• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,745 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Spell 13 - Dragon

“One. I didn’t know about the darkness within the friend who was always by my side.”
- Narumi Soukichi / Kamen Rider Skull


Spell 13



Wizard rode out of Ponyville on the Machine Winger, his tail and coat-tails billowing behind him. The masked dragon turned his head back to see that the enlarged and red armored Minotaur stomping a few yards behind him. ‘I don’t know what’s going on with this Phantom, but he’s just rampaging like a wild stallion!

‘If he’s chasing me, then I’m his target – But this is that same Phantom that I faced off against on the same day I met Twilight. I don’t know if this is the same Phantom or not, but I doubt there are two Minotaur Phantoms running about…’


If his eyes were visible, Wizard would’ve rolled him. ‘It’s the same Phantom.’

With a quick turn of the Machine Winger, Wizard turned his full attention towards Minotaur who was now stopped outside Ponyville, a good distance from the town too. Minotaur snorted loudly with flames erupting from its nose, all the while, Wizard revved the engine loudly, “Well, well, well, looks like we’ve got a game of chicken here.”

“RING-MAGE!” Minotaur snarled loudly as he waved his muscular arm to the side. “ENDGAME!!”

For a moment the two stared each other down before Minotaur charged forward while Wizard drove the motorcycle. Both magical beings raced towards each other, neither one of moving their sights from the other as the gap between them began to shorten. With a loud yell, Wizard forced the Machine Winger into air, leapt from the vehicle and spun through the air.

Minotaur lifted one of his hands up as he aimed for the now airborn Wizard, unaware that Wizard had slipped another ring over his right claw and had brought it to his belt.


Just before Minotaur’s hand could reach the Wizard, a runic circle appeared in front of the masked dragon who whipped his right leg through it, making the limb grow incredibly large and slam sole of his boot into Minotaur’s hand, knocking it back and allow the foot to continue right into the red Minotaur’s body. “GRAGH!!!!”

Minotaur was flung back by the massive foot, but dug his other hand into the ground to prevent himself from getting too far. With a loud roar, Minotaur quickly charged forward once more.

Having landed on the ground and his foot back to normal size, Wizard turned to the left for a second to see the Machine Winger now on its side. As he reached for his chain of rings, Wizard sighed loudly, ‘I just had that thing fixed! Now I gotta fix the paint job again!’

The Phantom was quickly closing the gap once more, making Wizard slip another ring on his right claws and waved it in front of his belt. “Focus!”


Wizard snapped his head up and looked at his right claw, “Aw plop! Wrong ring!”

Unfortunately for the masked dragon, he didn’t have time to swap rings since Minotaur was standing right over him and immediately brought down one of its mighty fists onto Wizard’s head. Just as the fist was about to connect, a pair bright purple lights flashed from the jeweled mask and Wizard spun on his feet, narrowly missing the attack.

Minotaur turned slightly to see Wizard pointing his finger right at the Phantom, “Mind if I defeat you? I can’t hear your answer!”

With a leapt, Wizard slammed the side of his foot right into the side of Minotaur’s face, making the Phantom reel back. When Minotaur snapped his head back, the enraged Phantom had to rub his eyes for a moment – Realizing that Wizard was now dancing right in front of him, waving his arms and spinning around.

There was also some sort of weird purple aura surrounding the masked mage, but Minotaur shook his head as he swept his large arm at Wizard’s upper body, only to miss as Wizard bent over backwards to have the attack miss him. “Hehe! Come on! You can do better than that!”

Steam rose up from Minotaur’s head before he quickly turned back, attempting to backhand Wizard, but before the attack could even hit, Wizard’s tail slammed into the ground and sent the masked dragon through the air. Wizard flipped through the air over Minotaur’s head and as he sailed over the Phantom, he grabbed onto both of the Phantom’s horns.

Using his body weight and momentum, Wizard managed to force Minotaur to fall backwards with a loud boom. Wizard quickly removed the ring as Minotaur tried to cope with what just happened, the purple aura around Wizard disappearing as he replaced the ring on his claw, ‘Dear Tsuyoshi Kida, that was weird! Yet strangely awesome.’

With a quick mess of his belt, Wizard threw his hand in front of the buckler, making it glow brightly. “NICE CHOICE – KICK STRIKE!!”

Flames began to erupt around Wizard’s right foot as Minotaur began to get to his feet, but the Phantom slipped on the grass and fell back to the ground. When the flames were now completely covering Wizard’s leg, the Dragon leapt high into the air with a spin. “FINALE!”


Minotaur had gotten back to his feet just in time to see Wizard falling towards him, the flames propelling the masked mage’s foot right into the Minotaur’s chest. For a moment, the impact seemed to freeze time – Until Wizard leapt back as Minotaur exploded into a fiery blast with his runic crest appearing in front of it.

The masked dragon landed on the ground and watched as the flames danced in front of him, “Whew, well, that was easy.”


Wizard tilted his head and turned around to see a pair of mares galloping towards him, Twilight and… Trixie? ‘Why’s she here?’

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked as she skidded to a stop in front of Wizard with Trixie following suit.

“But of course,” Wizard chuckled as he lifted his arms up. “Nothing I can’t handle. At the very least, we’ll never see that Phantom again.”

“That’s good,” Twilight sighed with relief. “When I saw that Phantom, I had Spike go get Dash and Applejack for help…”

“And I appreciate that,” Wizard answered with his head slightly bowed towards Twilight. “Though, there’s no need for that now – The Phantom’s gone.”

Wizard crouched down and sighed loudly. “I could really go for a late night doughnut run.”

“Now wait just a second!” Trixie yelled out, making the masked dragon reel back slightly. “You will explain to the Great and Powerful Trixie how you’re able to use that magic! Dragons shouldn’t be able to use magic like that!”

“A wizard did it,” Wizard replied with a shrug, unaware that the flames behind him were starting to grow more intense.

“That’s not an acceptable answer!” Trixie huffed as she stomped a hoof to the ground. “Trixie demands that you teach her how to use that sort of magic!”

