• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 650 Views, 6 Comments

Rebirth of Chaos - sherro

What if Discord doesn't get reformed? What if the mane six die? Who will wield the Elements of Harmony? Only three little blank flanks that's who!

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Chapter 3: Side Story: Babs Seed

Rebirth of Chaos Side Story

Babs Seed

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing in my ear. I stopped the ringing then looked at the time. The clock read 10:36 AM. I was late for the Manehattan Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting! The leader can't be late!

I threw the blankets off me and ran out of my bedroom. I lived in an apartment with my parents. I was an only child. I started to open the door and head out when I heard my mom call me.

"Babs! Come and eat before you go out and play!" She told me.

"But, mom I have a Cutie Mark Crusada's meetin' to go to!" I said.

She gave me the stare. I knew I should go eat. I walked over and ate my cereal. When I was done I put my dishes in the sink. I looked at the clock. It read 10:46. 10 minutes had gone by! I really had to go! I headed for the door again.

"Babs! Aren't you forgetting something?" My mom asked.

"I have to brush my teeth..." I whined.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I was done I walked out and asked my mom, "Anything else?!"

"No, but missy you don't get to talk to me like th-" I never heard the rest, I was already headed to the meeting once I heard "no".

The streets in Manehattan were busy, as usual, as I galloped down to our meeting place. I turned down an alley and splashed a water from a puddle everywhere. I stopped galloping and nudged open the door to the abandoned apartment building. This is where we held our meetings.

"Babs! Your late!" said a red colt in the corner.

"Yeah! C'mon Babsy! Your always late..." said a gray colt.

"C'mon fellas! I'm still here ain't I?" I said.

"Whatever... let's get on with it! I'm diein' to go out and get cutie marks!" The gray colt replied.

"It's alright, Shadow. I knows what we're doin' today! We are gonna go crime fightin'!" I told them.

"Uh, Babs isn't that a little too dangerous?" The red colt asked.

"Naw. It'll be fine we'll just do small crimes, Hammy!" I replied.

Just then the door opened to the apartment and a gray colt walked in. "Sorry I'm late guys."

"Shadow!?" Hammy exclaimed "What's goin' on here?!"

I looked back and forth at both Shadows. They looked exactly the same.

"Wait a minute! Which one is real?" I asked.

Just then, the Shadow that was here when I arrived was changing. His skin tore off in small pieces as green flames erupted from inside of him. I stepped back as this Shadow changed into a...

"Changeling!?" Hammy yelled.

The changeling spat at us and flew out of the apartment building. I chased after it. As I opened the door to the outside I saw as it flew up into the sky, gathering with other changelings that were circleing around the Empire Stable Building.

"Umm... Babs? I'm gonna go home..." Hammy said running past me.

"Me too!" Shadow said agreeing with Hammy.

This isn't happening. It's not real. I rubbed my eyes with my hooves. It's real but, what do I do now?

"I gotta figure out what's going on!" I said out loud.

I galloped to the Empire Stable Building. There was a lot of ground to cover from the apartment to there but, I can make it. Ponies were running everywhere screaming in pure terror. I kept my face calm and ran. As soon as I reached the building I ran in. I trotted over to the elevator and took it up to the top floor. I stepped out and looked around. Stairs. Great. I took the stairs up and opened the door. A huge changeling stood there not facing me. I quietly walked out and got off the platform she was on.

What is that thing!? I thought.

I watched it for a few minutes when the door burst open. It was Sweetie Belle! The changeling turned around and confronted her.

"Well well well... a filly?" It said. "This city's savior is a filly?!"

She laughed. "I Queen Chrysalis accept your challenge!"

Sweetie Belle mumbled something I couldn't make out..

Chrysalis smiled and morphed into her. "I'm a filly here to beat Chrysalis!"

She morphed back. "No! I'm so frightened!" She laughed at her.

"The name is Sweetie Belle..." Sweetie Belle said.

"OOOOO... Sweetie Belle! So terrifying.!" Chrysalis said mockingly.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes tight. What is she doing!?, I thought

"Woah!" Spike said hopping off of her back.

