• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 649 Views, 6 Comments

Rebirth of Chaos - sherro

What if Discord doesn't get reformed? What if the mane six die? Who will wield the Elements of Harmony? Only three little blank flanks that's who!

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Chapter Two: Sweetiebelle

Rebirth of Chaos

Sweetiebelle Chapter

"And that is how Applebloom, Scootaloo and I defeated Discord!" I said ending my presentation in front of the class.

"Very good, Sweetiebelle!" Cheerilee applauded me.

The class clapped their hooves as I walked back to my seat but, one hoof was raised in the air for a question.

"What is it Diamond Tiara?" Mrs. Cheerilee asked.

"I thought these were supposed to be true stories." She said laughing with Silver Spoon.

"It is true!" Applebloom said sticking up for me.

"I didn't think blank flanks could use the Elements of Harmony. Especially since they don't have the right talents to use them." Silver Spoon added to Diamond Tiara's arguement.

I was getting furious that those two were always picking on me. Then, an idea came into my head. I reached into my desk and pulled out the element of kindness.

"Mrs. Cheerilee! I forgot a demonstration that goes with my story." I told the teacher.

She ushered me up to the front of the class and I trotted up excitedly.

"Now then, since somepony doesn't believe me," I said putting on the element of kindness "this is how you use it."

I concentrated on kindness and swirls of rainbow appeared from the element and circled around me. I started levitating and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's mouth's dropped.

"Wow, Sweetiebelle that's amazing!" Mrs. Cheerilee told me. "But, let's get on to the next presentation."

I let myself fall to the ground and went back to my seat.

Later, when school had ended Scootaloo came home with me. We were gonna have a sleepover. We had eaten dinner and were in bed asleep. I rolled over and touched the element of kindness and my dream was altered.

"Sweetiebelle! Your back!" a voice called. "It's so lonely in here I wish Angel Bunny was here..."

"What?" I said in surprise. "Fluttershy!? I was dreaming about my cutie mark! I almost saw it!"

"Oh! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... eep!" Fluttershy said embarrassed.

"It's okay Fluttershy. So what do you need?" I asked.

"Go to Twilight's library. Spike... uhm... has a letter for you... about... Discord." She replied hesitantly.

"What?" I asked. "Discord's back!?"

She didn't answer she started to fade away.

"Fluttershy! Wait!" I yelled to her.

"Beware of Chr..." I heard her say before she completely went out of view.

I woke up right after the dream. It's weird I'd been having visions and dreams of Fluttershy ever since I got her element. I wonder if Scootaloo and Applebloom have been having the same. I sat up in bed and yawned. I looked over at Scootaloo who slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. She was awake too.

"Hey Sweetie... I was thinking we should visit Spike today. He might be lonely without Twilight..." She told me.

"What?" I said in surprise. How did she know?

"Well..." she said rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "I know this will sound weird but, I've had dreams of Pinkie Pie ever since I got her element. Tonight she told me to go see Spike. Is that weird?"

I stared at her. I wasn't the only one! "It's not weird. Fluttershy told me the same thing." I told her.

We ate breakfast then went to Sweet Apple Acres to get Applebloom. We had taken Scootaloo's Scooter. I was riding in the wagon behind it.

"Hey! Applebloom! Hop in! We're going to the Library to see Spike!" Scootaloo said when she pulled up.

She hopped in and said, "So, you guys had the same dream too, huh?"

I just looked at her and nodded as Scootaloo drove us to the Library. When we arrived Applebloom and I hopped out of the wagon and Scootaloo followed us after she took off her helmet. We opened the door and looked around. No Spike.

"Spike?" I called.

"What!" I heard in reply and Spike sleepily walked down the stairs. "Oh! Good! I got a letter from Princess Celestia for you guys!"

