

“Okay, the sole flaw with hands,” Tydal admitted, looking at his butt. “I miss my tail.”

Sunset frowned. “Really? I found tails to be rather annoying.”

“Yes, but yours was just a lot of hair. Mine was a deadly weapon.”

“Mine makes me moo if you tug on it,” Discord stated. “Though admittedly it only happens on Wednesday.”

“That makes sense,” Tydal stated.

“It does?” Discord said in surprise.

“Well, for you.” Tydal sat down, motioning for Sunset and Discord to join him. “How is the mood downstairs?”

“Well enough,” Sunset stated. “Right now people are enjoying it because it hasn’t dawned on them what we’re doing.”

“Common in a siege,” Tydal stated. “I do admit it is weird to be on this side of one… I can’t remember the last time I had to be held up in a fortress.”

“When we stole those cupcakes from Zeena and we barricaded ourselves in Fuzzy’s house,” Discord said. “That was an interesting 3 months… especially since you were only a month old and I don’t think cognitive of what was going on.”

The three of them grew silent, eating their snacks as they watched what was going on below them. Big Mac was currently manning the barricade with Cranky, the two of them checking in on a few other students who were spending an hour watching out for anything suspicious. Doubt, meanwhile, was providing quite a show, what with how she ranted and raved at the demolition workers who had declared it was time for 5th lunch (it’s like second breakfast but with less hobbits!).

Sunset glanced at the men and realized that they weren’t actually watching Doubt or the barricade watchmen or the Teamsters. No, Discord and Tydal’s eyes seemed at once to be both fuzzy and sharp, focused on something and yet not looking at anything visible. Their pupils flit about as if they were following the riotous movements of a firefly. Their hands began to snap wildly, their movements becoming more extreme as they were being drawn deeper and deeper-

“Tydal!” Sunset shouted, giving him a hard shake.

The gray and green man snapped out of his daze, panting hard. He looked at Discord and placed a hand on his shoulder, drawing his eldest brother out of his own trance. “You saw it too?”

“Celestia was right,” Discord stated.

“Gee, that’s something I’ve never heard before,” Sunset said, rolling her eyes. “Okay, for the non-deity… what the hell just happened?”

Tydal waved his hand across the landscape. “We were following the lines of magic that are flowing around this school.”

“You… can see magic?” Sunset asked. “But I thought you didn’t have your magic?”

Discord looked down at his arm. “But that’s the funny thing… I think we still do. It’s just that it’s… this world’s magic.”

“I… don’t follow,” Sunset stated.

Tydal frowned, tapping his chin. “Discord, would you say that the magic is more like yours normally is… but suppressed at the same time?”

“Oh hoo hoo hoo! Yes! That is the exact way to word it!”

“So it’s like chaos magic… but not?” Sunset asked.

“No,” Tydal said, hating that he couldn’t explain properly what he was getting at. “It’s like it is… untamed magic that is waiting to be unleashed. Like a wild age in a fragile cage.”

Discord sighed. “If I could tap into my powers I’d have actually turned into that… and thrown my poop at Doubt.” He paused, grinning. “Technically could still-“

“NO!” Sunset and Tydal both shouted.

“Spoilsport.” The spirit of chaos slowly slid up next to his baby brother. “But I’m allowed to find… other ways to prank her, correct?”

Tydal’s grin was truly feral. “Oh big brother… how I have missed us being on the same side. By all means… seek and destroy.”

“Is he… skipping?” Sunset asked, watching as Discord happily danced away.

“Yeah… he’ll sleep well tonight,” Tydal said with a grin, removing his long coat and unbuttoning his shirt cuffs.

“What did you mean by you two ‘being on the same side again’?”

Tydal sighed. “I learned from Twilight Sparkle that you came into possession of her Element of Harmony and it transformed you into a demonic creature.” Sunset looked down, it clear that she hated the reminder of her past mistakes. “I don’t bring it up to shame you. I’m the God of War, after all… and I have done horrible things in my time. I’ve killed… a lot. And while the likes of Shining Armor may not believe it I am quite restrained nowadays compared to my youth.” He paused, considering his words carefully. “What do you know of my kind? Not Capricorns… but gods.”

Sunset considered this. “You are powerful. Immortal. You have complete mastery of something in the world.”