Twilight coughed with a roll of her eyes.

“So, is that why you came?” Wizard asked with his head tilted as he stood up straight. “Look it’s not like I don’t wanna teach anypony my magic, it’s just that that I don’t know if anypony can learn it.”

Neither unicorn said a word, rather their eyes widened and their jaws dropped. “I’m actually flattered you want to learn but…”

“Haru,” Twilight sputtered out, not taking her eyes off of the sight behind Wizard.

“In a second Twilight, I have to explain this,” Wizard replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Turn around!” Twilight and Trixie shouted, making the masked dragon jump back slightly.

Turning his head first, Wizard spun around to see Minotaur standing amongst the flames, his left horn glowing brightly as the fire was drawn into growing body. The Phantom’s height doubled that of Wizard’s and his body grew to accommodate his new height as Minotaur roared loudly, shaking the ground with the shockwave.

Wizard just stood there as he looked at the enlarged Phantom, then turned his head back to the two mares behind him. “Huh… That’s new.”


While Wizard fought against Minotaur, a pair of ponies calmly walked into the clearing of the Everfree Woods that Minotaur was sleeping in, one stallion and one mare.

“Any reason why we’re in pony form?” The stallion asked as he tugged on the saddlebags on his back. The lightish red stallion was skinny with a messy blonde mane rolled his eyes as he sat down the ground, showing off the wolf-like cutie mark on his flank. “I like it better when I had, you know, fingers! Makes things a Tartarus of a lot easier to do things!”

“And do you want to blow our cover?” the mare growled as she trotted past the stallion. The mare in question was the same mare that Twilight had met those many weeks ago at the traveling bookstore before she was attacked by Minotaur. “Hellhound, if you waltz to the stores in your Phantom form, then we’re just going to ask for that Ring Mage to find us. Not every day a monster walks down the street.”

“No, but that would make this boring flank town much more livable!” Hellhound barked back as he stuck his snout into the air. “C’mon Harpie! Being stuck in this tiny form is cramping my limbs! How can you stand it Harpie?!”

“It’s a psychological issue actually,” Harpie replied with a smile. “A few Phantoms complained about that too, turns out it’s just like wearing a tight suit or dress, only in your mind. Just takes a little bit of getting used to again, it’d be easier if you took that form more often than usual.”

“Oh yes, take this form more often than not,” Hellhound scoffed to the side. “The same form that was bullied in school – Shoved into lockers, beaten up for lunch money, and of course, my favorite form of torture that happened at the end of every class day – Getting a swirly.”

“It’s always good to talk about your issues, Hellhound,” Harpie sighed as she trotted further into the clearing. “But, we should get something to eat right now. That’s why we did all the shopping earlier. Minotaur! We’re back!”

No response.

“Huh, he’s not here,” Hellhound pointed out with a raised brow. “Where the Tartarus did he get off to?”

At that moment, a loud roar rocked the ground, making both of the disguised Phantoms brace themselves as the shaking intensified. Hellhound’s eyes widened before he fell to the ground, spilling all of the groceries from his saddlebag. “WHAT THE TARTARUS!?!”

Just then the shaking stopped, but the roar continued making Harpie’s pony form crack. With a screech, Harpie’s disguise shattered and her Phantom form flew up high into the air. Hellhound sighed as he watched Harpie soar higher and higher. “This is one of the times I wish I was a flying Phantom. Or even if I was a Pegasus, that would make this guise at least bearable.


Harpie didn’t say a word before she flew off through the sky.

“OY! WHAT THE TARTARUS!?!?” Hellhound snarled as he began to trot off slowly. “Damn it, there she goes again, sometimes I wonder why I’m even here following her stupid ideal of ‘family’.”

“Ya know, I gotta agree with ya.”

A chill ran down Hellhound’s spine when that voice called out to him, but when a bright light surged behind him, a large bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

“A strange little thing this group of Phantoms have got going on… Dunno why Medusa puts up with this plop.”

Hellhound gulped loudly.

“Ya gonna just keep pointing yer ugly flank at me? Or are you gonna look me in the eye?”

Hellhound slowly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the tall, red being standing a few feet from him. “Ma… Ma….”

“I ain’t yer momma, ya idiot,” The fiery being sighed loudly as he took a step forward, the ground singed from where he was originally standing. “Now look, I’m in a very bad mood, and if you give me any plop, I won’t hesitate to give you a one-way ticket to Tartarus!”

Hellhound stepped backwards until he slipped on a random apple that fell from the bag and he fell backwards. The fiery being continued walking towards the stallion, the scorched trail following him. “I know what yer thinking – What’s an upper class Phantom doing here? Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself.”

Throwing his right arm to the side, the large enflamed being summoned a large number of flames form his hand which formed into a large gold and red sword with stylized wings at the hilt. The sword was immediately brought up to the frozen in place Hellhound’s neck, “But being this is the Catastrophe, one of the mightiest weapons that Phantoms can get and can cleave you in two with only one slash, you gotta ask yerself one question.

“Were you the punk who stole one of my feathers? Well, are ya, punk?”

The ground where Hellhound was laying on, suddenly just got wet.



“Sui Sui Sui Sui Sui!”


Minotaur slammed his mighty fist into the ground just after the blast of mystical water carried both Twilight and Trixie away from the attack. The two mares yelped as the mystic liquid carefully dropped them to the ground several yards away and formed back into the now sapphire-donned Wizard. “Sorry about the rough ride, but I have to be conservative with my mana, and I can’t keep changing styles.”

“He… He just turned into water!” Trixie gasped loudly as she lifted up her still wet hooves. “Trixie feels… DISGUSTED!”

“Hey!” Wizard growled with his claws at his hips. “Is that what you say to someone who saved you not just once, but twice in the last half hour?”

“Uh, Haru?” Twilight cleared her throat. “I think you literally have bigger problems to deal with.”

Wizard lifted his right claw up, “R-Right! Sorry!”


