• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 560 Views, 11 Comments

A Dame To Kill For - The Lost Winchester

She has become my only reason to stay alive.

  • ...


"Leon... come Leon... I'm here .... I´m waiting for you..."

"Who... who are you? What do you want?"

A voice whispers as I walk without direction, I´m looking for the owner of that voice, but the darkness that surrounds the place where I am makes it difficult, the air is rarefied and I can barely breathe.

"I need you Leon... come to me... "

Her voice is getting closer, I accelerate my steps until I get to a door, under which, the brightness of the light is cast.

"Here I am... come... come... "

Whoever may be, is on the other side. I turn the knob, the door opens and the light falls on me. The brightness is so intense that it forces me to use my hands to protect my eyes. The light disappears after a while and somehow, I'm back at home. Everything seems normal, even so, I don´t trust it to be so. I take a couple of laps around the house looking for some clue, but I find nothing. I'm almost to put aside my fears when I perceive the sound of footsteps on the floor behind me.

Quickly I turn around, there's nobody there. "What the hell is going on here?" I ask myself looking for a reasonable explanation only getting a headache as an answer. I go to the window to look at the street, that's when through reflection I distinguish someone standing right next to me.

"Luna..." I ask in a whisper, she nods. I feel her hands on my shoulders, soon after she is facing me and hugging me tightly.

"Forgive me... I had no choice..."

She says sobbing; her words begin to fill me with fear... and anger.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had to do it... he promised me that..."

"He promised you what? Where is Fluttershy?"

I free from her embrace, I took her by the shoulders and shake her in despair.

"If I gave him the girl, he'd let you live, forgive me, I could not lose you again."

Her words fall on me like a bucket of cold water, for the first time in a long time, I feel hate, a total hate against the woman who I have in front of me. My hands are shaking; a dark desire begins to fill my mind. If it's her fault that she may be... no… I refuse to even think about it, this can´t be true.

"Luna... I want you to leave... and never come back."

When she hears me saying that, her face is covered by a shadow of pain. She tries to come closer, but instantly I point my gun at her.

"Go away, or I swear, you'll regret it."

"Leon... please... don´t do this to me."

“GO AWAY!!!”

In the blink of an eye, she´s gone, I'm alone again. I search for her, but can´t find her. I notice the gun in my hand and threw it angrily against the wall, immediately afterwards I fall to the ground while shouting her name and pleading this all to end. A few minutes go by, when everything returns to calm, I listen someone mourning from inside the room. Cautiously, I make my way to it, what I find inside surprises me. There, sitting on the bed is Fluttershy; she´s crouched with her face covered by her hands.

"Fluttershy ... you're fine..."

I kneel in front of her, I want to take her hands, but for some reason she keeps taking them away. Her crying increases in intensity, but still can´t get to make her look at me.

"Why? Why did you leave me?"

"I didn´t went anywhere, I'm here with you."

With my hand I caress her hair, but something happens. An intense pain takes my breath away, lowering my gaze I find a knife stuck in my chest, I look back at her only to find that Fluttershy is not anymore in front of me, instead, I find Trixie smiling at me.


She says and pulls the knife out, behind her; the figure of someone else emerges.


"Detective, did you thought that all this would end well? Well, here's the answer to the million dollar question." She raises her hand and places the cold barrel of a gun on my head, "no one escapes his fate Leon, you should have never appeared in our way," she says before pulling the trigger.


"Applejack, Applejack, open the door!!!"

The desperate voice of Rarity and the insistent knock on the door alerted the blond girl who promptly came to it and opened. By doing so, Rarity and Rainbow Dash entered the house carrying an unconscious Leon to place him on the couch of stay.

"What the hell happened?"

"We don´t know, we found him on the floor of the old theater."

Dash replied as she placed a pillow under his head. Meanwhile Rarity had entered the kitchen looking for something in the cupboard.

"Darn it Rarity, cut the hustle or else you´ll wake Fluttershy, you don´t want her to worry even more."

Rarity didn´t answered, she came out of the kitchen carrying a glass of water and an envelope with a red powder.

"Move aside, let me see him."

She said leaving the objects over the table, with her hands, she opened the Leon´s eyes, they didn´t seem to react to light stimuli, and then she touched his forehead.