“Exactly,” Tydal said with a nod. “Allow me to explain though what our lives are like. We are born, learn to master our powers and abilities, discover other areas of control we might claim, and then settle into a life of our choosing. Some, like Celestia, choose the path of aiding the mortals. Others… slip into hedonism. It is easy for us to lose sight of the world… that is what happened to my brother. Rather than seeing his place in the grand scheme he sought to break it and rebuild it. He wanted to be on par with our mother… and the mistake cost him dearly. I hated him for a long time but I’ve come to understand why he did what he did… in part because of stallions like Shining Armor who made me see the same traits Discord had back then within myself. It was… not a kind wake up call but one I am glad I had. It is why, despite how much we bicker, I count Shining as my closest male friend. He saved me from myself. Celestia began it but we are all trying to do the same with Discord.” Tydal leaned back, his legs stretched out as he spoke. “Power runs strong in my family. My mother has it. I have it. My daughters have it.” He glanced at Sunset. “You have that power too.”

“Me?” Sunset asked. “No no no… at best I might have some unicorn magic but-“

“You do,” Tydal said. “And I get the feeling, very soon… you are going to be the key to everything that happens next.”


“This is the plaintiff, Coco Pomel. She accused the defendants Flim and Flam Flimflam of cheating her out of $800.”

“How was I supposed to know the news isn’t on all the time and you can’t just flip on a tv and a news anchor will be talking about what you need to know!”Rainbow complained.

“Maybe because this isn’t a cartoon?” Applejack said in annoyance.

Celestia shook her head. “It’s fine, Applejack… it’s not like we have much to do while we wait to see what Doubt’s next move will be. We might as well enjoy some TV.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow proclaimed. “Let’s see if something better is on!” She flipped the channel and frowned. “Ugh, educational program.”

“The noble zebras of Africa. These exotic creatures roam in herds across the plains of the continent, eluding predators. Today, National Geographic will focus on one aspect of their lives: mating.”

“Uh, Principal Celestia?” Applejack said. “You’re… kinda droolin’…”

Celestia just stared at the screen. “That’s as big as my… oh my.”

Rainbow frowned. “Why is she acting like that? Is this another ‘toes are evil’ thing?”

Applejack stared at Rainbow and shook her head. “No, it ain’t, sugarcube. I think she’s just focused on that there zebra’s… zebrahood.”

“Why? All… of those things… are icky!”

“Yeah, I figured ya’d say that,” Applejack said with a smirk.


“So you gained pony traits?” Cadence asked Rarity as the two of them worked on making some new pajamas for the pink skinned woman. Cadence had been forced to go to sleep in her blazer and skirt the night before; while she knew, thanks to her driver’s license, where her human half lived, it was clear across town and none of the visitors wanted to risk a trip during the night if it meant getting locked out of the school when the demo crew arrived. Rarity had been aghast at that and demanded that they make the visitors proper sleepwear first before they began work on other items they’d need.

“Oh yes,” Rarity said, carefully cutting along the pattern she’d printed; she’d found a wonderful little website full of patterns and designs for clothes and while she normally liked making things herself based on her own ideas the website had a ton of things for her to work with. She was already planning out her idea for a Siege Dance. ‘Perhaps with a French Theme!’ she thought to herself with a giddy grin. ‘None of those long dresses and silly hairdos of course… but a Les Mis design. Oh, Shining Armor would look so handsome in a white dressshirt and jacket with red lace. And Dean Tydal loves long coats… I could make him look like a rogue aristocrat!’

“With horns and wings and tails?” Cadence asked as she debated if she could make her new pajama bottoms have a rip-away crotch.

“Well, only the horn and tail… and between you and me, and please know I mean no offense, I simply don’t get the tail thing one bit. Oh, the horn was nice, though it would make wearing some of my more favorite hats difficult, but I simply don’t understand the uses for a tail!”

Cadence grinned. “Oh, it has many uses!”

(Author’s Note: We all see where this is going, right? I mean, seriously, I’ve been writing this version of Cadence for 74 friggin chapters! If you haven’t figured out what is going to happen then you obviously just started reading. If so… hello and welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall! Today we… no, wait, that’s Linkara’s show. My bad. Let me try again; Hello and welcome to The God Squad. Instead of doing this joke again, let’s check in on what Human Twilight is doing right now…)

“Twilight?” Twilight Velvet called out, knocking on her daughter’s door. “Are in there… with a boy?”

“No mom!” Twilight called out happily. “Just me in here.”

“…are you sure there isn’t a boy in there?”


Velvet grew quiet for a moment. “What about Spike and some peanut butter?”

“Nope, he’s playing outside and I only have some delicious baby carrots in here!”

“…you know, I think I forgot to turn on the porn blockers on the computers. I bet, if you hurried, you could look at some videos or maybe a naught picture? Maybe something that causes you to feel some stirrings?”

Twilight laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll turn the blockers back on for you!”

Velvet sighed. “My daughter will be a virgin forever.”

(Author’s Note: We now return you to the scene of the plot… oh, and this comic sucks! Hee.)