With his body shimmering brightly, Wizard transformed back into the brightly glowing blue water that flew through the air towards the towering Minotaur, the liquid whipping about its large, red armored body. The Phantom roared at it tried to swat at the magical water.

“How is this even possible?!” Trixie questioned as she watched the mystic liquid slam into the Minotaur’s chest, forcing the large Phantom staggering back. “When he got Trixie’s wagon out of that hole, Trixie just thought that he just pulled it out from the hole with his own strength!”

“Well, technically, he did,” Twilight snickered as the water crashed into the ground in front of the slightly dazed Minotaur and quickly replaced the ring on his right hand. “I know exactly what you’re going through, I never thought this sort of magic is possible, but as you can see, it is.”

Wizard slipped his right hand in front of his belt and immediately pumped his arms up as his belt chimed out. “It’s about to get wild!”


A blue runic circle traveled up Wizard’s body, and his entire form became muscular and he was almost as tall and muscular as Minotaur, save for being short a few inches. Minotaur staggered back slightly surprised at the empowered masked dragon, which allowed Wizard to slam his right elbow right into the Minotaur’s face, a loud, sickening crack echoed through the air as the Minotaur roared in pain.

Minotaur threw a right jab in retaliation, only to have Wizard lift his left arm and block the attack. Wizard then grabbed Minotaur’s arm and pulled the Phantom past him, now behind the Phantom, Wizard spun around and lifted his right leg up into the air behind him. “Spin around behind, and then from below…


Wizard threw his leg right between Minotaur’s legs, with a delicate ding echoing through the air. For a moment, tears flew from Minotaur’s eyes as the two unicorns turned away from the sore sight, and with the same force, Wizard flipped the empowered Minotaur until it landed face first into the ground.

With his body returning to normal size, Wizard lifted up a familiar ring to his right claw, “Well, here’s a first, two finishers in the same day. But I don’t have a choice!”

Wizard slipped the ring on his right claw and threw it in front of his belt, “NICE CHOICE – KICK STRIKE!


Wizard leapt into the air, and quickly slipped another ring on his right claw, messed with his belt mid-air and threw his right claw back over his belt. “LIQUID – PLEASE!”

With his body shimmering brightly, Wizard’s lower body transformed into water and propelled him higher into the air. When he reached the apex, Wizard’s lower body reformed while his upper body transformed into a torrent of water, shooting him towards the recovering Minotaur. “FINALE… AGAIN!”

Minotaur had pushed himself up before both of Wizard’s feet crashed into the Phantom’s back, with a blue runic circle completely covering Minotaur’s body. Wizard flew from the runic circle and skidded to a stop in front of both Twilight and Trixie, his coattails billowing as Minotaur’s entire body exploded into surge of water. “Now that was BRAVE!”

And then Wizard promptly fell to the ground. “Need… Need… Doughnuts.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Twilight asked as the masked dragon began to sit up. “I’ve never seen you use so many spells in rapid succession before, and fight at the same time.”

“I… I’m fine,” Wizard coughed as he got back to his feet. “At the very least, we’ll never see that Phantom again.”

A large burst of fire erupted several yards from behind Wizard, making the sapphire donned mage slap his mask while Twilight and Trixie watch as the flames flew high into the air. An all too familiar roar blasted through the air as the flames began to reform into the roaring Minotaur, his left horn glowing brightly as the Phantom’s body grew even taller than most of the buildings in Ponyville.

Wizard slumped forward and sighed loudly, “This one is tenacious!”

“Well, smashing it doesn’t seem to work,” Twilight stated as trotted next to her dragon friend. “It just seems to make things worse.”

“But I like smashing,” Wizard sighed as he stood up straight. “It’s a great stress reliever.”

“Are you seriously making a joke right now?” Trixie asked with a flat look in her eyes. “There’s a thirty foot tall monster that’s getting angrier every time it’s defeated! It got mad the first time, and it’s going to get madder each and every time!”

“First time?” Wizard and Twilight questioned as they turned towards the showmare.

Trixie puffed out her chest with a mighty smile on her face, “Grovel before Trixie! She was able to defeat the monster when it first came into the town! With a bolt of lightning to its horn, the beast fell!”

“And then it got back up, just like the last two times, right?” Twilight asked as Minotaur stretched his large arms over his horned head.

A slight blush appeared on Trixie’s face as she nodded in reply.

Twilight closed her eyes for a second before she spoke out loud, “Trixie, this is important! Did that Phantom’s left horn glow brightly?”

The showmare blinked a few times as she nodded in response, Twilight smiled as she turned towards Wizard. “Haru! Aim for his left horn!”

“Huh?” Wizard questioned, not taking his eyes off of the still recovering Minotaur. “Why?”

“Don’t you remember?” Twilight asked as she lifted a hoof towards Minotaur. “When you first fought him, you shot off his left horn! And unless Phantoms have the ability to heal armored tissue like that naturally, then that’s his weakness! Each time he gets bigger and stronger, his left horn glows brightly!”

Wizard turned his attention towards the left horn of the creature, seeing that the horn wasn’t glowing. ‘For some reason, that feels like a cliché - But at this point, I’m willing to try anything!’

Before Wizard even had a chance to reach for his chain of rings, a familiar rainbow-colored blur zipped overhead and soared right towards the Minotaur. The titanic Phantom waved its large hands, trying to swat the rainbow away, but failing each and every time. The rainbow even slammed into the side of Minotaur’s head a number of times, forcing the titanic Phantom back.

“Rainbow Dash?” Wizard questioned.

“Ya’ll didn’t think ya’ll were the only ones willing ta fight?”

Twilight, Wizard and Trixie turned to see Applejack galloping towards the three, a few ropes slung over her back. “C’mon! This is our town! Nopony’s gonna just let this bully wreck our town.”

“Good to hear,” Wizard sighed as he held up a ring and replaced it on his right claws. “Glad to see you and Dash here, think you two can keep him still for a few moments?”

“Mistah Souma, Ah’ve dealt with worse bulls when Ah was a filly at the rodeo,” Applejack replied with a smirk before she galloped off.