He handed over the letter with the royal seal on it. Applebloom read it out loud:

Dear Cutie Mark Crusaders,

Discord has returned to Canterlot. We need you here as quickly as you can! Luna and I have tried to hold him back this time but, he has taken over the castle yet again. There is something strange going on in Manehattan that I also need you to check out. Once you recieve this letter tell Spike to send it back and I'll teleport you here to Canterlot.

Yours truly,

Princess Celestia

"Quick Spike send it back!" Applebloom said when she was done reading it out loud.

"Got it!" he took the letter and sent it back using his dragon fire.

We stood there waiting for a minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. Four minutes. What's going on?, I thought.

"Shouldn't we be in Canterlot?" I asked.

Everyone just sat there. No movement. I poked Scootaloo. Nothing. Then, it happened. The scene around me started to melt away. Was the spell working now? Was this what it looked like from my eyes only? Soon Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Spike had melted away. The scene before me now was complete white. Like in my dreams with Fluttershy! Was I there now? I turned around in a circle. Nothing. Alone. I was all alone. The same feeling I had when Applebloom told me about Rarity. Whenever I think about it comes to me as clear as I was there.

Discord grabbed Rarity in his paw.

"Little Rarity, so generous... and yet so self-centered." He said maliciously.

Rarity's horn glowed and her magic took Discord's tail then flipped him over, releasing Rarity.

"You think you can pick on my friends? You've crossed the line when you touch them!" Rarity yelled.

Discord snapped his fingers and Rarity's horn was gone. He stood up and grabbed her while she was confused.

"You think your smart? You think your tricky?" He asked her while plucking the element of generosity from her neck. "I am the king of chaos! The true trickster! And now for my next act... I shall saw Rarity in half!"

"What!" She screamed in horror.

With a snap of his fingers Discord put Rarity in to one of those magic saw boxes. He was now wearing a tuxedo and holding a giant saw.

"Now for the main event!" He called out.

The blade touched the box. Discord smiled. Rarity screamed and cried. The saw started cutting. Back and forth. Back and forth. Getting closer to Rarity's flesh. Discord's eyes lit up when the blade touched it. He cut faster. Blood spewed out everywhere. Splattering Discord's tuxedo and on the snow and ice around the box. Rarity's scream got weaker as Discord cut her lungs. Finally, the blade made it out the other side of the box.

"Ta-da!" Discord said pushing the two sides apart.

Rarity's insides showed. Some of her intestines fell out. The crimson liquid stained anything it touched as it spewed out of her.

I threw up in my mouth a little. I swallowed it back up and started to wipe my tears away.

"Um... Sweetiebelle? I know now might not be the best time... but, I need to talk to you." the same shy voice from my dream said.

"Fluttershy!" I galloped over and hugged her.

"Oh!" She said. "Oh your thinking about Rarity... She's fine Sweetiebelle... She's with Applebloom!"

"I know. It's just... I miss her." I told Fluttershy.

"Sweetiebelle! Now's not the time to cry! We need you!" A new voice said.

I turned around and saw a purple blotch through the tears. I wiped them away to see Twilight Sparkle!

"Twilight?!" I said confused.

"Yes, it's me. Now we don't have much time. I'm sending you to Manehattan with Spike. Scootaloo and Applebloom are going to Canterlot to defeat Discord. You know that there's a mysterious force in Manehattan, you need to check it out and defeat it! We're counting on you Sweetiebelle! You will also be able to use my element of harmony when you arrive!" She told me.

"Wait, do you know what the mysterious force is?" I asked.

"It's Chr-" Fluttershy started to say.

"No idea." Twilight said cutting her off. "We can't talk anymore Sweetie. It's time."

I blinked but, when I opened my eyes the white room with Fluttershy and Twilight was gone. The element of kindness around my neck and the element of magic on my head. And the brick roads of Manehattan lay in front of me.

"Woah..." I heard someone say.

That's when I noticed this pressure on my back.

"Spike?" I asked.

"What?" he replied.

"Where are we?"

"Manehattan, didn't Twilight tell you."

"She did but, something doesn't seem right."