“Of course you can’t do that and then insert the tail in his mouth. That’s just wrong, even for me.” Cadence blinked, her held tilted to the side. Rarity was just staring at her, the white teen’s face alternating between absolute horror and abject lust. “Are you okay?”

“I can’t decide if I should scream or take notes,” Rarity stated

“Do both!” Cadence said with a grin, using her teeth to cut a piece of thread.

“I… suppose…” Rarity said slowly.

Cadence reached over and patted Rarity’s hand. “Many people in this world will tell you that you can’t do something. Don’t listen to them! If you want to scream in terror while also exploring how to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh then I say do it!”

“Well… thank you.” Rarity took out a notebook she usually used to jot down design ideas. “AAAAAAAA!!!” she screamed before scribbling some notes. “AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”


“Do you hear screaming?” Faith asked, cocking his head to the side.

“Maybe,” Luna said with a shrug.

“What do you mean, maybe?” Faith asked, holding a board steady while Luna worked to pound a nail through it. Celestia had decided that, if the barricade fell, it would be wise to have a backup plan to protect the staff and students. Thus why Luna and Faith were on boarding-up-windows duty.

“I was raised by Tydal… screams are basically lullabies to me.”

“That… sounds awful,” Faith said.

Luna frowned. “Those screams were of those that threatened my life and that of my sister.”

“That just makes it sound even more awful!”

“What? You never had armies try to kidnap you in hopes of using you to better their claim for control and power?”

“…no, I grew up in a house with a yard and the worst I had to deal with is my bitch of an ex.”

Luna pursed her lips, gripping her hammer (‘hands certainly have their uses’) and pounding in another nail. “Sounds boring.”

“Growing up in a house with a yard is boring?” Faith asked.

“Of course! I learned the art of battle, visited tropical islands and hidden lands long forgotten by history, and been taught secrets lost to the ages. A few screams of agony aren’t that expensive of cost.” Luna stooped down to get another nail, and began to look for another spot to drive it. “So your ex… she’s the one that wants to tear down the school?”

“Yeah… I know how to pick them,” Faith said with a sigh. “It’s my fault. I tend to look for the best in people and it takes a lot to break my… well…”

“Faith?” Luna provided.

The silver man scowled. “I hate that joke. Yes, faith. I saw only Doubt’s good qualities and never truly saw her negative outlook until I was in too deep. She views everything is such a dark light and I just couldn’t be chained to someone like that.” He sighed, grabbing another board. “I just hate that my mistake is causing so many problems.”

“We all make mistakes,” Luna stated.

“Not as big as this one.”

“You thought I would stand by while they basked in your light?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that…”

Faith shook his head. “No one has ever goofed up as much as I did!”

“The night will last forever! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!”

“Please… just stop talking.”

“I screwed up so bad…”

“All will love me and despair!”

“Seriously, just stop talking,” Luna said, pressing a finger against Faith’s lips. The silver man looked down at the digit and Luna yanked her hand away like his mouth was pure fire, a blush coloring her cheeks. “So… why do you think Doubt wants to do this? Land deal? Petty revenge?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Faith admitted. “She has been acting a bit strangely recently but I didn’t see any signs that she’d go to these lengths.”

“What signs?” Luna asked, setting her hammer down.

Faith shut his eyes, thinking the question over. “They seem like such small things. A glance here… ducking out of a school board meeting for something else… meeting with that businessman…”

“What businessman?” Luna asked.


“Why haven’t you taken the school?”

Doubt sighed, running her fingers through her white locks. “I’m working on it. They’ve barricaded themselves inside-“

“You have bulldozers. I doubt whatever little barrier they’ve created can withstand steel driving through it.”

Doubt frowned. “Blame your workers for that! They refuse-“

“Because of your mistakes. Your faults. Don’t go blaming others for your problems. You allowed them to barricade themselves in that school. That is on you. Don’t come whining to me about your problems. Come to me with answers.”


“SISTER!” Luna screamed, racing through the halls. “SISTER!!!”

“What?” Faith shouted, chasing after her. “What’s wrong?”


“I want that school, Doubt. I want the power that lies within it. The magic. With it I will rule this world. I will tap into the energy that Sunset Shimmer discovered and bend it to my will! And you can either stand with me… or against me.”


“Luna?” Celestia asked, startled by her sister’s arrival. Luna was panting hard, her face pale and eyes wide. “What is it?”

“I know why this is happening… I know who is doing this.”


“Doubt… she’s… she’s in league with-“


“Have I made myself clear?” the man asked, his green and black eyes flashing as he leaned over his desk, his long dark hair falling over his shoulders while the pendant he wore around his neck, made of dark red glass in the shape of a horn, seemed to shimmer even in the darkness that hung around him

“Of course… Mr. Sombra.”

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