A familiar blue runic circle appeared next to Wizard, prompting him to reach into it and pull out his oddly ornate sword. With it in his grasp, Wizard reached for his chain of rings. “You think you all can distract him for about two minutes?”

“Absolutely,” Twilight replied as Wizard replaced the blue ring on his left claws with a familiar green ring. “What about you Haru? What are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna use gravity to my advantage,” Wizard answered as he messed with his belt and threw his hand in front of the buckler.


The masked dragon jumped straight into the large rune over his head, turning the demimonde-cut sapphires on his suit into triangle-cut emeralds and propelled him into the air with the WizarSwordGun in his right claw. Wizard shot through the air with a green twister wrapped around his legs and tail.

Trixie stood there with her mouth agape before she turned towards Twilight, “Just how many forms of magic does he have under his belt? Ugh, ignore that pun…”

“I’ve kinda lost track myself,” Twilight replied before her horn began to glow brightly. “But, it doesn’t matter, what matters is why he’s using his magic even if it’s starting to drain him – To help anypony he can.”

Trixie huffed as she watched Twilight gallop after Applejack, and just like that Trixie sighed and trotted behind the studious unicorn. As the two unicorns made their way towards the still rampaging Minotaur, Rainbow Dash continued to fly around his head, easily dodging the Phantom’s swats.

Applejack on the other hand was preparing the rope she had when Twilight galloped up to her, “Alright Applejack, what’s the plan?”

“Mistah Souma needs him still,” AJ replied as she tossed the rope up into the air, nodding to Twilight who made the rope levitate in the air. “So all we gotta do is hogtie him. Ah just need ya’ll to tie this around one of his legs, then when ya’ll get that done, Ah’ll take over. After that, just keep ‘im occupied.”

Within the next few seconds, Twilight had managed to get the rope full bound around one of Minotaur’s legs. Applejack took the other end of the rope and began to gallop around Minotaur, the rope coiling around its large ankles.

It didn’t take long for Applejack to make her lap around the large Phantom, but the enlarged Minotaur managed to take notice of the small pony at its feet when it blocked one of Dash’s attacks with its massive arms with its head down. The Phantom snorted loudly as it began to reach for down towards the galloping mare.

However, Minotaur got a large rock pelted in its face, followed by a large patch of dirt, forcing its head back from the impact. Many yards away, both Twilight and Trixie were using their magic to levitate random objects to hurl at Minotaur while Rainbow Dash continued to assault as well.

Meanwhile, Wizard kept ascending higher and higher into the air as he swapped rings on his left claw. ‘I’m only going to get one shot at this… And it better work!’

Back on the ground, Applejack was making her third lap around Minotaur’s feet before she leapt over the rope and pulled it tight, trying to get the two large legs to come together, ‘C’mon! C’mon! C’mon Applejack! PULL HARDER!’

As the Southern Mare continued pull on the rope in between her teeth, a blue and purple aura wrapped around the rope and pulled along with her. Out of the corner of her eye, Applejack saw that Twilight and Trixie were helping her pull the rope with their magic. With the added boost, the rope tightened and pulled Minotaur’s legs together.

And when Applejack was out of the Phantom’s path, Twilight lifted her head up, “Rainbow! Knock him down!”

With a salute, the rainbow maned pegasus flew through the air until she was behind the large Minotaur and soared quickly right into the back of the Phantom’s head. Minotaur roared loudly as it fell forward landing face first into the ground, shaking the earth violently.

“Woo-wee!” Applejack laughed with a bright smile. “That’s gotta be a rodeo record right there! Hmm, too bad there’s no judge, we’d all make it in the record books fer that one!”

Minotaur slammed both of hands into the ground, and began to push itself up as Dash flew next to the three other mares, “Uh, did Wizard have a plan or something?”

A bright light exploded through high through the air, making all four of the ponies look up to see a huge, familiar blade wreathed in fire being held up by a familiar red jeweled adorned figure. All four mares’ eyes widened as the sword quickly dropped down towards the rising Minotaur.

“Okay, now that’s just awesome,” Dash stated with a large grin.

When Minotaur had gotten to his knees, Wizard brought the gigantic WizarSwordGun down on Minotaur’s left horn. Minotaur’s eyes widened as sparks and flames erupted from where the metals met and the Phantom roared loudly in pain.

Wizard himself roared as he forced the blade down even further on the horn. ‘BREAK! BREAK! C’MON! BREAK!’

A loud cracking sound echoed through the air, and a small, yet highly visible crack appeared on Minotaur’s horn. Wizard laughed slightly as the flames pushed down even further. “TIME FOR THE FINALE!”


Wizard lifted his head up just in time to see Harpie slam into his torso. The masked dragon cried out as he was thrown from his sword, with the large sword flung through the air and shrinking as it spun through the air.

“Haru!” Twilight, Applejack and Dash shouted out.

Before Wizard could even get a chance to recover, Minotaur threw his hand forward and grabbed Wizard tightly in his grip. Minotaur seemed to chuckle as he got back to his feet and snapped the rope around his ankles to stand up tall once more. The Phantom tightened his grip around Wizard, making cracks appear in the red jeweled chest armor as Wizard cried out loudly.

“Haru!” Twilight shouted.

“I got this!” Rainbow Dash announced as she propelled herself through the air.

The pegasus quickly soared through the air, holding out one of her front hooves in front of her, prepared to slam it into Minotaur’s fist. However, before she reached the fist, Harpie flew in front of her and screeched loudly at the pegasus, the burst of nose making Dash flutter back slightly holding her ears. Dash began to descend as Harpie flew in front of Minotaur, “What are you doing?! This wasn’t part of the plan!”

Minotaur tilted his head slightly at the flying Phantom who continued to hiss, “But… We can improvise from here. Finish him!”

With a loud snort, Minotaur lifted his other hand up towards Harpie, confusing the feathered Phantom. Then with a quick flick of his finger, Minotaur sent the feathered Phantom streaming through the air with a loud screech.