"Damn, is burning in fever, quick, get him some cold compresses."

Applejack nodded, she ran to the bathroom returning with a small tray and a few pieces of cloth, and then, she moistened and placed them over Leon´s head.

"That doesn´t help much, we need something more severe or soon we will have bigger problems."

"What if we put him inside a tub with ice?"

Said Granny Pie who seems to have been materialized out of nowhere

"And where did you? Hold on, that's not a bad idea, come with me."

Dash told her and both left the place. Rarity took the glass and poured the red dust on it.

"Raise his head a little."

Applejack did so, Rarity opened Leon's lips and made him drink the water.

"What's that?"

"An old remedy, I like to call it, dead rising."

Like making honor its name, Leon opened his eyes letting out a grunt of pain, but it was silenced by Applejack who placed her hand over his mouth.

"Calm down partner, you need to stay still."

"Where is she?" He asked weakly.

Applejack pointed with her eyes towards the door at the end of the house. Leon smiled writhing in pain caused by the poison that Luna had used on him. The door opened again, Dahs and Pinkie entered carrying several bags of ice, and they proceeded to empty them on the bathtub. Rarity and Applejack came in bringing to Leon; he clenched his teeth in an attempt to keep from screaming.

"Soon you´ll feel better, it's just the effect of the poison is not deadly, but it's like having hell within you." Said Rarity, he looked at her in disbelief.

"You don´t say."


Several hours passed until the fever passed away, now he was sitting on the couch covered with a blanket.

"So, she left you there without answers." Dash asked.

"I'm afraid so, now, I doubt I’ll ever see her again, I'm back to the nothing. "

"What were you expecting, that she betrayed someone with more power? Maybe your judgment is failing."

"You're not helping Rarity."

"And what will you do now?"

"I... don´t know... I need to think things through very carefully... if I make one mistake... "

"Well, whatever you want to do, we are here to support you."

"This is not your fight, and you know it, you don´t have to risk your life."

"With everything that has happened so far, do you still think it's not our fight?"

He wanted to answer, but Applejack was right, yet he did not want to see anyone suffer, or worse, die because of him, so in the end, there was only one option.

"I'm tired, and I bet you too, let´s leave this conversation for later.


Luna stood under the door frame with her thoughts fixed in what had happened a few hours ago. He will not leave, he will not give up, and she knew it better than anyone. Perhaps, the best thing she could do was help him, tell him all about Sombra and end the nightmare once and for all, but that also meant a big risk for her. Upon entering the room, a lamp was turned on cutting the darkness.

"Welcome home Luna, did you manage to find the detective?"

Twilight asked from the couch, Luna looked the gun resting beside her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I asked first."

"That doesn´t concern you Sparkle, don´t get into what you don´t mind."

"Oh, but of course it concerns us."

Trixie said as she closed the door.

"Sombra begins to lose patience."

"And he commands to you to rush things? How kind of him. "

Luna said dismissively, she walked until Twilight stood in her way, but she passed at her side hitting her with her shoulder.

"Listen Luna, we know there is something between you and the detective, you better start talking."

"I have nothing to say, go back to your boss and tell him I need more time . "


Trixie said throwing her a photograph, she took it and fear filled her mind, in the image, she appeared embracing Leon on the stage at the theater.

"Thanks for your help Luna; we only came to relieve you from the charge."

Twilight raised her weapon, Luna turned to see her, but doing so, she threw a blade which passed close to her face. Trixie lunged against her knife in hand; Luna took her by the arm with a quick movement and bent it causing her a great pain. Twilight ran to her hitting her in the face and freeing her companion, Luna cleaned the blood dripping from her split lip.

"It will be a pleasure to kill you, bounty hunter."

Luna said nothing at the words of Sparkle; she just raised her hand to taunt them.


Leon woke up agitated, a sense of insecurity and emptiness falling on his body. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, the house was empty, they had left the place several hours ago.

"Something is not right." He told to his reflection on the mirror, "if there´s no other option, so be it."

His steps led him to her room, gently he opened the door and smiled after seeing her sleeping peacefully, he approached her and gently stroked her face. She woke up and hugged him.

"You came back, you're okay and safe."

"I told you everything would be fine, and will soon be better."