"Maybe it's the black clouds swirling around the Empire Stable Building." he suggested.

Sure enough there were black clouds swirling around it. Something was different about them though.

"Let's go Spike!" I yelled and started to gallop.

There were crowds of ponies running past us and crowds of pegasi flying away above us. As we got closer to the Empire Stable Building it's looming shadow over us scared me more than the black clouds. Something was definitely wrong here. The doors were wide open with ponies filing out of the building. I pushed myself through them. I looked around and saw an elevator. I galloped over and pressed the button and waited.

DING! The doors opened and ponies piled out. I got in. I looked at the buttons and tried to push the top floor button but, it was too high. Spike pushed it and smiled down at me. The doors closed and we waited.

"This elevator music sucks." Spike said breaking the silence.

I looked up at him.

"What? It does!"

The doors opened. I stepped out and looked around. I saw a sign that read, "STAIRS". I ran over to it and pushed open the door. There were stairs going down and stairs going up with a chain blocking the way. A sign on the chain said, "ROOF". So, I ducked under the chain and galloped up the stairs. I pushed open the last door.

Apparently, when I was running to the building I didn't notice that the giant antenna was gone...

A black figure turned and looked at me. It had hole in it's legs and it's horn. Don't even get me started on the disgusting mane style.

"Well well well... a filly?" It said. "This city's savior is a filly?!"

She laughed. "I Queen Chrysalis accept your challenge!"

"Chrysalis..." I said under my breath.

She smiled and morphed into me. "I'm a filly here to beat Chrysalis!"

She morphed back. "No! I'm so frightened!" She laughed at me.

"The name is Sweetiebelle..." I said.

"OOOOO... Sweetiebelle! So terrifying.!" She said mockingly.

I concentrated on my magic and my kindness. Rainbows flowed around me almost instantly.

"Woah!" Spike said hopping off my back.

I levitated off he ground.

"Wait! The elements of harmony! Your one of the fillies Discord warned me about! I'll destroy you!" She yelled at me but, it was too late.

I blasted her with a beam of rainbow. She flew off the edge of the building.

"Well that was quick." I said turning around smiling.

There was laughter behind me. "You think you can defeat me that easily?"

I spun around. Chrysalis was standing there her horn glowing.

"Goodbye, Sweetiebelle!" She yelled. Her horn glowed brighter.

I closed my eyes. I failed. I can't believe this is how it ends.

Then, out of know where I hear a young Manehattan accent scream, "BUCK OFF OF MY FRIEND!"

I heard Chrysalis's scream disappear slowly. I opened my eyes and saw an orange filly with no cutie mark.

"Babs!" I called out to her!

"Sweetiebelle!" She said back to me. "Good thing I got here when I did or you'd be toast... literally."

She ran over and gave me a brohoof. We started to celebrate her victory.

"Don't celebrate just yet..." The same evil voice said.

"OH COME ON!" I yelled to no one specifically.

Chrysalis laughed. "This battle is a joke! Your weak just like your sister!"

"What?" I said.

"Your weak just like your sister!" She repeated.

"I am not weak. I am a regular magical unicorn." I said then blacked out.

"Um... Sweetiebelle? You all right?" I heard Spike say.

I opened my eyes and my vision slowly came back. Spike, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Babs, and Princess Celestia stood around me. I sat up. I was no longer on top of the Empire Stable Building. I was near the ruins of it.

"Ugh... what happened?" I asked.

"Um... I don't really know how to explain it." Babs told me.

"It doesn't matter. Chrysalis has been defeated as well as Discord." Celestia said.

I looked around and saw the bloody shredded body of Chrysalis.

"You've down well yet again Cutie Mark Crusaders and I yet again thank you." Celestia went on to say.

We were later transported back to Ponyville after a thankyou ceremony in Manehattan. It was time for me to go to bed. I crawled in after dinner. I closed my eyes and dreamt. In my sleep I smiled and Rarity smiled back.