All four of the mares watched as Minotaur roared loudly before flinging Wizard to the ground, creating a slight crater as the masked dragon’s body bounced off the ground slightly. However, he didn’t get too far off the ground before Minotaur slammed his fist into Wizard’s body, forcing him into earth.

And Minotaur threw another punch into Wizard, forcing him further into the earth.

And then another wild blow.

Followed by another massive strike.

And as Minotaur was raising his fist once more, a large boulder smashed into his large shoulder, forcing the Phantom to halt his attack and turn to the side to see Twilight standing away from her friends with her unicorn magic lifting up more debris from the ground, her eyes narrowed. “GET AWAY FROM HIM!”

Minotaur snorted loudly, flames erupting from its nose as it cracked its large knuckles.

“Are you mad?!” Trixie yelled with her mane standing on end. “That monster…”

“I’m not going to let him just kill Haru!” Twilight shouted as she used her magic to fling another large rock at Minotaur. “I’ll distract the Phantom! Applejack, get Haru!”

“Just be careful, Twi,” Applejack replied before she turned to Trixie. “And as fer ya’ll, yer gunna help me dig Mistah Souma out!”

Before Trixie could complain, Applejack galloped past her, grabbing the showmare’s tail and dragged her towards the crater. The lavender unicorn kept her eyes on the titanic Phantom before she used her magic to propel a large mass of dirt at the hulking monster.

Minotaur merely backhanded the dirt as he turned to come after the assaulting unicorn.

Meanwhile, Applejack dragged Trixie to the large crater and released the showmare’s tail when she reached the center of it. “Sweet mercy.”

Amongst the crushed earth was none other than Wizard, most of his body impacted into the ground with only his chest and head not buried within the earth. The rubies covering his mask and his chest armor were cracked, the metal bent and a few shards of the jeweled armor scattered about.

“Is… Is he alive?” Trixie asked as she messed with some of the scattered jewels on the ground with her hoof. ‘And I wonder if this stuff is worth anything.’

Applejack placed her ear to Wizard’s armored chest and nodded to herself, “He’s a breathing alright, but barely. Listen, Little Miss Showoff, use yer fancy magic to help me git this mess off a Mistah Souma! Unless of course if ya’ll wanna run interference instead of Twi and Dash?”

Trixie turned to see Minotaur wave its arms at a recovered Rainbow Dash, and the magical assaults that Twilight was throwing at it. “Trixie sees your point.”

As the two mares began to dig out the masked dragon, atop of some clouds in the sky, a rather disgruntled, green pegasus sighed loudly. “Well this is turning out to be a bust.”

Sora twisted and turned on the cloud, trying to add some sort of excitement to the massive battle that he had deemed boring. ‘I was hoping to see what the big boss had told me was true. There has to be something that I can do.’

The bored green pegasus looked around the scene and his eyes fell upon a certain purple unicorn, and his smile appeared on his face. ‘Now let’s see what I can do to exploit this.’

Reaching into his saddlebags, Sora shifted through it, “Anvil? Nah, too clichéd.

“Banana Cream Pie? Nope, that was used a few chapters ago.

“Pink Flamigo Animation symbol? I think I’d get sued if I threw that.”

After shifting a little bit more in his saddlebags, Sora pulled his head out and smiled brightly, “Ooh, this is gonna be perfect! This is what ponies call – IRONY!!!”

Back on the ground, Twilight kept using the same rocks and dirt against the large Minotaur, ‘I’m glad my magic isn’t being absorbed by this Phantom, but even if we do get manage to get Haru away, we still have no idea on how to stop this rampage!

‘Maybe if I could get my hooves on some of Haru’s rings maybe I could…’

Before Twilight could even finish her thought, something smacked her upside the head, breaking her concentration and forcing the magic she was using to fade off. The young unicorn stumbled about before she turned to the object that just smacked her and blinked a few times at it, “Is that… A doll version of me?”

On the ground a few feet away from Twilight was a small plastic toy that resembled her – Same mane style and coloring as her, but there were a number of differences. The doll was covered in a fancy, frilly dress, had a crown atop its head, and had WINGS on its back!?

“What am I looking at here?!” Twilight yelped at the weird doll before her. “And where did it come from? It came out of nowhere!”

While Twilight was a little confused with what had just hit her, Minotaur’s large hand appeared next to her and immediately wrapped around the unicorn. Twilight yelled as she was pulled from the ground and lifted up in the air.

“Let her go!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew towards Minotaur’s face once more.

This time however, Minotaur snorted flames from his nose and forced Rainbow Dash to fly back from the flames. But through the flames, Minotaur’s free hand shot through them and latched around the pegasus. “What the!? Lemme go! Let me go you lousy…”

Dash didn’t get a chance to finish when Minotaur tightened his grip slightly on the mare, and doing the same to Twilight, which in turn made both of the mares yell out in pain.

Applejack turned from digging out Wizard and narrowed her eyes, “What in tarnation!?! Twi! Dash!”


In Haru’s mind, there was only darkness.

He couldn’t do anything.

His limbs as heavy as lead, his lungs burning, and he was pretty sure that his tail was broken.

“Hmm, this could be an issue.”

Out of the darkness, a large flame erupted and formed into the large steel skinned dragon with flames that slipped over its body as it flew through the darkness casually. “What a pathetic excuse of a dragon – defeated by a mere low level Phantom that was gifted with a taste of power.

“Not only that, but you’re on the brink of death! How a being like you managed to stop my awakening fully baffles me!”

“You want an answer?”

Dragon tilted his head slightly, the voice that sounded was Haru’s. “Hark! The mortal weakling speaks! But is what he saying the truth or pure blissful ignorance?”

“Dragon, we both know who the real weakling is!”

“I am not the one who lost this fight,” Dragon retorted as he blew a few flames from his armored mouth. “You may only have a small taste of my power and form, but that would be more than enough to defeat a false Greater Phantom.”

“Then there’s only one thing you can do.”