"What do you mean?"

He wanted to tell her the truth, that he had decided to give up and surrender, she would not be in more danger because of him, but had not the courage.

"When the time comes, you'll understand, now, go back to sleep, tomorrow is a big day."

Leon was about to leave when he felt Fluttershy´s hands tangled with his, he look at those beautiful blue eyes imploring him to stay. He joined his lips to hers passionately, he wanted to show her how much he loved her and she in turn wanted the same. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around his neck to not let him go. Small moans escaping her mouth, and her cheeks taking a red stain showed him her desire. He let his hands washing over her body making her shiver under his touch, soon after, he was on the bed admiring her nude body, the softness of her skin and the way she covered her face in a shy way, was more than he can stand.

"Fluttershy, you´re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I love you."

"I... I love you too Leon..."

He leaned over and kissed her, she felt for the first time what it meant to be loved, and couldn´t be happier about it. He took her senses go to the limit again and again during the time they shared enjoying their love, melting into one being. In the end, the fatigue took over them, she was over his chest, a smile on her lips while Leon stroked his hair down to her back, he allowed himself to stop thinking about Sombra and just concentrate on her. Nothing out of the room mattered more at that time.


Luna was lying on the floor breathing hard; the room had been destroyed, as if a tornado had ripped through the place. Meanwhile Trixie and Twilight stood there, with bleeding wounds on their faces and still smiling.

"The bitch sure knows how fight." Trixie said; Sparkle nodded.

"Yes, it is a pity that Sombra wants her alive, I really wanted to kill her."

She reached down and took Luna by the hair.

"Get ready, soon you will meet with the detective, I do not think you want him to see you like this, right?"

Luna said nothing, heavily opened one eye to stare at her, she knew that they would go for him; all would end in tragedy, all thanks to her.

"Let's go, we still have to pick up a few more guests."


A lightning illuminated the night, Fluttershy walked aimlessly in the rain, the cold was unbearable and she rubbed her arms in an attempt to keep warm. Her tears melted with the rain falling down her face, she felt alone, abandoned in a cruel and pointless world.

"Mom, why did you have to go? Why did you leave me?"

She kept asking, not just the pain of losing his mother recently was torturing her; the words of her father also went round in his head.


"I do not want to see you with them again, this is not the life I want for you."

"And what about my desires? Do I have no right to follow them?"

"You don´t know what you say, this is not a game, you could die."

"But I didn´t, they were protecting me, what danger could I run?"

"I said no, you will never go back to that place, you've caused too much trouble."

"Mom would agree with me."

"She wouldn’t want her daughter to become a criminal, she didn´t wanted this for you."

"How do you know it, it's your fault she's dead, you and the deal you made with Sombra."

"Don´t you ever say that again."

Discord shouted slapping his daughter´s face, the silence fell between them, instantly, he felt regret.

"Fluttershy... please... forgive me... I didn´t mean to... "

He approached her with arms wide open, but Fluttershy walked away instantly.

"You should've died that day instead of her... I hate you..."

"No please... don´t say that... Fluttershy... Fluttershy!!!"


She ran from the place, looking for escape from all her problems, now she was wandering the streets of the city. When turning a corner, she found a group of men who smiled at her. Wasting no time they headed towards her, surrounding her to prevent her escape.

"What pretty girl, why so alone?"

One of them asked, she said nothing.

"Looks like this is our lucky night boys."

One of them said and walked over to her, but he never touch her, he fell to the ground with a smoking hole in his head. The others turned to the side where a man was standing with a gun in his hand.

"Get away from her, or you will end up like your friend."

Two more wanted to attack him, two more shots and they were on the floor, the rest of the group fled fearful. The man lowered his weapon and approached Fluttershy.

"The city is very dangerous for a lady like you, you dont t know that you could find walking on the streets."

She was about to say something, but at the moment the man stood beneath the lamplight, she was speechless.

"You... you are..."

"Sombra, at your service."

A twisted smile appeared on his lips, Fluttershy felt her body lost its strength and her eyes closed. When she awoke, she was lying on an operating table, her hands and legs were tied with belts, to avoid moving and his mouth was covered with a handkerchief, fear swept over her.

"You finally woke up, this wouldn´t have been fun if you were unconscious."