She levitated off the ground.

"Wait! The elements of harmony! Your one of the fillies Discord warned me about! I'll destroy you!" Chrysalis yelled at Sweetie but, it was too late.

Chrysalis was blasted off of the building with a beam of rainbows. I stared at Sweetie Belle. What was that?

"Well that was quick." She said turning around smiling.

There was laughter on the other side if the platform again. "You think you can defeat me that easily?"

Sweetie Belle spun around. Chrysalis was standing there her horn glowing.

"Goodbye, Sweetiebelle!" She yelled. Her horn glowed brighter.

I can't let Sweetie Belle lose! I galloped on to the platform and over to Chrysalis.

"BUCK OFF OF MY FRIEND!" I yelled at Chrysalis.

I heard Chrysalis's scream disappear slowly. I looked over at Sweetie Belle and she looked at me.

"Babs!" Sweetie called out to me galloping over.

"Sweetie Belle!" I called out to her. "Good thing I got here when I did or you'd be toast... literally."

I galloped over and gave her a brohoof. We started to celebrate the victory.

"Don't celebrate just yet..." The same evil voice said.

"OH COME ON!" Sweetie yelled to no one specifically.

Chrysalis laughed. "This battle is a joke! Your weak just like your sister!"

"What?" Sweetie said.

"Your weak just like your sister!" She repeated.

"I am not weak. I am a regular magical unicorn." Sweetie Belle said then a burst of energy came out of her.

Her mane spiked out and she smiled showing razor sharp teeth. Spike cowered near the door. The elements of harmony flew into the air. I caught both of them.

"So, you have summoned Thrakerzod?" Sweetie asked.

"Who is Thrakerzod?" Chrysalis asked.

"I am." Thrakerzod replied. "I am demon reborn as this filly. I have been hibernating, letting the filly live out some of her life."

"A demon, eh?" Chrysalis said. "Then, let me see your true power."

"As you wish." Thrakerzod said. Her horn glowed with it's energy bigger than the horn itself. The energy shot at Chrysalis stunning her. Thrakerzod then ran at her teeth bared.

Chrysalis smashed Thrakerzod with her hoof. Thrakerzod fell back a couple feet. She stood up and charged at Chrysalis again. This time when Chrysalis went to kick Thrakerzod, Thrakerzod jumped onto Chrysalis's leg and galloped over to her neck and bit. HARD. Chrysalis wailed. She stumbled backwards while Thrakerzod bit and hooved her.

Chrysalis was forced to the edge of the building.

"You cannot defeat me!" She yelled.

"Then let us see of that is true." Thrakerzod said pushing Chrysalis off of the building.

I ran over to the edge to watch as Chrysalis tried to fly up but, Thrakerzod used her magic to break Chrysalis's wings. They plummeted into the ground and somehow there was an explosion. Maybe there was magic involved? Who cares it was a pretty sweet explosion!

I ran down the building with Spike. We exited the building as a massive portal appeared.

"Okay, how can this day get any weirder?" I asked out loud.

Celestia, Applebloom, and Scootaloo exited the portal.

"Okay that's fine." I said.

I galloped over to Sweetie Belle's body showing it to the others.

"Sweetie Belle, you all right?" Spike asked.

"Ugh... what happened?" Sweetie asked.

"Um... I don't really know how to explain it." I told her.

"It doesn't matter. Chrysalis has been defeated as well as Discord." Celestia said.

Sweetie looked around and saw the bloody shredded body of Chrysalis. Her eyes popped out of her head.

"You've down well yet again Cutie Mark Crusaders and I yet again thank you." Celestia went on to say.

There was a thankyou ceremony for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I was in it! Celestia teleported the others home to Ponyville and I started to walk home. Celestia stopped me.

"Thrakerzod?" she asked me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Then it has begun..." Celestia said walking through her own portal.

Comments ( 2 )

2158776 It can be fast but at least have it be consistent. It seems as if the mane six dying WASN'T a tragedy that happened from how easily the Cutie Mark Crusaders came over it.

2417330 it is a tragedy. Wait until Chapter 5... :P

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