Dragon narrowed his eyes. “Oh? And is that?”

“A little more of your power… Give it to me. I need it to save them.”

A large smile popped on Dragon’s face, “My power? I can do better than that.”

Dragon’s entire body began to glow brightly before he transformed into flames that lit up the darkness.

“This isn’t a gift.”


“Hold on, ya’ll!” Applejack shouted. “Ah’ll be right there to…”

A powerful burst of fire erupted from the ground behind Applejack, making her and Trixie jump back as the flames sent the earth up into the air. Both mares turned to see a shadowed figure stand up amongst the flames, stepping from the rubble. The flames were immediately drawn into the figure as he reeled back his torso.

With the flames no longer around, both mares saw that it was Wizard who was standing up.

Applejack was about to say something, but Wizard roared loudly and snapped his head forward, unleashing a large blast of fire that had shattered remains of his mask flung from his face while the flame soared through the air. The roar caught the attention of Minotaur, causing him to turn his large head about just in time to get hit in the face with the flames.

The Phantom cried out in pain and released both Dash and Twilight, both of them plummeting to the ground, at least until Rainbow Dash fanned out her wings and flew to quickly catch Twilight. “You okay Twilight?”

“Yes, I’m alright for the most part,” Twilight sighed with a smile on her face. “But, did Haru do that?”

“Well, Wizard’s up and about,” Dash pointed out as she began to descend.

With his mask now broken, Wizard stood up straight and looked at Minotaur who snorted loudly, “I believe this is where I say – It’s showtime. The line does have its little charm.”

Applejack slowly trotted towards Wizard, but the magically gifted dragon dashed towards the empowered Minotaur. “Whoa, Mistah Souma must be a quick healer.”

As Wizard sped towards Minotaur, the large Phantom pulled his fist back and immediately threw his fist at the slightly masked dragon. Still, Wizard continued his charge, his arms held back as the large set of knuckles descended upon him.

“Haru!? What are you doing?!” Twilight called out as the fist was about to make contact.

However, Wizard snapped both of his arms up and actually managed to catch Minotaur’s fist – And actually stop it! The impact of the two powerful forces caused the air around them to burst away from the two.

Minotaur blinked a few times at his assault’s sudden halt.

With a smile on his face, Wizard dug his claws into the armor, actually managing to crack it. Then with a simple turn of his body, Wizard easily tossed Minotaur further away from Ponyville, flinging the Phantom into a large and empty field.

All four of the mares stared at Wizard’s latest feat, and watched as he ran towards the recovering Minotaur. A certain pegasus was laughing loudly as he jumped and down on the cloud, “Yay! So it is true! A change of demeanor and fighting style, and the intimidation I can feel from this guy is amazing!”

Wizard leapt through the air as Minotaur swatted down on the dragon – Only to have his pointer finger caught by the magical dragon. With a loud roar, Wizard twisted his body, dragging the large Phantom on the ground before he flung Minotaur high through the air, creating a large distance between Minotaur and the ground.

“Whoa,” Dash whistled as she lifted her hoof to point at it. “Wizard’s got quite an arm on him.”

After throwing Minotaur up into the air, Wizard landed on the ground and clenched his fist tightly as Minotaur spun through the air. Minotaur grabbed both of his fists and began to bring down fists on Wizard.

Using his legs and tail, Wizard propelled himself through the air with his right hand pulled back with flames around his claws. Minotaur’s fists and Wizard’s fiery fist collided against each other, with the fire around Wizard’s fist flaring away from where they connected. The two seemed to be at a standstill in mid-air, until Wizard began to push back Minotaur’s fists, and immediately parted them.

With the large fists no longer in his way, Wizard flew through the air and slammed his right claws into Minotaur’s left horn. For a mere second, the horn withstood the attack until the crack that was made earlier grew and snapped the horn from the red, giant Phantom’s head.

Minotaur screeched with pain as his body began to fall to the land, his body losing its red tint and slowly shrinking as he plummeted to the earth. When the no longer empowered Phantom crashed into the ground, a large surge of dirt flew from where he landed.

“Okay, now that was pretty awesome!” Dash exclaimed as a the dirt began to settle. “Why didn’t Wizard do that in the first place?”

“I… I don’t know,” Twilight muttered as she brought a hoof to her mouth. ‘Something’s not right here – I’ve seen Haru battle against Phantoms before, and he’s never actually punched them unless he used a spell to do so, like he does with Excite or Big. I can understand that this wasn’t a typical Phantom, but…

‘But he didn’t use any spells in that last exchange with that Phantom.’

Then gracefully landing a few yards in front of the four Mares, Wizard kept his back to them as he slowly walked towards the crater where Minotaur had created. His fists clenched tightly, his now tattered coattails billowing in the wind behind him, and his gaze dead set on Minotaur, who’s armor had lost all color to it, being only a simple conglomeration of various shades of gray.

When Wizard reached Minotaur, the Phantom turned its head towards the dragon who stood next to him, “You… You are not the same mage I fought before…”

“How insightful,” Wizard sighed as he crouched down and wrapped his claws around Minotaur’s neck. Without any effort, Wizard pulled the Phantom from the ground and easily lifted the wounded monster from the earth. “Then again, it doesn’t matter anymore. Without that little horn of yours giving you your revival powers, all you are is a clump of dust about to be scattered in the wind.”

“N-No! Please!” Minotaur gasped and wheezed as he tried to struggle free. “I… I wasn’t in control of myself! That power it… It was too much! The pain it caused me!”

“Hark, the monster speaks,” Wizard replied as he tightened his grip around Minotaur’s neck, creating a loud cracking sound, breaking the Phantom’s armor. “But what’s this? All he speaks is nonsense! A beast! A wild beast! One who’s barred his fangs at his better!

“Learn your place.”

A few sparks popped from Wizard’s claw before a powerful flame washed over Minotaur’s body, the Phantom roaring loudly in pain. When the flames disappeared, Minotaur’s body was visibly charred with smoke rising off of his body, “P-Please… I-I won’t hunt the G-Gates anymore! I-I’m sorry! I’ll d-disappear from your sight! J-Just please! Let me go!”