The voice of her captor only increased her fear, he came out of the darkness like a ghost followed by a couple of women carrying a blue liquid.

"You know, your father has a bad habit of ruining my plans, first he makes this cop stop the production of virus in the old facility, too bad for him, he´s dead now, then, I managed to create a new strain, but he finds an antidote, and your mother paid the price for it."

He says while stroking her hair, she stares at him with courage.

"Now, I have a brilliant new plan to get back at him, and you my dear, are the main part of it,"

With a snap, the two women took the blue liquid with a syringe and gave it to Sombra.

"You my dear, you are the key for this beauty to work, it will feed on your blood and soon it will become deadly to anyone else, just what I need to put this world at my feet, imagine what I'll be able to accomplish with it, I will put the fear in humanity, and to prove it, this whole city will become a hell, just a drop the water system will be enough to prove my power, but first I will need from your qualities, so it's time, let the show begin."

Without another word, he injected the liquid into Fluttershy, then, the woman with purple hair handed him a phone, he marked a number and a familiar voice came from the other side.


"Hellow old friend."

"Sombra... what do you want?"

"Oh come on, can´t I call to talk with you."

"Shut up at once, I have bigger problems now, I can´t lose more time with you."

"Did these problems have to do with your daughter?"

There was a moment of silence on the line.

"How do you know?"

The silver-haired woman approached her and removed the fabric from her mouth.


"You have a beautiful daughter Discord, I can even say that she´s is more beautiful than her mother."

"You son of a bitch, where are you?"

"No, dad is a trap."

The purple haired girl closed Fluttershy´s mouth, Sombra picked up the phone again.

"Listen to me Discord, I want to make a deal with you, you want your daughter back , I want something you have, take the antidote to the old mausoleum, and you'll have her back, I'll see you in two hours."

Sombra hung up; he looked at Fluttershy and laughed diabolically. The women untied Fluttershy and took her out of the place, while taking her to the vehicles, she noted that they were in an old smelter plant; a symbol in one of the towers gave her a clearer location. Two hours later, Discord and Sombra were face to face, Fluttershy being held by Sombra´s accomplices.

"So you decided to come? I'm glad indeed, now give me the antidote."

"Not until you let her go."

"Always putting obstacles in our business, didn´t you learned with what happened to Celes... "

A fist closed Sombra´s mouth, men of both sides drew their weapons willing to die there, Sombra raised his hand and his henchmen put down the guns.

"You don´t have the right to say her name, bastard."

"You still have strength in that arm old man, I must admit it. Now, give me the antidote or she dies. "
Discord reached into his bag and pulled out a black box, he gave it to Sombra who commanded the women to let Fluttershy go, she ran up to hug his father.


"Thanks God, sweetie, are you okay?"

"Discord, by the way, you still owe me one for the problem with that cop, you shouldn´t get him involved."

A couple of shots sounded the emptiness of the place, Discord watched in horror Fluttershy fell limp in his arms and blood stained her clothes. He looked up and saw Sombra holding a gun.

"Goodbye my friend."

Sombra disappeared in his car leaving the place under a hail of bullets. The last thing Fluttershy saw was despair in the face of Discord that hugged tearfully.



Fluttershy cry upon waking, Leon hugged her and she snuggled in his arms again.

"Don´t worry, it was only a nightmare, I'm here with you."

"Leon... Sombra... I know where´s Sombra."

He hardened afer hearing her speak.

"What do you mean?"

"I know where´s his facility, I don´t know exactly what he wants to do, but I know it has to see with me, that's why he wants to kill me."

"Fluttershy, are you sure of that?"

"Of course she knows it detective, that's why you´re coming with us."

Leon covered Fluttershy, a shiver ran through his body, Twilight and Trixie were standing at the door pointing their weapons towards them, there was no escape this time, they had fallen prey to the lion's den.

Comments ( 2 )

Is that Leon from RE?

.... I'll give it a look.

6012701 Hi there, thanks for giving this story a look... and I know, this one needs tons of edit, I've been trying to improve the structure, but with the work and the other stories I have I kind of leave this one forgotten, I'll try to fix the whole story soon, after that, if you give it another look I'll be glad :twilightblush:.

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