The response that Minotaur got was a laugh, “You’ll disappear from my sight? What a lovely idea. But letting you go is just so boring. I’ll still make you disappear from my sight, except, I’ll just burn you until nothing’s left!

“How does that sound?”


Wizard sighed as he dropped Minotaur back into the crater, he didn’t have to turn around to know who was behind him. “Twilight Sparkle.”

“Haru, what are you doing?!” Twilight asked as she slowly trotted up behind the magical dragon.

The dragon shrugged his armored shoulders. “I’m destroying the very being that attacked not only you and Spike, but all of Ponyville. Why do you ask?”

“But you don’t need to destroy him!” Twilight shouted as Applejack and Rainbow Dash followed up to her. Trixie was keeping her distance from the rather intimidating dragon mage. “I heard him beg to be let go! He can’t fight back!”

“You didn’t have a problem when Haruto Souma destroyed those other two Phantoms,” Wizard replied with a wave of his claws. “Why start now?”

“Because they wouldn’t stop going after our friends!” Rainbow Dash answered as she pointed her hoof at Haru. “This guy may have attacked the town, but you got him beat! He’s not going to hurt anypony!”

“Sides, this ain’t like ya,” Applejack chimed in with a stomp of her hoof. “Ya’ll help folks who can’t fight, and clearly this Bull can’t fight anymore!”

Wizard sighed loudly with a shake of his head, “Ah, bleeding heart sentimentality – I will never understand why ponies possess it. It will be the downfall of this world when fools like this…”

The masked dragon jabbed his foot into Minotaur’s side, making the Phantom cry out in pain, “Get a small taste of power. And who knows how many Phantoms exist in this world, and this one is just a lower level Phantom, most are stronger! Most are more devious! And others are beings that appear in your nightmares!”

Slowly, Wizard turned around to face the ponies behind him, showing the broken mask that revealed his right eye and mouth, both which made the three stare at the slightly unmasked Wizard – Gone were the soft, calm features that Haru had on his face when the mask was off.

His features were sharpened, and Haru’s exposed eye wasn’t its normal soothing blue, but rather a rustic yellow that resembled that of a lizard’s – Only devoid of that spark that Haru usually had in his eyes.

“Whoa, were Haru’s eyes like that before?” Dash asked taking a step back.

“No way,” Applejack answered.

“You… You’re not Haru,” Twilight stated bluntly.

“As I said with the Phantom, how insightful,” ‘Wizard’ replied as he brought one of his gloved claws to his chin. “I am not that pathetic being you know as Haruto Souma, and yet, I am him at the same time. His body is my prison, and he uses the magic that my very being produces to protect you foals.

“How he’s managed to keep me suppressed all this time it is baffling, and yet at the same time, inspirational on how strong his will is.”

Twilight’s eyes widened when realization came to her, “You’re the Phantom in Haru’s body, aren’t you?”

“Say what now?” Applejack questioned. “Haru’s got one of them Phantoms in him?!”

“Oh right, we forgot to tell you about that,” Twilight chuckled sheepishly.

‘Wizard’ brought up his left hand up and looked to the ring that was on Haru’s claw. “Once again, very insightful. That’s something that Haruto Souma admires about you Twilight, as do I. Yes, I am the Phantom within Haruto Souma – Dragon.”

“Wait, Wizard’s a Dragon,” Dash pointed out looking up slightly. “And he’s got a Dragon Phantom in him? Isn’t that kind of… Uh, what’s that word?”

“Redundant,” Twilight answered.

Dragon chuckled slightly as he turned to the side, Haru’s right claws brought atop of his mask, “Oh yes! That’s right! How hilarious! Haruto Souma hasn’t informed any of you!”

“What in tarnation are ya’ll going on ‘bout?” Applejack questioned with her head tilted slightly.

“It matters not,” Dragon sighed as he took a step towards the three mares. “Haruto Souma’s past will soon be inconsequential. While this form of his is… Cute, it is too cramped for me to use for my own desires. I must shed this form.”

“Shed?” Twilight questioned before she narrowed her eyes. “Haru told me that when you Phantoms shed your forms, you…”

“We can spare the gory details,” Dragon answered as he stood over Twilight, overshadowing the mare. “But, in order for me to cast aside this horrid form, I must instill true despair into Haruto Souma. And as the fates would have it, my options for instilling said despair are right in front of me.”

Before the three mares could even blink, Dragon held Twilight up by the throat with Haru’s left hand, surprising Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “To have his claws spill the blood of those he calls friends – Truly that will instill despair in this wretched Haruto Souma. So, my apologies Miss Sparkle, it isn’t personal, but a necessity.”

“Get yer claws off her!” Applejack shouted as she turned around prepared to buck Dragon.

“Yeah you scaled freak!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she leapt towards Dragon.

Before the two could even reach Dragon, he used Haru’s tail to quickly slap the two ponies to the side without even batting his cruel eye. Dragon sighed as he tightened his grip on Twilight’s neck, “Don’t worry ladies, only one of you should suffice to fully awaken me. And I prefer to spill as little blood here as necessary.”

“H-Haru!” Twilight sputtered as she smacked her hooves against Dragon’s arm. “P-Please! Stop!”

“If it makes you feel better,” Dragon sighed with a grimace on his face. “Haruto Souma’s been knocked out since that lower level Phantom slammed his fist into him. Do not blame him for my actions.”

Meanwhile, in the crater, Minotaur was sweating with tears streaming down his eyes, ‘Oh dear Lord Hades, don’t let him know I’m still here!’

“You! Dragon!”

Dragon turned his attention slightly to see Trixie trotting towards him, now donning her usual magician’s outfit. “The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you get out of the body of Trixie’s assistant this instant.”

Dragon rolled his yellow eye as he lifted Twilight out of the way and quickly shot out a small blaze of fire from his mouth towards the showmare. Trixie’s eyes widened before a large cloud of light blue smoke popped in front of her just before the flames struck.

“Can’t you all just let me have a dramatic moment?” Dragon asked with a roll of his eyes. “Taking a life is not an easy endeavor, especially one that has so much potential!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie still demands you stop this!”

Dragon blinked a few times when he realized that Trixie was now standing to his right, “How did you do that?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest Unicorn in all the land,” Trixie proclaimed with a large smile on her face. “A flame from an uncouth dragon is no match for her magic!”

Dragon narrowed his eye at Trixie as a blood vessel bulged on his exposed skin, “Ucouth?! You dare to insult me?! Your parlor tricks are not even a match for my vessel’s mundane magic!”

To illustrate his point, Dragon lifted his right claw up to reveal the ring, “I grow tired of these interruptions! I’ll use Haruto Souma’s own magic to end this!”

Dragon threw ‘Wizard’s’ right claw in front of the belt buckle – However, instead of glowing like it usually did, sparks flew from it. “Huh?”


A burst of fiery magical energy erupted from the belt, propelling Dragon through the air while releasing Twilight to the ground. The young unicorn was shaken up while taking a moment to feel the burning sensation that was at her throat. ‘T-That was too close.’

“Looks like you owe the Great and Powerful Trixie your life,” Trixie chuckled as she trotted up next to Twilight.. “You may grovel at any time you wish.”

With a flat look in her eyes, Twilight sighed, “Well, thank you Trixie. Although, how did you know that his magic would backfire on him?”

Trixie rubbed her front hoof against her chest with a smile on her face, “A truly skilled unicorn never reveals her secrets.”

Truth be told, Trixie didn’t know that would happen, she was just very lucky in that regard. Trixie was just trying to buy some time until Applejack or Rainbow Dash had gotten back to their senses.

“W-What… What was I doing!?”

The two unicorns turned back to see Wizard ripping the broken mask off of his face and throwing it to the side. With the mask no longer on his face, the dragon lifted his head up to reveal his tear stained face with his eye back to their regular shade of blue and his features returned to normal.

Haru looked down to his claws and then towards Twilight, “I… I…”

“Haru,” Twilight started as she stepped forward.


Twilight reeled back at Haru roaring at her.

The magical dragon reached for his belt and swapped rings on his right claw, “I… I’m sorry…”


Haru threw his right hand in front of him and jumped into the runic circle, the magical rune disappearing as he went through it. Twilight was galloping to where Haru had thrown the mask and tapped it with her front hoof. “Haru…”


Back in Ponyville, Mayor Mare was trying to keep the citizens calm throughout the monster attack, although most of them had watched the fight from a safe distance. Damage to the town was minimal, although, with a giant Minotaur rampaging through and near the town, the shock was enough to cause a disturbance amongst the ponies.

After making sure that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were okay and were headed back home, Twilight and Trixie were heading back to Golden Oaks Library – Mainly because they had to get Trixie’s wagon out of the tree. Although, throughout the trip, Twilight was quiet as she kept looking back at the broken Wizard helmet that she had on her back. ‘Haru…’

“Are you still sulking?” Trixie huffed. “For a mare whose life was saved, you certainly don’t act like you’re full of life.”

“… Haven’t you ever lost a friend?” Twilight replied solemnly, not even turning towards Trixie.

The showmare opened her mouth to speak, but closed her mouth immediately without a sound. Even she knew when not to boast or speak.

After that small exchange, the two unicorns reached the library – At which point Twilight noticed something strange with the whole scene. There was no damage done to the library and Trixie’s cart wasn’t stuck into the side of the tree, no damage to the cart either, in fact, it looked like it was brand new.

‘Wait, that’s not right,’ Twilight thought to herself blinking in confusion.

“Ah, marvelous!” Trixie laughed as she slowly trotted towards the wagon. “Not even a scratch! Now if you don’t mind, the Showy and Brave Trixie shall be going to sleep. It has been a long day.”

‘I get the feeling that my night’s just started,’ Twilight thought to herself before Trixie disappeared into her wagon.


The door to the library quickly opened up and Spike ran from the tree, “Are you okay?! What happened?”

“Spike, I’ll… I’ll tell you in the morning,” Twilight sighed as she trotted towards her home. “How about you? What happened?”

“Well, I tried to get Rarity to help,” Spike answered as he followed Twilight. “But she was still dealing with her green mane, but that’s not important! Someone’s here and…”

“I’ll have to send them home,” Twilight replied with her head fallen as she entered the building with Spike in tow. “We’re closed and this isn’t the best time.”

“Oh?” A regal voice sounded. “That’s a shame, your dragon scribe made tea and its quite good.”

The young unicorn lifted her head up and reeled backwards at the sight in the lobby before her. Seated on the couch with a cup of tea in his hands was a familiar, yet obviously different figure – The design was aesthetically the same to Wizard’s, but pure white with atop of his orange jeweled mask. His costume was a white robe with a familiar belt at his waist and two silver bands strapped on his chest with rings upon it.

The masked being lifted up the tea cup to his mask and actually drank it through his bejeweled mask, “Nothing like a spot of tea to soothe the nerves.”

“W-Who are you?” Twilight asked as Spike kept next to her.

The White Wizard placed his tea cup on the arm of the couch and placed his hands together. “Shiroi Mahotsukai – The White Wizard. And I am here to speak to you, Miss Twilight Sparkle.”

White Wizard waved his right hand up, revealing a familiar looking ring on his finger. “I am here to bestow my knowledge to you.”


Author's Note:

Sora: -snickers- Ain't I a stinker?

Hehehehe, oh I have had a lot of fun with this chapter - And look! One of my cohorts has arrived.

But I have a serious issue that I need to talk to you guys about, we need to get this story on Equestria Daily! I keep trying to, but they keep giving me a lame excuse about the description or whatever. So, if one of you guys could do that for me, then I won't have to shave MangaKamen's head while he's sleeping.

So please, do it before we've got a cueball writing this story.

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